Jelly Bean :: Unlock Or Enable SMS On SG Tab 3?
Jan 4, 2014I have a ROOTED Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 (7 inch) from Sprint. Is there a way to enable or turn on the SMS or Phone radio features that was/is initially blocked by Sprint?

I have a ROOTED Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 (7 inch) from Sprint. Is there a way to enable or turn on the SMS or Phone radio features that was/is initially blocked by Sprint?
I have accidentally disabled text messaging . How to enable.
View 1 Replies View RelatedA while ago I disabled the stock texting app to use Handcent, but I just decided to change back. I deleted Handcent and when I went to enable the default texting app, instead of showing a button that said 'Enable' it just showed an unclickable 'Disable' button. How can I re-enable the app? I use a Droid RAZR running Jelly Bean.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI recently added an exchange account which I then removed. Now my only lock screen security option is "password". I'd like to use pattern lock again.
I don't have any device administrators nor any exchange accounts anymore.
Is there any way to restore the settings to what they once were?
How to unlock my network in samsung s3 4gLTE. I have android 4.0.4 version running and can't update it.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have Pantech Flex P8010. I was rooted on ICS 4.0.4 and then I installed Jelly Bean Update by restoring rooted backup of Jelly Bean 4.1.2 uploaded by Zapper_Master.
After Jelly Bean I got smooth working phone. But, as other I had same issue of Wifi not working and automatic 2x Reboots after atleast gap of 6-7 hours. (I was knowing it before I installed update as others who updated by restoring zip also faced same issue. But, It was ok for me as I like Jelly Bean the most.)
But, there was way to enable native wifi tethering on this lovely phone on ICS. [URL] ......
And I followed same steps (After Installing SQLite Editor, I just backed up database & changed value from settings.db secure table on actual database.)
Line 1. softap_free_supported
Line 2. softap_entitlement_interval
Change Line 1′s value to 1 in the SQL editor. Change Line 2′s value to 0 in the SQL editor save and close or just close depending on the editor.
SUPPER IMPORTANT if the file permissions on settings.db are not rw-rw-rw make them so in your file explorer.
There was a risk of bricking phone as there is no recovery available for Jelly Bean.
I just wanted to let others know that above method also works on Jelly Bean. But, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! I will not be responsible if anything goes wrong & you brick your lovely flex.
I have a pattern lock on my AT&T Galaxy SII, but the screen has recently become damaged and unusable. Is there anyway to access the storage on my phone to retrieve files? Hooking up the USB cable does nothing because I can't put in the pattern lock.
View 5 Replies View RelatedUsing a Galaxy S4 with Android 4.3. I use the swipe feature to unlock the phone.
If the phone is unlocked when I answer an incoming call, I can use all of the phones features, including Mute, Speakerphone, etc.
However, if the phone is LOCKED when I answer an incoming call, I cannot unlock the phone. Pressing the main button does not bring up the screen to enter my password. It just stays blank. Therefore no Mute, no Speakerphone, no access to contacts, etc. By default, you can't even end a call! If someone called me and just put me on hold, I would have to pull the battery to hang up. Fortunately I have set the power button to hang up calls, but that doesn't really fix the overall problem.
So, how do I get the phone to at least let me unlock it when in this situation.
I'm using the Nexus 4, with Jelly Bean 4.2.2 (stock ROM, rooted). It works great, and I've got face unlock working... mostly.I'm trying to train it, by going into Settings->Security->Improve Face Matching periodically, but it still only recognizes my face about half the time.
Often, the lighting is bad - maybe it's too dark, or I'm backlit so my face is turned into a silhouette - there's not much to be done there, but often, there are borderline situations, where the camera shows what I think is a recognizable picture of myself on the screen, but the phone says "Sorry, I don't recognize you."
Does retraining the phone often enough eventually get the facial recognition system to work better? Or is it always going to fail here and there if the lighting's off?Or are there any hidden tips based on whatever algorithms the face-unlocker uses, that would improve my results?
I'm looking for a tutorial to Root and then revert back to JellyBean from KitKat on a Nexus 7 2013 2nd Gen, non carrier, WiFi only, or Whatever is required to switch back to JB from KK..
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a Coolpad 8720L with its own interface built upon 4.3 Jelly Bean. It's not very good, and I'd like to install stock Android instead. How do I do this?
I heard that I have to root the device, and then find a ROM for stock Jelly Bean to load onto the device?
Recently my phone's screen (galaxy s4) has broken. It is not shattered but it does not light up or respond to touch. It looks almost as if it is not on at all. I know it is on because the light in the upper corner that blinks for notifications works and the soft keys light up when the power/lock button and volume button are pushed. I can not see or save what I have on my phone through Kies because I can not unlock it. I was wondering if there was any other way to unlock a phone like through a website or program, or even display a phones screen onto another device, because I have picture on here that are very important to me that I would like to save before I ship my phone in for it's replacement and lose everything. I did not have an SD card and I do not know if everything saved to my clouds or google docs.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just purchased my first ever cell phone ( Google LG Nexus 4 16gb ) . I have never used one before , just never had the need for one . How to use Android Jelly Bean 4.3 and also how to use this phone .
