Samsung Moment : How To Lock Texts & Pics?

May 19, 2010

I'm using the handcent and is there any way to lock texts from being read by certain contacts..besides using blacklist? blacklist doesn't let you know when you get a text from the person. is there any way to just lock the text from being read in case someone has your phone with a pattern or something WITH it letting you know you got a text from them?also is there any way to create a folder and lock pictures in there with a lock pattern or code/password?any when making a lock pattern, is there any way to remove the emergency call button? or has anyone found any app that has the same feature without the emergency button?

Samsung Moment : How to lock texts & pics?

Samsung Moment :: Way To Have Slider Lock Screen Come Up Before Pattern Lock

May 4, 2010

Is there a way to have the slider Lock screen come up before the pattern lock?
I would like to slide unlock then enter pattern.

I'm using 2.1 dd10 rooted

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Samsung Moment :: Lock Pattern Lock Out

Jun 12, 2010

We recently purchased the Moment for my daughter, she has had the phone for 2 days. It seems she does not remember the lock pattern and we have not signed up yet for a gmail account. We have tried holding the left and center button then holding the right after a battery pull but when the progress bar comes up(grey) it goes a little over halfway then stops, it never finishes. I have done a search and came up with nothing else. She has 2.1 if that helps.

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Samsung Moment :: Facebook Uploads Pics

Nov 3, 2010

I just got rid of my Blackberry, and per that phone If i decided to take a pic on FB it would automatically update to fb page.. IS this possible on the moment and how do I set that up.

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Samsung Moment :: Cannot Take Pics Says Preparing SD Card

Jun 24, 2010

I am using a SanDisk 8bg sd card in my Moment, but whenever I activate the camera, it just says "Preparing Sd card..." and just sits there. I can take videos, but soon as I slide the switch to still camera mode, the message comes up again.

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Samsung Moment :: Dropping Pics On Phone From Laptop

Jun 3, 2010

Seems like I have forgotten how to do this. I places some pics on my phone from my laptop but they are not showing up in my gallery. Can you guys verify the file path I should be placing them in.

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Samsung Moment : How To Save Pics From Phone To SD Card

Feb 15, 2010

Can't figure this one out. I have an SD card in the phone and pics loaded on it from my computer. No problem there.
PROBLEM: The pics I take WITH the phone camera just go somewhere IN the phone - NOT to my SD card. I can't find any option in the pics to "save to SD card" or anything like that. I had the phone updated the other day and it wiped all the pics I had taken with the phone - but not the SD ones. Now I have more photos and no way to save them to the SD card?

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Samsung Moment :: Unable To Send Texts

Jul 17, 2010

I can receive texts just fine but I can't send for some reason.Any ideas why this would have stopped working?

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Samsung Moment :: Downloading Images From Texts

Dec 4, 2009

When I get picture texts, it comes up with a play button in the message thread. Clicking it will 'play' the image for 10 seconds, and I found out I can tap the screen and hit pause to look at the pic longer... but I can't figure out how to save the image. I've tried:

holding finger on the play button in-thread

holding finger on the image

hitting the menu button on either page

with no success.

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Samsung Moment :: Facebook App - Can't Upload Mobile Pics From Phone

Feb 19, 2010

Just bought this sprint samsung moment a few weeks ago, and I was wondering why I can't upload mobile pics from my phone to facebook. I have the facebook app on my phone and it does not seem to let me upload mobile pic's. In order for me to upload pic's I have to go to the mobile version of facebook and upload the pic via some email wich then post the pic for u, but the problem is it seems to post my pic's side ways.

I know lots of folks with other phones some of them crappy that just click on the photo and select upload to facebook....why can't I do that on this phone? Why does this phone not give me the option to upload from the pic? Why does the facebook app FOR android not let me upload photo's?

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Samsung Moment : Can't Move Pics On SD Card To Pic Folder On Handset

Nov 13, 2009

I can't move any of my pics on my SD card to the pic folder on my handset. I would like to set the pics on my SD card as my wallpaper but cant access them because they are on the SD card.

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Samsung Moment :: Texts Bouncing Back With Too Few Digits When Replying

Feb 23, 2010

My contacts are all setup as area code+xxxxxxx. I'm using the stock messaging app on my Moment. I get a text from someone in my contacts and reply to it. The text bounces back as not being in the ten digit format.

