Nexus :: Best Kernel Out There And Why ( Looking To Replace )
Apr 25, 2010I need a step by step noob guide. Or am I just missing the easy way here?

I need a step by step noob guide. Or am I just missing the easy way here?
i want to add some features to linux kernel to run on my mobile (android based mobile perhaps). but i don't know who let me to upload my custom kernel. i want to buy such mobile phone. some restrictions about uploading custom kernel to phone:
1- replace existing kernel.
2- can use my phones functionalities: it is due to some drivers are closed source and i must use the vendor's kernel to use it's drivers.
I'm looking for stock froyo kernel. anyone have a link?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI seek instructions for buiulding Android on the HTC Nexus. I have tried looking atthe OpenMoko ones, but could not find any useful guides. I have the Android SDK and Java JDK and this is it. All the guides on the Android site refer to installing Eclipse, which is for build Java apps so not a lot of use. Has anyone got some links? Please note that this is a question about building the kernel and the distribution around it. It is not about building applications for Android).
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there anyone have successful experience getting nexus 1 kernel running on top of the emulator coming with the SDK 2.1? I can not even bootstrap the kernel , I mean I didn't see something like the following as what I did on goldfish kernel Uncompressing Linux. done, booting the kernel. .....
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to build latest linux kernel from off site for Android device (for example Nexus7)?
I have: AOSP source code
Android build for device (from aosp)
Downloaded kernel 3.8.4 from off site
The question is: How can I build latest kernel using all described stuff (aosp source, kernel config, latest kernel)?
Does anybody know if the new desktop kernel patch written by Mike Galbraith can be applied or modified to be used in the android kernel?
Tiny Linux Kernel Patch Delivers Huge Speed Boost - PCWorld Business Center
I haven't messed around with android kernels yet, but I have applied it to my current Ubuntu 10.10 system and you can see the difference. Its like night & day!
I have vanilla linux kernel version 2.6.27. I want to apply android specific patches and convert it to android linux kernel 2.6.27. Where can a user find the patches to convert a normal vanilla kernel into android kernel?
View 1 Replies View Relatedwhere I have got right now on my phone, which is:
1. I updated to stock 2.1 using the sprint update tool.
2. I followed the video tutorial to root the phone
3. then i used joey's page ( to install the his kernel (joeykrim-SDX-kernel v2.0.4 (includes root)).
I have done nothing else to the phone but this and removing a couple of bloatware apps (i checked the list of permitted deletions before i removed anything.) I have not installed a new least i dont think that I did as part of one of the other operations I performed (as an aside, i am not really sure what the custom recovery is or what it is used for, so i didnt install it...i guess i need to read up more...)
So that is where I am..but i have a couple of questions.
1) i am now having issues with my wifi connection - the signal reception is very spotty in areas where i should have atleast 2 bars of reception, and the wifi often cuts out completely....Is there any know corellation between joey's kernel and this wifi issue? I have searched the forums and have found nothing that answers this.
2) Is there an easy way to get back to the stock kernel? I have read that i can get back to stock everything by using the sprint download center where I did my original 2.1 update. But is there a way to get back to just the stock kernel without wiping the phone?
I have u8800 and 3.0.8 AOSP kernel. But not runnig cm9 with AOSP kernel. How to port aosp kernel to cm9 kernel.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI currently have bekit 1ghz kernet installed, but I was interested in trying out some other kernels. Can I just install them via Rom Manager over the first kernel? Or is there some kind of uninstall process I should use first?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm working for Freescale Semiconductor on the i.MX series linux BSP. Now we have android running well on i.MX515 platform, and hope to push android kernel repo into Then what's the process need us to follow? How reviews will be done? And what we should provide?
View 3 Replies View RelatedQuick Story: I had a HTC Legend, and i had a number of problems, so after some arse kicking by me, i got the Nexus one for 25 per month
I am not new to android: i have had the G1 which i did not root, the T-Mobile pulse, which i rooted and the HTC Legend and now the Nexus one.
Some questions?
With the legend i am am awhere of the Sence UI ? i liked how facebook contacts synced to my phone and when i rang i saw there display pictures, does the Nexus one do this?
SMS, is there a similar app to the legend, where you see threaded messages with a picture of there facebook dp?
I can't hear the phone when it rings, its so quiet, the volume is on max, is there anyway to increase this?
Nexus 1 (1GHZ) Cpu apps are there any i can play on
EP build UK Android 2.2 i have done some Googleing and cant find a release date for it
My nexus one phone crashed a week ago, I reseted the factory settings, and since then I can't find the power control system(wifi, gps, Bluetooth and screen brightness) widget which I had on my home page when I first bought the phone.
View 1 Replies View RelatedFor anybody who is interested, the FM radio capability as seen on the HTC Desire phone, will be available for the Nexus on the next Modaco Sense ROM release (will be r.23 fixed due to a new kernel it seems (intersectraven's)Just had an interesting twitter feed and thought I would share.Not really interested in switching to Sense for this functionality but somebody may have been waiting for this
View 9 Replies View RelatedFor me the Nexus one integration to MS Exchange is working fine except for one little problem. Although my inbox emails are getting push notified, I'd want an ability to choose other folders to get pushed also. I do not see any setting for that.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to put some photos from my phone onto my computer. I've connected it all up like I usually do but can't find the phone on my computer drives. It's just not there like it usually is. What on earth have I done?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI recently bought the case-mate tough case for my nexus one. I noticed after putting the case on it has gotten hotter. It has reached up to 110F not plugged in to anything. Has anyone had this problem? Is it the case that is not letting it cool off? Or is this a problem with the phone itself?
