Samsung Moment :: Working On Rooting?

Nov 19, 2009

So we've seen threads asking if/when the moment will be rooted. well i think its going to be awhile. mostly because i don't think anyone is working on rooting it. so i'm sure many of us would like to know if anyone is actually working on rooting the moment?

Samsung Moment :: Working on Rooting?

Samsung Moment :: Rooting With 2.2 ROM

Nov 13, 2010

I'm kinda a newbie but i know a few things.1st should i root my samsung moment 2nd Would rooting it unflash the phone because I currently have it flashed to metro pcs 3rd is it possible to put some type of 2,2 rom on the moment

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Samsung Moment :: What Is Rooting

May 16, 2010

what rooting is and how one does it? Sorry if you've done this a million times already. I couldn't find it. Way too new at this.

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Samsung Moment :: 2.1 And Rooting Newbie

Apr 9, 2010

If I load 2.1 and root my phone, can I (if so how) ever go back to 1.5 if I need service or what not? A little apprehensive about rooting, since I have never played with the phone before.

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Samsung Moment :: Trouble After Rooting

Sep 13, 2010

After a lot of thought, I finally decided I would root my Moment even the whole bricking issue had me really worried. I decided to try it anyway. I got it all done last night well, I think I did. I never actually went into anything that verified that I had rooted it just assumed it was rooted after the instructions I was reading said it was. Well within these instructions was a link to the SDX website where I could download a custom update zip, and had a link to create my own update zip, so I chose to create my own. I'm not sure if I made some wrong choices while creating the zip or what, but now I am having some major trouble.

After creating my zip, I placed it on my SD card. Then, I shut the phone down, and started it up in recovery mode (maybe that's what it's called.... volume down, talk, and end buttons). I went to apply from SD, or something like that, and then went to the custom zip I had just downloaded. The phone did it's thing, said it was installed and then said I need to reboot. I did.

I've not been able to get into my phone since. It gets to the Samsung splash screen, finishes it's animation, and then nothing. It's just black. It won't do anything at all until I take the battery out and put it back in. Then, I am able to get to any of the startup screens or whatever they're called, but no matter what, always goes black after Samsung Splash.It could be that the phone is actually starting, but just not showing me a screen....not sure about that.Well, I read a little bit, and decided I would try to fix it by installing a different update zip, so I put my sd card into my laptop and removed the custom zip. Then, I put the SD card back into my phone and ran the joeykrim zip again. It's still doing the same thing.Has anyone got any ideas for me here?? I am so sick that I decided to do this. I sure hope it's worth it in the end.

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Samsung Moment :: Benefits Of Stock 2.1 Rooting?

Jul 30, 2010

Before I get started rooting what would you say the main benefits are over stock 2.1? Just want to make sure it is worth it as my phone is working fine atm. A little extra speed is always nice but anything else?

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Samsung Moment :: Live Wallpaper Without Rooting

May 17, 2010

I'm copying this from another post because I don't want it to get buried. This is for everyone out there having trouble getting Live Wallpapers to work on their Moment. I give FULL credit to the other posters.*6/30 EDIT! - The new links are now working properly! -This post is assuming you already have the 2.1 update-Files Used:
New Recovery File
Live Wallpaper ZIP
-Follow EXACTLY. Don't deviate-

