Motorola Droid :: IM Clients - Best BBM Clone?

Oct 27, 2010

There are many IM Clients out there and BBM like apps. Some have LiveProfile and some have KiK. Which is the best in your opinion?

Motorola Droid :: IM Clients - Best BBM Clone?

Motorola Droid :: Any Good Torrent Clients For Android?

Jan 9, 2010

I'm not looking for a program that communicates with my computer or seedbox, I have Torrent-Fu already for that. I'm wondering if there are any decent torrent clients for Android so I can just download a torrent right over my 3G connection. Searching torrent in the Market only gets one client that costs $5 and apparently is missing key features. Are there maybe some good .apk packaged torrent clients out there not in the Market? I'd assume that Vuze (as mediocre as it is), being written in Java, could be ported fairly easily as well.

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Motorola Droid :: IRC Clients That Work With Venison�s Network?

Nov 7, 2009

Are there any IRC clients that work with the Droid/Verizon's network? I can connect to my usual server via its CGI-IRC web application, but none of the Android applications will connect; it just times out.

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Motorola Droid X :: Any Android Mail Clients With Real Exchange Support?

Jul 20, 2010

Here's my issue: Came from a windows mobile phone. However, one area winmo is obviously good at is exchange support. Here's what I mean:
I regularly receive and forward large attachments (PDFS - usually 10 megs or so), and the winmo phone made it easy to do so when out of the office. I'd just hit forward and away it would go. The phone would tell the exchange server to forward the mail, and it was done. The phone never actually downloaded any attachments to forward, unless of course I wanted to download it for viewing.

I've found this phone instead of just telling the exchange server to forward the message actually has to download the attachment, then resend the attachment. This is stupidity in it's fullest when working with a 10 meg attachment. Instead of taking a split second to forward something it'll take minutes to download, then minutes to upload, and obviously shorten battery life considerably. So my question is - am I missing settings, or is the installed mail application not able to do so - and are there any android mail applications that will forward attachments off an exchange server without actually downloading the attachment first?

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Motorola Droid :: TwonkyServer Mobile Serves Phone's Pics - Videos & Music To DLNA Clients

Jan 7, 2010

This app is sooo cool! My Droid is now a DLNA Server. I am streaming my Droid's music, pics and video to my home network's DLNA Clients: PS3, PCs, and WD TV Live. TwonkyMedia Goes Mobile with Android Launch at CES:

TwonkyMedia Goes Mobile with Android Launch at CES | Business Wire

I downloaded and installed from the Android Market. When you first start the app, it scans your phone for media. I turned on my Droid's Wifi. The TwonkyServer Mobile was immediately visible to any DLNA or UPnP client. It took 2 minutes. No setup was involved. The UI looks pretty cool too.

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HTC Droid Eris :: New SD Card - Clone Or Copy

Feb 17, 2010

Just got a new 16GB MicroSD, don't ask me why....But, can I just copy the old SD card over, or are there any hidden files that would require a clone of the card?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Use Two Different Text Messaging Clients

Jun 8, 2010

Is there a way to make the text messages from only certain people go to lets say handcentSMS instead of the standard messaging area?

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Android :: Strategy For WCF Server With Net Clients?

Apr 15, 2010

I am using WCF to write a server that should be able to communicate with .Net clients, Android clients and possibly other types of clients. The main type of client is a desktop application that will be written in .Net. This client will usually be on the same intranet as the server. It will make an initial call to the server to get the current state of the system and will then receive updates from the server whenever a value changes. These updates are frequent, perhaps once a second. The Android clients will connect over the Internet. This client is also interested in updates, but it is not as critical as for the desktop client so a (less frequent) polling scenario might be acceptable.

All clients will have to login to use the services, and when connecting over the Internet the connection should be secure. I am familiar with WCF but I am not sure what bindings are most appropriate for the scenario and what security solution to use. Also, I have not used Android, but I would like to make it as simple as possible for the person implementing the Android client to consume my services. So, what is my strategy?

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Android :: Using OS 2.1 With POP3 And Email Clients

Jul 16, 2010

I'm using the EMail Client "Eudora" on my computer to retrieve messages on a POP3 Server. I don't understand if there is a way to retrieve the same messages from the POP3 Server on my mobile phone. The phone is running Android OS 2.1. I manually added all the information into the native E-Mail application on my phone, and it works fine for a couple hours then stops for a few hours, and then it works fine again, but then stops working again for a few hours, and so on and so on.

In addition, I received messages from 8:07AM to 10:39AM, then received no messages between 10:40AM to 1:42PM. At 1:42PM I started receiving messages again; the weird thing is I only received messages after 1:42PM, I can't retrieve the messages from the gap between 10:40AM and 1:42PM. And yes I'm sure I received messages during that time. I can't figure out any correlation between what I'm doing with the phone, and when the phone receives emails.So, my question - Is there a way to view messages from a POP3 server on my Android OS 2.1 phone using any E-Mail client?

