HTC Desire : Way To Get Album Artwork On Media Player?
Aug 27, 2010How do I get album artwork on my media player? I currently only have the note symbol. I can't find any options in the music player.

How do I get album artwork on my media player? I currently only have the note symbol. I can't find any options in the music player.
why to add album artwork into the album file to have it show up on the Droid? I have added albums that all have the artwork in the ID3 tag but a few just wont show on the device so I'm wondering if there's another way to add it into the folder on the SD card that will have it show up in the media player?
View 4 Replies View Relatedwhen I play a song I don't get any album artwork. Is there a secret to this or does the default player not support this. The art work shows up in Itunes. Anyone know of any music app that is better than the stock one?
This is my second DX as my first was acting up and I remember that on my first DX all I did was drag the song title into the DCIM folder and everything would appear, music and artwork. On my second DX I did the same thing but no artwork this time around.I have lots of music and it would be nice to have the artwork come up
View 2 Replies View RelatedI purchased a Nexus One a couple of months ago and I am happy to say I feel like I made the right decision. The music player I wasn't to impressed with though so I downloaded Mixzing. I love the app, it works great and is very smooth. But I was wondering how can I get album artwork into this app.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI've been using a couple of different methods recently trying to sync music on my desire, nothing has worked properly for me, windows media player, itunes sync, doubletwist and even htc sync 3.0 wont do the job.I was using album artwork grabber then to get missing artwork.So i deleted all my music from my desire and started from scratch and just dragged and dropped all the music files to it.This is working great except loads of my album artwork has been mislabelled with a completly different one. Every song has artwork, there is none with the default green logo which used to be there before I'm certain on these songs. But now they all have this other album cover, it's like it's replaced the default music icon cover.I tried clearing the media application data and it rebuilt the library, but it's still the same.
View 1 Replies View Relatedcan i download album art from somewhere and add it to my music player, out of all my songs only 1 has an album art so i would like all the rest to have it too. where to download album art and how to install would be gr8
View 5 Replies View RelatedHas anyone else noticed that the built in Music player for the Incredible updates MP3 album art automatically? If so, does anyone know how to turn it off? I am meticulous about keeping my collection organized and I do not want the player updating any of the tag info. I definitely do not want it going out to the net to download art.
View 1 Replies View RelatedDownloaded TuneWiki, it's a great program, but, I can't seem to download the album artwork? Anyone had similar problems? Thanks in advance
View 4 Replies View RelatedI uploaded my music from my computer, and only a few albums received album artwork. Why is that? is there a way i get all the albums artwork up?
View 2 Replies View RelatedSome of my music have album artwork but some do not. iTunes shows the artwork but not on my phone. How do you add artwork to your mp3's?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am not getting the artist name or album artwork. I have used MediaMonkey and Windows Media Player. The artwork is there in MM. When I open the Music folder it shows the artist names.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI was wondering what the easiest way to add album artwork for my songs was? Yesterday I did it by clicking each individual song in my folder through usb connection, which would then open up in iTunes where I edited each song and dragged the artwork in it. Although this worked, some album art looks blurry on the phone when I play the song and it did take quite some time through this process. Second, has anyone noticed the new Swype that came with the recent phone update is bad? Now it's hardly lenient on your tracing path and you pretty much have to trace it perfectly and slow to get the word. Also, is there a way to get rid of the dialog box that pops up when it says for example, "the word 'dude' is hidden by the word 'dide', to delete 'dide' do such and such"? It's getting really annoying popping up after many words in the same paragraph.
View 2 Replies View Relatedis it possible to ad album art to the music player on the desire
View 13 Replies View RelatedI'm loving the HTC Desire, but there's a problem for me regarding the music player - half of my albums are just a black background with a note. It's really annoying, as half of the albums have their true cover. I can't find anything on Google about how to get the other albums working. I have tried renaming the album covers to all sorts of stuff and nothing seems to work. I tried searching album art on the market but the only thing that returned was a paid app, and I'm not willing to pay ?3 for something that I should be able to do for free.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have just got a HTC desire and like many people would like to be able to get rid of my iPod all together and have just my phone. The problem I'm having is that the media player on the HTC desire doesn't work nearly as well as iTunes. I have several issues that would needed to be resolved and wanted to know if anyone had a solution to any of them
1) Audio books, I have many of these on my iTunes and on an iPod they are displayed in a separate folder and are removed from shuffles, not so on the HTC, solution?
2) Podcasts, Again i subscribe to many podcasts on my iTunes and wanted to know if there was any way of adding them to my HTC automatically or having them download automatically (Despite this being very annoying and clogging up my hard drive with duplicated podcasts)
3)Playlists I am currently using iTunes agent to sync from my iTunes but it means that I cannot sync playlists that i can then play on my phone. (I can sync playlists just not then play them on their own once they are on my phone)
Does anyone know how to fix the default Music player's behaviour when long-pressing on an album and selecting "Play" ?
If you start playing by quick-pressing the album, it shows you the list of songs. If tagged correctly, this list is in correct song order, and will play the album in order from whichever song you select to start from. If not tagged correctly, it shows in alphabetical order.
So far, so good.. can't complain... BUT...
If you start playing an album by long-pressing it and selecting "Play", it plays it alphabetically, regardless of the status of the tagging.