1) Go to Control Panel. Remove EVERYTHING Samsung from your Add/Remove section. This will remove all of the drivers etc.
2) Go to your Program Files (x86 if needed) section under 'My Computer'. Delete the 'Samsung Electronics' folder.
3) If you have CCLeaner and are comfortable using the Registry tool, clean your registry of anything Samsung. This will ensure that your new install doesn't use the old stuff.
5) Install the OLD CL14 SAMSUNG INSTALLER onto your PC. This is important as the NEW installer won't use non-signed packages.
7) Download the new Recovery and KEEP IT IN ITS DOWNLOADED FORMAT. Take off the MD5 at the end of the file so it ends in TAR.
8) Go back to the Samsung Electronics folder (that you would've deleted earlier) and head to SWUpgradeModelsBinary. Remove the file inside, probably called "SPH-M900_MR2_DE03_REL_1.tar". Delete it, move it - whatever.
9) Copy the Recovery file you just downloaded into that folder. DO NOT EXTRACT IT.
10) TURN OFF YOUR PHONE and remove the battery for about 10 seconds. Replace battery. DO NOT TURN IT BACK ON.
11) HOLD 'VolDown+Camera+End'. A DOWNLOADING screen should appear.
12) Start the SWUpdate that should be on your desktop. Otherwise, it's back in the Samsung Electronics folder from earlier.
13) FOLLOW THE ONSCREEN INSTRUCTIONS EXACTLY. I can't stress that enough...
14) After it applies the Recovery file (which is why you placed it in the Binary folder), RESTART YOUR PHONE.
15) Copy the Live Wallpaper ZIP file to your SDCard. DO NOT put it into a folder. Just copy it to the root of the card (meaning it's by itself and not in a folder). DO NOT EXTRACT.
17) HOLD 'VolDown+Call(Green)+End(Red)'. This will put you into Recovery Mode. Using the VolUp/VolDown keys, scroll to 'Apply' and press the center key. Select the Zip File you just copied to your SDCard. After it processes, RESTART YOUR PHONE.
18) BOOYA! After your phone boots up, you should be able to hit Menu then Wallpapers and you should see Live Wallpapers as a heading.This doesn't ROOT your phone, only adds Live Wallpapers to your Moment. If you want to run CUSTOM Live's, you'll need to ROOT your phone.After the zip is applied, you can delete it from your SDCard.

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Samsung Moment :: After Rooting Cannot Connect To Market

Nov 29, 2010

Greetings everyone, I rooted my moment today. After that i tired to load the market and I am getting an error msgs that says A sever error has occurred. Retry or cancel and return to the previous screen.

Any ideas? I have seen some posts on a google site saying this might be related to google checkout, however everything there is current.

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Samsung Moment :: Rooting W/ Dj07 - Differntly Than W/ DE03?

Nov 11, 2010

I know this may be basic stuff, but just need to check to make sure i dont F it up. Just got a new moment because i fried my old one updating to Dj07. Old one had rooted stock 2.1 with krims's custom kernel (did root with video from this board and did kernel in the kitchen).

New phone has stock baseband - Dj07 and Kernel-2.6.29. I would like to now root the new phone with a custom kernel (any suggestions on best kernel to save battery also would be helpful). i need to do anything differently?

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Samsung Moment : Want To Backup All Apps With Rooting Phone

May 20, 2010

i have a non rooted samsung moment, & i want to backup my apps, even my paid apps, but i cant seem to find a way to do a backup unless my phone is rooted, any ideas or ways i can backup all my apps w/o rooting my phone?

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Samsung Moment : Want To Increase Battery Life By Rooting

Jun 21, 2010

I am a complete noob at this stuff and was planning on using my samsung moment with stock android 2.1 but..........the battery life sucks. I'll be lucky if i get through a day with only two phone calls and a couple of texts. I was reading on these forums about how rooting can increase battery life on the moment, but how? can someone explain to me how? Oh and if i wanted to root my moment, would this be the easiest way?

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Samsung Captivate :: Rooting Methods Not Working

Sep 10, 2010

I appear to have gotten one of the new Captivates where the volume and power method does not work. I've tried it endlessly for about an hour and I am getting nothing. Is there any other methods I can use?

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Samsung Moment :: GPS Not Working

Nov 9, 2009

My wife was complaining about the gps on her Pre, which worked fine btw and while I was at it I fired up Sprint Nav on my Moment. No GPS! I went outside and stood in the middle of my yard. I fired up Google maps. No GPS. I killed all tasks and tried again. No luck. I turned of location services in the weather app. Nothing. I powered down and up, removed the battery too. The GPS did work when I got the phone Thursday. I hope this isn't the beginning of the end of a very short honeymoon.

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Samsung Moment :: GPS Not Working / How To Fix That?

