Samsung Epic 4G : Way To Add Album Artwork?
Oct 17, 2010Some of my music have album artwork but some do not. iTunes shows the artwork but not on my phone. How do you add artwork to your mp3's?

Some of my music have album artwork but some do not. iTunes shows the artwork but not on my phone. How do you add artwork to your mp3's?
when I play a song I don't get any album artwork. Is there a secret to this or does the default player not support this. The art work shows up in Itunes. Anyone know of any music app that is better than the stock one?
I was wondering what the easiest way to add album artwork for my songs was? Yesterday I did it by clicking each individual song in my folder through usb connection, which would then open up in iTunes where I edited each song and dragged the artwork in it. Although this worked, some album art looks blurry on the phone when I play the song and it did take quite some time through this process. Second, has anyone noticed the new Swype that came with the recent phone update is bad? Now it's hardly lenient on your tracing path and you pretty much have to trace it perfectly and slow to get the word. Also, is there a way to get rid of the dialog box that pops up when it says for example, "the word 'dude' is hidden by the word 'dide', to delete 'dide' do such and such"? It's getting really annoying popping up after many words in the same paragraph.
View 2 Replies View Relatedwhy to add album artwork into the album file to have it show up on the Droid? I have added albums that all have the artwork in the ID3 tag but a few just wont show on the device so I'm wondering if there's another way to add it into the folder on the SD card that will have it show up in the media player?
View 4 Replies View RelatedDownloaded TuneWiki, it's a great program, but, I can't seem to download the album artwork? Anyone had similar problems? Thanks in advance
View 4 Replies View RelatedI uploaded my music from my computer, and only a few albums received album artwork. Why is that? is there a way i get all the albums artwork up?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am not getting the artist name or album artwork. I have used MediaMonkey and Windows Media Player. The artwork is there in MM. When I open the Music folder it shows the artist names.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I get album artwork on my media player? I currently only have the note symbol. I can't find any options in the music player.
View 5 Replies View RelatedThis is my second DX as my first was acting up and I remember that on my first DX all I did was drag the song title into the DCIM folder and everything would appear, music and artwork. On my second DX I did the same thing but no artwork this time around.I have lots of music and it would be nice to have the artwork come up
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've been using a couple of different methods recently trying to sync music on my desire, nothing has worked properly for me, windows media player, itunes sync, doubletwist and even htc sync 3.0 wont do the job.I was using album artwork grabber then to get missing artwork.So i deleted all my music from my desire and started from scratch and just dragged and dropped all the music files to it.This is working great except loads of my album artwork has been mislabelled with a completly different one. Every song has artwork, there is none with the default green logo which used to be there before I'm certain on these songs. But now they all have this other album cover, it's like it's replaced the default music icon cover.I tried clearing the media application data and it rebuilt the library, but it's still the same.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI purchased a Nexus One a couple of months ago and I am happy to say I feel like I made the right decision. The music player I wasn't to impressed with though so I downloaded Mixzing. I love the app, it works great and is very smooth. But I was wondering how can I get album artwork into this app.
View 6 Replies View RelatedYou Tube - Review Epic 4G
View 5 Replies View RelatedThis article was posted in the old subforum so I am posting it here:
First Review of Samsung Galaxy S, Epic 4G - Sprint?s Next 4G Phone
FWIW, the article lists the memory as: "Memory 16GB/8GB+ MicroSD(Up to 32GB)"
Samsung Epic 4G (Sprint) Review: Noah's First Impressions
Its encouraging to hear statements like this one....
Noah: "Epic is the best hard QWERTY Android device I've ever tried. By a healthy margin!"
I'll definitely be purchasing mine launch day. The 31'st can't come soon enough!
I'm pretty sure my home screen would do landscape with keyboard closed the first couple of days I had the phone and now it wont do it unless the keyboard is out. Anyone else have the same issue?
View 6 Replies View RelatedJust got my epic came from blackberry, the free Docs to go on blackberry let u edit but not create. Android won't even let you edit. Anyone know of a free app thet will let you edit word, exel docs like what the free version with blackberry let me do.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhat do you suggest I do to move my apps over from my Droid to the Epic?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI owned a Moto W385 with USC, my wife also. For our birthdays we upgraded to Samsung Epic 4G. A phone that I actually have been waiting for ever since the IPhone came out because I knew the technology would be where I wanted it to be for the most part (speed, HD, capacity, upgrade ability/customization. I'm more getting more camera time in than making Epic 4G porn, but it is fun!
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo this has probably been answered at some point but I am new to the forum and cannot find it anywhere. I'm looking to remove preloaded apps like sprint tv, nascar, asphalt 5.I am already rooted is there an uninstaller app or something?
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy Samung Epic 4g was working fine until I plugged in the charger and it WOULD NOT CHARGE. tried another charger, nothing. Tested outlet, yes, it provides electric. So I turned off the Epic and IT WILL NOT TURN ON. Took battery out for a while, put it back in nothing.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am trying to determine whether the Epic will sync with Outlook for email and calendar, but it does not seem so.Is anyone aware of a solution for this?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI just got an email asking me if I wanted to reserve the Samsung Epic 4G.
According to the email the phone comes out on 8/31 and sell for $250 after a $150 instant discount and a $100 MIR.
Here is the link for those Premiere customers HERE!
According to my friend Radio Shack will also be taking orders on Friday.
Found this on youtube. Sound is horribly low.
YouTube - Epic 4G Mutimedia Desktop Dock & Leather Belt Clip Case
Has anyone figured out how to do this? When I hold my finger on a text and choose forward, I only get the box where I have to type in each contact individually. Is there a way to show a list of my contacts when forwarding or at least a way to forward to a group? I have groups set up, but there doesnt seem to be a way to access them when forwarding. I have tried every option and every menu and cant find out how to do this on the Epic?
View 2 Replies View RelatedOk the Epic is getting headphones. But does the Epic have the puzzle lock screen? FM radio? And does the music player have that cd juke box feel?
View 13 Replies View RelatedHow you felt the NES/SNES/PSX emulators ran on each phone respectively? I am still torn after all the reading I have done. Quite frankly my biggest worry about the Epic at this point is the lack of support in the future, but it def has some features I do like.. (Mainly the GPU / Processing)
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View 4 Replies View RelatedFinally my Vista computer can see my phone. Support for Epic? 4G (SPH-D700) SAMSUNG
View 6 Replies View RelatedUPDATE: My goal is to get as many future Epic 4G buyers to respond to this thread as possible to show Samsung how excited we are for the Epic but also how upset we are about the lack of key features that are found in the family of Galaxy S devices but not on the Epic 4G.The only way Samsung will consider adding these into a future update (Hopefully the upcoming 2.2 update) is if they see how many people really do want them.So please help the cause and lets try to show Samsung how much these missing features really mean to the Epic 4G buyers! I'm sure they are reading these forums as much as we are According to multiple sources the Epic 4G appears to be missing multiple features that are found on both the Samsung Vibrant and Samsung Captivate So far here are the features that I have been hearing are entirely missing from the Epic 4g.Please watch this unboxing and video review which discusses all of the missing features that I am discussing here.There are 2 parts and it goes very in-depth so get comfy!
View 49 Replies View Related20 minutes ago: BREAKING: Sprint Officially Announces Release Date For Samsung Epic 4G: August 31st
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