Motorola Droid :: Lock Screen Sound
Apr 8, 2010I have a pattern lock on but I would like to be able to silence my phone real quick like I could without the pattern lock. Is there a setting I am missing or something to act as a work around

I have a pattern lock on but I would like to be able to silence my phone real quick like I could without the pattern lock. Is there a setting I am missing or something to act as a work around
I'm finding that when I switch to "Sound Off" on my lock screen, it's turning off vibrate too. Does anyone know if its possible to change the default behavior of "Sound Off" to be "Vibrate On", or at least not to affect things that are already on vibrate?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'd like to set the sound slider on the lock screen of my Droid to make my phone set to vibrate instead of fully silent. Is there a way to do this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIf I have music playing in the music app, and I do a "swipe-left" from the lock screen to turn "Sound Off", it doesn't mute the music. Is this the same for others? To me this seems like a bug.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI don't know if this setting was here before 2.2 or not but I just found it. The opition for the phone to make sound when locking or unlocking it. I now hear a simple clicking sound. Does anyone now how the change these 2 sounds, I have a few mechanical sounds that would compliment the Droid theme. The transformers sound effect would be the shit when unlocking...
View 49 Replies View RelatedOkay, so I originally noticed that 2.2 now had a feature that allows you to assign a noise when locking/ unlocked your screen when I force updated my original Droid 1. When it came time to get the Droid 2 I went into settings and made sure that the option was still there and it was. So I set it and locked the screen, didn't hear a thing. Unlocked the screen and still didn't hear anything. Put the phone up to my ear and locked, and there was the ever so slightest clicking noise that was almost non existent (that's how low it was). So I instantly made sure that all volumes were set to high and they were. At that point I figured that's just how it was, and there was no changing it. I was kinda upset.And then today came!!! Out of nowhere, the phone now makes a nice and loud lock and unlock sound. It's so random, I don't understand why it would change its mind out of nowhere.
View 9 Replies View RelatedFor those of you who would like to spice up their lock screen, I have created an image of a master lock, that stretches as you slide across the screen!I have included a screen shot of this in action, as well as a link to the .9.png - which needs to be installed using NinjaMorph.I'm loving it, let me know what you think!MultiUpload Download Master Lock .9.PNG
View 45 Replies View Relatedjust rooted my nexus one, just wondering if its possible.
View 4 Replies View Relatedjust wondering if there is an app that makes a sound when ive done my patteren correct and unlocks my phone? some people usually have their phone say something like "Droid" just wondering if theres an app for that, thanks for reading
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am going crazy here... I've had this thing since it launched and everything is great except I keep hitting buttons with my face during calls! I mute, sometimes end calls, start 3 way calls etc and I have no idea how to prevent it. Is there any way I can make the screen lock during phone calls or change the call screen altogether?
View 12 Replies View RelatedI'm having an issue with my phone. Most of the time my lock screen is focused on screen 4 (I use 5 screens) instead of on whatever screen I go to when unlocked. Does anybody else have this problem? I'm using Launcherpro if that makes a difference.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy nephew was playing with my phone and evidently set a password on the phone to wake it up. He told me the password and I can use it to wake the phone up just fine but I use the slide screen, but now there is both password unlock and the slide screens. I cant figure how to remove the password one
View 10 Replies View RelatedBefore I updated to 2.2 I turned off the default lock screen and kept off through the update process and now with 2.2 there is no option to turn it back on only the pin, password and pattern options are available. Anyone have a suggestion as to how to get it back?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for a screen lock app that I've seen people use on their phone.Its where they have to trace circles , like a grid, to unlock their phone.Anybody know what I'm talking about? and will it work for the X?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to turn off the screen licking when the screen shuts off unless I lock it myself. So annoying to have to unlock it when I don't need it locked.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAnyone running 2.2 already on the X, is there still lock screen lag?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWell if you use widget locker, and a security lock, Froyo Forces you to: Unlock widget locker lock screen, then undo the lock screen, then enter your security code. However with Android Eclair 2.1, there is an option to turn off the screen lock. From my understanding, if you had the lock-screen disabled when you do the update, it will remain disabled after the OTA. However there is no longer any way to enable it because Google removed the option. As most people would find that bad, it should allow me to use widgetlocker, and a security lock without having to unlock the screen twice. Or of course, just use widget locker, as I have no intention of going back to the stock lock screen.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWidgetLocker is a great app that allows you to put widgets on your lock screen and add more sliders. you can also change the style of the lock to the sense style.
