HTC EVO 4G :: Use Two Different Text Messaging Clients
Jun 8, 2010Is there a way to make the text messages from only certain people go to lets say handcentSMS instead of the standard messaging area?

Is there a way to make the text messages from only certain people go to lets say handcentSMS instead of the standard messaging area?
I've decided to do a search for some other possible apps to replace the stock text messaging system. So far I've downloaded chompSMS, Handcent SMS, and SMS (which seems to be an enhanced version of the stock one) Curious on which ones you guys are running and the benefits of some over the others? I do like the apps over the stock one since you can reply to the text immediately after unlocking the phone and don't have to click an actual icon.
View 41 Replies View Relatedwhen you click on the Text Messaging icon that your text messages lag as they appear in the display (for example, I see phone numbers first associated with each message, and then I have to wait a few seconds before names slowly pop up in place of each number)?
View 6 Replies View Relatedso my droid incredible began to slow down && i had to figure out what was making my phone so slow.. come to find out.. it was Handcent SMS -- the text messaging app i had been using ever since i bought the phone.. i updated it the last time it notified me of an update && then it stopped working... always force closing.. so i had to use chomp SMS instead.. but i hate chomp -- handcent is ten times better.. i tried reinstalling handcent on my phone but i couldnt even find it in the android market so i was assumed the maker removed it from the store.. do any of you know of any other text messaging apps that are really good for the droid incredible? or do you know of any way that i could possibly put handcent SMS back on my phone?
View 13 Replies View RelatedWhen I select a person's name on my text messaging list, it opens to a different person. I accident sent a text to the wrong person because of this, oops. It's been happening since I got my phone for the most part, but it didn't start to bother me until now because it seems to be happening more frequently. Anyone fixes for this?
View 17 Replies View RelatedI want a simply T9 texting app so I don't have to use both hands.I want to be able to use just one hand while in the car, instead of two hands to text.
View 12 Replies View RelatedGot a T-mobile pulse with unlimited txt's and data.
When i type a txt message, as soon as i hit 4 txt,s in length a message flags us saying 'converting message to mms'. Which it promptly does. If i send the message it does indeed send it as an mms. Anything under 4 in length is sent as a txt message
I spoke to T-mobile and they said update software to fix it. Which i did. And it did not fix it.
Phoned them back and they did not have a clue.
Not being able to send long text messages without being charged mms service rate.
I have the notification sound on and the volume is on high for the text messaging. The phone will vibrate when I receive a text however no sound will play.
View 3 Replies View RelatedThis morning around 8am central time I was prompted with a message saying a new update was available. So I downloaded it using my wireless network at home. I've been at work all day and my incredible has been laggy and I can only send txts using google voice. I usually use handcent but I uninstalled it bc it kept foreclosing after the update. Ive tried repeatedly to use the default message app but when I select it, the only thing that comes up is a blank white screen n then the forceclose message. I haven't received an incoming txt all day either.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've had my Eris for a good while now and just started to have some problems. The other night, I tried to flash a new rom and can't move my trackball in the Amon Recovery menu. I have read that on here and there are some other issues involving that.
Secondly, I was just using my phone today and noticed that when at my home screen, my phone would just slide to the left 2 screens. The trackball would move by itself. When I'm in my browser the trackball moves by itself also. It just scrolls down to the next link.
When I type my cursor jumps all over the place. If I leave the cursor sit for a couple seconds the cursor jumps to the left to the beginning of the message.
I am rooted usng Froyo 34 and updated on Android 2.2
Just got a Wildfire and still setting it up. What i notice is there are no folders for texts, such as sent, saved, etc? Also, when you receive a text, how do you forward them ?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've been using BrowserTexting, paid for the premium and it's been awesome. While my phone is charging somewhere in my room, I can use my laptop to reply back to whatever text I receive.
Thing is, I'm using Viber to text friends overseas. I was wondering if there are any apps or any way to integrate all text messaging to the default android SMS messenger so I can use BrowserTexting? I know Viber text messages use the data plan, but it would be awesome if I could also use BrowserTexting to text through my Viber app. Or at least is there a way for me to also use my PC to text through Viber?
when I was using my Omnia, I noticed that when sending text messages it was the smartest phone I'd ever used. On Verizon, if you write a text message longer than 160 characters, it won't send any more than that to a non-Verizon subscriber. The Omnia inherently split excessively long text messages into separate messages, instead of what normal phones do, by sending the whole thing and hoping the server splits it for you.
