Motorola Droid X : App For Longer Call History?
Nov 4, 2010Does anyone know how I can increase the call history of Droid X. The recent tab only shows most recent calls.
Is there anyway to have a full history of phone calls?

Does anyone know how I can increase the call history of Droid X. The recent tab only shows most recent calls.
Is there anyway to have a full history of phone calls?
Is there any update on the call and text history issue or is there an app to erase
View 1 Replies View RelatedFor some reason the history tab on the system panel app no longer works. When I click it nothing happens. I'm not sure why it stopped. Every other part of the program works fine. Any idea what the problem could be?
Also I'm typing this from the default browser and it seems to be working just fine, I'm impressed.
I checked this with several of my friends, everyone's chat history stopped syncing.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy phone time and date is correct and in settings I have auto detect selected. All of my call history times are off by 10 hrs ahead?
View 3 Replies View RelatedMoving on, my problem has to do with "Call-History". What I've noticed is that while I can see the phone-numbers of people in my contacts list people whose number I do not have show up as, bear with me, "Unknown". When I navigate to "Call History", (Say a friend whose number I don't have calls me). I can't add their number to my contact list. This is an increasingly frustrating problem for me. I'll navigate to the "Call History" screen and find that there's no way for me to identify what numerical-phone number called me. There will simply be the designation; "Unknown", while holding down on the entry (while the time/length of the call can be viewed). There is no way to add nor even view, the again, [Unknown] number to my contact list. Phones are ultimately communication devices, if I can't find a solution, well, I'm convinced that I'm going to have to down-grade from a smart-phone to something capable of recording and adding unknown numbers.
View 5 Replies View RelatedSince the time I have upgraded to KitKat- I have been facing the issue of Call History. Every Time I miss a Call and I click on the name/number- Its asks me to select a default option of whoch way to open that entry , that is, through Dialer or through History. I tried selecting history and clicked on the "always use this option" but the same thing kept happening every time. After a few tries, I chose the other option and did the same thing and it again kept appearing... It looks like there's a bug in this and it never really saves my preference.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am trying to make a VoIP application and I wanted to know if it is possible to do the following with the Call Logs content provider -
I want to add new Call Log records for the VoIP call along with the call logs for the regular call. How can I add new records to the existing Call logs content provider?
I want to add custom fields to the Call Logs like a session ID and SIP address(name@domain) field. How can I customize the call logs database?
Prolly a dumb question but I can't figure out how to update an existing contact using the call history. In the call history window I can press and hold on a call. This brings up the "save to contacts" option. Not sure what to do after that.
View 2 Replies View RelatedNot sure if it's a feature or a bug...but here's the scenario. How is it possible for a call to be in voicemail but not show up in the call history?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI've had two HTC hero's on T-Mobile, and on my old one I used to be able to check the time I made or received a call on the 'call history' display. I had that phone stolen and got a replacement that is identical but running newer software, I think. All is great, except for the fact that it no longer displays the time a call was made or received in the history. I see this as a very important feature to have on a phone, so how can I get it to work properly? At present it just says the date - no time.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAnyone know how to see the time of call instead of just the date in my Hero's Call History?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to extract information from the call log of the android. I am getting the call date that is one month back from the actual time of call. I mean to say that the information extracted by my code for the date of call is one mont back than the actual call date.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I get details about a phone call in my history? Amount of time on the call, when it was made, what time, etc?
