HTC Incredible :: Not Update When The 802.11N Launches

Jun 21, 2010

Reading all these blogs about the FCC approving the software update to run on 802.11N and the internet browsing picture bug update being released sometime soon, should we not update if we haven't achieved root yet?

Or even if you already have achieved root would this cancel it out?

I don't want to update the software if this update could also close the only loophole known for root.

I know it hasn't been released yet and we don't have a time frame yet but I'm just curious as it could be happening in the near future.

HTC Incredible :: not update when the 802.11N launches

Android :: How To Know When User Launches Application

Apr 8, 2010

I want to play a video when the main activity launches from the appicon.

Application.onCreate() is not always called and Activity.onResume/ onCreate is called to many times (e.g. when user goes back from child activity).

How can I do this?

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Android : How Can We Differentiate Two Types Of Launches

Nov 24, 2010

We can launch the app in two ways, 1 is form the app, clicking on device back button till we reach the android home screen and launching the app or 2nd is from the app we can click the device home button and then we can launch.

How can we differentiate these to launches? In 2nd type launch onrestart will be called, onrestart will be called in some other cases also. I want to do something in the 2nd type of launch. Can any one tel me how to do this...

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Android :: Previous App Launches Not Starting Activity

Jun 2, 2010

I need a way to detect if this is the first time the user is ever opening the application, if so, start an activity. Then all previous application launches wouldn't start that activity. I've read in a few places about using preferences to accomplish this. Anyone got any ideas?

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Android :: Oncreate - Intent Launches My Activity

Sep 30, 2010

Android will call onCreate() of my activity whenever it is launched.

In the onCreate() of my activity can I tell what intent launches my activity?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Phone Restarts Itself When Google Maps Launches

Sep 17, 2010

EVO phone completely restarts after I activate the GPS toggle and launch Google Maps.I allow some time between the two activities so it's not like I'm rushing it.Anyone else dealing with this?What to do

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Android :: Clock Widget That Launches Any Alarm App?

Sep 14, 2010

I use a third party alarm app, "Alarmed," because the default android app can't have the alarm volume ramp up with time. I would like to have a widget that launches Alarmed, but it doesn't come with a widget of its own.

Does anyone know of a 2x2 clock widget that you can set to launch any app you choose when you tap it? Or does anyone know of an alarm app/widget combo that lets you have the alarm slowly ramp up in volume over time?

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Motorola Droid X :: When Launches Gallery/photobucket - Cannot Log In

Jul 22, 2010

We ran into a issue with my wife's phone. When she launches gallery/photobucket, she cannot log in.

I downloaded and installed the photobucket mobile app, and she can log in fine with that.

Any idea why it will not login with the fefault app? Does it have any additional functionality then the photobucket mobile app available in the store?

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Android : Score Mobile For Phone Launches

May 21, 2010

Awesome App if you are into sports. I just grabbed it, and I prefer it to SportsTap already. I had been looking for a ticker like this since I got my Droid!

Score Mobile for Android Launches | Android Phone Fans

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HTC Hero :: Opera Launches Mini 5 Browser For Android

Mar 11, 2010

You can now get Opera 5 from the Android Market.

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Android :: Protecting Apps Listening For Application Launches

Oct 26, 2010

Is there a way to listen for application launches?I'm trying to develop an application where the user can specify a list of applications that he/she wants to "protect." If they are in this list, then whenever the application is launched, my app will ask them to enter a password.However, I've been going through the Android SDK for days and can't figure out how to listen for application launches.

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Motorola Droid :: Pick Program That Launches With Car Holder?

Apr 27, 2010

Is there a way to select a different program to launch when i put my droid into the OEM car mount ? i would much rather have it launch Daily road Voyages instead of the google car app.

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Samsung Moment :: Is There Way To Have GPS Enable For Specific Program Launches?

Dec 9, 2009

I have become very frustrated with my new Moment, but am very ready to accept it as User Error. Help!

1. I have read the owner's manual and it states that when I hook my USB to my computer, it will recognize it (my Macbook Pro does not acknowledge it). Of course I don't see the icon on the notification bar that looks like USB either. I can get my computer to recognize my device via bluetooth, but then it refuses to connect it. Is there a program I can use that will recognize it (ie. like when I hook up my iPod touch via iTunes, it becomes a recognized device in a list, something like that?) I read several threads on here about USB and tried removing, reformatting (which auto mounts it according to user's manual) taking out battery, etc, but no avail.

