HTC Incredible :: Use EVRC B With Network Extender

Jul 30, 2010

I had been pulling my hair out trying to figure out why my Incredible wouldn't work with the network extender I recently bought. Hightech answered and solved my problem. When on EVRC B, I saw better signal and could receive calls, but could not make calls. When talking with VZW tech support I asked if using the EVRC B would affect that. He was a little miffed and said you shouldn't be into that section of the phone. I switched to plain EVRC, but forgot that there were three settings I had changed to EVRC B; Home Page, Home Orig, and Roam Orig. If any of these are set to the "B" option, you will not be able to make calls. Also after you change the EVRC settings, make sure to press the Menu button just under the touchscreen and press commit change or commit modification to make sure it accepts the change.

UPDATE: After a message from dsauch I did a little experimenting. Home Page and Home Orig CAN be set to EVRC B, but Roam Orig can NOT be set to EVRC B for the network extender to work. Thanks dsauch for that info. When I was trying to get the network extender to work, I believe my Home Orig and Roam Orig were still set to the B option. I could've tried all different variations of EVRC/EVRC B to get the NE to work, but I just wanted to be able to dial out. So again, if you want to use EVRC B and a network extender, make sure that Roam Orig is set to EVRC (not EVRC B). Home Page and Home Orig can be set either way.

HTC Incredible :: use EVRC B with network extender

HTC Incredible :: Network Extender - Not Connecting

Jun 3, 2010

We have really bad signal at our place, so we had to buy a network extender, which did a great job.

We recently got Incredibles. On the network extender, when you make a call, it will beep twice to tell you you're connected on it. Which it's still been doing with our new phones.

However, when I was away from home this week, I noticed the incredible still beeps for every call. So I'm wondering if it's even connecting to the extender? We keep getting the infamous reboot at home, so that'd make me think it's not connecting to the extender because our bars are still at 0-1 and we keep rebooting at home. I didn't reboot once in 50 some hours with being away. I usually don't make it to 12 hours while home.

Do I have to do something to set up a new phone? I was positive all I did last time was enter in the phone number.

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HTC Incredible :: Network Extender For Poor Signals

Apr 29, 2010

Does anybody have experience with network extenders? Would it help preserve battery life in poor signal areas?

Also, has anybody used Sprint's Airave network extender? I get terrible service here in college, but back home (Suburban Chicago) Sprint has great 3G and even WiMax. My 2-year with Sprint is up in October, and with the EVO 4g coming out (+WiMax back home) I was wondering if an Airave would help my reception woes during the school year.

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HTC Incredible :: Network Extender Missing Calls

May 1, 2010


Poor Service inside home w/ my BBerry Curve 8330 pushed me to get a Verizon Network Extender. It DRAMATICALLY improved coverage and never dropped a call after it (except when leaving/coming into range of Network Extender (NE)

Now i've got the Droid Inc and have been noticing an unsettling trend:

When connected to the NE, i have missed at least 2 calls (that i know of only because they left vmails) in the last 2 days since having the phone. No entry in the call history.

I'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing this?

As far as the NE itself goes, i wouldnt be able to do business or make calls from my home/home office without it. I dropped calls from my BBerry so much that i almost left Verizon because of it. The NE changed everything.

It was a little bit of a pain to set up but after it's connected it just works. It does NOT improve data service (3G) but with WiFi it doesnt matter.

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HTC Incredible :: Network Extender Don't Play Nice

Jul 29, 2010

I received the 2 network extenders I ordered today, hooked them up, waited for the gps to find itself, and then nothing. Talked with tech support and they said you needed at least 300kb up & down (my dsl was 810 down & 216 up). So I talked to my isp, and for $10 raised my speeds to around 1400kb down and 760kb up. I cycled power to the network extender and still no go!

Spent and hour with VZW tech support and found that a family member's Moto W385 (Moto feature flip phone) could connect just fine, but not my Incredible. Tried it with the second network extender and same results. The tech issued me a trouble ticket and tey will get back to me. He closed the call saying there was probably something wrong with my Incredible.

My questions are does anyone have both an Incredible and a network extender? Do yours work or did you have similar issues? If so how were they, or were they resolved?

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Motorola Droid :: Anybody Used Verizon Network Extender

Nov 30, 2009

So I switched to verizon from ATT for (go figure) their network. yet the signal strength in my house seems pretty shoddy. outside my house is pretty good. must be something with the walls. has anybody bought/used the network extender and had positive results?

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Motorola Droid X :: Network Extender / Booster

Sep 19, 2010

While I've never dropped a call and I alway have 3G I always have either zero or one bar of signal showing. And my battery hits yellow midday with fairly light usage. Compared to my old house about 2 miles away (just moved last week) I would have full bars and my batter would last 16hrs before hitting yellow. So I think I need a network booster. First, do they actually work? Second, if so what is a good recommendation. Third, do they boost boost data evdo signal too or just voice?