Jun 11, 2010

I wasn't entirely sure where this post belongs. I never had any of the GPS issues that people complained about in Android 1.5 until I upgraded to 2.1 and rooted, and now I do have them. The option for the cell tower triangulation based location service still works, but it's hardly accurate. When I uncheck the "Use wireless networks" option under Settings, then check "Use GPS satellites" option, and then go to "My Location" in Google Maps, I get an error that says, "Your current location is temporarily unavailable". It does the same thing when both options are checked. Doing a factory reset didn't work. Flashing back to the official update didn't work. So I guess my question is... is there a custom ROM out there that will restore the GPS functionality or am I going to have to go to a Sprint repair center?

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Samsung Moment :: FB Sync Not Working

Sep 9, 2010

Finally got around to putting 2.1 on my wifes phone and everything looks good. I downloaded the FB app from the market and when going to sync i can add account and choose Facebook but nothing happens. Anyone else having this problem?

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Samsung Moment :: Browser - 3G Not Working

Apr 13, 2010

When I open the browser, it says "Here are some suggestions:

1. Check to make sure your device has a signal and data connection.

2. Reload this web page later.

3. View a cached copy of the web page from Google."

I can send and recieve texts and calls, but I can't get on the Market or check my email or use apps that need the internet. My "3G" sign is not at the top by my bars.

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Samsung Moment :: Adb Shell Not Working?

May 24, 2010

I'm using adb to try to get a file off my moment (not rooted), but it keeps telling me no devices found, & yes the phones settings are on usb debugging mode.

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Samsung Moment :: PandaHome Not Working On 2.1?

May 20, 2010

I finally found my data card so was able to upgrade to 2.1 last night. Then I was uptill nearly 3 customizing PandaHome, only to have to uninstall this morning due to constant freezing and crashing. Is it just my phone? I was worried I messed up the upgrade, but everything is smooth now, but I really want custom icons. Anyone mind recommending home replacement apps?

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Samsung Moment :: Sync Not Working ?

Jul 8, 2010

I am working with a client's new samsung moment. We set it up for google apps email and Exchange sync through Moxier. All was good and well for a few days, and then the Google/gmail app stopped syncing. In All Accounts, sync, it gave the error ' sync is currently experiencing problems, it will be back shortly' We pulled the battery but still does this. I tested other apps that would verify connection - browser, Moxier, etc., fine.

Today the moxier sync for Exchange email, calendar, contacts, tasks would not sync either; just stopped. Again, pulling the battery didn't unstick this.

I am used to the Microsoft phones where this plus a soft reset cured things for a few days. Please advise on a methodology to diagnose.

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Samsung Moment :: Location Services Not Working?

Nov 3, 2009

I have a moment as I traded my Hero in to give it a try since my hero ended up with dead lines on the screen.For the life of me, I cannot get wireless or GPS location services to work.If I use wireless, google maps puts me somewhere over in China and if I try GPS, it never locks.In sprint nav with wireless, I am in Virgina (I'm in Michigan) and GPS never locks. I tried the trick I learned on the hero to disable wireless services until I get a GPS lock at least once, but even that didn't work.

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Samsung Moment :: Camera Flash Not Working

Jan 27, 2010

I noticed at some point after the upgrade to CL14 (done via sprint) that my flash on the camera isn't working. This could have been happening before the upgrade but i doubt it.

Anyways so the camera doesn't light up the flash. I saw it light up the flash once since I started troubleshooting but thats about it. I switched back and forth between flash on/off a dozen times or so.

Downloaded momentflash. Low and behold i started the app and it worked! Then i tried turning the flash on again and no luck. So i uninstalled, rebooted phone over and over again, no luck. I then did some reading and realized there was a widget. Put that on the desktop and again the FIRST time i ran the widget the flash worked. then it stopped again. I haven't been able to light it up since then.

I haven't been able to do much troubleshooting when it does work, but it doesn't seem hardware related. it stays on until i hit off, but i didn't get a chance to wiggle it around to see if contacts needed cleaing, etc...