Is this because of the way the sender has their number configured or have I failed to setup texting correctly?

I called Sprint and they suggested a hard reset but I think the rep was clueless.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Not Getting Attached Pics In Texts

Jan 26, 2010

For the past 3 days, everytime someone sends me a text with an attached picture it will not show up. It now shows a box that says download and when I push the download button it doesnt do anything. Before the pic or video would show up, all I had to do was hit the play button and I could view the pic or video.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Downloading Pics From Texts

Feb 9, 2010

I increased the max size to 1.2m but that did nothing. I keep getting an error saying its unsuccessful.

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Samsung Moment :: Lock Out

Feb 2, 2010

I have found the solution to unlocking you Samsung Moment in event of a lock out (not referencing unlocking to switch carriers)... This refers to a lock out...

Incorrectly enter the wrong pass code enough times, your phone now ask for an email address and password? Says your info is invalid... Called Sprint but they're no help (I know, I've been there)...

I messed around with it and figured out a solution to regain 100% total access and unlock your phone completely so you can access it and take full control again... Put things back to completely the way you had them entirely before your lockout... It'll be exactly the same as it was before you locked yourself out. No flashing, no restoring factory settings, no lost data or apps, no hassle, same phone... Just the way you had it!

Sprint still doesn't even know how to fix this... but I do!

I ask for $5 to use my development to unlock your phone. Small fee to avoid a major headache. I have personally done this and know it works. I am a legit person, this is not spam! I even leave contact info on my site to reach me at. Payment made through paypal to ensure satisfaction or money back, though I guarantee that anyways!

I WILL NOT TURN MY BACK ON ANYONE! If you really can not afford $5, maybe we can work out something smaller, even if I have to help for free... I guess this really means consider the $5 a donation...

After you consider my costs (phone calls, around the clock customer service with 24 hour guaranteed response time, web costs, etc...) $5 is not that much...

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Android :: Taking Very Bad Pics - Sending Slow Texts

May 6, 2010

I have an old cellphone that only is good for making calls and taking very bad pics, vids and sending slow txts. But I dont txt much if ever..I dont really care about photos or vids all I need is a phone to use for phoneing people and it would be nice to be able to check my email and get on the web alittle. I also carry a Blackberry PDA that I use alot. I would love to be able to buy an all in one PDA and phone/web serfing thing. The main things it must do is have what my PDA calls a To Do list. I can make a note there like (order 25 cases of white wine for joes restaurant) and it will record the not with the day and time I wrote it. Then laster once i have placed the order i can go back and change the not to read (ordered 25 cases white wone for joes restaurant) and it will update the time and date. Then once the order arives I can move the note to a Done box where it will let me know I have done this task and it will record when I completed it. So does anyone know of a app for Driod that does this?

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Samsung Moment :: Set The Screen NOT To Lock Automatically?

Feb 23, 2010

Is there a way to set the screen NOT to lock automatically? I'm thinking of something similar to the Samsung Rogue. The screen can time out, go dark, but unless you lock the phone, the touch screen stays active - or can be triggered to start up by any hard key?

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Samsung Moment :: Text Message Lock

Jun 21, 2010

I really need, does anyone out there know of anyway I can save or "lock" the text messages. I want to keep and delete the rest?

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Samsung Moment :: Apps With Better Lock Screen?

May 13, 2010

I just rooted and upgraded to 2.1DD10 last night. I find 2.1's lock screen extremely annoying. I currently have it disabled with No Lock. Is there any apps that have a better lock screen? Or an app that you use? I don't want to use PandaHome or apps like that. Just want a simple app that its only function is a lock screen.

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Samsung Moment : How To Customize Lock Screen?

Feb 23, 2010

sorry if this has already been answered, Ive already tried looking but cant find anything on it. is there any app to customize what you want the lock screen to say? i recently had my phone stolen and luckily got it back, but there was no way the person would've automatically known who's phone it was. i know on many phones like my old palm centro i was able to write my own greeting and put who the phone belonged to, who to call if it was lost, where i live, etc. does anyone know how or what app there is that lets you fix this in case the phone is lost again. it would make it a lot easier for whoever found the phone to know who's phone it was so they could return it.