View 5 Replies View RelatedBest way I could describe it. On ICS the dialer would allow me to type a number and come back to it later, now when I multi-task the number disappears. I am running 4.1.2 on a HTC Desire 300, and the dialer is stock to the best of my knowledge.
View 4 Replies View RelatedThe jellybean box itself turns on and the home screen loads up. I select the page where all the apps xbmc app...sometimes it flicks back to main apps page other times the screen turns black/blank. I can't get further than this box has worked perfectly for the past 3 months since purchasing. I can't get into the settings page as I can't get past the blank .
View 1 Replies View RelatedThis is for an EVO but i'm thinking maybe it'll be similar to other android phones. what i'd to set up is to have the phone require the 'dot unlock pattern' after it's been sitting for 5 minutes idle. when i set it up with AutoLock, whenever the screen turns off after 1 minute, it'll rqeuire me to do the slide down to unlock which i don't want.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIn android phone app, I use touch screen to dial a number. And then I place the phone next to my ear for the phone call. And android will show 'Double Tab to unlock' on screen to disable anything activated/touched.
Can you please tell me how can I do that in my own application?
I can send SMS and MMS with the stock 4.1.2. messaging app on wifi or cell data just fine, but no 3rd party app including Hangouts 2.0 will send MMS messages.
I've tried GoSMS Pro, Textra, Handcent, Hangouts,... nothing else will send an MMS. It tries, and then just switches over to retrying until I force quite the app, or send another regular, text only message.
I've tried signing in/out, Hard reset, turning it off and on again,...
I'm using stock 4.1.2. on a ZTE Savvy with Straight Talk on Verizon towers.
I am eagerly looking for an app that would allow me to rotate scheduled SMS e.g. from a set of 10 pre-set messages, it sends out 1st,2nd,3rd... SMS each day in chronological order.Go SMS, Chomp SMS etc. allow you to schedule SMS but it is the SAME SMS that goes out each day. Do you know such apps?
View 1 Replies View Relatedmy S3 doesn't connect to the PC since I updated the Android version 4.3. When I plug in the USB, the phone is charging, but I cannot transfer nothing to PC or reverse.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have a SGS3
Model number: GT-I9300
Android version: 4.1.2
Baseband: I9300XXELLA
Kernel: 3.0.31-1276773
Build: JZO54K.I9300ZSEMK2
I bought it unlocked from Canada, but I live in the czech republic. My carrier is vodafone.I don't understand why my phone can't upgrade to 4.3 OTA... it always says that I have the latest updates.I've tried connecting to Kies on my laptop, but I have the never ending "connecting" loop.
how to upgrade android 4.1.2 to 4.3 jelly bean?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am using Profile Scheduler +, and have set the default ringtone to the stock SMS app to specific sound (Sound 02) since it only works for stock apps and not 3rd party ones.
In GoSMS, I get dual notifications. When I select the setting (Disable Other Message Notification), I don't get dual notifications on the notification bar and Sound 02 does not play.
how to get rid of the dual notification but may it use Sound 02 as the default? I have Sound 01 used the default notification for emails, etc.
I updated my phone (GS3) two days ago and after I did I have 4 "download complete" notifications that won't go away. Even after clearing them they come back. The files cannot even be located on my phone anywhere. I downloaded these ages ago through Chrome.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm running into this "no client" error message. What this error can be linked to? I've uninstalled several apps but the message still displays.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just checked my nexus 7, and I had some twitter. Facebook messenger, instagram notifications that never showed up on my moto g while I was on Data.How come I don't get certain notifications when using data?They only show up when I connect to my WiFi
What's app, bbm, and emails are working correctly as push.
I have the GS4 android 4.3 and sometimes things lag more often so I hold home and go to the task manager to see that the RAM is almost full. There is the option to clear memory but it sounds risky and I haven't found an answer to my question yet. What exactly happens when I tap clear memory? Will any apps be messed up? I want to know that it's totally find to clear memory before I do it.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI need to back up the stock room i don't need to root i made a serch i found that cwm recovery is the best way but i don't want the worng logo on reboot so can i install cwm recovery and make the backup then remove it and return to stock recovery ... is this possible ..
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have downloaded Kii keyboard because Swype does not work anymore.I have a HTC Evo 3d.
But how do i use the swipe function with Kii ? Do i have to turn something on?
I am currently using note 2 and is still on 4.1.2 and I want to go to 4.3. I have not received any ota update at all to 4.3. Is there a safe and reliable way to update to 4.3 manually?
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