View 3 Replies View RelatedFirst.. whet i tap "phone" from my home screen i get the phone number pad up with recent calls behind it. can it be changed so that contacts comes up instead? how do i delete the call history?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm a new Hero user in Taiwan.I have encountered an issue with the Call History the phone provides.It only provides the date, followed by yesterday, 2 days ago etc. However, I need to know what time I made and received the calls. I know the information is embedded in the phone somewhere but I can't find it. For example: I receive a call say 3:30pm and I tell my caller I'll arrive in 20 minutes. There is traffic, and I forgot when they called me. The phone will only tell me that they called today which is useless.second complaint. The phone does not tell me my talk time. Is there an application that tells me the minutes I have compiled as well as the time talked for my last call?I've tried downloading Exact Call Log. But it gives me this error message:The Application Exact Call Log (process at.ecl.exactcalllog) has stopped unexpectedly. Please Try Again.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am trying to search for a particular contact number in call log and in contact book of the android phone. But I found that the contact number are stored in different way in contact book and call log. For e.g. I have a contact number 9889880912 to search in the call log and contact book. To do this, I do the following: add a contact in the android emulator. When i write the contact number for the contact as 9889880912 , it automaticlly gets changed to 988-988-0912 The dash sign (-) are automatically inserted in the contact number. I saved the number. Make a call to this number from the emulator. Now, using my code, when I am searching for a contact number in contact list by 9889880912,it shows no result when I am trying to search by contact number 988-988-0912 , the contact information from contact book is displayed. However, when I am trying to search for 988-988-0912 in call log history, it is displayed. but when I am trying to search for 9889880912 in call history , I get no result. How can I get the contact search by 9889880912 in contact book.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have HTC Desire. Is there way I can delete individual call history instead of delete all?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWas playing around with the phone the other day and accidently came across the total call history in time spent on the phone,incoming and outgoing. I cannot find out how to get back there, does anybody know?
View 5 Replies View RelatedCant find out how to delete the call history on my HTC desire.
View 5 Replies View RelatedJust wanted to ask if someone knows how to see the time missed call was made?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've had my Hero for 8 months. Last week all of a sudden it has stopped showing outgoing or incoming calls in Call History. Pretty damn annoying. I can't see any obvious settings to change nor find similar posts.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow to retrieve a call history? Send me some link or give me some way to find it.I am a beginner.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to delete a single entry in your call history without deleting the rest of your call history? I've been going through all the menus but I can't seem to find a way to delete just one number.
Also, I used to own a Palm Treo 650 (Palm OS). With it, you could literally hide single contacts by setting a contact privacy password. This setting was deep in the settings and upon finishing setting it up, you could password lock that menu as well, the title of it and all. So this way, if you hand your phone to a colleague for them to make a quick call, they can't go through your phonebook or recents to try to get your numbers.
I bring this up because a few years ago, this lady I worked with let another co-worker use her phone to make a call and the lady ended up copying a specific number from the woman's recent list without her knowledge. She took the number and harassed the person so much they had to get a restraining order on her. And it was later found out the only way she could have gotten the number is the time she let the woman use her phone.
Call me paranoid but the Treo offered that security feature and I haven't seen it since. Is there any way to do this on the EVO that I just may be missing?
Also, does anyone know of something like a "guest mode" app on the marketplace where the guest can only use what you allow them to and not have access to recents or phonebook, like, just the core function, like sms/mms, net, phone, or calc, etc.
I had this problem with my Eris too (problem or new addition?) with 2.1v3. When I had a missed call, if I didn't clear my call history, when I turn my phone off and then back on again later, I still get the missed call notification on my lock screen. Is that a new feature they added or something messed up? If there's a way to turn it off, can somebody please tell me?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow do you check the timer for the duration of your phone calls in the call history?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI understand how to clear call history... but what are all those phone numbers that are displayed behind the phone's dialer pad if not call history? Is there a way to clear those or not have them display? thanks
View 2 Replies View Related2 issues i am facing currently with my ICS:
1) Grouping: I have almost 500 contacts and i want to group contacts into many several categories but when i create a group and i want to add some contacts there i have to type the name of the person i want to add and then add him manually one by one. How on earth can i remember each and every contact i want to add to a group. The 2nd option is click on each contact and edit/categorize to a group.
2) Call History: My old samsung bada phone had a facility where i can see all calls and sms in my call log. And if i click any of the contact in the call log i can see when and what time that particular contact has called or smsed me. Why not this be done in my android phone.
I thought android was customizable.
in my app i want to delete the sms's/calls of specific numbers i am new to android can any body help me
View 1 Replies View RelatedI know it's supposed to as my hero did the same, so it might be a HTC sense thing. Just wondering if there's a way of stopping it from displaying my call history when I want to see my contacts? When I press the phone button, I want to call one of my contacts, not have to scroll down from my call logs! The call logs should have been on a seperate button on the bottom of the screen I think.
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