Samsung Epic 4G :: Not Fully Charging
Aug 31, 2010I've been charging my battery for about 4 hours now and it seems to be stuck at around 80-85%ish. I have no idea why, any suggestions?

I've been charging my battery for about 4 hours now and it seems to be stuck at around 80-85%ish. I have no idea why, any suggestions?
So i got this issue I plug my phone into the wall charger, i got to bed, wake up in the morning, and the phone is charged @ 96% and has stopped charging. then on my way to work, i plug it into the car charger, and it charges it to 100%. anybody know whats up with that?
View 6 Replies View RelatedAnyone know how the heck to turn this off? Keeps waking me up at night and it's driving me nuts.
View 20 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to have the screen ON, but NOT receive this message? For those of us who use the Epic in a dock as a bedside alarm clock at night, this message is a major PITA. I know it can be suppressed with the screen off, but I need to suppress it with the screen ON. When I roll over at 3AM, I need to know what time it is, not that my battery is fully charged!!
View 5 Replies View RelatedThe left lower side of my battery cover doesn't fully snap into place, causing an annoying gap. It was never like this, but I took the cover off to remove the battery, and when I tried to put it back in, it wouldn't snap. I tried a different cover and it still didn't fit... I have no idea why it wont snap in all of a sudden. Anyone else have this? I'm on my fourth epic, If I have to go to #5 I might just say forget it and save my upgrade
View 3 Replies View RelatedHas anyone had a problem with there battery not fully charging? mine will only charge to between 90-95%
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm getting a lot of conflicting opinions. Matchup:
1. This site strongly recommends that you charge your battery before activating it.
2. Other sources have noted that you should start it up and use it until it is mostly drained before charging it.
Does anybody have any scientific evidence to support one theory over the other? What are the consequences of letting it drain before charging if you side with #1?
I cant find any app that automatically turns off your phone after your phone is done charging, or after a set amount of time its fully charged..does anyone know of such an app? does it even exist?
View 7 Replies View RelatedJust had to replace my epic...and the screen will not sleep while its charging.i cant seem to find the setting for this my other epic didnt do this can some one help me?
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy Droid wall charger stopped fully working this morning, and Im not sure why. It may be either that the charger is broken or the port is. When I charged the phone this afternoon on my car charger, it worked fine, but I did notice once that the input piece for the car charger is slightly wider than the wall charger, and the wall charger has seemed to fit loosely in. I cant tell if anything is actually wrong with the silver input piece on the wall charger. Should I buy a new wall charger or take the phone to Verizon to get the the port possibly fixed if that is the issue? Can they even fix the port?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy specific device is a GSM Galaxy Nexus.
So, I have 3 batteries for my phone. 1 stock (1750mAh) and 2 extended (2000mAh). No I don't need all that juice... its a story for another time. Anyway....
Lately when I charge a battery in the external charger (using a USB cable and the wall plug supplied with the phone) the battery will not fully charge. The LED on the charger will change from red to green (Usually I charge the battery overnight, or while I'm away at work during the day). However when I put the battery in the phone, it will show somewhere between 80%-90% charged.
1) Would a 100% drain and charge reset the battery's "fuel gauge"?
2) My phone automatically powers off at 6% (which is fine, needs enough juice to save current settings and power down properly). Is there a way to truely drain the battery down to 0%? (I'm thinking of some kind of low-voltage lightbulb or LED connected to the positive and negative terminals should drain that down to 0%. Is this recommeneded or is it fine just running it down till the phone powers off?
Normally I try to plug my phone in and charge (or power off and swap batteries) once they hit about 40%-60%. I'm only interested in doing a full drain to see if that will get these batteries to fully charge in the desktop charger. Besides I've read from a few sources that it is GOOD for the battery to do this once in a while (Fully drain, charge to100%) to properly maintain them.
And as a side note, charging the battery in the phone (either with the wall plug or from USB cable on my computer) will always result in a 100% charge, which makes me thing the issue is with the desktop unit itself (perhaps faulty circuit that cuts off charge current when it thinks its full ?)
