Motorola : Playing BG Music Across Activities In Android
Jan 19, 2010
We're developing an Android game and we play some background music for our intro (we have an Intro Activity) but we want it to continue playing to the next Activity, and perhaps be able to stop or play the music again from anywhere within the application. What we're doing at the moment is play the bgm using MediaPlayer at our Intro Activity. However, we stop the music as soon as the user leaves that Activity. Do we have to use something like Services for this? Or is MediaPlayer/SoundPool enough? If anyone knows the answer, we'd gladly appreciate your sharing it with us.
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Apr 17, 2010
Here's one that is going to confuse you all.My Milestone has taken to playing music by itself at random.It's not an alarm. It's not the music player being started either! At 0832 one day, music started blasting out while it was in the dock. Another time, it began when I removed headphones after watching a video (and returning to the home screen). Once it has started when I disconnected a Bluetooth car kit. I can adjust the volume but nothing else! I have to open the music player, and then it shows the music as paused - but it's still playing. To stop it, I must press play, then stop/pause again. And then it stops. It's happening maybe once every day or two, and is incredibly annoying. I just can't figure out what might be causing it. It MUST be an app that I've got running or have installed, but which one? Has ANYONE else had a similar problem, perhaps that they thought was just a one off glitch?
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Nov 14, 2009
Suppose I want to start a song in Activity A see to it that it plays in Activity B when I move from Activity A to B Now after moving from Activity B to Activity C I want to stop that song and play another song.Please I need Help on this cant figure it out some how
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Aug 1, 2010
When I am listening to the music app, or btunes, or mix zing; about one in four times I turn the screen off, the music stops playing. I've tried turning of my task killer, but to no avail. At first, I had a second issue as well: the music would play for only about 15 mins then stop, however, I managed to figure out that that was the 'Data-Off' timer I had set for the battery's 'Smart Mode' (though I'm not sure what data has to do with playing music stored locally). Nevertheless, swapping to 'Performance Mode' solved that. But for the life of me, I cannot figure out why a quarter of the time I turn the screen off, it kills the music.
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Nov 10, 2010
I have alot of issues with my Droid X freezing up while playing music from the phone's default music player. Has anyone else experienced this? If so, any suggestions on a fix?
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Dec 18, 2009
Is there any way to play Streaming radio stations other than apps built for specific services (like Pandora/ clarify, I mean online radio stations, that use .pls files to play streams. Some also have plugin players, but since Flash isn't on the Droid yet I'm not too worried about them. But it seems like it ought to be possible to play streaming .pls files.I tried to download one and it said it couldn't be downloaded because the size could not be determined.
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May 2, 2010
I have a kenwood dnx6140 headunit that has a handful of features(bluetooth, navigation, yada yada....I have a handsfree voice system aswell which i use regularly with my droid which runs on bluetooth with no problems.....Heres the good stuff...When i try to play pandora or slacker via bluetooth it works but its very bumpy or skippy so i cant clearly hear the music....I dnt know why.?
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Mar 22, 2010
trying to play music via bluetooth in my new Cobalt SS. voice works fine but music just plays on the speakerphone like always. any idea? besides an FM modulator.. no tape deck either.
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Aug 22, 2010
Has anyone figured out a work around for the music player in 2.2 not playing mp3? Maybe a working apk that we can install? I can't even use my custom ringtones until my phone can play mp3s, really annoying!
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Aug 31, 2010
It shuts off and reboots when im on the phone. Also when I'm playing my music it stops about halfway through a song and goes back to the main screen.
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Sep 27, 2010
I'm the proud owner of a month old Droid 2, but the damn thing keeps freezing or locks up completely when I play my music on it - sometimes it even restarts on its own. It doesn't matter if I'm playing my own MP3's or Pandora. While at work this happens maybe 3 to 5 times a day (docked to a desk/home charger from Verizon) and it's really frustrating. I noticed this started happening once my phone updated to 2.2.20 a few weeks ago. Just this past weekend I took it to my local Verizon dealer. They said they updated the PRL and this often corrects the problem. I got the phone home and it locked up immediately. I've restarted repeatedly, removed the SD card and battery but still no change. Any suggestions? This will be my fourth replacement if I need to take it back and have it replaced.
