Motorola Droid X :: View History In Calculator App?
Aug 26, 2010On my Nexus One and Incredible, you use the trackball and optical track pad, but the X doesn't have one. So how do you view calculation history on the X?

On my Nexus One and Incredible, you use the trackball and optical track pad, but the X doesn't have one. So how do you view calculation history on the X?
Anyone know of a way (built into OS, app or otherwise) to view notification history? My notification light just came on and phone made the notification noise, but when I picked up the phone and pulled down the notification bar, there was no notification. Wasn't an email (checked my gmail account and inbox was empty) and I don't think it was a text, unless I accidentally deleted it. Not very concerned, but it made me wonder if there is a way to view notification history.... any ideas?
View 4 Replies View RelatedFor instance instead of bringing up the call history and searching each call for one of your contacts is there a way to bring up the history for just 1 contact?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy Droid notified me that I had updates yesterday (yea!). I attended to the other two notifications (email and an SMS) and by that time the update notification was gone. When I go into settings and check for update, it says it's up to date.
Is there a way I can view my Notifications History so that I can go get the updates?
The calculator app that comes with the Android OS apparently has an error. I've confirmed this error with two other Moto Droids and one HTC Android phone. In the calculator app enter:
3322.72 - 3321.92 then = and the answer is .799999
The correct answer is .80. This may seem like a minor point (.000001 error) but the answer is still wrong! Basic arithmetic operations should be a no brainer.A Verizon service rep confirmed this error on the Droid and Eris phones he had in their call center.
There has to be a better calculator out there, I mean CA MON! I am not looking for a scientific or some uber math calculus crazy calculator but I am looking for something that isn't so .
I mean we have a DROID! Why is this Calc so CRAPPY! Please tell me there is something out there, in the market, or even a 3rd party APK file.
Can you see your Google Wallet app transaction history on the web somewhere? It _looks_ like you should be able to see purchases made using the Google Wallet app at [URL]..., but this page just lists my Google Checkout transactions -- there's no record here of anything I bought using the phone app. As far as I can tell, the only place where I can see any record of those transactions is on the phone itself by selecting "Transactions" in the Google Wallet app. Is there a way to see this stuff online that I'm missing? And if these transactions _are_ only recorded on the phone, will all record of them be erased if/when my phone is wiped?
View 9 Replies View RelatedIn the contacts where u can view the HISTORY, A-Z, STATUS Anyone know how to clear the history? It shows the history of every single thing about every contact you have. I've been at it for a good part of the day and can't find anything
View 20 Replies View RelatedI found the Clear Browser, Clear Cache, and cookies option in the setting and did that, but when i go on craigslist on the droid browser it still shows on what Ive previously clicked on. does anyone know how to clear this so that it looks like Ive never been on the site?
View 11 Replies View RelatedI noticed that after I upgraded to 2.2 on my Droid, the "clear download history" option is now gone. It used to have "cancel all downloads" and "clear download history." So, does anyone know how to go about clearing download history?
View 8 Replies View Relatedanyone know how to clear the contact history?
View 1 Replies View Relatedi want to clear my market history. I know there is a way to do it with the G1 through root access, but the G1 has a different system of android.
View 14 Replies View RelatedIf you already know how to do this, I apologize. I just thought I'd let people know there's an app that actually successfully erases the market history! I found it last night when I was trying to find a way to delete my "Frequent Calls" list (Worst thing ever!). It's called HistoryEraser. It successfully erased my entire Market History. It also resets frequent calls, google maps searches, call logs, and browser history. Enjoy.
View 9 Replies View RelatedAt least according to this article: Click Here
View 30 Replies View RelatedIs there a history option for the stock Droid browser? There are some sites I have been to but didn't bookmark them and am wondering if there is a way I can go and locate those sites!
View 2 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know how I can increase the call history of Droid X. The recent tab only shows most recent calls.
Is there anyway to have a full history of phone calls?
I want to invoke the android calculator from within my app. I don't want to pass anything to it, just provide a quick launch button to it. Can anyone show me how or point me to an example of how to do this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedSometimes I like to get rid of all the texts etc. from someone on my phone. But on the X, I can delete the text message, no problem. But how do I delete the history from under my contacts. What I mean is when you go to your contact list and select a contact you can view the contact but then move the screen over and view all recent history with them. That still sits there after a text thread has been deleted. Is there a way to prevent this from even happening or at least some way to delete the history?
View 4 Replies View RelatedDoes the stock Google maps app have waypoints you can set. Does it track and keep history in memory? If not, what is the best app to use with the GPS?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there any update on the call and text history issue or is there an app to erase
View 1 Replies View RelatedJust got the droid and I love it. However I was playing around with the Google Maps Directions and such, entered in a few locations and it saved all of them to my Layers screen. How can I clear them? I don't want those there when I hit the layers button, but I can't find any option to clear them.
View 12 Replies View RelatedHow can I delete my map search history?
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo, I've had my Droid for about a week and a half now, and just starting yesterday, it keeps deleting my message history. The phone freezes up, the causes me to force close my messages and I have to restart the phone in order to get back in to my inbox. Any suggestions?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have two quick questions1. How do i clear search/ browser history. An do the sites i access appear online under the account info for sites visited. E.g- phandroid, google, etc.
View 2 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know how to clear the history in youtube or marketplace? Disclaimer-It's not from searching for inappropriate things rather it is knowing it can be done. I have not been able to locate a way to do this, anyone figure it out? The browser and the main menu history is easy to reset, but youtube and marketplace seem impossible.
View 10 Replies View RelatedOnly way I can get it up is after a upload is completed.Is there another way to get it up? I want to clean my photos that ive uploaded..
View 2 Replies View RelatedI upgraded to the 2.2 os. Things have been slow/glitchy off and on since then. My text messaging notifications are now spotty, especially the sound, whereas before they worked great. The worst though, is that I discovered that all my text messaging history appears to have vanished beyond about 10 days ago. Before the update, my history was there from July 15, the day I got my phone. I have lost some very important texts. Does anyone know if there is any way to recover this? I have found messages in the forums about text messages being stored in the contact history even after deletion, but I have checked there and the history only goes back the same length as my text messages now, about 10 days or so. I am very upset about losing the message history for some of my important contacts.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have created quite a list of places i've searched for on Google Maps and now want to clear that down. Clicking menu does not give me the option to clear it off so I want to find a way of gettign rid of that history.Any ideas? Its annoying that its not obvious or on the main menu!
View 2 Replies View RelatedDelete magnifying glass icons history?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI discovered an option in street view that is called "Compass View". Not sure what use it is but I thought it was cool. You have to hold the phone in portrait as opposed to landscape for the compass to work...check it out.
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