Motorola Droid X : Music App Showing Pic From Contacts When Playing

Sep 1, 2010

How do I change this behavior? Driving me nuts. Every time I play a song in "Music" player, I get the backdrop pic from one of my contacts. I don't remember assigning this anywhere, how to change?

Motorola Droid X : Music app showing pic from contacts when playing

Motorola Droid X :: Music Stops Playing

Aug 1, 2010

When I am listening to the music app, or btunes, or mix zing; about one in four times I turn the screen off, the music stops playing. I've tried turning of my task killer, but to no avail. At first, I had a second issue as well: the music would play for only about 15 mins then stop, however, I managed to figure out that that was the 'Data-Off' timer I had set for the battery's 'Smart Mode' (though I'm not sure what data has to do with playing music stored locally). Nevertheless, swapping to 'Performance Mode' solved that. But for the life of me, I cannot figure out why a quarter of the time I turn the screen off, it kills the music.

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Motorola Droid X :: Freeze Ups While Playing Music?

Nov 10, 2010

I have alot of issues with my Droid X freezing up while playing music from the phone's default music player. Has anyone else experienced this? If so, any suggestions on a fix?

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Motorola Droid :: Playing Streaming Music

Dec 18, 2009

Is there any way to play Streaming radio stations other than apps built for specific services (like Pandora/ clarify, I mean online radio stations, that use .pls files to play streams. Some also have plugin players, but since Flash isn't on the Droid yet I'm not too worried about them. But it seems like it ought to be possible to play streaming .pls files.I tried to download one and it said it couldn't be downloaded because the size could not be determined.

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Motorola Droid :: Playing Music Via Bluetooth

May 2, 2010

I have a kenwood dnx6140 headunit that has a handful of features(bluetooth, navigation, yada yada....I have a handsfree voice system aswell which i use regularly with my droid which runs on bluetooth with no problems.....Heres the good stuff...When i try to play pandora or slacker via bluetooth it works but its very bumpy or skippy so i cant clearly hear the music....I dnt know why.?

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Motorola : Playing Music From Droid In A Newer GM Car?

Mar 22, 2010

trying to play music via bluetooth in my new Cobalt SS. voice works fine but music just plays on the speakerphone like always. any idea? besides an FM modulator.. no tape deck either.

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Motorola Droid X : 2.2 Music Player Not Playing Mp3?

Aug 22, 2010

Has anyone figured out a work around for the music player in 2.2 not playing mp3? Maybe a working apk that we can install? I can't even use my custom ringtones until my phone can play mp3s, really annoying!

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Motorola Droid X :: Playing Music Phone Keeps Shutting Off

Aug 31, 2010

It shuts off and reboots when im on the phone. Also when I'm playing my music it stops about halfway through a song and goes back to the main screen.

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Motorola : Droid 2 Frequently Crashes When Playing Music

Sep 27, 2010

I'm the proud owner of a month old Droid 2, but the damn thing keeps freezing or locks up completely when I play my music on it - sometimes it even restarts on its own. It doesn't matter if I'm playing my own MP3's or Pandora. While at work this happens maybe 3 to 5 times a day (docked to a desk/home charger from Verizon) and it's really frustrating. I noticed this started happening once my phone updated to 2.2.20 a few weeks ago. Just this past weekend I took it to my local Verizon dealer. They said they updated the PRL and this often corrects the problem. I got the phone home and it locked up immediately. I've restarted repeatedly, removed the SD card and battery but still no change. Any suggestions? This will be my fourth replacement if I need to take it back and have it replaced.

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Media : Motorola Droid Just Stopped Playing Music

Nov 23, 2009

my moto droid will no longer play music, whether it be from pandora or my memory card... did i mess something up in the settings or do i need it replaced

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Motorola Droid : Trouble Playing My Own Music Files On 2.2

Aug 23, 2010

first the M4A file issues: Since i have been upgraded to 2.2, I can no longer play m4a files NOR files imported into iTunes from my own cd and then put on my phone. I get an error saying, this file type is not supported. Obviously the error is self describing by why did Android stop supporting these file. What am I supposed to do now? if these files are DRM free why would Android have a problem playing them. do they want to push their own music service. If so, thats fine, but thats not even out yet. Most of my searches on this topic come up unanswered. ALSO, when I go to play a song in mSpot, it starts to download and then it says "There was an error during song playback" I can play the song on the mspot website, but not through the app. Anyone else a little peeved by this update for these reasons?