Just wondering if anyone had any ideas? I don't think its any apps i have installed as i have pretty standard ones and had those on when it was working ( i believe at least).

i also tried killing all my running apps to see if any were causing conflict, then restarting momentflash and it still wouldn't light it up...

any help would be great, I don't really know what else to try. Looked at the android logs and nothing jumped out as having an issue.

I could probably try hard resetting but don't want to restore the phone again if i don't have to.

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Samsung Moment :: Geotagging Standard And Working Out Of Box?

Nov 4, 2009

Just made the jump from the Pre to the Moment and so far so good - a couple of things to get used to but I am sure I will.. I have only tested this indoors so excuse me but does anyone know if GeoTagging works well with the moment out of the box? This is big thing for me - why I am not really sure - but it is.

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Samsung Moment :: Touch Screen Not Working

Dec 27, 2009

Went into test mode to check out the battery. And through my curiosity went into the 'touch-fw update', and now I can't use my phone. I have the touchscreen lock so can't unlock it, otherwise maybe I could use the keyboard or the optical joystick to use the phone. Is there any way to fix this? I might attempt a hard reset, but saw on another forum, that it's unfixable. I bought it at Best Buy and they aren't even open tomorrow, would another Best Buy or Sprint store exchange it if I can't fix it?

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Samsung Moment :: Youtube Videos Are Not Working

Apr 24, 2010

For some reason, youtube videos are not working on my phone. They were working lasst night!? I am running the HQ youtube app FYI and am on Dd10. Why did it suddenly stop working? Now when I click into videos, it says cannot play video.

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Samsung Moment :: Voice Search Not Working?

May 16, 2010

Well, it only doesn't work for web searches. It works fine for texting and even making posts on the internet. But when I just do the regular google voice search using the voice search button, it gives me the Force Close message

Im using DE03 Noobl's 1.2.3 Rom along with the Stock template DE03 and ADW Launcher. I think it may be the stock template causing this?

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Samsung Moment :: Touchscreen Stopped Working?

Sep 1, 2010

Earlier my phone was playing Pandora and acting fine, but I couldn't unlock it because the touch screen wasn't responding. I had just came in from the rain and my fingertips were a little wet, so I figured it wasn't registering because of that, even though it usually handles moisture on hands just fine.

After my hands wee completely dried, the phone still wouldn't respond, and all that works is the sidekeys, send, menu, and end buttons. Nothing on the screen, nor the Home, Menu, or Back buttons work. I tried removing the battery a few times, and eventually the phone wouldn't even turn back on. After trying a hard reset, it was able to turn on and finally booted up after about 10 minutes of just a SAMSUNG logo, but the screen still won't work. It turned off on it's own after a few minutes and now won't turn on again.

Are there any solutions to this, or do I have to go to Sprint and have them fix it? I have full insurance on the phone, which I assume would cover this, but I'm working all day today and won't have time to go to Sprint even if I had to until tomorrow, so I'm hoping there's something I could try here, or from the boot menu.

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Samsung Moment :: Sprint TV App Stopped Working

Nov 11, 2009

My Sprint TV app stopped working last Thursday. Is anyone else having the same issue?

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Samsung Moment :: Nascar Sprint Cup App Not Working

Jul 10, 2010

"Service is unavailable for your device". Whats the deal? It worked yesterday. "Sprint has added a whole new look and many new features", but you can not use it on your moment. Sprint TV still works and other data

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Samsung Moment :: Can't Seem To Get Gps Working On My Phone / Resolve This?

Apr 20, 2010

I can't seem to get the gps working on my phone. is your gps working with 2.1/dd10?

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Samsung Moment :: Google Voice Not Working After 2.1 Update

Jun 18, 2010

Couldn't find a good forum to post this in, hope this is the right one and you guys can maybe help?

I've got a Samsung Moment that had 1.5 on it for about 4 months and had Google Voice working on it just fine. Great, loved it.

I recently updated to 2.1, and everything works great on the phone EXCEPT Google Voice.

I go through the steps and it tells me "We have a problem! Your phone number could not be verified. Please try again."

I've tried a BUNCH of time, rebooted, uninstalled/reinstalled, everything I could think of.

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