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Nov 23, 2009
my moto droid will no longer play music, whether it be from pandora or my memory card... did i mess something up in the settings or do i need it replaced
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Sep 1, 2010
How do I change this behavior? Driving me nuts. Every time I play a song in "Music" player, I get the backdrop pic from one of my contacts. I don't remember assigning this anywhere, how to change?
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Aug 23, 2010
first the M4A file issues: Since i have been upgraded to 2.2, I can no longer play m4a files NOR files imported into iTunes from my own cd and then put on my phone. I get an error saying, this file type is not supported. Obviously the error is self describing by why did Android stop supporting these file. What am I supposed to do now? if these files are DRM free why would Android have a problem playing them. do they want to push their own music service. If so, thats fine, but thats not even out yet. Most of my searches on this topic come up unanswered. ALSO, when I go to play a song in mSpot, it starts to download and then it says "There was an error during song playback" I can play the song on the mspot website, but not through the app. Anyone else a little peeved by this update for these reasons?
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Oct 13, 2010
So, I've been having issues with my Droid X (this is my second, my first bricked during the 2.2 upgrade.) It's fairly reproducible, and I want to know if it's just me or if everyone's experiencing this. It generally happens when I have the phone in the car dock, It's connected to my stereo for phone and A2DP via bluetooth and music is playing, though my mom (who just got a droid X) called me yesterday to say it was happening when she was listening to music on her way to New York and she was pretty frustrated. Basically, what it boils down to is music playback starts getting choppy, the phone gets warmer than average running temperature (though not horribly hot) and eventually music playback stops. While double-tapping the home button still opens that 'say a command' voice prompt, the screen takes forever to draw and the phone runs sluggish as hell. Other than that, the screen is unresponsive, the home button doesn't actually do anything, and the only way to get the phone out of this state is a battery pull. This particularly sucks because I've gotten used to using my phone as my in-car music player AND for navigation so since it is so frequently going down in the middle of driving places I can't really rely on it anymore. It may just be my device, too. When it's plugged into some computers in my house, the bottom half of the touch screen becomes unresponsive. When I brought it to the Verizon store to get it replaced, the incompetent rep basically determined that since I'm running LauncherPro, my device must be rooted and refused to honor my warranty. I'm getting pretty fed up with Verizon. I'm on my 8th replacement phone from the first droid I got (3 droid erises, 3 motorola droids, 2 droid X's) and not a single one has worked as advertised.
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Feb 2, 2013
Music Player which should STOP after playing a music file and should NOT Repeat or jump play the next audio file. Option of having Stop after playing a single music file.I know except VLC beta player- which has some hanging problems & needs to be forced quit sometimes (Motorola Phone).
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Oct 13, 2010
This is probably can't be done but has anyone come up with a way to display the now playing song in the status bar ? This would be great when traveling and using the GPS as it would be nice to see what song is playing in the status bar without having to slide the notification bar down especially when driving. Maybe a scrolling artist/song title.
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May 25, 2010
My question is : on the HTC Desire, is it possible to listen music with the default player, while doing something else like browsing the web? Because when I'm under the music player app, listening to something, and then I click (or long-click) "home" button, the sound stops. Also, while i'm listening to a track, if a phone call comes in, the music is paused, but when the call ends, the track position is lost and it starts from the beginning. Is all this normal?
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Feb 9, 2010
Does anyone know if there's an app that will play Nintendo music? The files I'm talking about are .NSF files. There's an app on WinMo that will do it but I haven't seen anything for Android that will.
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Oct 1, 2010
I'm currently using double twist, but it doesn't seem to allow you to "play all" by an artist. I need a music player that will allow me to do that. I use the phone as a "best of" since all of my music can not fit on the phone.
