HTC Incredible :: Try To Delete My Message History / App Freezes And Force Closes
Jul 7, 2010Every time I try to delete my message history the app freezes and force closes. Anyone find a way to get around this?

Every time I try to delete my message history the app freezes and force closes. Anyone find a way to get around this?
I have a rooted Fascinate. After a second re-root my SF has been very buggy. My first root was successful. I messed something up trying to install voodoo and had to flash back to stock. Now, after a second buggy root I am faced with many freezes and FC's. (primarily in, but will float to various apps). Battery pulls don't seem to help. After a certain amount of using my phone, hopping WiFi, maps, email, just normal use, something will need to FC.
Within the next few days I plan on un-lagfixing my phone & un-rooting it. Ultimately I'd like to take it back stock and not root. This leads to my question: what is the best way to flash stock. I don't want anything left. I can tell there was something left from my first root because ads still do not show up. I had an ad block program installed on my first root.
I have a replacement incredible, but over the last week I'm getting more and more force closes than I did with the first one.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI figured I might try starting something up for those who are having problems with Launcher Pro. It's a great home replacement and has far better functionality than Sense does IMO. The only issue is that it seems like some people are getting a lot of FC's.
I had a good week long run without any FC's, and then after an upgrade it seems like they're back.
If anyone has found any malicious widgets or apps that don't play nicely with LP, can you please post them up here?
This is a kind of long process of what I went through to kind of get my phone back up and running after a few small force closes snowballed. My phone is up and running now but still not at 100%, any input would be appreciated.
My phone's previous software information was the following. Virtuous Rom 2.6 with King's BFS #5 kernel not overclocked and the Incredible Revolution Theme.
About a week ago I started noticing some random force closes with some of the HTC services (, or something similar). It would force close but never caused me any problems that I would notice. The only new app I had added in about a month was "Angry Birds Lite"
Then yesterday my phone started acting sluggish all of a sudden so I decided a reboot was in order. I used "quick boot" and selected reboot and my phone started to reboot, and then started to boot loop (it would get all the way to the droid eye animation and sit for a minute then try to boot again). I pulled the battery and attempted to let it boot again and it was still stuck in the boot loop. I then booted into recovery and attempted to restore one of my backups with no luck, now it would just get stuck at the first white HTC incredible screen and sit for half an hour if I let it. Next I did a full data/dalvik cache wipe and tried to restore a couple different nandroids with no luck.
My next step was just to re-download Virtuous and start fresh. I was able to get Virtuous to boot but after going through the set up would go into a force close loop with no way out of it, after another few attempts at loading Virtuous and other Sense based roms and having them all fail with the same force close loop, I tried to go to a senseless Rom and was able to get Sky Raider to boot with no issues. But I wanted my phone back the way I had it.
My last resort was to unroot back to stock(S-off still). I downloaded the stock and flashed it to my phone with complete success. Next I needed to root my phone again. I used the UnrEVOked 3.2 and got my phone rooted, but I couldn't boot into recovery. After much trial and error I was able to get recovery to load by flashing Adrynalyne's version of clockwork mod. I then flashed Virtuous 3.1 with the stock kernel onto my phone, and then I was able to flash back to the standard Clockwork mod recovery.
My phone is up and running now fine when it's on. But my issue now is that I can't do anything through rom manager or manually through clockwork mod to my phone without my phone getting stuck in a boot loop or getting stuck at the first HTC incredible screen after booting out of recovery. Even after just making a nandroid backup of my phone (without loading any apps) it will get stuck at the HTC screen. 95% of the time, clearing the dalvik cache will let my phone boot, but if I had loaded any apps they are all erased and just a placeholder is left on the home-screens. Sometimes I need to do a data
I'm using a newly formatted FAT32 sd card since flashing back to stock and rooting again
I'm running Virtuous 3.0.1, and I have both the stock and extended battery for the phone. My stock battery just ran out of juice, and when I put the extended battery in and started up the phone, I get a series of force closes. Additionally, some apps have magically disappeared - e.g. Handcent. In addition, it has seemingly reverted back to some old settings - e.g. wefi thinks it's just been installed. Weatherbug has a notification that I had previously switched off.
Half my widgets and apps suddenly don't work. And when I try to click on them, I just get a FC error. How can this be caused by switching batteries and how do I ameliorate the issue?
So I rooted my inc using unrevoked 3 beta. I had upgraded to 2.2 using the leaked I installed cyanogenmod, didn't like it, and did a nandroid backup restore to get back to sense. I then installed hydra kernel 1.15. I went back to the stock kernel thinking that that might be it, but to no avail. Now, after turning my phone on, the following screen pops up 5 or 6 times:
I'd be willing to totally wipe my phone and start new. (I can reinstall apps with titanium after I reroot).