I'm after a new media player for my desire which comes with a 2x2 widget, hopefully with decent set of controls + album art (not necessary, but track details are).
I'm running Android 2.1 and LauncherPro, which is why I can't use any of the sense widgets.
I have the htc desire and tried to use the sky player but when i play the video it said that i need silverlight installed.
is there a way to get this to work another player that can be download or software that can be instilled
I'm still trying to get to grips with the folder/filing system of the Desire's SD card. I have yet to put any of my own MP3's onto the phone but have put on a few short audio clips which I created at work. These were on the phone mainly so I could transport them home but I also occasionally play them from the phone. However I don't want them cropping up amongst music in the music player app/widget, but it seems no matter where I put them on the SD card they appear. The only exception is if I put them in media => ringtones which isn't ideal. Are there any other places where i can put them where they won't be found by the media player?
View 8 Replies View RelatedNew here and hope someone can help!
Windows Media Player 11 (running Vista) does not seem to sync with my HTC Desire - does anyone have a suggestion? I have copied and pasted from the c: drive to the sd card but this is a pain.
When I plug in my audio jack into my desire to listen to music with my speakers, sometimes the media player goes crazy. It skip songs, fast forward, it makes random calls. And all sorts of crazy things. I googled around, looks like quite a number of htc users face this problem too. What are your advice on this?
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow to add album art to the music player? I have put 3 albums on my HTC Hero and none of them have their album art. I know it's nothing major but it's a nice little touch to be able to see the album art of the song playing.
View 34 Replies View RelatedI use MediaMonkey to edit all of my mp3 files so that all my artist, album, year, track number, album art, etc is correct. Today I added an artist (Dub_Fx) with 2 albums and one single to my Droid; the single's album art showed, as well as one of the albums, but the other album's album art isn't showing at all, but I used the exact same method for all of the files. Each mp3 has an imbedded image file saved to the tag, each of them 350x350 images, and none of the mp3 files are protected either. Other programs on my computer show the album art correctly (and I've deleted the images from my computer, just to make sure they were saved to the tag and still show properly), but for some reason it won't show for that one album on the Droid's music player. I've even tried changing the album art to something else, copy over to the Droid, change the album art back, rewrite, and still nothing at all.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI am using WMP to sync pics, vids and music to the phone and noticed that the album art looks horrible (low definition). I always added my own album art to iTunes and on the iPhone it looks clear and crisp. I figure that iTunes optimizes the photo for the iPhone but i'm trying to now optimize it for the Captivate and am running into a wall.Has anyone else experienced this and fixed the problem?
View 14 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for a way to get high res album art. I'm not sure if there's an app that can do this or do I have to get them from the web and load them to my phone. I've been using Album Art Wizard, but the album art isn't high res.
View 3 Replies View RelatedEven registering the broadcast receiver at the highest priority still fails to receive the Bluetooth media button events on the HTC Hero phone. The Bluetooth media button registration code works fine on the other Android phones that I have tested. Apparently this isn't the first time HTC has done something like this, as I also found a report of a similar problem on one of the HTC Microsoft Mobile Devices reported here
It seems extremely short sighted of HTC to code their media player so that it grabs the Bluetooth AVRCP media button events in such a way that other applications are unable to work with the Bluetooth head phone buttons and Bluetooth in car stereo systems.................
I use Windows Media Player to manage all my mp3s and playlists. I want my Samsung Galaxy S to be synchronized with my PC. I can connect my Galaxy S using "Media Player" mode and use the built-in sync with WMP, but there are issues:
1) Some mp3s get "corrupted" - how do I force WMP to "re-sync" them without losing my playlist association (if I manually add it as a file to sync, it is no longer associated with the playlist)
2) If I delete an mp3 from the device, WMP doesn't realize and won't re-sync the file again... is there a way to re-sync?
3) Sometimes WMP will re-sync playlists and each song shows up 3-4+ times when I load up a playlist on my device. I then have to wipe the Music and Playlist folder and re-sync from scratch any way around this?
4) Where are android playlists stored? The Playlists folder on the sd card can be wiped, but the playlists still show up in the music player?
5) If I make a change to a playlist on my PC, WMP will freeze and start skipping random files the playlists get corrupt and I see problem #3 occur. Essentially, if I change a playlist, I have to wipe the Music and Playlist folder and re-sync from scratch.
Does anyone know where to find a media player that would allow you to play streaming videos on Android Browser?
I want to know if you can play streaming videos on your web browser on your android os phone.
I want to be able to use/view the video's I record with my phone on my computer. (open from an email or use in window's movie maker)I have a new computer with Windows seven at work and a Vista laptop at home. I can send the video to myself and try to open in from my email or tether to the computer and transfer the file manually. Either way I can't open with windows media player. Video's taken with default "Camcorder" app on a myTough 3G running Android 1.6.I know it has something to do with the codec's the phone uses but wonder why they wouldn't use codec's that are compatible with the most commonly used pc's?Is there any way around this? Some kind of converter for the computer or for the phone?Is there another camcorder app that can record video with a different codec or is it phone hardware specific?So far have been able to use these forum's to sort out most of my Android problems but I'm stumped on this one. It doesn't seem like it should be this hard to do. Should be more user friendly.
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