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Motorola Droid :: Factory Reset And Network Extender

Nov 19, 2009

I decided to perform a factory reset on my Droid the other day simply because I was having a contact sync issue. I was having the problem where changes in Gmail would sync to the phone but changes/adds/removes on the phone wouldn't sync back to Gmail. Sync records on the phone showed it was days since the last successful sync. So I cleaned up my contacts on Gmail and did a factory reset on the phone. When I tried to activate, it failed to program the phone. I tried it numerous times and did options 1, 2 and 3, all failed.

To make a long story short for now, I believe my problem had to do with a neighbor having a VZW Network Extender. After googling for a few things I noticed someone who talked about problems activating with a network extender. They mentioned after dialing you get a two note beep when the call connects. I noticed this while at home but wasn't entirely sure. I read about this while at work so I made a call while there and noticed no beep. Once I got home sure enough, a two tone beep. So hopefully this helps others considering I wasted over an hour on the phone with VZW Customer Service. Although I will admit, I had a human on the phone within a couple of minutes, they were really polite and never did any cold transfers. VZW had me do a hard reset and a manual activation. Process is listed below................

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Motorola Droid :: No Out Going Calls With Evrc-b

Jun 9, 2010

Following some advice around here, I tried enabling the EVRC-B setting. With that setting on, everything including incoming calls work, with the exception that I cannot make outbound calls. Any outbound calls just sits on "dialing".

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Motorola Droid :: Vocode-evrc - Everc-b - 13k

Jul 2, 2010

I have just changed my phone from EVRC TO EVRC-B. I did a little sample test and the voice quality seems better. It is also more comfortable for me to talk as I get a more flat tone in the earpiece (ears are sensitive).

My question is will this effect my reception in difficult areas? I am a noob to all this but from what I have read it is just compressing the original signal so it seems like it would be the same but I would appreciate any input.

Also what advantages or disadvantages would 13k bring. Again, from what I have read it uses more bandwith so it seems like it might effect reception.

Reception is really a key for me since my cabin is in a very spotty reception area so I want to get the best possible.

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Samsung Fascinate :: Need To Change EVRC-B Voice Settings On Fascinate?

Sep 17, 2010

EVRC-B allows you to have enhanced voice quality in large metro areas. On the HTC's, you could dial ##PROGRAM, press send, choose EVRC-B and BAM! It made a huge difference for us city folk.ny ideas?

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General :: Using Android As WiFi Extender?

Dec 10, 2013

I work on a remote site and live in a Donga (A portable bedroom) These Donga's have thick walls and i can barely get our camps wifi, let alone any Phone signal.

I have noticed that my mobile phone can get a medium wireless signal strength if i place it on the window cill and it got me wondering if it could be possible to use my android phone as a wifi repeater so that i could use the internet on my laptop inside my Donga.

Long story short, is it at all possible to have my Android phone connected to a wifi network, and then my laptop tethering with the android phone but using wifi data and not cellular?

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Motorola Droid :: Verizon Signal Extender

Jun 5, 2010

first of all the people that say it will only work 50 feet away. That's not true. if you read the instructions you have to be 50 feet away the first time you sync and then after that it goes up to 5000 feet. i got one for $99 and I am very happy. The only thing I have to ask if it is normal is.... My signal will be 1 bar until I am on a phone call and then will go up to full bars. Is this normal for the extender?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Fuel Lite - Battery Extender Case

Jun 22, 2010

Vote from the following link below if you want a HTC EVO 4G Fuel Lite - Battery Extender Case! make a fuel lite case for the new htc evo 4g. If you don't know what the Fuel Lite - Battery Extender is, follow the link below. iPhone 3G / 3GS Fuel Lite - iPhone Battery Case, iPhone Battery Extender UPDATE: I was told by there technical support team, when they receive enough requests and votes, they would consider putting this into production!

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General :: Android Devices And WiFi Extender

Jan 6, 2013

Recently I bought a wifi range extender (TP-Link tl-wa730re first version) and I configured it in order to extend (range extender mode) wifi signal of my router over some rooms of my house. In particular I use this extender to take the signal into a room in which I already get router signal, but it's too low to have a fast connection.

So in this room I have 2 signal (I used this app to analyze my conditions Play Store Link): the router one, with 20-30%, and the repeater one, with 70 %. I haven't any problem with my pc, but I have the same issue with my android devices (galaxy nexus, 2 nexus 7, htc sensation, xperia u): they randomly disconnect themselves for just a couple of seconds and then they switch between the 2 signals

Moreover about every 10 hours, I must reboot the extender, or every android device stops to get a working connection. For example, my gnex lost connection and continuously tries to connect to router, but it always fail.

