Motorola Droid X : Does GPS Really Kill DX Battery?
Oct 25, 2010I feel like it only initializes when Maps or Foursquare opens. Otherwise, does it matter? Triangulation isn't always the nicest

I feel like it only initializes when Maps or Foursquare opens. Otherwise, does it matter? Triangulation isn't always the nicest
I always see people on this forum talking about having their phones rooted with the processor overclocked to 1+ ghz. The droid battery already has trouble lasting a day, how does overclocking not kill the battery extremely quickly?
Or does it and people decide it's worth it?
So what are tge top killers of the battery? I know the obvious one is the screen. What else drains a huge amount of energy? Do things like multiple news feed widgets drain a lot of energy? I heard leaving GPS on absolutely wrecks your battery life as well.
View 42 Replies View RelatedWas doing fine until rain was coming, then battery dropped big time. Charged last night before bedtime, didn't use my phone all day and checked a little bit ago and was down to 50%. Normally I'd be at 80-90% under similar circumstances.
Here's the confusing part (Battery use):
42m 36s since unplugged.
Display: 67%
Cell standby: 26%
Phone idle: 8%
EDIT: BTW, this is LIVE weather.
So Im using Chevy's SS 4.7 with his .8 ULV kernel and im getting like 5 hour battery life... I checked Usage and number one is Drroid OS with like 28% and then display with 18%. Can the kernel kill battery that much or should i just do a wipe and start all over?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWill it kill my battery life?
View 14 Replies View RelatedIf you leave GPS switched on, and don't use any GPS apps, would it consume the same battery as with it off. Becasue it only activates itself when a GPS using program is on which means it wouldn't kill the battery?
Anyone tested this out?
Trying to cycle this new battery so i can try something
navigation is on, bluetooth on but no device to pair with, wifi on but no spot to sync with, 3g on but in a bad area, music player on, newsrob on 30min syncs, and screen on max..
I cannot leave it running in the background as it kills my battery. is there another app that is a good IM program that is more gentle on the battery and allows the phone to sleep? I cannot understand why developers don't allow the phone to go into a sleep state, using IM to wake it up and reactivate the IM application, much like PDAApps Verichat used to do.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo I am on my 2nd kernel now other than stock. I tried netarchy .18 and currently using kings 9 bfs. I am running stock rooted froyo. The stock kernel gave me the best battery,both netarchy and kings kernels have given better performance. Is there a best of both worlds, i.e. a kernel that gives better performance over stock AND better battery life? With the netarchy kernel I used 25 percent of my battery in 2 hours from a full charge. So far with kings I have used 10 percent in 30 minutes from full charge! This compared to stock which was 90 percent over 20 hours. Any ideas or suggestions?
View 28 Replies View RelatedSo I got the ADW.Launcher and I'm finding it to be FANTASTIC, much better than Sense and Launcher Pro IMO. I FINALLY got skype and it's amazing too. The big thing those it that I finally threw some widgets onto my desktop - namely You Tube, Google Search, and the Power Control thing. The power control is really nifty and makes it so easy to control blue tooth, wifi, gps. Are these going to kill my battery life? I don't' use live wallpapers and I make sure I don't have a ton of apps running in the background.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIf I leave my phone on the dock while I sleep, with the screen dimmed, is there any chance of burning the screen?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI know I'm in the minority here but I DON"T want Froyo!! As a former Eris owner who had to suffer through having my phone ruined by the 2.1 update, which is why i now have a droid, I'm not willing to let verizon/moto ruin another phone I'm very happy with now... Is there a way to kill the message that comes up notifying me of the update or do I just have to be annoyed by it?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI need some tips on how to kill the battery so I can cycle it to optimal usage. Thanks. I have the display on 30 minutes (max) and Pandora streaming music. I have gps, wifi, bluetooth, and google sync on as well.
View 35 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to kill flash ads from the browser or the phone itself? i know I'm jumping the gun since flash isn't even out officially. i ran a search and came up with nothing but I'm hoping someone has heard of something for the droid
View 2 Replies View RelatedHaving music junk on the phone does it kill the battery faster? and does it slow down the phone?
View 2 Replies View RelatedDo live wallpapers really KILL the battery on the M900? I mean its the first day I have used them so I don't really know
View 5 Replies View RelatedJust discovered the joys of angry birds from the marketplace, that gonna kill my battery dead
View 19 Replies View RelatedWill software update kill And remove the root in the droid x
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have the startup auditor and Task Panel apps. I want to try and setup the phone to always have as much memory available as possible. Most of them are pretty obvious but there are a few I'm not sure of. Does anyone have a comprehensive list of services/processes/etc. that we can safely kill off and/or set for auto-kill/disable at startup? Edit: One I was curious about is Google Partner Setup. I have killed it off without any issues through Task Panel. But would having it on the auto-kill list be OK?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI know this comes in some ROMs and maybe some themes, anyone seen a stand alone option for people in root to add this ability in the MENU bar, not the task bar?