2. Is there any way to set an alarm to something other than annoying alarm type sounds? I loved on my Instinct I could do any ring tone... I used the Appalarm that lets you pick which app to launch, but found it unreliable. (Set to Pandora, decided to freeze on launch, can't have that for a wake up alarm, don't think work would understand!)

3. Is there a way to have GPS enable for specific program launches (ie. when I use google maps or sprint nav) but not be always on or always off? I used battery widget for management but when I manually turn it off, if I get into a search for a location, I'll have to back out, re-enable it then re-start my search. (I'm spoiled with my Microsoft Live Search... verbal search and turn by turn directions spoken... Super safe when driving).

4. When I want to take a photograph, I'll hold down the button.. about 15 seconds later the camera (maybe) loads. Sometimes it won't load this way so I go into the menu and load the camera that way. Then, when I go to take a picture, it focuses in and out repeatedly, then a camera icon on the upper right corner of the screen gets a little green dot in the circle and it makes a bip bip noise. It won't take the picture if I use the camera button on the top (side) of the phone but it *will* take the picture if I press this camera icon on the screen. Of course this is completely awkward! What gives? There is nothing in the owner's manual about this green dot! It shows a red dot in place of the camera icon for a camcorder recording, but this is totally different.

5. The only references to a folder in my user's manual is how to add a folder to the desktop. Well, now that I have my nice empty folder, I'd like to add, say, all my games to it so I have a games folder.. (is this possible)? I'm not sure how to add anything, I tried add and it just puts stuff on the screen behind it. I'm not sure how to add and modify contents to this.

I feel like I've taken steps backwards with this phone. It has a lot of amazing features (Locale, wow; KeyRing, amazing; ShopSavvy, fun), but the stuff I need the most like calendar, photos, and navigation, are the ones that I seem to have to take the most extra steps with or have issues with. Maybe I should've just gotten the Instinct HD.. laugh. My two year old Instinct I still think was way ahead of its time, and the quality of the camera seems way better, of course the HD will blow it out of the water. I just really love the idea of Android. I just feel like everything takes a lot of extra steps. Where are my shortcuts!!I hope you can help!! Tell me what I'm doing wrong or am I just having a bad experience?

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Android :: How To Save Value OnDestroy Or OnStop / Program Launches Back Again?

May 6, 2010

I wonder if I could save a value (in my program its an index) so I could call it back when the program launches back again (even if the program destroyed) and the user could start from where finish.

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Samsung Vibrant :: Music Player Launches Whenever Headphones Disconnected

Sep 9, 2010

I'm having issues with my Vibrant in regards to the music player. Every time I unplug my headphones from phone, the music player launches and plays music through the speaker. I use the headphones to talk while I game, and am not running the music app, however it still chooses to open. Is there anyway I can prevent this?

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Android :: Create Dock Shortcut That Launches Menu Of Apps

Sep 11, 2010

Seems like there ought to be a simple solution to this, but can't figure out how to do it.I'm using Launcher Pro Plus on a rooted Captivate. I want to create a dock shortcut that takes me to a menu populated with different apps to choose from (for instance a games menu). I know how to create a widget that will do this with Tasker, and I suspect that LP's shortcut maker will do it, but I've yet to find a good tutorial on how to use it if you're not already a dev.

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Android :: Sony Ericsson OpenAPI Program Launches With TrackID Charts API And New WebSDK

Mar 22, 2010

The OpenAPI program enables developers to access Sony Ericsson's APIs and content from the company and content partners and build rich features and capabilities into their own applications.

Commencing with the TrackID Charts API, the program will extend to cover more innovations and content including the recently announced Creations service.

We have created a developer portal for the OpenAPI program at The portal provides a rich set of services for developers, including documentation, case studies, and reports on how SEMC APIs are being used in developers' applications.

To use our OpenAPIs, including the TrackID Charts API, simply:

1. Go to and register

2. Get the API documentation you need right there on the portal

3. Follow the procedure to get up and running

More information is available at

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HTC Incredible : Market - Still Have To Manually Update The Apps I Put On Auto Update

Sep 8, 2010

Does it actually work? I still have to manually update the apps I put on auto update.