If I move from this room to another one (especially if in this room router signal is stronger than before) my devices lost connection and I have to reboot phone or tab to get connection back...

My router has a WPA-PSK TKIP-AES password, dhcp enabled, automatic channel search enabled (the usual channel is always free), and wifi bg with a speed up to 125 mbps. My extender has no password configured, dhcp disabled, same channel of router and its extended wifi has been seen by every android as the same of router (only 1 signal is detected into settings).

I already tried to set a static IP from wifi settings on phones but nothing change..

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HTC Desire :: Mobile Battery Extender Charger - Recommend?

Jul 27, 2010

Anyone tried one of these and purchased from this site before? HTC Desire Battery Extender Charger, HTC Desire Or anyone have any similar products they've brought used and recommend?

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Motorola Droid : Home Wireless Provider Or Relying On An Extender?

Jan 30, 2010

Well, after reading these forums for a month, I broke down Tuesday and grabbed myself a DROID! On the plus side, it's EVERYTHING you guys said it would be and more...

On the minus side, even though the Verizon rep, according to their map, shows A+ service in my area, I get nothing. Zero. Zilch. Notta.

Fortunately, Verizon is about 6 minutes from my home, so a rep (props to Verizon!), came out to verify. He confirmed, no service.

They sold me an Extender at half price ($125 total -- but ok, why not free?), and that seems to work for the phone service. Went from no bars to 4 bars, and I'm using my wifi for web surfing.

I used the phone at work and showed it off like a proud daddy with a newborn baby.

On Friday our home internet was out, so that meant that we had no Droid phone and no Droid web over wifi, since the extender works only with broadband. That was an eye-opener. Almost scary. It's weird how disconnected and quiet it feels when you don't have that "connected" feeling to the outside world, even though we are less than 10 minutes from the big city!

Fortunately, my wife has a cellphone through another carrier, so at least we had something to use in case of emergency.

Bottom line, I've grown to respect you guy's opinion. If this situation was happening with you, would you keep the Droid or look for something else that you knew would always have reception in your home without depending on your home wireless provider or relying on an extender?

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HTC Incredible :: Droid Incredible Says Mobile Network Turning On

Jun 6, 2010

I am having an issue with my HTC Droid Incredible. When going to Settings>Wireless and networks and looking under Mobile Network, it says "Turning on." However, it stays in that mode and never "turns on."Things I have tried

1. Restart the phone/taking the battery out

2. Reset the phone to factory settings by going to Privacy in Settings

3. Contact Verizon and have them remove and re-add the data plan

I have noticed that, when I call *228, and try to activate the phone, it says an error occurred and it could not activate the phone. I can make phone calls from the phone, but cannot do anything that requires a data plan, meaning that it is an issue with that. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this issue?

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HTC Incredible :: Cannot VPN Into Network Through 3G?

Sep 9, 2010

I can't Vpn into my network through the 3g? I came from WM and never had a problem doing this with that slow lock up all the time POS so why the problem with my Dinc? Hope there is a fix because this is the very reason why I have this phone or at least the reason that my company got it and the data plan for me.

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Android :: Android To Open Network Connection On Specified Network Interface - Network Type

Mar 6, 2009

I have been looking at the ConnectivityManager class documented at .

I would like to know if an Android application can open a network connection (socket) on a specified network interface [on a device supporting multiple network interface types WiFi, Cellular, WiMax etc] ? I am looking for the capability for an application to open a socket on a given type of network for example over WiFi network or over 3G Cellular Data network.

If this is possible in Android, how would I code this requirement within the API Framework ? The ConnectivityManager enables an application to learn about available network connections and currently categorises them as either TYPE_WIFI or TYPE_MOBILE.

There is a member function in the ConnectivityManager class called requestRouteToHost(int,int) [url] which "Ensure that a network route exists to deliver traffic to the specified host via the specified network interface. An attempt to add a route that already exists is ignored, but treated as successful." Sounds like this would install an IP routing table entry to reach a given host via a specified network interface type (WiFi or Mobile). After calling this would it be sufficient for an application to open a socket and connect to the desired destination address ?

Or perhaps the application needs to bind() a socket to a local address of a network interface of the desired type (WiFi or Mobile) Or by setting a socket-level socket option of SO_DONTROUTE ?

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HTC Incredible :: Mobile Network On / Off

May 18, 2010

Just a quick question for anyone interested: Earlier today, I was running low on battery. I decided to toggle Internet access (mobile network) in order to save battery. However, I'm quite reliant on Google Voice. Throughout the day, I turned the mobile network back on briefly to receive messages. Is this constant on/off bad for the 1x/EV radio?