View 39 Replies View RelatedI have a Droid X. I was previously employed by a company that used Exchange Server and Active Sync and I added my company email account to the Droid X. This forced me to use a 4 digit pin as required by the mail admin of the company. I no longer work for this company, and deleted the active sync account from my phone (and no longer have access to it by any means). The security settings for the PIN. When I check SETTINGS -> LOCATION & SECURITY -> CHANGE SCREEN LOCK -> CHANGE SCREEN LOCK the options, "None" and "Pattern" are grayed out and not selectable. When I look under SETTINGS -> LOCATION & SECURITY ->SELECT DEVICE ADMINISTRATORS the device administrator is listed a "Corporate Sync" and I cannot change or delete this.
View 7 Replies View RelatedIm sure this has already been asked but are there any apps out there that turns off the slide to unlock/draw pattern to unlock screen? Its getting annoying to have to press the power button and then have to deal with a lock pattern. Ideally I would like to press the button and go.
View 8 Replies View RelatedDid Verizon seriously remove the option to not have a lock screen on the 2.2 OTA?
View 12 Replies View RelatedOn my iPhone I had an app that showed my daily calendar and new txts and emails on my lock screen. Is there something like that for the Droid?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI ordered the Droid 2 from VerizonWireless off their site received the phone and noticed that when I go to the lock screen .Examples: "you have stolen this phone and it must be returned. You have been reported to Verizon and if not returned we will find you...because there's an app for that."captain"."This phone is owned by "random name" call "number" to return immediately.(I have called a couple of these and they are legit with the name and number)Currently it is displaying "This phone belongs to Inah Me (phone number) if lost please call (phone number) called tech support and they said that in 30 years of support they've never seen anything like it. We reset the phone back to stock default uninstalling everything on the phone.
View 8 Replies View RelatedThe lag appears to be back. I know it's been reported in other threads, but does anyone have any insight on this?
View 5 Replies View RelatedWell, I'm not sure what changed. I installed 2.2 the first day it was available. However, tonight after I turned it back on, I now must unlock my screen. I have not installed anything and I'm not sure why it locks now. I went into the Menu>Settings>Location&Security and can no longer disable the lock screen. What has changed?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI don't see this issue covered so I'll ask it.Apologize if someone has already mentioned it.When I put the Droid into the car dock, it automatically converts to the car home screen like it is supposed to, but nothing works unless I plug in the car charger... I can push the screen and buttons till I'm blue in the finger but nothing will work while not plugged in. The second I plug it in, it work perfect. Anyone else have this issue? Is it a setting I somehow accidentally set? Should I restore it or take it back?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI upgraded to 2.2 this morning and after I did, it now ask for a PIN to unlock the screen. So, not only do I have to slide the lock over, I also have to enter a PIN. So, I went into settings and was going to turn it off; however, the option to turn off the screen unlock security now says "Disabled by remote phone administrator".
What am I missing here? There has to be a way to turn that off. I can't see how they can force me to use a PIN to unlock my phone.
Can someone confirm the Droid lock screen bypass has been fixed.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I get the 2.0.1 lock screen back?! I hate this 2.0 lock screen! I want the new one! I'm running scholes mod. Rooted, everything went awesome! but this!
View 13 Replies View RelatedIt was an awesome feature on 2.1 on the droidx... now in froyo it's gone?Am I the only person that doesn't have monkeys in my pocket accidentally activating my phone? When I turn it on, I want it on, not "ready to be unlocked".
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