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Motorola : Droid X Overheat / Freeze Issues When Playing Music

Oct 13, 2010

So, I've been having issues with my Droid X (this is my second, my first bricked during the 2.2 upgrade.) It's fairly reproducible, and I want to know if it's just me or if everyone's experiencing this. It generally happens when I have the phone in the car dock, It's connected to my stereo for phone and A2DP via bluetooth and music is playing, though my mom (who just got a droid X) called me yesterday to say it was happening when she was listening to music on her way to New York and she was pretty frustrated. Basically, what it boils down to is music playback starts getting choppy, the phone gets warmer than average running temperature (though not horribly hot) and eventually music playback stops. While double-tapping the home button still opens that 'say a command' voice prompt, the screen takes forever to draw and the phone runs sluggish as hell. Other than that, the screen is unresponsive, the home button doesn't actually do anything, and the only way to get the phone out of this state is a battery pull. This particularly sucks because I've gotten used to using my phone as my in-car music player AND for navigation so since it is so frequently going down in the middle of driving places I can't really rely on it anymore. It may just be my device, too. When it's plugged into some computers in my house, the bottom half of the touch screen becomes unresponsive. When I brought it to the Verizon store to get it replaced, the incompetent rep basically determined that since I'm running LauncherPro, my device must be rooted and refused to honor my warranty. I'm getting pretty fed up with Verizon. I'm on my 8th replacement phone from the first droid I got (3 droid erises, 3 motorola droids, 2 droid X's) and not a single one has worked as advertised.

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Motorola Droid X :: Showing Too Many Contacts

Sep 14, 2010

In my contacts its showing everyone that has ever emailed me or that I have emailed from my gmail in my contacts. I have had this problem in the past with my Inc and Droid but all I did was go into settings and have it show only people with phone numbers but on my X I can't find this setting. Am I overlooking it somewhere or is there no setting for this?

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Motorola Droid X : Contacts Not Showing Up Properly

Jul 19, 2010

Got my X today, had Verizon transfer the contacts from my Omnia to the X. (Backup Assistant was not available for the Omnia)Anyway, on the home screen, if I click the bottom right contacts button, none of my contacts show up, even under the different categories. Nothing in google, nothing in phone contacts.However, if I click the bottom left button (phone icon), it brings up all of my contacts.How can I get this migrated over to the other contacts? I tried backup assistant and m:IQ, with no luck. Neither of them back up the contacts listed on the left icon list.Any help is appreciated.

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Motorola Droid :: Game Sound Files Showing Up In Music Player

Jun 8, 2010

I installed some games (H.A.W.X and a few other from Gameloft) and all the sound files from the game show up in my Music List.

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Motorola Droid X : Music App Showing Deleted Songs / Rescan SD Card?

Aug 22, 2010

I don't know if this is a problem with using double twist to sync music then the default player to play it, but i recently wiped all my phones music using double twist media sync program and then put some more music on... after this i went into the default music player and it was very lagy and showed songs that i had removed with double twist but when i went to play them it would play a random song that was on the phone... does anyone know how to get the media player on droid x to rescan your SD card so i can realize that some songs are gone now?

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Motorola Droid X :: All Sent Email Addresses Showing Up In Contacts?

Jul 27, 2010

I am a new droid user, coming from bberry tour. Want to love the X and it is slowly growing on me. I am using an activesync account with for my work email which syns calendar/contacts/email. For some reason every email address that i have ever sent an email to shows up as a contact.anyone else seen this or know how to resolve? all of my contacts are in there that i want but there are an additional 500+ "contacts" that are just email addresses that i have sent to through work.

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Motorola Droid :: Contacts Not Showing Up / Sending Text

Feb 1, 2010

Anyone have this happen when you go to send a text? Normally, I'll type in the first few letters of the persons name and it will come up with some options from my contact list. Certain contacts don't show up when I do this.

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Motorola Droid :: New Contacts Not Showing Up In Search Results / Way To Fix?

Feb 1, 2010

When I go into contacts on my phone and start typing "M", it automatically starts showing up all contacts that start with "M"...but one is missing. It's a contact that I added on my phone, not on gmail on my computer. When I manually scroll down the contacts list, the contact is there. When I log into gmail on my computer, the contact is there and is listed under "My Contacts". Anyway ideas?