I am coming to the conclusion that the poor battery charge time is a result of the batteries and not the phone. The reason I believe this to be true is: I purchased the charger that comes with a spare battery and it takes a good 3-4 hours to charge in that, with no phone attached. Batteries in my previous phones would take an hour to fully charge in a dedicated charger. I bet when Seidio comes out with batteries for this phone, we will see much better charge times and possibly better battery life.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've tried both the manual method as well as the Easy, one-click, auto root out there, but I can't get root to take on this device. I think I'm probably overlooking something simple. What I need to know is. Well, everything from start to finish. When I connect to my PC, I have enabled USB debugging. Should I allow the SD card to mount or keep is in "charging" mode? I have experience with the manual methods where you access ADB Shell and copy/paste commands. That's how I rooted my Hero. But I think the connection is not right somehow. I'm seeing a lot of failure messages.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI set up the option to keep the display on while charging. That's before I realized what a drain the display is on the battery. Now that I want to turn it off, I can't find it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've had my HTC Desire for about 2 weeks. I have searched through the forums for info...but between threads getting off track or just not understanding anything, I thought it would be easier to ask basic questions about my particular issues.
1) What is root? I have the 2.2 update, I am happy enough with HTC and my carrier (Telus) and I don't need tonnes of room right now.
2) Speaking of room, I try to put my apps on my SD card with the 2.2 update but only Google Earth and Night Sky are able to do it. All of my icon packs etc. wont go to SD. I'm pretty sure I have lots of room left so I dont think this is a huge issue.
3) Battery issues. I didn't do the first full charge as I had to use the phone asap when I bought it. I don't have much going on with my phone, no active wallpapers, just weather toggle and clock, text and a few phone calls, check a couple websites, maybe a video here and there, and sometime use GPS for maps. I keep my screen on zero percent and I soft touch the power button to go black screen when i'm idle. I turn off gps and wifi when not using them. With that said, I cant keep the phone idle and off charge overnight without it going to zero. After a charge I lose 10-20% in the first hour. I have never lasted a day on a full charge.
4) After playing around with customizing my phone with icons and widgets I am done. All I need this phone to do is make phones calls, text and check my favorite websites. I use my tracks when I go running and listen to music when I run. Thats all I want it to do. Its a phone so I would love if it could keep a charge in case of an emergency. I was late for dinner the other night because my battery died and I couldn't even call to say I was late! so....
5) What do you recommend I do with my phone to keep it as basic as possible and powered up?
6) What are the key apps to make this the best user experience?
7) When in my pocket I lock screen but once I found that I had 23 unsuccessful attempts to open screen from jiggling around in my pocket lol. Is there anything to help me with that?
Does anyone else's touch screen become unresponsive when the Epic is being charged? My touch screen gets glitchy and only responds to a fraction of touches.
I just received mine yesterday and I've already spent more than 6 hours trying to troubleshoot this issue. Most of the google searches that I've found have to do with cheap 3rd party chargers, but I'm using the OEM Samsung charger.
I thought it might be the charger, so I went out and purchased 4 different chargers today, but none of them fix the issue.
I also ordered another Epic for my wife at the same time, and her Epic has the same problem, which suggests that it's not a defective phone (unless they both came from the same batch).
To confuse things even more, I've been able to isolate 2-3 outlets in the house where this problem doesn't happen. The problem also doesn't happen when I charge at work, through a car charger, or via USB from the laptop.
I'm inclined to think it has something to do with the outlets in the house. However, I've never heard of any issue like that and the house is relatively new (built in '98).
My phone doesn't want to turn on anymore. What should i do? I tries multiple battery, but i think its the phone its self. Also my charging port doesn't work.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI rooted my phone back before 2.2 came out. I've played with CWM, made Nandroid and Titanium backups, removed bloat and installed most of the root only apps. What I haven't done yet is flash a ROM. This is mainly because it seems that while there are a crap ton of ROMs being developed out there all of them seem to either not be fully stable or are missing some sort of key feature (camera, videocam, bluetooth, LED, internal storage, etc).
Are there any ROMs that you folks are currently using that's stable and has all the features of the phone working? If not, what's the closest one that you've found?
You Tube - Review Epic 4G
View 5 Replies View RelatedThis article was posted in the old subforum so I am posting it here:
First Review of Samsung Galaxy S, Epic 4G - Sprint?s Next 4G Phone
FWIW, the article lists the memory as: "Memory 16GB/8GB+ MicroSD(Up to 32GB)"
Samsung Epic 4G (Sprint) Review: Noah's First Impressions
Its encouraging to hear statements like this one....
Noah: "Epic is the best hard QWERTY Android device I've ever tried. By a healthy margin!"
