Motorola Droid X :: Control Which Facebook Friends Get Added To Phone
Jul 15, 2010I don't want to add all of my facebook friends to my phone... can I control who gets added before I sync my account?

I don't want to add all of my facebook friends to my phone... can I control who gets added before I sync my account?
Is there any way to only link the contacts you already have on your phone to facebook friends? when I add Facebook to messages, my contacts show all the contacts i added into my phone + ALL MY FACEBOOK FRIENDS!
i just want the facebook to be linked to the contacts i have on my phone.. if i try to delete some of the facebook people (no phone numbers, just facebook info), it says that im deleting them from my facebook friends list.
I have my AIM and MSN messengers working fine on my eBuddy, but when i log into Facebook, it shows that i have "0" friends online!
View 2 Replies View RelatedSince I got my Droid X a few days ago I have been plagued by contact syncing issues and most notably how they relate to the facebook apps, both the Motorola Facebook and the Android market facebook. My suspicion is that these bugs are behind the comic sluggishness of my brand new phone. Here are the bugs I've discovered in the hopes that someone has a solution for me, or that the developers will catch on.
Motorola Facebook Issues:
This app imports ALL of your facebook friends to your contacts. There is no way to turn this off. I have over 1,000 facebook friends, most of whom I will never contact on the phone. This is exceedingly annoying. In reality I have about 300 contacts that I actually want in my phone which I imported easily from google. The Motorola facebook app did seem to sync up with these contacts just fine adding pictures, emails etc. Only problem was it brought everyone else along with it.
Market Facebook Issues:
- Despite setting my sync preferences to only syncing data to existing contacts, Facebook will still add anybody with a phone number attached to their facebook account to "Phone Contacts." "Phone Contacts" are different from "All Contacts" (bizarre), so it's not quite as bad as the Motorola FB importing everyone of my fb friends (phone # or not) to "All contacts", but it's still very, very annoying.
- The app will not sync pictures to contacts.
- The app creates dozens and dozens (in my case 43) "linked profiles" to each of my contacts. I am guessing this is what is causing the ridiculous sluggishness of my phone.
- I am going to fully delete the Market FB app from my phone along with the data it added to my contacts.
- Since I really love having pics/fb info attached to my contacts, I am going to try using the Moto FB app by itself and just live with the 1000 or so contacts. This will be the first time I am trying the moto app w/o the market app. I am hoping this solves the sluggishness which I suspect has to do with the "linked profiles" created by the Market FB app.
Currently my phone is in the process of deleting the market FB app which is taking FOREVER. I will keep you all posted. And I'd love to hear if anyone else is having similar problems.
Sync my pix apk sucks. removed some bloat ware using titbck up. I backed all apps b4 removing. But titbck up won't let me restore them. They have a strike through line on them. I need the social networking.apk and motoblur contacts sync apk. Can somebody up loaf or let me know how to restore them. I'm thinking about sbf'or will a factory data reset be ok?
View 11 Replies View RelatedI've had my (generic) Desire for a few weeks now, and have a really nagging/annoying problem in that, where i've added contacts (on the phone memory) and then synced with facebook, it's pulling in their mobile phone number from facebook, but is defaulting to 447584... and will not let me call the contact without first editing the number to read 07584...
The only way around this so far as i can tell, is to manually add the number again as a 'Home' number but with a 0 in place of 44, as re-adding as a mobile just defaults back to the 447584... and then assigning the 'Home' number as the primary contact number. Does anyone have any ideas whether this is a bug or something i've done myself, and also whether there is a way i can update my whole phonebook to change the 44's for 0's rather than manually going through and changing them?
I noticed all my facebook friends are in my phonebook. I downloaded handcent and they do not show up in there because i disabled it. but when i press "phone" they show up. is there any way of fixing this i have been looking around for awhile and cannot figure it out.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI was wondering if there is a way to control how often the Motorola Social Networking application updates with Facebook. I have searched the phones settings for a month and have not found anything.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am having trouble linking my Facebook contacts... I upgraded to 2.0 today and when I attempt to search for and link a Facebook profile to the phonebook entry, it tells me "no matches found." I've tried reSyncing and restarting, and nothing helps.
View 6 Replies View RelatedSo when i press the phone button to make a call there is a list thats way bigger than just my phone contacts. It automatically synced all of my facebook friends that had there phone numbers on their profile. I dont want all of these people in my contacts. How should i go about doing this? Should i just manually delete them? I did get the new 2.1.
View 26 Replies View RelatedWhen I try to use Sense to view photo albums for one friend, it shows that they have zero photo albums. The official facebook app does the same. If I use the browser to visit her profile, I can see her numerous photo albums easily, but damnit! I want the software to work like it's designed and this little bug seems so bizarre. As far as I can tell, the missing albums bug only applies to this one friend. I would be able to easily overlook the bug except that one friend is my fiancee.
View 10 Replies View RelatedBe attentive in the very first time? Try "Friend's Calling"! Hard to keep update buddies? Answer a call and have no idea what to chat with? With Friend's Calling, while friend calling, screen shows his/her facebook wall data in seconds. It matchs phone contacts with facebook friends automatically in first time you use.