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Jan 28, 2010
I want to know that can we stop playing sound or music of other application which actually plays the music from our application? Something like get the handle of MusicPlayer or AudioManager in our application and using this handle stop the currently playing sound.
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Aug 9, 2010
I have followed the steps to create my media player object but I cant understand why it is not playing the music track. I used the following code...
but no sound is playing through the emulator, and furthermore when i check the method mp.isPlaying() it returns false. What have I missed?
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Apr 4, 2010
I don't think i'm using the right search terms or else no one else cares about this and it's just me i use doggcatcher for my podcasts. when i want to listen to music, i use the music app. but i have play all random, it pulls from the entire SD card, not just the music folder where i have the music. basically, it's just annoying to have the random music playing and then all of sudden a chapter from an audio book or a podcast starts playing, esp when i'm driving. i don't like having to mess with it then. i have also used it to sync with mediamonkey, but if i have more than one playlist that syncs (i have "favorites" and "recently added"), then i can only pick one playlist at a time to listen to. i can't figure out a way to make a smart playlist or anything like that on the eris. i even downloaded that cube 3 or whatever that was on Lifehacker recently - but that doesn't have anything either.
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Apr 6, 2009
We are trying to test the Music Player (Music.apk) with Monkey. We have added the permissions in AndroidManifest.xml of Camera application (Camera.AK): <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SET_ACTIVITY_WATCHER" /> In the same file, we have added intent for MovieView Activity: <category android:name="android.intent.category.MONKEY" /> We use the following commands: # Launch the Music Player am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n # Launch Monkey to test Music player monkey -p -v -v -v 500 But, we get the error message: "// Rejecting start of Intent.
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Jul 24, 2010
I want to stream across my home network from an external shared drive but haven't yet found an app that will do it. Don't want homepipe or anything that will use my internet bandwidth as its only for when i'm connected to my home router. ES file explorer achieves it ok and plays the files from the drive but it won't Queue them or play a whole folders worth or anything, so after every song I have to go back to the phone and fiddle around for the next one.
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May 26, 2010
I have a unique situation I need assitance with...about 1.5 years ago I ripped all my cd's to my harddrive in mp3 format, for a thousand or so mp3's. My cd's have all since been stolen out of my car, and a week ago my hard drive crashed. I used a restore tool & was able to retrieve a lot of info from the drive, however none of the files have names on them, just 0001 0002 etc etc. Now my question. I have loaded all my music onto my htc incredible, and am looking for something like pandora which allows you to quickly mark a song as good or bad, and move onto the next. I want to sort through these to see which ones I want to keep, as I don't want to take the time to rename every song from every album as I usually only like 3-4 songs per album. So i want some music player that either I can assign them to a playlist, then sync the playlist to my pc, and sort through that way, or something that allows me to delete the song straight from the main screen. Now before anyone says yes you can delete using astro, or long clicking, what i'm trying to accomplish is to either delete the song, move the song, rate it, or simply mark it good or bad, in 1-2 clicks. If I have to go through screen after screen to delete or assign to a playlist with over 1000+ songs, it'll drive me crazy. I'd rather not do it on my PC as i'd like to do it while walking around wearing headphones.
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Oct 5, 2010
So most of us know we can play a slideshow while listening to music, but how about something like Windows can do with visualizations. I'm looking for an app or something possibly "sound activated" that will show a cool background while listening to music (sort of like Windows does). The active wallpaper's are sort of on track, but not exactly what I'm looking for. The closest thing I found so far was the glow stick that changes colors...any other ideads?
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Jul 19, 2010
is there a way to find the 'noise produced' by a currently playing sound (MediaPlayer) -Like in many music editor software you import a song and it does a graphical layout of the song -like a graph with it higher up at louder bits. Hard to explain. But there must be a way to do this on android...
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Jan 12, 2010
My Droid is randomly playing one of the songs in my music folder (always the same song). I have 2.0.1 loaded. Phone is from Verizon. In only plays thru the song once but I cannot figure out where it is coming from??
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Nov 4, 2010
I am New to android, My task is to playing a small audio file when we touch an image?
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