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Android :: Email Clients That Support OWA

Sep 22, 2010

Let's get real here. There are tons of threads that cover email on the droid. But Seriously, What are some good apps that support OWA <-- Emoze is the only one I can find so far, however it is not supported on droid at this time. This should be a very basic piece of software.
- connect to a https:// site - you may need to install a security certificate?
- logon with username and password
- send / receive mail

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Two Android Clients And One Java Server?

Mar 5, 2013

I've created a java server and an android client (A), the client(A) gets it's GPS coordinates and sends them to the server, I need the server to send them to client(B). I'm not entirely sure as to what to do, whether I should have separate ports etc or what.

Below is my two clients and server


import java.util.Scanner;


With this, I run the server, then run CLIENT B in the emulator and CLIENT A on the device, once I run CLIENT A, CLIENT B force shuts.

CLIENT A / SERVER connectivity is 100%, it prints to console (for testing). What I need to try to find out is how do I send the data to CLIENT B, I have used different ports and i'm sure that's why CLIENT B force shuts.

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Android :: Inbuilt VPN Not Work For Cisco Clients

May 31, 2010

I am using vpnc on my computer to connect on my university VPN. Once again, the configuration is not straightforward, but, mainly, I use IPSec, I have an ID for the VPN, a gateway URL, a secret word, IKE Authmode of PSK, IKE DH Group, Xauth username, Xauth password, I need to enable Single DES, and I have two 'target networks'.

The fact is that Android (2.1)'s built-in VPN does not ask me all these info. It keeps asking for a pre-shared key (this is evidently the contrary of the certificate method), but I do not have such a pre-shared key. Connecting (to the VPN) through my computer works perfectly. What can I do to make Android compatible with the VPN?

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Android :: Any Multi IM Clients With Push Notification?

Oct 8, 2010

Was just curious if there were any multi IM clients (meaning, ones that have AOL, Yahoo, Facebook, MSN etc all in one) that had push notifications? The one thing I miss on my Blackberry was the IM+ program. I could set it so that I could receive IM's via email (which come's in handy when working in a hospital and the signal goes out at times).

So whenever someone messaged me, I would get it in my email when I had a signal and respond back via email. Is there anything like this out there for me on my HTC Hero Firmware 1.5? I currently use the free eBUDDY program and have slightly tried out the free IM+ and Palringo. But I am not having any luck with finding one that has the push notification.

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Android :: Creating IM Clients Other Than GTalk Using Smack API?

Dec 8, 2009

For the past two weeks, I am working to create an application ,which is used to communicate with all Messengers in android. I am using Smack api for that, and now I can able to connect to the GTalk.Now trying to connect it to the Yahoo messenger. But it is throwing some exception. I want to know whether we can create Yahoo IM client using smack api or not. If possible please give the list os IM clients supported by Smack api.

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Android :: Alternative Email Clients With More Features?

Jun 5, 2010

I find that the basic Androd (On SE Xperia X10) features reliable But basic and I'm very frustrated that I do not seem to be able to copy/paste out from received emails And it would be nicer if the same application handled Gmail too.
So are there any work-arounds or alternative email clients with more features available?

I have asked a similar question in the Droid app developers requests forum but have no responses yet.

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Android :: Multiple Exchange Accounts / Different Chat Clients

Dec 11, 2009

With Google Talk I'm automatically logged in with my main gmail account. Is there a way to add other gmail accounts to this? Or swap to a different account when I need to? How about non-gmail accounts? Can I add an AIM account, for example? Is there an app that can manage multiple chat accounts? I use Adium on my Mac to have 3 or 4 different chat accounts open (useful for work, people who don't have gmail etc.) and I'd love to do the same thing with my Droid.

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Android :: Techniques For Writing Clients Using Remote Data

Nov 17, 2010

I need to explore the world "You wrote a killer application, but do you have an Android/iPhone/iPad client?".

My questions are:

1) which is the best way to send data to those devices? Soap and Rest as suggested here? Or are there some specific techniques? (My app is written in Delphi and I can expose data with webservices if needed)

2) For x-platform (where by x I mean basically apple products and android) development is there a tool? Or the only solution is write one client per platform that "embeds" a web application optimized for mobile devices?

3) which are the techniques for caching locally some data / working offline? Is it different in the 2 worlds or is it common?

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Transfer Data Between One Device As Host And Many Devices As Clients

Oct 9, 2012

What is the best way to transfer data between one device as host and many devices as clients .I want to transfer data(Values like string) from many devices to one in the same time .

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HTC Incredible :: Facebook - Differences In Various Clients - Adroid - Touch - Mobile

Aug 21, 2010

Differences in the various ways you can access Facebook from the droid (incredible)? Am I missing something here - why are there so many different ways to access it?

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Android :: Simple Client Application To Store Clients Information

Oct 12, 2010

I just purchased a Samsung Intercept through Virgin Mobile and am hoping I can find a simple application to store my clients information using it.

