Motorola Droid X :: Constantly Going From 3G To 1X
Sep 29, 2010Is anyone else having problems with their 3G. In areas where my phone would normally have 3G all the time it's now constantly going from 3G to 1X.

Is anyone else having problems with their 3G. In areas where my phone would normally have 3G all the time it's now constantly going from 3G to 1X.
is there a way to tell what app is using the GPS? My phone's gps is constantly on even when google maps, camera app, etc isn't turned on. I'm curious what app is using it.I know i can manually turn off gps but i rather leave it on as it hasn't been affecting battery life too much so far but now the gps icon is on very frequently in the top bar.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have advanced task killer.. I kill all task and open it again and at least three of the task I killed are running again.. its really sucking the battery life away.. what can i do to make sure these programs close and stay closed? Any and all help will be appreciated. keep in mind this is my first smart phone so Im still learning
View 5 Replies View RelatedI dont know why but ive had this thing for an hour and it just keeps rebooting itself even if i try to switch to the next home screen. very very annoying. task killer showing me 105 meg free and 115 after i kill everything. how much memory are u guys showing without anything really running?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI bought my Droid 2 last week, after trading it in from an LG Ally. It's quite awesome! But little droidy is sick ): The screen is constantly banding and flickering, sometimes at different strengths. At points it's hard to look at the screen and hurts your eyes. I heard this happened with the Droid X's as well. Sadly, the day after I got my Droid 2, my 30-days (I got it at best buy) to exchange the phone ran up :<
Is there anything I can do so they can exchange this? They sold me a defective product for $200! D: I think they should listen and give me a working model.
Ive been using the HTC ime as my keyboard for a while but recently, it constantly deletes the dictionary. Ive also noticed during this time a drop in performance(have to reload all of widgets on homescreen when i go back to homescreen) Running P3 1ghz and 1.0.1 nexbeast.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI'm on my third 'X'.Both returns have been for the identical reason.3G drops seemingly at random and then hangs on 1x for 'x' amount of time before it reverts back.Yes I can manually kick start the thing by going into airplane mode but this is ridiculous.I've tried all the other band-aid approaches; hard reset, *228/1, *228/2, etc.Nothing fixes the problem.This happens way to often to be considered a fluke.I can not afford to have this happen while in navigation mode as it renders that function useless.I really need to know from someone this in fact is A) identified and B) being addressed by Moto and/or VZW. If I can't I'm afraid I will have to return this and leave VZW.It's too bad as the phone is perfect except for this very annoying bug. Does anyone have solid information on this?
View 40 Replies View Relatedi've had my droidx since it came out. Its always worked great. but for the last two weeks or so it has been VERY annoying. App for chatting like AIN or trillian do not connect long enough or well enough to talk to people. My service is also lagging as well as wifi. And my market is very very bad with loading. Any suggestions? I do not have an automatic task killer. And i do use juicedefender, but on days i leave it off i have the same problem.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAnyone else have this issue? Sometimes it freezes to where i have to pull the battery.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have been using sp recovery, with kangerade 5.0.9 and chevy 1.2. I have run backups with sprecovry, but the next time I go into sp recovery and attempt backup it says sd card corrupt, giving me the error #31. I haven't connected to my computer since the last time I formatted and the only thing other than a charger I have connected is the droid dock. I can't figure out what could cause this issue.
View 8 Replies View RelatedHandcent SMS crashing constantly on Droid 2
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have beautiful widgets and it constantly is force closing. if i uninstall, then re-install, will i lose all of the skins i previously downloaded?
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy keyboard is constantly sliding out when in my pocket or other times when I don't want it to. Really annoying. I like the phone but am not sold on the quality of it at all. I think I am taking it back and waiting for the passion.
Anyone else slide out keyboard getting loose?
It started happening that whenever I send texts, they will arrive as partial texts to the person. A lot of times I will send a short text and the second half of it is completely cut off. When I try to send long texts, my phone will be trying to send it with the little loading icon for basically forever. I end up canceling the text because I guess it's not sending. It's like my phone is having trouble sending texts but I can make calls fine and can use the 3G network. This makes no sense because I have been using my Droid at my house for 3 months without a problem, and I just went on a trip for the weekend and when I got back, it keeps doing this. My service at my house should not have changed. I thought it was a problem with Handcent SMS, so I tried the stock Messaging app and am having the same problems.
View 8 Replies View RelatedMy Droid was acting up a bit today. It was really laggy today so I did a battery pull, after which it was fine. Then tonight on the way home I got an email, read it, and the notification went away, but in my Gmail it still showed "Inbox (1)" but the email showed as read. I synced it twice, but it stayed the same way. When I got home tonight, I logged on to my email and it showed the email as unread. I just downloaded Twidroid Pro and Google Goggles, so I'm wondering which of these is the culprit.
View 11 Replies View RelatedHas this happened to anyone else? I'm running out of things to try
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy phone came in dead, constantly rebooting, not even allowing me to get to the Android OS.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen my router is set to WPA the Droidx connects and stays connected. But when I change to WPA2 it keeps connecting and disconnecting every few seconds. This leaves me with a choice of less security for my entire network, or no wifi for the Droidx. I have seen this problem mentioned on the Motorola support page, but I have not heard of any resolution. Does anyone have a fix for this? I am using the new Froyo 2.2 OTA update.