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Samsung Moment :: Lock Micro Sd Card?

Sep 22, 2010

Can someone please tell me how to lock my micro sd card.
im afraid of loosing my phone and someone placing my sd card on their computer or phone and going through my pictures and contact list.

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Samsung Moment : Way To Turn Off Lock Screen?

Jan 17, 2010

So I took my phone to the local store today to be updated and they failed. They bricked my phone plus apparently 2 others before they gave up. They gave me a new moment plus a $50 credit, but I have a question about this new phone. When waking my old phone, I only had to press menu to unlock it. This new phone has an iPhone style "slide to unlock" feature that I don't like. This is the way the phone came. Before I even set it up, so its not an app. Does anyone have any idea how to turn it off? I know the old screen is still there because if the slide screen lags at all before taking me to my home screen I briefly see it. Is this a function of the newer moments?

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Samsung Moment :: Handcent And Alternate Lock Screens

Feb 4, 2010

I decided today to look into lock screen replacements. I'd tried FlyScreen before, and felt it was way overkill. I just wanted something interesting where a third of my screen didn't just say "Sprint." I downloaded Lock 2.0 demo, which was sort of cool. But then I got a text message, which caused Handcent to do it's little pop up over the locked screen. Normally all good, but with the different lock screen, when I rotated the phone and slid out the keyboard, the screen did not re-orient itself. Is this an issue with Handcent? With Lock 2.0? Does it happen with any lock screen replacement?

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Samsung Moment :: How To Manually Lock Screen Without Time Out?

Jun 17, 2010

Sorry I couldn't find the answer in the forums. But the company I work for just got a slew of Moments. While trying to set it up for someone I noticed that hitting the power button doesn't lock the phone and you have to wait for the screen to timeout, and then it still is iffy when it locks. How do I manually lock the screen with out the time out? Hopefully someone can help me.

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Samsung Moment :: Phone Doesn't Lock Anymore

Sep 26, 2010

It used to lock whenever you pressed the end button andwhen you cliced end again, you had to slide the buttonto unlock it. But suddenly, it stoped doing it. So everytime I press end, it just goes right to the home screen.

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Samsung Moment : Way To Change Pattern Lock Background?

Sep 25, 2010

I'm using a rooted samsung moment running froyo... if that makes any difference... but ya here's the situation... I have my background in the phone set to what I like... and I like that i see it/them when using the normal swipe unlock. they are not always what you would call appropriate. I already have and use the "LockPattern OnOff" app for situations like work where i don't want anyone getting into my phone, but it still shows my backgrounds there as well.... which could be a bit of an issue depending on who picks it up.. Is there any way anyone knows of to have the background different for the pattern lock screen but not change the normal lock screen?

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Samsung Moment : Anyone Using Lock 2.0 - Suddenly Stops Working?

Apr 3, 2010

I figured I would try and use Lock 2.0 on my Moment - and it works for awhile, and then all of a sudden it stops working and my lock screen goes back to the standard lock.

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Samsung Moment :: Application To Prevent Screen Lock With Manual One?

Apr 15, 2010

Is there a way to override the auto lock with a manual one? I'm not sure my kids could make an emergency call if they needed to, it's such a chore to make a call.

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Samsung Moment :: Option To Lock Phone And Enter A Password To Get In

Jan 16, 2010

The phone I'm using right now has a lock on it, so I need to enter a password in able to have access to my cellphone. Does the samsung moment have an option to lock your phone and enter a password to get in? I already looked on the sprint website, but if anyone knows (or can find out with their Samsung moment), it would be really appreciated by me! I really would like to buy this phone!

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Samsung Moment :: Screen Lock Button Doesnt Work

Aug 29, 2010

Okay so all of a sudden yesterday the lock button on my Samsung Moment kind of stopped working. When you press the hang up button on the phone, its supposed to lock. If you hold the hang up button it brings up a menu for power off, sounds off and airplane mode.

For some reason when I press the hang up button to lock the phone, it doesnt work but when I press and hold the hang up button, the menu thats supposed to pop up does.

If the button semi works I cant see it being a problem with the button. My friend says its a software glitch but it worked fine for months and then all of a sudden yesterday morning it stopped working. I HAVE NOT updated the phone or anything recently.

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