View 37 Replies View RelatedThe internal meter says it is due for charge long before its out of juice. Battery Left widget will give accurate voltage levels, but it too is fooled, even after proper calibration.
View 15 Replies View RelatedRooted Droid 1, running LFY 1.9 with it's 1ghz kernel, SPRecovery. Had a weird issue recently; the phone displayed that my battery life was at 40%, then probably ~30 minutes later it was down to 20%. I wasn't using it during that time, I just unlocked the screen to check something. Anyway, I opened my browser and within a minute or two I got the "15% battery life remaining" message, prompting me to connect my charger. I decided I would allow the phone to just die and shut itself down. So I waited ~45 minutes and it went down to 10%, then almost immediately to 5%. I turned on the GPS just to make it drain faster... I watched a one-hour television show and when it was over, I glanced over to the phone to see if it had died - nope, still on. I turned the LED light on, leaving the GPS running for ~25 minutes and it finally powered down. Then I plugged it in to charge and left the room. Came back in about 2.5 hours later and picked up the phone - it was very hot. Unlocked the screen and checked SetCPU and it was running ~135?F but it immediately started cooling down. It was fully charged, however so I unplugged it. I went to bed shortly thereafter and the battery life displayed 90% as I set the alarm to wake me up the next morning. I happened to wake up shortly before the alarm was set to go off and I picked up the phone to disable the alarm and noticed the red 'charge me' light blinking - unlocked the screen to see 5% and just then it powered itself down.
TL;DR -- Phone only got hot that one time, phone hasn't gone dead in stand-by mode again like it did that night. Battery drains at a seemingly normal rate based on my regular use from 100% down to 40%, then it rapidly drains after that, always skipping 30% and when it gets down to 5% it stays alive for quite a long time under heavy load. Is there a way to 'teach' the phone how to check and calculate actual and remaining battery % and to display it correctly? Is it kernel-related? I heard somewhere about doing a 'battery wipe' but I am unsure what that entails and searches are proving fruitless for me so far.
does battery status pro drain your battery life?
View 2 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone else find that their battery does best at like 60%-70% charged and when it gets below 40 it moves a lot quicker? Also I've done 3 full drain and full recharges so far and my battery has improved sloightly each time, do you reccomend I do it again or is that just bad for the battery?
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View 1 Replies View RelatedMotorola clears up Droid X battery tab confusion with design change | Android Central. Anyone with newer phones seeing this change?
View 40 Replies View RelatedBackground info:
- I'm running the "Battery Left" widget and I have it displaying "estimated percentage left", "system percentage", and "estimated time left until dead".
- I listen to A LOT of Slacker Radio.
My issues:
- I was previously getting about 19+ hours out of a fully charged battery. 2-3 days ago I started having issues with the widget (I think it may have started when I installed an update to the widget) so I recalibrated it to no avail. Then I uninstalled it and reinstalled it. Within a few hours it claimed that it was getting accurate readings (when I first installed the widget weeks ago, it took days to get accurate) and now says that I should be getting 9 hours out of a fully charged battery. I know that can't be right so I'll see how the widget adjusts itself over the next few days, but, any thoughts? (I know a lot of you guys use the same widget and know how it works...)
- Also, In the first two hours of my phone being unplugged this morning, it went from 100% to 70%. I did run Slacker for about an hour and a half of that time, but could it really drain the battery that much that quickly? And I noticed that when I close Slacker, if I go into phone settings, applications, running services - there's still a Slacker update thing running in there. Could that be draining the battery too, even if it's only checking for updates?
- I really don't run a lot of stuff on this phone. I keep wifi and gps turned off. I use bluetooth only a few hours each night. Minimal web browsing. Although, my POP email gets checked every 5 mins (but I just changed it to every 10) and I do use gchat and text a decent amount, but I'd say overall, it's "light" use (except for Slacker which could be a huge drain, right?)
While I understand the purpose of the CLIQ is its social networking aspects, I am thinking of buying this phone for my wife who does not use Facebook, etc. The reason for this phone is the keyboard, she is not fan of touch screen and I think the G1 is just too bulky. This brings me to my question: Is there a way I can kill all the networking settings and extra on screen buttons so it will be closer to the MyTouch that I have?
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