My HTC incredible browser force closes every time I touch the bookmarks button. There was no update or any change preceding this.
View 7 Replies View Relatedthe music i downloaded will force close anywhere between 30 seconds to one minute of play. I used the music program that came with the incredible and now that won't work. I've downloaded another music player, but that still didn't work. The same thing has been happening with pandora also (I thought it was the updates but I can't get through more than 30-1min of any song). I removed the second music app and fildo (music download app) and pandora. Still does the same thing on the htc music. Should I try a factory reset? I'm just afraid it will delete my contacts.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI can't get the stock player to even open before it force closes and boots me out. The problem only recently started and since I've had to use another player, while good, I still prefer the stock version. The only thing I can think of that would have caused problems was that I created a new folder in my SD card for all my music and directed the stock player to that folder. I didn't have any problems after doing this but a month or so later this started happening. I really don't want to do another factory reset but I'll approach that if necessary.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI around 4,000 texts between me and my girlfriend over a while now and every time I try to erase them all because it almost seems like it slows down the application at times and when I do this handcent freezes and closes and then it almost crashes my phone as well the screen goes black and I am forced to take the battery out and reset it and uninstall handcent and reinstall it and then it works fine but the messages are all still there.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo i asked this question before, but it was about the time everyone was getting their D-Inc's and it was chaos in this forum, and no one quite understood my question. How do we delete a mail address from history. For example, i emailed JoeSmith (who is not in my contact list), and realized that it should be JoeSmith, now everytime i go to send an email, starting with the letter J, i see both the yahoo and aol email addresses and it says "history" to the right. I tried the "history cleaner" app, and also looked everywhere, but i can't find out how to delete email history anywhere. This happened about 5 times so far, so each time i go to email one of these 5 people, both email addresses come up and 50% of the time i'm choosing the wrong address because i forget that it was input wrong the very first time. Since it says history on the right of the email address, i can only assume there is a history marker somewhere showing me all the emails i've sent, but i cant seem to find it. I want to get these email addresses out of there because i'm always choosing the wrong one, and because i have OCD and can't STAND the fact that there is a wrong email address there. I tried to LONG press, and thought maybe i can delete from there like long pressing a text, or a full conversation, but no luck. Anyone have any info on this?
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow do I delete recent searchs from Market search box on my Incredible?
View 14 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know how to clear historical contacts from the Email application. I'm using yahoo, I don't have Gmail set up on this phone because yahoo is my primary email. I've sent emails to 3 wrong emails. For example,, but really his email is Now everytime I go to send this person an email, all 4 emails come up, the 3 in history, and the 1 in his contact information. When I type in J in the email recipient, all 4 come up, 3 say "history" next to the line of the email. I tried to add those emails into the contact, and then delete the emails, but that doesn't work.
I've went to yahoo to see if those contacts are showing up in history and they are not, so I know the historical email history is on the phone only. I haven't found a way to remove these items in history, but it's starting to cause problems because if I don't pay attention, I am choosing one of the wrong emails. Same thing is happening when I hit reply to ALL, 1 time about 2 months ago, and now i have about 40 emails in history and I don't even know who these people are, they are not in my contacts, and the phone is holding them hostage because I sent an email once. Does anyone know of a sure way to remove these historical emails?
If you don't know what I mean, give it a try, send an email to, and when you get it kicked back, the next time you try to send an email and hit "J", that will show up every single time, without fail. I've checked all historical settings on the phone, and even removed and re-added the yahoo account, but it does no good, the historical emails still stay in history. It's getting very annoying to have 45+ emails that you dont even know show up everytime you try to email someone something. Someone must have an answer for this, I can't be the only one that has sent the wrong email to someone.
Well my text messages have added up to like about 6500 the thing is that I can't delete these messages on stock app and handcent phone just freezes after a while it gives you the option to force close or wait?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm working on this new app, and it's force closing before it even opens, why it's force closing? (I've tried this app on my samsung transform and my motorola xoom yesterday, both worked, and them i added the image button inplace of the regular button, and now it won't work. here are my files;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
android:orientation="horizontal" >
I sent a text message and then i got an alert saying Handcent had to force close, so I did but when I went back into the app all my threads were gone not cool. Anyone else have this problem? Should i just use the stock messaging system?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have an email in my Yahoo account that was not even sent to my Yahoo email address that will not open or delete. When I click on that email (to try to open it or delete it), the email program crashes and says this:The application Mail ( has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm getting reports from users about force closes in my app after the donut OTA. One of them was kind enough to send me a logcat which included these two gems (right after he installed it from market):
10-02 15:56:35.708 D/PackageManager(71): New package installed in / data/app/ 10-02 15:56:35.708 W/PackageManager( 71): Unknown permission in package 10-02 15:56:35.708 W/PackageManager( 71): Unknown permission android.permission.READ_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS in package
The second one makes sense, since that name has gone away. But I can't figure out why the first one would show up, since that permission should exist on the phone. anybody got any clues? I can't reproduce this on my phone, so it's kinda hard to debug.
