HTC Wildfire :: For Rooting Failed
Sep 17, 2010does anyone have the working file as the one i downloaded when rooting failed...

does anyone have the working file as the one i downloaded when rooting failed...
I have followed instructions on the following page on rooting my phone:
How To: Root the HTC Wildfire (Unrevoked Method) | TheUnlockr
At the bottom, There are some steps, Quoting these:
"7. Plug in your phone into your computer via usb cable. 8. It should automatically locate your phone that is plugged in and you can just follow the prompts to continue. 9. Done! You are rooted and have a custom recovery image!"
I have unrEVOked open, And followed all instructions, And it still says "waiting for device", Why?
is there a app to replace the default FM Radio in HTC Wildfire S without rooting it.
No Streaming. Only the available FM station available after attaching the headphone.
What if you failed during rooting xperia x10....
can u fix it?
I understand the whole rooting thing, but i can not find an app that will do my phone. I have the Motorola Droid (original) with the 2.2 update that just come out a couple months ago. I tried the Universal Androot and it said "failed" when I tried to root the phone with it. Then I heard about Easy Root in the market, but searched the market and its not there. Also wanting to do the nandroid backup so I can reinstall my current settings just in case and can not find anything to do that either.....
View 5 Replies View RelatedI followed this tutorial exactly: How to Root - Android Forums
1) i downloaded/installed the drivers
2) i unpackaged the rootkit onto the sdcard
3) i executed start_root.bat
4) the script(s) ran and the phone rebooted.
now, when i connect the phone to the computer (any computer) via usb, it isn't recognized. this is the main problem. i also downloaded rom manager, and it says i do not have root.
when i run start_root from the tutorial now:
************************************************** ****************************
* *
* Dirrk's EZ Root v0.2 (Sebastien Krahmers Exploit) *
* *
************************************************** ****************************
* Testing if your device is connected
* daemon not running. starting it now *
* daemon started successfully *
List of devices attached
* If you are NOT connected please follow these directions
* Install the correct drivers
* Turn On Debugging
* Check usb port, cable and phone
* Then rerun this application
Press any key to continue . . .
nothing is being recognized...
I have just got a Wildfire and its running on 2.1 part 1 and just wanted to know when its due to get the 2.2 update?
View 24 Replies View RelatedHtc has released firmware update 1.25.405.1 for the htc wildfire but i go to software update in my phone settings but it said no new updates found. Is there something i am doing wrong.
View 5 Replies View RelatedMy friendstream is blank, with an empty screen saying "no recent updates". When I've removed the widget from my home screen and put it back again, it claims to be loading for a while and then says no recent updates again. When I use the arrow button in the top right hand corner it says that "Sorry the application friendstream ( has stopped unexpectedly please try again." with a button that says force close, which takes me back to the blank screen.
Have you seen anything similar what can I do?
I have a X10 Mini which is an O2 Pay as you go purchased in England. I followed the Sony Erricsson instructions posted on youtube to upgrade my phone. After a fun filled few hours the other evening, and after rebooting the phone for a final time the phone was still at v1.6. The PC companion software downloded and appeared to update the phone correctly. Now if I try to repeat the upgrade process the PC companion says that the phone's software is up to date.
View 1 Replies View RelatedLast night i got the froyo 2.2.03 update for my htc wildfire, i downloaded it, ran the install and it still says 2.1 update 1, any advice? Like how to install from sd card?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have recently bought an unlocked and unbranded HTC Wildfire in Australia. I want to know, is it possible for me to get the Froyo update, and if so how?
View 8 Replies View RelatedRecently i have been getting a new icon on my notification bar and im not sure where it has come from and how to get rid of it
Its a person with the refresh cicrle in the bottom right hand when i move the notification bar it has a name and says 1 new update. now im guessing i have clicked on a setting somewhere...can someone tell me how to stop the notifications.
I asked my parents for a new phone, specifically a HTC Desire because I'm a gamer so obviously I wanted a phone with an awesome processor. But at the time of my birthday I got a HTC Wildfire (apparently the Desire was sold out at every store my dad went to). Now there's nothing wrong with the Wildfire. The battery life is great and it doesn't take to much space in my pocket but I felt a little bit disappointed when I checked out the market. The games I found were at the same level as the games I had on my old phone, a Sony Ericsson K550i. Also, when I checked Youtube and various other websites for game tips I couldn't find them. For example Buka, Robo Defense, ToonWarz, Speed Forge 3D etc etc. Is this because they are not available for the Wildfire because of the 589 mhz processor? If that is the case, will the maybe be available when the 2.2 update arrives (with the processor speed up)? Or do I need to download them from a specific site because all the games I find on the market are free.
View 6 Replies View RelatedLast night I did the check updates *#*#2432546#*#* and to my surprise a few minutes later a system update appeared. I was elated and accepted the download and restart. I am still waiting... I have the explanation mark and the little android guy on the front of the screen, but no restart. What do I do next? I am in a slightly weak area, but normally can get 3G and decent downloads. So now I am unsure how to proceed. Was the restart suppose to be automatic? That is what I was led to believe.
View 26 Replies View RelatedI am sitting here trying to get my phone back to the way it came out of the box. Now I rooted it a month or so back and cant remember how I did it. So I am reading along and doing all these methods and not one of them seemed to work for me. I think I am making some progress though. Before I used to have an app called super user. In the midst of all these things I was doing it is now gone. I formatted the sd card and put the factory original backup back on there.
