Motorola Droid X :: Anyway To Calibrate DX Screen?
Oct 1, 2010Anybody know if you can Calibrate the DX screen.

Anybody know if you can Calibrate the DX screen.
I have looked all over, and done a few searches already, but that don't mean I'm not blind.
How do you/Can you calibrate the screen touch points on the DX? I seem to have to aim slightly lower left of every thing I want to hit. Sadly it seems to be getting worse or well, I'm blinder than I thought.
does anyone know if there is a way to re-calibrate our touch screen? Mine seems a little inaccurate with robo-defense lately
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow do I calibrate my GPS. For some reason on some roads it thinks I am 50 to 100 feet off the side of the road. Then some roads I am fine. It is real annoying when the navigation lady keeps telling me to turn left at the intersection of 1st and broad, 2nd and broad, etc. for every side street I pass because it thinks I am 100 feet to the left of where I actually am. I have never had this problem with any GPS I have ever used so what gives..
View 21 Replies View RelatedI don't know if this is possible on the X, but how do I calibrate the touch screen? I've noticed two things that are beginning to drive me crazy. The first is that it is so sensitive at times, if I pass my finger over a button without actually touching the screen, it thinks I pressed it and executes the function. Second, I noticed that the spot I touch actually is off a bit so when I try to hit a link from a list (such as a thread here) it will pick the one above it.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've tried to use calibrate compass. I get the round compass to appear. I rotate the Droid X on all 3 axis. The compass never turns green to indicate a successful calibration.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI found the APK for this app. I guess it's to be on the G2, but was somehow released. Finally a way to calibrate the screen. Link:
View 1 Replies View RelatedI found out that the touch screen on my new Xperia X8 isn't aligned to my liking.
It's kind of difficult for me to use the screen keyboard for SMS.
How can I calibrate the screen?
First of all I searched and couldn't find anything on this. Is anyone else having an issue with the screen not being very accurate? The on screen keyboard seems fine for me, but choosing something such as a link in the web browser is a little off on my phone.
An example would be opening (my local news), then trying to click on news on the left hand side...instead of news, it will choose what is below it (in this case weather). I thought it was my fat fingers, but others who have tried my phone experience the same issue. I was just wondering if it was just me? Any way to calibrate the screen?
My g-sensor is working but is shifted for 90 degrees. So when my tablet is in landscape, screen is in portrait and vice cersa.How to calibrate it? I am having JB 4.2.2.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to calibrate the GPS? When I'm in Google Maps my location always seems to be off by about 30 - 60 feet. Or is this as close as it can get? Maybe the navigation in 2.1 will be better.
View 1 Replies View Relatedandroid how to calibrate touch screen?
View 2 Replies View Relatedafter updating to the official 2.1 OS I cant seem to find this option anymore? It is still there right? am i just blind?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI tried the free compass from, plus some others, and I can't get any of them to calibrate correctly. Anyone else have these issues? I don't know if its the phone or the apps.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI bought my HTC Desire a few weeks ago in Korea and I have trouble with the keyboard detecting my touch properly. I tried to go calibrate the damn thing but when I go into Settings<language and keyboard the only options available are Select Local which leads to either Korean or English language and DioPen IME which leads to a bunch of options but none of which are keyboard calibrate. Is there anyway for me to calibrate the keyboard? I've tried downloading different keyboards from the market to see if they work better but when I select them in the language and keyboard folder they still don't work so I don't know what to do.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI am not familiar with configuring things like .prop files etc; but I have a problem here:
After official update from company who sold me that crap I lost my wifi (it's some rebrand chinese crap), so I' ve found similar ROM and installed it.Everything works fine except gsensor, it requires calibration,
My Samsung Tab just fall in the floor and now it loose the rotate functionality. After going to setting's -> horizontal calibrate. I've managed to make it rotate but only landscape.
1 - Is it possible to have only the vertical sensor broken ?
