Motorola Droid :: Multiple Facebook Profiles Under Each Contact?
Nov 27, 2009Most of my contacts have 3-4 Facebook profiles listed under their contact information, but they all link to the same thing.

Most of my contacts have 3-4 Facebook profiles listed under their contact information, but they all link to the same thing.
I've just rooted and Villian 2.1ified my Orange Hero.Now I swear there was an easy way to link contacts to their fb profiles, but now I can only find a way to manually do it one contact at a time. With alot of contacts, this could take somewhere between three to four years.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI accidentally linked 1 phone number with two facebook profiles. Is there anyway to remove either of these? I tried deleting the number and re-adding it, but both facebook profiles were still linked to the number.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI searched around and couldn't find any answers, and all the threads for moto droid were ages old. I'm rooted and running a sapphire rom but that's not important. I can run anything. I'm just looking for a way to individually sync facebook contacts to existing phone contacts. I don't need all 1000 of my fb friends on my phone. But the contacts I DO have on my phone, it'd be cool to have synced up to fb. Is there any way to avoid the "all or nothing" mentality of fb sync?
View 2 Replies View Relatedi was wondering if there was a way to have to separate contact lists, i recently switched to the moto Droid (from a blackberry), i run a business but have only the one phone and would like to keep my family & friends contacts separate from my business contacts.
View 5 Replies View RelatedSo I searched the forum but no results to what I want to know. After setting up my new D2, the phone has listed some, actually all, of my contacts multiple times. Each contact is listed 4 times, and it's really annoying having to scroll through 400 people when there really should only be around 100. I haven't been able to find any of the contact management options that my old D1 had, ie filters and stuff. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI know how to upload single photos but I can't figure out how to upload multiple ones to facebook. If I select multiple photos and choose share. I only get the option to use Gmail/SMS/picasa/bluetooth.
View 9 Replies View RelatedFor several of my contacts, viewing their contact page will show multiple links to their facebook account.
For example, I lookup John Doe and it'll show:
[PIC] John Doe
Call Mobile
Email Home
Facebook Profile
Facebook Profile
Facebook Profile
Facebook Profile
Facebook Profile
Clicking on any of the Facebook profile buttons takes you to the same facebook page. Anyone else seeing this issue? I have one Gmail account and one Facebook account on this phone and that's all I've ever had...
I got the ota update last night and all my facebook contacts were deleted. I tried to reboot the phone, resync, and pulled up the app. When I opened the app it have the pics and thefacebook conact info, and that was it. Anyone else having this problem?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen i first got the phone, i opened up facebook. It updated my contacts with everything on there. Then i went to text my friend and accidentally deleted her from my contact list. I put her number back in but it won't update from facebook or show up when i want to text her. Can someone help me out?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I click on Contacts, and am taken to the contacts page, I see some of my contacts listed with their Facebook image.But other contacts that I have that are also on Facebook, their image wasn't imported. What's the reason for this? I assume something didn't allow it to sync up?Is there a way to manually go in and grab the facebook image and sync it up?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have 2 questions though.
1 - how do I change the alert notification for my calendar? Originally it was just the standard alert. When I view the settings there was the option to use the standard droid alert of use a ringtone. So, playing around I cheeked use a ring tone. It brought me to a directory(?) or folder with 4 songs that I had downloaded using railio(sp) ringtones. Now that's the only place I can get to for ALL alerts and ringtones. Even for my contacts it goes to the 4 songs I downloaded from railio ringtones and I can't navigate anywhere else.
I have gone into manage applications and uninstalled the ringtone program, but still can't get out of that spot for my alerts and ringtones. It's driving me crazy!
2 - My contacts have multiple entries for one person.
How can I delete the multiple entries for a contact? When I edit the contact information for a person I see 3 - 5 duplicate entries for one contact. When I first got my droid I synced with 2 google accounts - I didn't know what I was doing --- so, the information under one contact is repeated many times.
Is there a way to link facebook accounts to contacts that didnt sync automatically? I have the names matched 100% and it still wont pick up the match.
View 31 Replies View RelatedIs this possible? When you add facebook it replaces all contact photos and I don't see a way to change that.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI recently upgraded to the Motorola Droid 2. When I logged into all of my accounts the contacts came over and auto linked to Facebook...this is fine, but the Google contacts with phone numbers are being hidden by the Facebook contact info and not showing their phone number. Is there a fix for this? Do I have to sign out of my Facebook account to see phone numbers?
View 6 Replies View RelatedAlright, a couple very minor issues I'm having that I can't get figured out. One, how do you edit someone's contact information who is synced with Facebook? It says that I cannot do this (seems odd that the phone would be set up this way) to a facebook synced contact. The second is, how do I manually sync my contacts to add new FB friends to my Droid contact list? Third (I know I said I had two), how do you create a separate Family/Frienda/Coworkers list within the contacts program?
