Motorola Droid X :: Red LED Flash For A Second When Unlock Phone
Jul 21, 2010Does your red LED flash for a second when you unlock your phone?

Does your red LED flash for a second when you unlock your phone?
I can't seem to find nothing on the forums. One of my stupid cousins tried to log into my phone and somehow managed to lock it completely out. Despite me telling them that I will never give them my unlock pattern they managed to lock my phone out to the point where it asks for my google account. I tried login in with failed attempts. I even logged into google and changed my password and same results. I cannot use my phone anymore. Need help. Please respond. I need to know how to get my phone unlocked.
View 7 Replies View RelatedIs there a way I can unlock a droid 2 so I can use it with a At&t?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI was wondering if theres any sort of setting or app i can use that would allow me to answer a phone call without putting in my pattern. It gets in the way during those "photo finish" call answerings where you push the button right before it goes to voice mail.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI use the unlock pattern security feature on my droid and yesterday I noticed that when I am using the phone and I take the droid away from my ear and try to put it on speakerphone or end the call, I have the put the unlock code in. This was never the case before yesterday. I reset the phone and it worked for the rest of the day (the screen would not lock during a call), but today it started happening again.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm new here. I just got my droid yesterday. I looked threw the forums and I see people asking for apps that change how the slide works. Im okay with the sliding I just cant stand hitting the power button to turn on the phone. I wanted to know if theres a app test disables the need to hit the power button so all I have to do is slide my finger across the screen and it turns on? Sorry if somebody posted this I did look for the answer but I didn't see one.
View 13 Replies View RelatedIs there a setting that I'm missing or a tweak that would let me unlock my droid when i slide the keyboard open? i see no point in having to "slide to unlock" when i already had to manually slide the keyboard out. Mose sliders will unlock when you do so, was sad that the droid doesn't .
View 15 Replies View RelatedI can't get my Droid to respond to unlock.
I've tried turning off and taking the battery out. But still remains unresponsive to touch.
Is it possible to unlock a Motorola droid to work on a cellular south network?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI know I saw it on here somewhere and I cant seem to find the thread using search
So how do we get the Flash 10.1?
Is there any way to get Flash working on a Motorola Droid? I'm new to Android and I'm just wondering
View 1 Replies View RelatedI recently Rooted my droid 1, and it went well, nothing wrong with it. I was wanting a new ROM, so i used RSD Lite to flash SP recovery to my phone. I flashed it and the screen say SPR has been installed. So on my CP on RSD Lite it said Rebooting your phone. It never rebooted it and after a while RSD said Please manually reboot your phone. So i did and when it rebooted it had the battery icon displaying o battery charge, even though i knew my phone wasn't dead, because i had it plugged in with maybe 40% remaining or so. So after unlocking my phone it displayed the Android Shutting Down Screen, but it didnt shut down, it halfway rebooted back to the "Red Eye" on start up, and it repeated this cycle over and over. I pulled the battery. Right now somehow the phone managed to stay off after shutting down, and i have it plugged in to my computer, and the little white LED light next to the USB port is on. I havent restarted it but im seeing if it will charge.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'd be surprised if Motorola delays Froyo 2.2 with Flash after so many instances of saying that it will be coming in late summer. This is just a small preview of Flash 10.1 on the X from an Adobe representative.
YouTube - Adobe Flash Player 10.1 on DROID X by Motorola
Where the hell is the Flash Player update? I'm tired of waiting for the stupid update. I'm not rooted and I'm on 2.2! When is Flash Player coming
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do i get adobe flash player on my droid?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to kill flash ads from the browser or the phone itself? i know I'm jumping the gun since flash isn't even out officially. i ran a search and came up with nothing but I'm hoping someone has heard of something for the droid
View 2 Replies View RelatedI use this browser on my NokiaN95. It's ridiculously fast and it pretty much does everything, even Flash... I've posted a link to their platform requirements page which is way over my newbie head -- so if you are a bit technically minded, can you tell me if this would work on the Droid? Also, if I would have just downloaded it to try it and it would it have NOT worked, could I have screwed something up by doing so? (I didn't try yet, thought I'd check first.) Bolt Browser - FAQ
View 2 Replies View Relatedflash back to 2.1 before i have the vz techs diagnose my phone over the phone ?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen I plug my motorola droid into my computer it recognizes the drive. But when I try to open it, it says: "no media present" . I have tried this on a vista and xp machine same results. I unmounted the sd card. Then reformatted it. Same results. Also is there a trick on how to remove it from the phone? I tried just pulling on it put its in there pretty good.
View 3 Replies View RelatedCan i download everything on my moto droid to my sd card. contacts, bookmarked web sites, ect. I'm thinking of new phone. also, any news on flash player app?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI messed up pretty big this time. I was trying to flash Bugless Beast and did a factory reset wanting to everything. Now it is stuck in a loop. All I see now is a looping droid logo.
View 4 Replies View Relatedrooted back to stock---tried to flash clockworkMod recovery b4 downloading ROMs---get message "you must root phone...Superuser not found...." -----how do i proceed?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to flash to bugless beast, but i didn't root my phone yet, do i have to root my phone first then apply the bugless beast flash?
View 2 Replies View RelatedAll the new features sites said Flash 10 was part of Driod 2.2. 2.2 was pushed to my phone overnight and I installed it. However when I go to the Adobe Flash showcase, it says I don't have flash installed. So I search the market place and do not see flash as a download. Is this just something that will come later? I really don't read up on Driod all the time so I don't know all the news, just a regular user.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have gotten both the Flash Player and Flash Lite APK's, and I have been trying to install them on the Droid. Flash Player refuses to install on stock 2.1. Flash Lite installs, but after install I can not connect to the internet (Nothing connects, Skype, market, random app, browser.)
So I wanted to know if anyone wanted to do some testing with them, to see if you can get them running on the ROM you are running. Maybe we will be able to make fun of iDevices earlier, because Droid Does what iDont
Flash Lite: FlashLitePlugin.apk
Flash Player: FlashPlayer.apk
Can someone explain to me a few things please: If you unlock your phone with a code, does that mean you can put any sim into it? If so, does it re-lock onto the new network/sim that you put it? and if so, can you unlock it again with the same code or is it permanent?Secondly, I understand that if you debrand an Orange Desire, you can install a generic ROM, but if you do an OTA update, the phone screws up (loses wi-fi) as you have updated the radio version which is incompatible with Orange and you then have to Unlock the phone to make it work again. Does this work permanently?Also, in relation to this, if you apply an unlock code first, can you then use the OTA update from HTC and not have your phone screw up? As it is no longer an "Orange" handset, or is the phone always hard coded to Orange in some way?
View 14 Replies View RelatedCan anyone tell me how to unlock the cliq xt so I can use it on an ATT network. Maybe a software to download or something.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI grew tired of unlocking with the power button so I checked the manual, which says that, alternatively, you may unlock the phone pressing the Menu button. The thing is, it does not work! I short pressed it, long pressed it and all the other 3 buttons, with no result.
View 3 Replies View RelatedOccasionally, the slide down to unlock doesn't work on my Eris, although right now is a first: It repeatedly won't let me unlock it despite putting it to sleep, then waking it up, etc.
Usually a quick sleep and then up will solve it, but I can't unlock it.
Is there any way I can fix this besides removing the battery...This will be the third time in 3 days I have to remove the battery. The first two were when my screen stayed black and wouldn't turn on...
Does anyone know how to unlock the Droid?
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