2 - Is there a way to calibrate way vertical, as the only option availabe is horizontal ?
All the level/bublle app's show's horizontal rotation but no vertical.
Lately I noticed that Google maps and Google sky have been giving me bad direction information. Today I downloaded a compass app and sure enough the reading is off by almost a full 180 degrees. The program's calibrate feature didn't seem to correct the problem and I was wondering if there was a built-in way to recalibrate the magnetometer.
View 11 Replies View RelatedThe native voice dialer sucks. Is there a way to calibrate it?
Voice search works pretty well so I'm not sure why the voice dialer sucks for me. I've been using voice dial on feature phones for like 5 years and they all worked much better than this.
Recently, After installing speed forge i found that my accelerometer is not calibrated, spaceship keeps moving left side and also I found that in inclinometer that there is variation of about 5 degrees. Even i had done factory reset but still the problem persist.
Is there any solution for calibrating the accelerometer ?
I once found a place to calibrate when using the text input, but I can't find it anymore, and I'd also like to calibrate the screen in general. Anyone know?
View 2 Replies View Relatedso i tried some apps that use it, like my game armageddon squadron, and it pulls heavily to the right. so i got pissed off at my phone and exchanged it for another, and it still pulls to the right. so im thinking it must be the game. nope. 4 other accelerometer games all pull to the right. how could i calibrate the sensor?
View 9 Replies View RelatedMine pulls slightly to the left. not enough to make me exchange my phone but enough to annoy me and make me paranoid.
Any way to calibrate or fix?
how to activate and calibrate magnetic sensor on Samsung galaxy s3 I9300 the magnetic sensor is working finely on my friend's s4 with the magnetic cover but when i use that magnetic cover nothing happens. the screen doesn't goes off and on with it.. i can't understand bcz both phones show magnetic sensor in the sensors test..
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was thiking of buying either a screen protector from verizon or best buy. I was wondering which is the best to buy out of the two or if there is a better protector? Also what is the best case for the motorola droid? Lastly, when I make phone calls my screen goes black so it is hard for me to end calls. How can i fix this? I don't see any settings for this on the droid.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI am going crazy here... I've had this thing since it launched and everything is great except I keep hitting buttons with my face during calls! I mute, sometimes end calls, start 3 way calls etc and I have no idea how to prevent it. Is there any way I can make the screen lock during phone calls or change the call screen altogether?
View 12 Replies View RelatedI'm having an issue with my phone. Most of the time my lock screen is focused on screen 4 (I use 5 screens) instead of on whatever screen I go to when unlocked. Does anybody else have this problem? I'm using Launcherpro if that makes a difference.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy nephew was playing with my phone and evidently set a password on the phone to wake it up. He told me the password and I can use it to wake the phone up just fine but I use the slide screen, but now there is both password unlock and the slide screens. I cant figure how to remove the password one
View 10 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to change when these 3 things happen separately? Can I make it so my screen fades earlier but still takes just as long to go completely black? Is there a way to extend the time between total blackout and locking? Is there a way to turn off auto screen lock all together but keep the auto fade out and auto black out? I am always able to remember to manually lock the screen and the auto lock is annoying but I still like the power saving of the screen fade and black out.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo I recently got a set of screen protectors and put one on.All was well just noticed a few bubbles and so I tried to work them out.They weren't going away, so I figured I would try again so I removed it and to my astonishment the bubbles were still there. It's like they formed under the screen somehow when I put the protector on, they were absolutely not there before.There are 2 in the center of the screen and a few along the edges. At first I just thought it was a water spot but I cannot wipe them off.The ones on the edge of the screen I can"push out" to the edge to almost make them disappear.When you touch them with the pads of your fingers you can feel a slight "bump" in the screen (very minute but still there).They bubbles are easily visible when the screen is off and almost go away when the screen is on but you can still tell they are there.Is this a defect in the phone or did I cause this trying to install the protector? I didn't push down hard on the screen, just applied the protector and they appeared.
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