The Droid acts like a dumbphone with both the stock SMS app as well as Handcent. I want it to split messages when they are longer than 160 characters, because I have a lot of friends that aren't Verizon members - or worse yet that it doesn't send the whole thing, Google Voice users. Is there a text messaging app that doesn't have this issue of sending long text messages to non-verizon subscribers?
I have just got started. I have the droid and love the thing. Helps in business very much. My question: When I send a text message, I am named "me". How do I enter my screen name for text messaging?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to determine if this issue is just associated with Bugless Beast V0.1 FRF57 or if it's something in the 2.2 itself.
I got to about 300 text messages earlier, and got a message saying " A large number of SMS messages are being sent. Select "ok" to continue or press "Cancel" to stop sending."
This pops up for every text message I send. Even when I clear my text messages, this comes up. I had to manually reboot my phone to clear that out. Not sure what was going on.
How important texting is now a days and mine got messed up I nwas sending my friend a youtube link througth a text anf then my phone says rthe application messaging (process has stopped unexpectadly please try again. I tried everything I even pulled out the battery for 5 minutes and the same thing keeps happening.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am a Sprint Hero owner looking forward to buy the Epic 4G.
I've seen a lot of videos of the Captivate and Vibrant and when they show the Messaging app it shows the bubble (kind of IPhone look) and I was wondering if you can change the look to the regular android look?
Maybe by pressing "Menu" you can change it or something.
I just downloaded the 2.2 update and none of my text messages are coming though. I tried Chomp, Handcent and the native app and it keeps freezing and force closing at the screen. It doesn't even show my contacts in the messaging app.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for answer why Messaging is not showing up in the activity chooser dialog. Looking at the manifest it should do exactly that:
But if i create my intent like that :
Only gmail is an option or gmail +k9 if k9 installed. Changing intent type to */* works but it's not really a good options since i have a plain text.
New user. New Droid X in hand. I have a text+talk plan with VZW, and none of the SMS messages I composed actually sent (I'd attach a screen shot, but ShootMe only seems to be designated for rooted devices). Is there something I'm missing, else I will call VZW. To recap, I went to my contacts, found the name, and next to their number I hit the message icon. I composed, hit send, and nothing. Now I see Xes next to the messages. Two of the recipients are also VZW customers.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I text people without going through the contacts or having to remember their numbers when I use the Messaging app? I try to add their name and it just texts to the associated numbers that the letters represent. There is no option to add people you want to next other than typing in their number. What am I missing?
View 4 Replies View Related1: My Behold 2 came with a 2gb memory card. Will this have any affect on how fast my phone is?
2: Is there anyway to get some other sort of text messaging app?
3: How can I make this phone perform at its fastest?
4: What other things like Galaxy 1.6 are there?
I know I sound dumb but I'm new to all this phone stuff.
I have a Motorola Moto G and my text messaging gets filled with Facebook notifications. I do not care to have these on my phone - what to do to get Facebook notifications off my text messaging site.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have accidentally disabled text messaging . How to enable.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have an odd problem and my searches for solutions have come up blank. I have a Nexus 4 running 4.2 on NET10. I receive automated text messages from an email address, but the number it comes from changes every message. Can i get these to all link together under one contact? the numbers are 1410000xxx where xxx are steadily increasing numbers(1410000001, 1410000002,1410000003).
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to increase (or disable it!!!!) Message Text Limit more than 1000 messages per thread/conversation??
In Froyo 2.2.1 there were an option called "Delete old messages", but in Gingerbread this options is not present and I just can set numbers from 10 to 1000 of messages per thread/conversation.
I need to remove this limit without installing a CustomROM (currently I've the stock one), is it possibile?
(I'm using Motorola Atrix 4G with Gingerbread 2.3.6 and I've got 2Gb of free space for system's apps and SMS, so I'm not worried about space occupied for text messages)
This is the only complaint i have since upgrading to 2.1 but its a pretty big one. I have tired default messenger and handcent and still get the "Not delivered" message althought it was delivered. Yes I did the *228 thing also. Any other app, or fix I could do?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am trying to send a text message to multiple people by scrolling down my list of contact and adding them as I go. Is there a way to do this? I am able to hit 'compose' but cannot scroll.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI used to be able to associate a ringtone to text messages from specific contacts on my LG Dare. Now I love my new Droid but it doesn't look like you can do that.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just got my x a few days ago and have never had a smartphone (i'm coming from the Dare)...i was trying to send a picture in a text message today, and it sent it horizontal... i took the picture vertically...and when i attached it to my text message it sent it sideways. so i rotated the picture 90 degrees and sent it, and it was still sideways.... anyone know how to fix this? i take most of my pics vertically...and i don't want them posting to facebook or sent to my fam sideways!
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