View 9 Replies View RelatedSo when you enter a new contact, if you have your facebook account synced, it will automatically put the contact's picture in there for you...BUT when someone updates their picture (as I know some have) it does not seem to update under my contacts. How do I fix this?
View 6 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know how to make a Facebook Contact or Google contact a PHONE contact? How do you link them together?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to make it so that the facebook contacts, etc, don't show up in your default contact list? I just want to show the names and phone numbers of the people that I have actually programmed into my phone, not everyone that I have on facebook.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have been reading some posts so I am better informed when my D2 gets here in a few days. I have noticed some posts about facebook causing problems. Since I do use facebook and twitter alot can you all explain to me;
1. What exactly is going on when facebook messing up contact lists?
2. I have heard it mentioned a few times that the widgets for facebook and twitter are bad on the battery? Can someone elaborate on this since I am new to these android phones and also anything else I might want to look out for. If so I would be appreciative. Thanks to a situation in my life this phone has to last me at LEAST two years.
I installed the latest Facebook app on my Droid today and found that it synced most of my contact photos beautifully. (I chose the second option: only to sync photos with my current contacts) However, one minor issue and two less minor issues:
- For one of my contacts, the picture didn't sync. Dunno why but I guess I can just add the photo manually.
- Another thing is weird. After making a call I've noticed that in my dialer's "favorites" tab, there is a contact who I am friends with on Facebook but whom I do not have the number for, nor whom I have ever called at all! This person keeps reappearing (with FB profile pic and email address) in my dialer app, but the person is not in my actual Google / Android contacts.
Any ideas on how to fix that latter issue? Whenever I delete this person's listing from the Favorites tab, they keep reappearing after I make calls (to other people) O_o
Oh, and since we're talking about the Facebook app..
- Is there any way for Facebook to use the Android notification system to let me know about any new FB notifications? As it is, I'll be on the computer and see some new notifications, but on my Droid I have to manually refresh notifications in the app before it knows about them. Kinda weird.
Please tell me that this phone has this feature? On the blackberry, you can set up multiple ringer profiles (i.e. office, home, normal, vibrate, vibrate & ring, etc.)
View 5 Replies View RelatedSo i used BT and sent my contacts from my old phone to my EVO and it worked like a champ. Is there any way to link all my contacts to FB at once vs having to go into each one manually and selecting "Link", then selecting the "suggested FB profile"? I can do it manually, but I'm sure my battery will be dead by the time I'm done.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have an incredibly annoying problem with my People contacts, where if I link a contact's Facebook account to their profile on my phone, People also decides to add in their phone numbers! This means I end up with duplicate phone numbers to choose from (for example, when selecting a contact to send an SMS to) or numbers that have been incorrectly added to Facebook by the contact (made up numbers or incorrect international dialing codes). All I want is to link the Facebook account and NOT have the contact details automatically added. The only contacts I have set up to view in People are my Google contacts - 'Facebook for HTC Sense' is unticked.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI'm am trying to link some phone contacts to my facebook friends. Most of them work, but sometimes when I manually try to link someone and "pick a facebook friend off the facebook friend list, sometimes my friends don't show up on that list?
View 2 Replies View RelatedDo we know how it syncs your contacts with facebook yet?
I dont want it to put all my fb friends in my contacts list
I do want to be able to link my current contacts to there relevant profiles on facebook.
Can anyone just explain or show the contacts and how it seperates them from facebook n stuff
I have an HTC EVO now, but I'm switching over to Verizon soon and was looking into either the Droid X, Droid 2, Fascinate, or Incredible. I was curious, can you link your contacts to people's Facebook pages like HTC can? The thing I like most is having their profile picture show when they call, rather than the standard Android logo. If someone can answer as soon as they can, that will be great seeing I will be picking up one of these phones tomorrow!
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have couple of contacts which have multiple numbers so I added all of those under a single name Now, when I try to message those names, starting from "new message", somehow typing the names in "To" bar does not thrown those names. Instead, it shows some weird number (e.g. 2229 etc) when typing those names Net result, the contacts are not accessible from messaging application. Now I need to go to the contacts to text them.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am new to rooting. Lurking for months and pulled the trigger today. Need help on overclocking. I installed the kernel. Now I installed SetCPU and need help with the settings. Min/Max, Scaling, Set to Boot, profiles? Any suggestions on how to set it up?
View 7 Replies View RelatedWhat are your guy's setcpu speeds at primary and what are your profile speeds at?
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