View 14 Replies View RelatedEDIT: I only watch in HQ. but that shouldn't be an issue with 3G speeds.
I'm on Verizon 3G with 700-900kb DL with the most recent version of the "official" Youtube app and the video will take 30 seconds to load, play for 30 seconds, load for 30 seconds, and play 30 seconds and on and on...
I even pause the video for 2 minutes and when I press play it still only plays like 30-60 seconds and stops to load.
I can play flash videos and they will only load once and play right through to the end but with this app it seems like they are purposely loading the videos in 30 second increments to discourage watching videos on 3G.
Is everyone else having this issue? Is there a better youtube app in the market?
after installing bbv0.4 lookout and swype are constantly force closing...should i just reinstall them?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI got the Motorola Spice two days ago, it's a decent phone...
The WiFi has been disconnecting every few minutes. I do not know why it's disconnecting so often.
I'm running the new 2.1 leak and I've been noticing the Amazon Mp3 app is always running. I've never launched it and I keep having to manually kill it through running services. I'm also noticing Shop Savvy is having the same relaunch issue, but I can always uninstall that one, unfortunately unless we get root we're stuck w/ the amazon mp3.
View 6 Replies View RelatedSo I went to sleep last night with my phone on my bedside table i awoke this morning to androids on skateboards constantly restarting (yes I tried pulling out the battery and putting in back in).
I updated to 2.1 about 2 weeks ago, and no its not Rooted.
I did not do anything weird the night before either I am thoroughly confused and worried.
I am still able to get to the power/Vol down menu thing
I am going to try reinstalling the 2.1 update or somethig, I cannot think of anything else to try
I'm using Bloo for facebook and am constantly getting notifications for the same notifications. I've cleared them out, looked at them on Bloo, but still my friendly notification bing is popping up every few minutes. Is anyone else having problems with this?
Also add me to the 'my youtube doesn't work after the update' list. I called verizon to tell them about it yesterday and my tech had never heard of the problem before.
Aside from those issues I'm loving the phone. My husband has the droid, and while I am envious of his screen size, I prefer the feel of my eris.
I am running 2.1 v3 leak. I installed Helix 2 but it constantly force closes. I was wondering if Android had some sort of Safe-Mode I can boot into to change from Helix back to the stock Sense UI?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a rooted 2.1, it's been working perfectly since I rooted and updated and all.I love how fast and responsive everything is now.BUT one of the main reasons I rooted was so that I could take advantage of the wifi tethering.It works sometimes.sometimes great.BUT if I try to go to'll work well sometimes, then others it won't even load the page.then eventually just kills my connection. gmail seems to have the same sometimes, other times, nothing. i dont seem to have much of a problem surfing other sites.HOWEVER if i try to download anything over like 4MB connection just gets killed all together, and nothing works. a friend of mine sent me his bands new demos...the zip file is like only gets a little ways before just dropping down to 0.0kbs and then it just sits there, not loading crap. I can re start the connection, and it will start downloading again, but after about 30 or 40 seconds.the connection gets killed again. Same goes for a torrent...if I try to download a torrent, it'll work and get pretty fast, up to 190kbs.but after just under a minute, connection killed. why is this? does verizon kill data connections that come in to fast or something? i have a friend who tethers with at&t with his iphone, he got the demos downloaded in like 12 min on his iphone tethering app. do i need to do some tweaking to my phone so I can download? im not trying to go crazy, but I'd like to atleast be able to get large attachments and such.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAfter the update to Android 2.1 on my HTC Eris, like many other people, I had problems syncing my phone contacts to my facebook contacts. The process constantly force closed, and no linking could be made or is some cases only a part of the facebook contacts were synced.
Different fixes has been suggested by users online but none of them worked
My wifes account works perfect on my phone but mine does not work on her phone
Obviously its something on my FB account but what?
I am getting 9-10 hours off a nightly charge on my Evo.This isn't lasting me the whole day and I usually run out of juice on the drive home from work.I've tried all the battery tricks to get longer time but no luck. I think the reason for the battery drain is because at work, I only receive 1-2 bars on the 3G network. When I step outside, I go to 4-5 bars.I am blaming the battery drain more on my location rather than the phone, which is OK.Anyways, I have the luxury of sitting in front of a laptop all day.This means I can constantly charge my Evo all day through the USB port. Would this have any bad effect on the battery?This means taking the phone on and off the charge throughout the day. If I leave my desk for 10-15 minutes, I'm unplugging the Evo and taking it with me. This could happen 5-10 times a day.Or is it better just to do a charge 1-2 hours before I leave work to make sure it will last the remainder of the evening?
View 26 Replies View RelatedIs there away to keep the GPS on constantly so that google latitude can stay up to date accurately?
View 6 Replies View RelatedRecently my g1 has started using 3G or GPRS almost constantly, like its auto checking e-mails or somthing.If i disable the 3G option it uses GPRS insted.I have reset the g1 to factory defauts, only APNdroid and ToggleWIFI installed, but it still keeps doing it.(APNdroid was installed so i could turn off ALL 3G/EDGE/GPRS connections)This is slowing down my connection when i do use GPRS/3G/EDGE.Why is this happening ??? and how can i stop it, without using APNdroid?This is a T-Mobile G1, using firmware version 1.5, build number CRC37
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