When receiving a call It shows your friends recent facebook wall status
**Match automatically. The program match automatically as long as your friends name on your phone is same as his facebook name.
Now the icon on the right side means matching successfully.
**Match manually You have to search by yourself if the name on your phone is different from his facebook name.
Then searching his name on tag of facebook list
Also you can see the matching successfully icon to the right side of the name.
QR code: Download from Android Market: "Friend's Calling"
I am still in the process of learning and customizing this phone so there may be a famous app that takes care of this but I did a search and found nothing. I am not a big fan of how the contact list shows friends from facebook/gmail/Phone. I only want it to show contacts that I have personally added on my phone. Is there a way I can arrange this. I have it to where it remembers phone contacts only when I hit contacts but as soon as restart, it goes right back to all contacts. It also comes up when I try to text someone or in the contact section of the dialer. I just dont like this. I don't mind that they are there, persay, but I don't want it to be default all the time. Is there a way to change this?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have the Android Facebook-Connect library running in my emulator and I'm able to set my status with the Facebook API I have setup. However, I don't know where to go from there? Am I supposed to use the session key that this library allows me to get and make some Facebook API calls? I haven't found any code examples to even see what the proper syntax is. Am I better off using another library? I tried fbrocket with limited luck(I get a "server error 104 - Incorrect signature").
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View 3 Replies View RelatedI have an HTC Incredible and it worked fine, but I accidentally took facebook off the sync list, I put it back on and logged on. When I use the facebook app everything is fine, but the people apt thinks I have no facebook friends and so I can't sync any of them to my contact list!
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have the HTC Incredible and use the Facebook app. Yesterday I added a new friend and she doesn't show up on my friend list in the Facebook app and I can't link her phone number with her profile because it doesn't show up. Any ideas? I've tried resyncing and restarting the phone. I have also uninstalled and reinstalled the app.
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View 3 Replies View RelatedI find in social situations that many people say add me as a friend on FB. but the droid FB app dosent let u seach for people other than your friends or add new friends. is there an app that allows you to seach for a person and add them as a friend?
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhen I add new friends on facebook or put new contacts in my phone, I can't link them because we weren't friends when I installed the app. I've tried re-syncing facebook for HTC sense, and tried uninstalling it (it won't let me uninstall for some reason)
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View 2 Replies View RelatedJust got my new incredible and loving it!! One question, how do I get my facebook friends to NOT show up in my "people" or contacts section? I only want the people that I manually enter to show up. I searched and found one other thread but I couldn't figure out what they said.
View 8 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to remove your facebook friends from your calender and from your phone complete It shows in my calender their birthday and also under people shows their contact infol. I would like to get rid of a select few not all.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have my fb account syncd to my htc hero, but when i add new friends and i go to link their numbers to their profile theiir profile doesnt come up and i've changed my default picture 3 times and it wont change on my phone.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm unable to tag friends while using the Facebook app for Android, whether it's in Check-Ins, statuses, comments, or any of that stuff.
When I try doing it by using the "+" icon, it says "Unable to load friends list" (something like that) and then when I try using the "@" symbol, nothing shows up. It used to work perfectly fine, even with this version of the app. I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling... Wiping cache, and even different ROMs. Could this be a gingerbread bug? I'm using a T-Mobile G2x, with the latest CM7.3 nightly build.
Is this possible? I been ask a few times by friends to upload a pic I took of them with my epic. I can send them the pic threw messaging but it downgrades the quality for them to upload to Facebook.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI just noticed that for some reason, when I try to link some of my Facebook friends with their respective Contact under People, they do not appear in the list. I then go back to the FB app and I do see them in there.
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View 1 Replies View RelatedI have the favorite widgets and I'm using my friends FaceBook as there profile picture. Only problem is, it wont update there pic, it's going on days now since they've change there pic and it wont update. I have unsync FB, resync and its update only that time, but it wont do it automatically.
View 26 Replies View RelatedOk after a few deals where things seemed a little amiss with stuff happening on their own on my Moto Droid I have found a good example and wonder what other people think about this question.Not to long ago I read somewhere about confirmation that Google can go into your phone and wipe apps and make changes on the fly with push technology and no notice. How true is this and can Devs do the same thing? About a month ago a program that I used regularly after trying to start it I get a msg that the program can not be found.I went to the Market download and it was shown that it was installed but that there was an Update for it. Updated and everything was fine. (Did the Dev's for that app do a push to inactivate the app because the update was critical and had to be installed?)Now just last week I updated the Application Where and after the update when trying to run it from a home screen or from the App menu it would say program not found. I had to actually go to Market--Downloads hit Where and then when the app screen popped up with the Open and Uninstall button at the bottom use the open button to get it to run.I proceeded to uninstall the program and reinstall and still same problem.I wrote Where and told them of my problem on Friday.Yesterday Tuesday I got a response.They changed their name from Where to WHERE and it was causing problems and that I should delete any homepage icons and use the menu Icon.I then went to the menu icon hit it and the program ran. The thing is there was no updates. I did a uninstall/install on the program. tried to run the program from the menu Icon and no success Now after an email from WHERE I go to the icon on the menu screen and it works.
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