Some of my users are reporting force closes. Does anyone have some ideas about how to track these issues down when I can't reproduce them in the Emulator or on my Hero? This is my app btw if anyone wants to logcat it for me:
I just got my Legend today. Had many problems getting it to work on Tmobile US. Finally got it working, but now I can not personalize it. Everytime I go to Menu-Settings-Personalize- either Scenes, Home wallpaper or Lock screen Wallpaper I get a Force Close. My Sotware information is:
Firmware version
Baseband version
Kernel version
Build number
1.11.997.0 CL128574
Software number
Browser version
Webkt 3.1
I've had this phone for about a month now. No problems whatsoever, until the other day. My phone was turned off. Then, it "magically" turn on ans started ringing. I turned my phone back off for a while. Later, I turned it back on and the second the home screen pops up, like 10 force close screens pop up. I can't text, internet, nothing. No settings either. I click the phone tab at the bottom and another force screen pops up, same as everything else. It also shows I have no signal at all, when normally I have almost full bars. A few days prior to this, my phone would phase in and out of service for no reason.
View 7 Replies View RelatedDoes anybody know how to set your messages up to auto delete after a set amount?I have over 400 on one thread after a day or two and it would be nice if there was an auto delete feature.Maybe an app? anybody know?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI've been enjoying my Incredible since launch.Today I got a "SoAndSo is now following you on Twitter" message, and I can't delete it.If I long-press the message in my inbox and select "Delete" from the menu, I get a "The Application Mail (process...) "Force Close" message and I have to restart mail.This error and behavior is repeatable.If I select "Menu -> Delete" from the in-box, the message dissappears, and is not available to "select" for deletion.If I try and just select the message to read it, the screen quickly flashes as though it were about to open the message, but immediately returns to the inbox screen.If I get a new message, I am able to delete it with no problem. It seems to be specific to only this message.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAnyway to auto delete the message threads?
View 2 Replies View RelatedAnyone noticing a ridiculous amount of force closes on LP+ while running CM6? I originally was on the newest "stable" build, go ta lot of FCs, so updated to the 9/25, still getting the FC's. Then went back to the stable one, updated LP in the market, and still getting the FC's.
View 6 Replies View RelatedA couple days ago I flashed the 2.1 icon pack, used MetaMorph to apply a theme and ended up getting force closures. I did a wipe and restored my last nandroid -- no luck. Then I restored with the RUU and put Fresh 1.1 on my phone. I want to switch to MoDaCo 2.2 but when I do I'm getting those force closes again.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am new to android development and I have made this using help from a website. The XML files dont have any errors,Here is my Main java code: package com.CFConverter;
import; import; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Message; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.RadioButton; import android.widget.Toast;
public class CFConverter extends Activity {
/** Called when the activity is first created. */ private EditText text;
@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
text = (EditText) findViewById(;
} //This Handler is called when we click the button01.
public void myClickHandler(View view) //passing the current view {
if(view.getId()== {
RadioButton celsiusButton = (RadioButton)findViewById(;
RadioButton farhrenheitButton = (RadioButton)findViewById(;
if(text.getText().length()==0) { Toast.makeText(this, "Please Enter a Valid Number", Toast.LENGTH_LONG);
return; } float inputValue = Float.parseFloat(text.getText().toString());
if(celsiusButton.isChecked()) { text.setText(String.valueOf(convertCToF(inputValue)));
// calling function to convert } else {
} return; } } private float convertCToF(float fahrenheit) {
return ((fahrenheit - 32) * 5 / 9);
} private float convertFToC(float celsius) {
return ((celsius * 9) / 5) + 32;
} }
We have had a couple users on the myTouch phone have issues in our application. It apparently is force closing on them. I am not sure of why it is, and the 1.6 SDK is not out yet. Has 1.6 been released into the wild? If so, do you know where I can download the image for my G1 dev phone to test w/?
View 7 Replies View RelatedFor the past 2 months, whenever I open the market on my Droid, it always force closes, "(process". What do I do?
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