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HTC Incredible :: No Network Internet Connectivity

Apr 29, 2010

So I dropped AT&T for the Incredible and my number successfully ported over, but I cannot connect to the Internet.I can make/receive calls and SMS, but no Internet besides wifi.I've been on with vzw support and went through reactivating the phone (*228) and a couple hard reset to no avail.They said it could have something to do with porting from AT&T, but I'm not understanding that connection.I don't have too much faith in support figuring out so I'm trying this forum. Does anyone have a clue how to resolve this or is it a defect with the phone.Some details: there is no 3G symbol near the signal status bars.Settings/Wireless & networks: shows "Mobile Network" with a green check, buts its grayed out so no action can be taken on it.Directly underneath "Mobile Network" it says "Turning on..." and it seems to flash that status every once in a while.

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HTC Incredible :: 3g Network Internet Not Working

Aug 21, 2010

Can't load the market or anything on the internet while on 3g but I only can on WiFi I'm in Boston anyone else having similar problems I cant load the market on WiFi either

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HTC Incredible :: Connect To Ad-hoc Wireless Network

Sep 21, 2010

I have a new Droid Incredible (upgraded from Eris ) but I cannot connect to an ad-hoc network I have setup. With wi-fi turned on, I scan for networks and nothing shows up. I even manually entered the network name and no security (which is how it's setup right now) and it still does not connect.

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HTC Incredible :: Verizon Network Borked

Jul 26, 2010

I'm not sure if this is related to rooting my phone, I don't think it is, but since my phone is rooted and there's a chance that it is related I figured I'd ask here. I recently downloaded the SwitchPro widget and one of the toggles is a 2G/3G button. I was exploring each switch and this one didn't seem to do anything except disable the mobile non-wifi internet. However since then it's not been working properly at all.This is effecting me if I am without Wifi, so I start by disabling Wifi. If I go to Settings > Wireless & networks, Mobile network is checked and says "Use phone for data connection when Wi-Fi is unavailable." But mobile internet doesn't work (only calls and SMS come through). If I go to Internet and launch a page, I immediately get an error that the network is unavailable with an option to click Settings or Cancel. If I click Settings, the Mobile network checkbox is grayed out and then after a few seconds it says Connected. After a few minutes of being idle, this happens again. If I go back to the Wireless & networks listing, it says "Use phone for data connection when Wi-Fi is unavailable" and the box is checked. If I uncheck and recheck is says "Connected."Clearly this widget borked my Mobile network settings, presumably because it's meant for GSM. How can I restore these settings to what they should be without completely restoring my phone from scratch?

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HTC Incredible :: Verizon 3g Network Very Slow?

Jul 29, 2010

Are you guys having any issues in North East/Tri State area of NYC/NJ? Im not getting MMS, can't download attachments, and internet is bogged down like a hooker after a long night. I wanted to know if it's just me, or if other people are having the same issues? Could it be all the droid X users bogging down our network?

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HTC Incredible :: Network Usage 1013

Jul 24, 2010

Does anyone know what this is? If you have spare parts or battery left widget you can see this. When I click to see what the amount of usage is I always get a forceclose. For whatever reason this is always my highest network use.

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HTC Incredible :: Device ID On Wireless Network

Aug 2, 2010

We have multiple Android phones, including my Incredible, in our house on our wireless network. Is there a way to assign a name to each phone so that they are identified on the router like computers and other devices are? Currently the Android phones just show up as "unknown" device. The Wi-Fi is secured with 128-bit encryption, so I'm not concerned with the neighbors connecting, but it would be nice to be able to see which phones are on the network at any one time.

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HTC Incredible :: Mobile Network Won't Turn On

May 3, 2010

For the past 30 minutes, my Incredible has had zero 3G and no 1X. I tried to open the web browser and it said no data service could be found and that I needed to enable wifi or the mobile network. I checked the settings for the mobile network and it says "turning on" and it's greyed out. What's going on here? I've already tried turning it off/on again 3 times now.

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HTC Incredible :: Mobile Network Sleeping

May 5, 2010

So I'm just curious if anyone else is seeing this. I understand wi-fi sleeps after 15 minutes of inactivity, but I guess I assumed mobile networking would always stay on. What I'm seeing is, if I leave my phone alone for a little while, as soon as I wake it up, the 3G symbol is not displayed. A second or two later it will show up, and then it will sync. This behavior makes it so that my Gmail push is not as instantaneous as it would be if the 3G always stayed active. I believe (although I'm not positive), that the phone must wake 3G every once in awhile to get e-mails though, although it might just wake up when i get a text or phone call.

I don't see this as a major problem, especially if it's helping me save battery life, but I am curious if this is due to a setting, or if it's just the way the phone works.

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