View 6 Replies View Relatedfor the last two days ive been trying everything i can think off to sync my laptop and phone.i have windows 7 64bit,ive installed the drivers successfully and can read/write to the sd card but cannot sync contacts via htc only ever tells me "disconnected" last week i could sync with a htc desire with no problems,please can some one help me from tearing my hair out.yes ive tried ticking usb debugging.
View 13 Replies View RelatedI recently bought a rooted N1 off of ebay. I plugged my SIM in and everything worked fine all day yesterday. I went to sleep on my bed, with the N1 in my pocket, and when I woke up the phone was indicating that there was no SIM card in the phone. I rebooted the phone, and factory reset it, yet it still indicated that there was no SIM inside the phone. I put my SIM card in my wife's iPhone and the phone worked fine.
1) Could sleeping with it in my pocket have done this?
2) Did I just buy a dud off of Ebay? And if so, how is this possible because it worked all day yesterday?
I received a new N1 after I swapped over by warranty but I don't remember is the camera flash was working on this new one before I put Desire and Cyanogenmod and on both the camera flash doesn't work, installed FlashApp and a couple of other apps that manipulates the flash but it still doesn't turns on.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen you start your nexus without a SD card inserted and start the camera, what does happen? Does the camera start and you can see but can't capture, or doesn't start at all and crashes?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have an unlocked N1 which has RA recovery/backup installed?..i think, its been a long time..sorry for new bie is Highness(is that a word)..Anyway..I have reset the device and now am on stock build number ERD79..firmware 2.1. If i do a wipe of the device when I restart i get the over the air update to 2.2. It downloads and verifies but when i restart i go to the boot loader? screen? and I get an install failed message.
View 6 Replies View RelatedAnyone know how to do it? it seems that clearing the cache for market and browser doesn't work.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAll download applications are saved in the internal memory (Nexus One), and I dont have enough memory for more appll. Anybody knows how can I save in SD card the applications?
View 12 Replies View Relatedone day when I was playing around with clockword mod and selected restart adbd(I thought it meant the adb daemon but I guess it means something else) in the advanced options area.Well I consider my self pretty tech smart and "advanced" for a 13 year old but I guess things happen. Now when I boot my nexus one the actual boot animation(not splash) is not showing for the first 3 quarters of the boot up. Then I thought I bricked my device because the screen wasn't showing the animation for 20 sec. Then I saw the touch-sensitve buttons light up and then 2 seconds later the animation apeared only for 2 seconds untill my device was booted. I tried overwriting the boot animation in both /system/media/ and in /device/local/ ad it had no effect. I dont know what to do. I am rooted using universal androot because I want to be able to unvoid my warrnaty. So my bootloader isn't unlocked. I am running Cyanogen Mod 6 and am loving it so far! But I am wondering what to do? Should I re-flash the rom? I tried pressing restart adbd again and it did nothing? i have not done a Nandroid restore because it will mess up my apps that are on the sdcard if i restore back. I dont know what to do.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just got my update for my Nexus today. Unfortunately I made the grave mistake of leaving my Helix 2 app as my main launcher, so I was stuck in an endless loop of force closing. After restoring my phone to factory defaults I was able to set up my gmail account as I did when I first set up the that I'm going into the market, I'm noticing a LOT of apps that I had before (most of them paid) are not even listed in the app store. I'm also noticing that the Helix apps are not listed either. It would appear that non 2.2 compatible apps are not being listed? I have no idea, but whatever it is, I hope I get my touchdown full version app back soon, otherwise I'll be in a rough spot with work. (not a huge fan of the regular mail).Example, I did a search for the developer "Camel Games" I recently purchased one of these games, however, when I do a search now, I ONLY see all the free version, and no paid versions. If anyone has any insight on this it would be greatly appreciated. Also, if anyone is not seeing the same thing as me, that would be helpful too. If I need to reset my phone again or something, let me know! I miss my apps
View 4 Replies View RelatedI was trying to root my nexus one. I was able to complete unlocking the bootloader but when i used superboot to root it, i won't get pass the step where you verify to make sure superboot recognizes your device. Every time i enter fasboot-windows devices command, it just won't recognize it. I don't know what else to do.
View 11 Replies View RelatedCan anyone tell me where the light sensor is positioned on the Nexus One? One of the reasons I returned the Droid was I hated how the light sensor was positioned in the upper right corner. My fingers would frequently block it causing the auto-brightness to change unnecessarily and annoyingly. I know on the Droid Eris it is on the left and I'm hoping HTC did the same with the Nexus One.
View 3 Replies View Relatedif using nexus 4 backup and restoring it on nexus 5 will not work. what are the alternatives do i have? i want all the apps to be transferred to my nexus 5
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