I am a Hair Colorist and I have been using a Sony Clie in the past to keep my client info up-to-date, but it finally died. I am hoping my new phone can keep track for me now.

Here is what I need the app to do.

1) Clients Name (so I can easily search for client)
2) Phone Number (so I can call them)
3) Address (not mandatory, but would probably be good)
4) Client's Hair Color Formula (text area where I can write down their color formula)
5) Date of last appointment (and maybe their upcoming appointment)

Does anyone know if there is something out there like this already? It seems like it should be a basic app, but I am BRAND NEW at this, so I have no idea .

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HTC EVO 4G :: Mirror - Clone SD Card

Jul 17, 2010

Just rooted my Evo w flipz Fresh 1.0.1. All is wonderful. I have an 8GB micro SD card at the moment, and this ROM comes configured to install apps to the card (vs. internal memory) using apps2sd. The card has been partitioned to have a 32MB swap, a 768MB ext2, and around 6GB for FAT32. So the card is now _very important_, as apps and prolly extensions from the OS are now on it. I'd like to backup to an _exact_ copy of the card. Is there a way using command shell or some other utility to clone/mirror? I would actually like to upgrade to a 16MB card, and keep everything just as it is on my 8MB card (i.e. copy same configuration and end up w 14GB of storage).

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Android :: Clone Animations

Jun 26, 2009

I defined some complex AnimationSet in xml and would like to run it on several Views (View.startAnimation()). i cannot just create one instance of this AnimationSet (using AnimationUtils.loadAnimation()) and use it as parameter of View.startAnimation(), so i have to create several instances of this AnimationSet. since loading it from xml is rather slow operation, is there a way to load it once and then clone it when needed?

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KitKat 4.4 :: Clone Phone To PC?

Jun 5, 2014

I do not know if this is possible but it should be. How do I put my actual phone on my PC? Yes you heard me right. I have tried VNCserver, SnaPpea and others but that is really just to back up files and maybe use texting...I want it all, I want to see my phone on my PC screen and use all of its functions, including making a phone call. I do not want to use 1,000 diff apps to accomplish this..If this has not been done than lets talk and get this out there..I can see where it has been done the other way around because people are glued to their phones but why not this way?

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Android :: Efficient Way To Clone JSONArray

May 26, 2009

What's the most efficient way to clone a JSONArray?

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Android :: Possible To Clone Phone Screen Onto PC?

Jun 24, 2010

I have a Samsung Q1 tablet PC installed in my car. I just got a Droid and like its GPS software better than any designed for PC I have tried. Is there a way I can clone my Droid screen onto my Q1? Sort of like the remote desktop apps out there but they all seem to be designed to access the PC via the Droid.

I don't care about controlling it via PC, I just want the GPS screen on my 7 inch screen instead of the 3.8 or whatever the Droid is. I have been researching installing Android onto PC but it doesn't sound like it works too well just yet.

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Games :: New Columns Clone FREE

Oct 20, 2010

I've posted a new clone of the classic game Columns in the market. It's name is "Columns of color Jewells" if you want to try it.

The target is to make lines of three or more gems of the same color (in any direction), the more gems dissapearing at once, the more points earned. You can rotate the position of the gems falling by double tapping in the screen.

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Android : Can I Use Parcel To Clone An Object?

Sep 22, 2010

I have a class which has implemented Parcelable. Can I do something like the following to create a new instance of a class?

found this from the following q:

This is working ok, I can go with this but it is extra code, not sure if there's a shorter way to do it (other than properly implementing a copy constructor...)

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General :: Unrootable MTK6575 S3 Clone

May 20, 2013

i have an MTK6575 phone that seems to be unrootable.

the phone is a samsung galixy s3 clone from china it is made by the company ALPS and is using an s880 board with an MTK6575 chip running android version 4.3.0 version name such a ics or jb is unknown.

you can find a full detailed report on the phone here : my s3 close detailes

ok so far on this phone i have tried

- superoneclick
- oneclickroot
- MTKtools
- root tool
- CWM Recovery
- Root_with_Restore_by_Bin4ry

notes to remember is that using superoneclick it dose say the phone is all ready rooted ! but i have installed super user and it has no effect and there are no root permissions on the phone.

wen using the recovery options i get the following error ( invalid OTA package ) this phone is using the stock 3E recovery.

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General :: No Image With Clone Iphone 5?

Mar 14, 2014

found a copy for iPhone 5 c

model is : unavalible

problema: not view any image

try to test 75 roms and the problem persist

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General :: Clone I9500 Bricked?

Nov 1, 2013

I have a clone I9500. It has been bricked while I was trying to install a new rom

how shall I fix it. it has a MT6572 but recognizes as a MT65XX

some softwares says its a MT6589 AND SOME says MT6572

when I start up I keeps rebooting or gets stuck on the screen and I can acces the Boot manager
this is how is the boot manager:


it says alps.

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