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Motorola Droid X :: Contacts Showing In Phone But Not Contact List

Jul 20, 2010

Came over to the X from a Storm 2, the verizon rep brought over my blackberry contacts to the X.The problem is, when i go to phone, these numbers show up, but if i go in thru contacts it only shows contacts i have setup since i purchased the phone.I did a search and could not find this exact problem, any other former BB users have this problem?

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Motorola Droid 2 :: Facebook Contacts Showing In Default Contact List

Sep 5, 2010

Is there a way to make it so that the facebook contacts, etc, don't show up in your default contact list? I just want to show the names and phone numbers of the people that I have actually programmed into my phone, not everyone that I have on facebook.

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Motorola Droid :: Display Music "now Playing" In Status Bar?

Oct 13, 2010

This is probably can't be done but has anyone come up with a way to display the now playing song in the status bar ? This would be great when traveling and using the GPS as it would be nice to see what song is playing in the status bar without having to slide the notification bar down especially when driving. Maybe a scrolling artist/song title.

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Motorola Milestone :: Music Playing By Itself

Apr 17, 2010

Here's one that is going to confuse you all.My Milestone has taken to playing music by itself at random.It's not an alarm. It's not the music player being started either! At 0832 one day, music started blasting out while it was in the dock. Another time, it began when I removed headphones after watching a video (and returning to the home screen). Once it has started when I disconnected a Bluetooth car kit. I can adjust the volume but nothing else! I have to open the music player, and then it shows the music as paused - but it's still playing. To stop it, I must press play, then stop/pause again. And then it stops. It's happening maybe once every day or two, and is incredibly annoying. I just can't figure out what might be causing it. It MUST be an app that I've got running or have installed, but which one? Has ANYONE else had a similar problem, perhaps that they thought was just a one off glitch?

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Motorola : Playing BG Music Across Activities In Android

Jan 19, 2010

We're developing an Android game and we play some background music for our intro (we have an Intro Activity) but we want it to continue playing to the next Activity, and perhaps be able to stop or play the music again from anywhere within the application. What we're doing at the moment is play the bgm using MediaPlayer at our Intro Activity. However, we stop the music as soon as the user leaves that Activity. Do we have to use something like Services for this? Or is MediaPlayer/SoundPool enough? If anyone knows the answer, we'd gladly appreciate your sharing it with us.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Playing Music Through Car Speakers

Nov 3, 2010

Is there anyway to play music from your phone through your car speakers? Is there an app for that?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Playing Streaming Music

Jan 12, 2010

Is there a way to play the music on sites like this is one thing the blackberries blow away the Eris with.

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Media :: Sleeping Droid Stops Playing Music

Nov 23, 2009

When I'm using my DROID to listening to music, after a minute the phone goes to sleep to save battery and it just cuts of the music. Is there a way to change it so even though its sleeping it'll still play? I'm going on a long trip soon and I don't want to have to take my iPod too.. I just want one music device so I have less chords.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Answering Calls While Playing Music

Nov 19, 2010

I am really happy with my Droid Eris, but there is one exception. I listen to Pandora on my phone almost daily at work. I have a radio that has an audio input so I connect my phone and play it through the radio. The problem is when someone calls me. I usually don't answer and call them right back from the work line, but sometimes, like today, I get frustrated and I want to answer the cell. First, if I don't disconnect the headphone jack the person calling cannot hear me. Second, if I disconnect it and take the call as soon as the call disconnects the music starts and it is usually blaring! This happened today and I was so embarrassed when the song 'Broken Wings' by Mr. Mister went blaring and about 30 people could hear it and the phone was not responding to turn it off! I really hope someone can help me with this issue.

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General :: Music Player Without Playing Or Jumping To Next Music File

Feb 2, 2013

Music Player which should STOP after playing a music file and should NOT Repeat or jump play the next audio file. Option of having Stop after playing a single music file.I know except VLC beta player- which has some hanging problems & needs to be forced quit sometimes (Motorola Phone).

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HTC Droid Eris :: Stream Music That Is Playing On Phone Into Winamp?

Apr 19, 2010

Is there a way to stream music that is playing on your phone into Winamp? For instance, if using Pandora or Slacker radio and I have my computer headset on, I would like to listen to the music that is playing on my phone, on my computer. My media player of choice is Winamp.

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