I'll definitely be purchasing mine launch day. The 31'st can't come soon enough!
after i got the ota update the gps was working really good and fast now a week later its back to being the same as before it takes forever to lock on and when i do gps test it says im locked on to 3-4 out of the 11 in view. just last week i used the navigation and it got me perfectly to sixflag which is 90miles away from. i haven't rooted my phone ever and i have the j16 build on it
View 4 Replies View RelatedHaven't seen this yet on the forums for the Galaxy S devices. Yesterday and today, my device has been saying it's fully charged when it's only between 80-85% charged. This happens when plugged into the USB cable attached to my PC, haven't noticed it when plugged into a wall charger (such as when I wake up in the's 100%). Yesterday it would cap off at 85% when the double-tweet alert says it's fully charged, today it registers fully charged at 81% (just now). If I unplug it and plug it back in, it will start charging again like normal (it may even continue charging on it's own without unplugging it, but I'm always next to it when it happens, so I'll try leaving it the next time it alerts).It just happened again (10 minutes later), and I left it plugged in, unlocked the screen, and BattStatt said fully charged. Even the device's "about" section said 100%. I then unplugged it, and it immediately dropped to 83%. Then I plugged it back in, it rose to 85%, and dropped back down to 83% a second later. I don't think it's the battery, as in my 2 years designing battery packs about 7 years ago, I've never seen one discharge 17% instantly. Gotta be a software issue.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've attempted to root my girlfriends phone for her so I can unlock it, but the phone just wont root. I've tried superoneclick and a ton of other 1 click roots along with the manual rooting at first (where you go into recovery mode and apply the update from the sd card).
I can see the superuser app, however I cannot grant superuser access to any apps. The version is v2.3.6 and if it makes a difference, it's an irish phone locked to use meteor (a network).
I've also downloaded rootchecker from the play store and it says that I do not have "proper root access to the phone" or something similar. Proper was the predominant word though.Whenever I use superoneclick, the application always freezes as well.
I can do the unlocking half of it myself, I just need root access..Also, when in recovery mode, this comes up in yellow at the bottom.
The AT&T manual advises you to fully charge your battery when you get it while samsung tells you what I have always heard, which is to fully drain and recharge the battery when you first get the phone. This is what I have always done. Is fully discharging and then recharging the right thing to do? I would assume so, but I want to hear it from you guys.
Second. After the problem, I have become damn near paranoid on charging the phone. Since the purchase I ran it down completely until the phone shut itself down. I then fully charged the phone in one sitting. Am I now free to plug and pull when I need to? Should I do a couple more full cycles? God, this all sounds silly even while typing, but I have been sitting it opposite rooms because I am afraid to move the phone and break the God...I feel dumb. Don't laugh too much...Maybe I am?
Since getting the CL14 update last weekend, I've noticed an odd quirk. When I plug my phone in to charge, once it reaches full charge, I'm used to seeing the screen come on for a few seconds showing "Fully Charged." But since the update, the screen never turns back off. I can plug it in overnight, and in the morning, the screen is on, sitting there displaying "Fully Charged."
View 17 Replies View RelatedDoes the moment have an LED light that blinks when theres a notification or turns green when fully charged?
View 8 Replies View RelatedOk i promised I searched and didn't find a resolution to my question... Got my Vibrate on launch day. Love 95% of the phone. In a perfect world I would tweak a few things but by and large I am happy. HOWEVER after this most recent patch my battery full notification now also plays my notification sound. I.E. The very loud MP3 I have to wake me up in case I get a text in the middle of the night, now is going off at 3am to say "HEY battery is charged!!" Personally I would like to get rid of the battery notification all together, but I can work around everything but it playing that MP3. I know I can silence the phone but I WANT to know if I receive a text in the middle of the night. If it isn't possible to disable this alert I will simply not charge my phone at night so I really don't need alternative ideas, just to know if it is possible AND to provide feed back to someone this is less than an optimal situation if not.
View 8 Replies View RelatedMy fiance's Moment has always had battery issues, right now its sitting at "90%" it always takes long to fully download. I just wanted to know if anyone here performed the upgrade without FULLY charging their battery, and what were the results?
View 8 Replies View Related1. My battery will never fully charge. Stays at 90%
2.pandora sounds messed up. All other music apps soumd fine but the bass is messed up coming through headphones or a stereo.
3. The button on the headphones tha came wih the phone does nothing. Why is it there?
4. No 3d games. I had an iphone with a 400mhz processor that ran games, why did I upgrade to something that can onlybplay games like tetris and bejewled.
5. Sometimes my phone just randomly shuts down for no reason and will reboot to the screen where it shows the android screen.
6. Terrible battery life
7. The camra is bad, and the camcorder sucks. I miss the palm pre camera: (
8. Why doesn't the light come on every time I open the keyboard? Sometimes I have to open it 2 or 3 times what the fish?
Overall I still like this phone but idk I feel like they soulda fixed some of these problems by now.
9. I have to edit posts cuz I can't type >.< lol