But now I go to update (to 3.29.651.5) and it wont let me. When I click on the update it says it going to restart and then it takes me to the recovery screen saying that It has been aborted. It says.....
Build : RA-evo-v1.7.0.2
Finding update package...
Opening update package...
Verifying update package...
E: No signature (206 files)
E: Verification failed
Installation aborted
I got the message for the OTA update today. After it downloaded nothing happened. I try looking at Settings>About Phone>System Update, but my phone does not that "System Update". My Firmware is 1.5, and my Software Version reads 1.0.0.A6288. Build Number is 2.73.751.4 146733 CL#61205 release-keys. Why didn't my phone update?
View 5 Replies View RelatedYesterday morning I was happy to see that I had received the 2.2 OTA update. I readily clicked yes to apply, and my (rooted I should probably mention) phone rebooted and and just had the little Android guy next to a triangle with an exclamation point in it. At this point if I pressed any buttons, the Clockwork recovery mod tool popped up. I rebooted the phone and tried again with the same results. Thinking that it might have something to do with my phone being rooted, I followed the steps to unroot it. That went fine, but now when I check it says that my system is up to date and it won't download the OTA. So I even followed the steps to manually apply the 2.2 update, and while in the recovery screen, it fails and says that has errors or something. I've re downloaded it and have tried everything else that I could think of. Is there any way for me to get my phone to 2.2 now?
View 6 Replies View RelatedA few weeks ago i upgraded my radio on my dinc no root no anythng just the radio now i cant update to 2.2 how do i downgrade the radio to stock i got the phone a month ago.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have created a Goldcard using the tool on this Forum. It appears okay when I check the loaded files on the card. When I try and run Test RUU it fails to update my ROM from (T-Mobile UK). I thought HTC Sync might be the problem as I had been using disk drive to connect my phone, so I reinstalled it. HTC Sync causes my Windows Explorer to crash but I managed a workaround and tried running Test RUU again. Once again the update failed. On my phone screen I get the message CID incorrect Update fail which sounds like a Goldcard problem.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWell ive been searching the internet all day for others in my boat. Everywhere I look people who rooted there 2.1 did the Official OTA with no issues. I am not looking to root 2.2. All i want to do is get 2.2 OTA from verizon. I keep getting Failed to Update. I unfroze all the bloatware. what else do i need to do? right now i am trying to unroot using that one click program and that isnt working either.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have the Super User Root, Wireless Tether and Titanium Backup on my Droid X. I wanted to update to 2.2 and once I download it and try to upload it, it keeps giving me an Update Failed notice. Is there anything I'm missing?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to update my SDK but every time I get this same warning dialog:
-= Waning! =- A folder failed to be renamed or moved.
The folder is <ANDROID_SDK>/tools. I searched for help in this group about this error and found some answers. But none of them worked for me. Looking at Process Explorer tool I found that the problem is the "java.exe" that is keeping several JAR file handles opened in that directory. Closing the handles hangs the "java.exe". What can I do? I am stuck in this step.
OK update failed, i have tried posting in other threads but the pace is to quick with other stuff.
i had a flashed stock phone, as took my branding off, i have since been told that you need to keep the gold card in when doing updates.
i have also tried resetting but no joy. im told i need to re flash the orginal 2.1 stock and then re do the update with the gcard in. only trouble is my phone keeps resetting on its own and i can't seem to enable hd mode on the sd card which i need
i can't update my nexus s (4.0.3) to 4.0.4 .... it download the update and it says verification failed (3G and WIFI) phone is rooted and bootloader is unlocked
View 2 Replies View RelatedI tried downloading and installing froyo OTA tonight and it rebooted and a status bar showed up. After about a third of the way into it an "!" icon appeared and the phone instantly rebooted. Upon reboot i got a message saying System update failed!I'm running 2.1 rooted - but all bloatware etc i've kept. Also running LP. Do i need to unroot before updating? I haven't read anything that says I need to.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have read a bunch of different posts and after installing almost* my bloatware that I removed it still doesn't update. The only thing I am missing is corporate directly. I checked the ape bundle, and that isn't in there.
*All but one program
Since the Facebook app update was released, I've tried to update it. It will download it, then say installing, then say installation failed. I have a rooted and themed DX, so I tried to even rename the facebook.apk to a backup, then install fresh from the market. The installation still fails.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a rooted Desire with 2.1 OS and I want to update to 2.2 but when I check in About section for a software update first System Update Available is 1.21.405.2 . Ok until now. I supose the first thing is to do this update and after reboot when I'll check to new System Software Update a 2.2 will appear.
After I download 1.21.405.2 via Wifi phone starts backup process and then reboots in a black screen with green SYNC icon and a loading bar stop loading after a few seconds an another black screen with a BIG RED question mark appears and then phone reboots as usual but with no update Why can't update in order to pass next step: 2.2 OS update ?
I have a Samsung Galaxy ACE (GT-S5830i) which I have rooted but I am still on the stock rom/gingerbread 2.3.6
Today my phone said an update is available, so I connected to WiFi and downloaded the 30.14mb update, the update fails to install and I have now found out from searching that you cannot do a software update OTA once you are rooted, D'oh!!
So I now want to know how do I get rid of the 30mb update that I downloaded from my internal storage?! Can I simply delete it from the appropriate file, if so what is the folder/file called? or is it not as simple that?
If this 30mb update that didn't work cannot be simply deleted using my file manager app, then should I unroot my phone, and then try and update OTA again? and then root my phone once more? Would that work?!