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Samsung Moment :: ESPN Mobile TV Launches On Sprint - NFL Mobile Live

Mar 12, 2010

Sprint Nextel Corporation - Investor Relations - RSS Content. Kudos to Sprint, this is coming just in time for the March Madness, which is great! I hope this has been tested for enough viewer capacity because it sure will be tested by every Sprint TV customer. I am watching Lafayette v. Lehigh game live. I can definitely wait for Sprint to prepare another app to replace NFL Mobile Live for before the Football games start. Hope this is the beginning for a long season of good news from Sprint, Android 2.1 should be around the corner.

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Android :: Swiftkey Launches Full App In Android Market

Sep 23, 2010

It is only $.94 until 9/30. Great deal for a great keyboard. The predictive text is its best feature. pretty amazing. I could never get on the swype bandwagon myself. This one works best for me. Check it out.

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HTC Incredible : Update For Lag After Froyo Update

Nov 3, 2010

Has anyone heard anything from htc or verizon about the lag some of us have after the update?My phone is generally just slower and seems to stutter a lot more.text msgs is a joke with how laggy it is to read and type them.I was messing around with a friends nexus1 and it was way faster than my incredible This is all after a factory reset etc.I am hesitant to do a reset again since I will lose everything once more.

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HTC Incredible :: Market "Update All" Feature - Automatically Update

Sep 8, 2010

With 2.2 we got the market feature to update all which will just update all of the apps that have outstanding updates in the market.

What I cannot figure out is how to stop one particular app from updating, specifically I do not want to update the Facebook app since there are many reviews saying it is a big battery drainer and I do not use the app anyway.

Also, anytime I download a new app from the market, it automatically starts the download of the Facebook update, so I have to cancel it or if I don't catch it in time I have to uninstall the update. For both instances it just appears in my update queue again and I have the same problem next time.

So basic question is: Is there any way to select an app to not automatically update with the update all feature, or can we turn off the update all feature?

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HTC Incredible :: PRL Update For Poor Signal For Incredible

May 15, 2010

The download process will start on its own then the handset will reset good luck.

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HTC Incredible :: OTA Update

Sep 2, 2010

Does it really make a difference which way I do it? If I do it manually, will I be able to get the next OTA update the "normal" way?

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HTC Incredible : 2.2 OTA Update

Aug 31, 2010

I got impatient waiting for the ota release of froyo 2.2 and i decided to give the leaked rom a try and never got any farther then the 2x radio update because everything else kept failing so i gave up a Verizon tech told me that i would not receive the update because of this do i need to downgrade the radio and if so how do i do it please dumb down the instructions for me im a noob with this

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HTC Incredible : To Update Or Not?

Sep 3, 2010

After reading all the horror stories and people having problems from unreadable SD cards, to bad batteries, to laggy response, browsers not working, etc. It is making me nervous as to whether or not to update to 2.2. I got the update this morning but have not yet installed it because I'm debating what to do. I would just hate to update it and have something go wrong or to have to update it and then do a factory reset and lose everything.So what is everyone else's opinion. I mean, I feel as though a lot of the people that are having problems either downloaded the update file manually or had a different ROM or were rooted or something. I haven't done any of that so I'm thinking I'd be fine but I'm still hesitant on chancing it.

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HTC Incredible :: Due OTA Update After Flashing ROM?

Jun 27, 2010

Loving the Jager 1.1 ROM. Just wondering if it is ok to due the OTA that keeps popping up? It is the 3.6 MB update that I believe dropped a while ago. I have just kept pressing install later. Any one know if it is ok to do this OTA update?

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HTC Incredible :: No OS Update And Bars Are Low

Apr 27, 2010

1. Is it true that HTC will not update the OS? IE it comes with 2.1 but you cannot get 2.2? - if so, why?

2. I have read the bars are low, poor radio - which shocks me at VZW.

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HTC Incredible :: Want Not See Popup For 2.2 Update

Sep 20, 2010

to make a long story short... i downgraded my phone but now i do not see the popup for the 2.2 update. Just wondering if i need to install the May update in order to see the upgrade to 2.2 popup window. My firmware says its up to date but i know thats a lie did i screw up my phone somehow?

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HTC Incredible :: Root And Still Update

May 31, 2010

Im still slightly confused on the subject of rooting. all I want to be able to do is wifi tether on my incredible. Can you root without having a different rom? or do you have to use a new one to get the permissions for apps such as wifi tether? basically, can I get wifi tethering while still maintaining my ability to update to 2.2 when it arrives?

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