HTC Incredible :: Enable Bluetooth During Call?
May 9, 2010
IS there a quick way to enable bluetooth during a call? Now I have to jump to the home screen where I have a button. However, this is rather akward since I have to answer the call, then fumble with the buttons and my headset turning them on. Ideally, I would want the bluetooth to automatically turn on anytime I receive a call and automatically turn off whenever I hang up. And having a bluetooth button in the dialer gui would be nice too.
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Aug 25, 2010
I have a weird problem,(verizon incredible) when im streaming music via bluetooth in the car and check my notification slide down bar no problem but if im on a call using bluetooth via the car stereo when i want to look at my notifications or press "2" for an automated system my screen will flicker on and off and you have to time it right to catch it before the screen dims im talking a split second i thought maybe it was the proximity sensor that dims the screen to save battery when the phone is on your ear but i have no clue why this is, i ruled out the proximity sensor cause the phone would be in my hand or on my bracketron universal windshield mount
Also if i try using the power button to bring the screen on again it does nothing but confuses the phone and slows it down
I know its not the screen timeout cause it comes back without hitting the power button.
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Sep 15, 2010
For some reason my wifi will completely disconnect about a minute after starting a phone call when bluetooth is on. If I turn off BT, wifi comes right back on. I can use phone without bt, wifi on, no problems.
Running Virtuous 2.7
2.15 radio
stock kernel in virtuous package
unrevoked forever
Anyone else seeing this issue? It was also happening when I was on Skyraider 2.5.2.
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Jun 12, 2010
I've noticed times when my in-call volume is stuck on high even when turned all the way down to the lowest setting. I traced this to having previously connected to a bluetooth device for phone use (this happens with two different bluetooth accessories). After disconnecting from bluetooth (whether or not the bluetooth antenna is also turned off), call volume is extremely loud and doesn't respond to the volume-down key. I have to reset the phone to get it back to normal. Anyone else notice this? Any fix for this? I presume this is a bug in the Android 2.1 OS. BTW--this also happens with a friend's Eris running a 2.1 leak v3.
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Jan 20, 2013
I have a galaxy S3 4G and was wondering if there is a app I can download that will enable Bluetooth when I get into my car? I hate having it on and sometimes forget to turn it on when I need to drive somewhere.
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Sep 27, 2010
I want to enable/disable bluetooth through the program..I has the following code. BluetoothAdapter mBluetoothAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(); if (!mBluetoothAdapter.isEnabled()) {Intent enableBtIntent = new Inten BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE); startActivityForResult(enableBtIntent, REQUEST_ENABLE_BT); But this sort of code is not working in SDK 1.5..How can i do the same in SDK 1.5.?
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May 27, 2010
Is there anyway off changing your scene to say 'car' and it turning on GPS, Bluetooth and then going back to a scene called home and it turns them off and turns wifi on (I've tried that but it doesn't seem to work) or an app that can do this (with out GPS enabled) for me.
I'm on Android v1.5 default ROM
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Mar 15, 2010
I'm having problems during the "read" call of the InputStream. The call gives me a "IOException: Software Caused Abort" exception. I'm able to get the BluetoothSocket and also the able to "connect" to the device. My app. is in the client mode and sends in a "x" byte "command" to the device which is then supposed to send me a "response". The expected "response" is also of "x" bytes. This is where the error arises.. While reading the "response" i'm getting the above mentioned error.
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Jun 20, 2010
A feature I miss on my Palm Pre was the ability to initiate a call on the phone and transfer call to bluetooth in my car or vice versa with the single click of a button.
I'm really having a difficult time with the Evo regarding this issue. Once I start the call on my phone, how do I transfer the call to my car without hanging up and calling through the car?
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Dec 29, 2009
I am trying to get my Activity to enable Bluetooth with the Android 2.0.1 SDK, I am using some code straight from the documentation here:
Which is code...
I get an error at the REQUEST_ENABLE_BT part where Eclipse says it cannot be resolved. What am I doing wrong?
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Aug 2, 2009
Is there one click apps to enable/disable wifi, and bluetooth?
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Aug 20, 2010
I know Motorola loaded Nuance's VAD application since they decided to launch with 2.1 vs 2.2, however, how that 2.2 is out, how do we get rid of it? The Nuance app is barely functional at best, and is far surpassed by the quality/features of the Froyo voice app, which from what I remember, supports Bluetooth now. So how do we get it off of there?
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Aug 19, 2010
Does anyone know if we can automatically link to a Bluetooth device once you enable Bluetooth? It's lame to turn Bluetooth "on" with the power widget but have to go to the bluetooth settings to actually link to a device.
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Jan 31, 2012
Looking for a Widget to enable Bluetooth+make Device Discovered.
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Feb 23, 2010
Does anyone know if the new OS will allow for Bluetooth Headset initiated Voice Dialing?
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Jul 25, 2010
On the Captivate for AT&T, is there a way to set up call forwarding to my home number BEFORE I travel to another country? When travelling I don't want my phone to ring or else i'd get charged international roaming rates for the voicemail if one is left, so I need any incoming calls to go immediately straight to my home phone without the call reaching the Captivate while i'm abroad. While i'm overseas I use my phone for text messaging, no voice to save money. I do this with my Palm Treo Pro all the time when travelling, set up the network so that the call immediately gets forwarded to my home number.
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Jun 24, 2010
How come when m in a call session my 3g turns off? Is there a way to enable it to stay on while in call? Because id like to multitask.
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Sep 19, 2010
I want to enable and disable bluetooth in android programmatically..
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Jun 20, 2010
A feature I miss on my Palm Pre was the ability to initiate a call on the phone and transfer call to bluetooth in my car or vice versa with the single click of a button.
I'm really having a difficult time with the Evo regarding this issue. Once I start the call on my phone, how do I transfer the call to my car without hanging up and calling through the car?
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Feb 19, 2010
Bought a HTC Hero and a DEH-Pioneer 7100BT bluetooth car radio. Once radio was installed my phone was detected and I have done all what was necessary to get the phone paired with the radio.
The phone is now paired with the radio and can stream music and adjusting the phonevolume also gets played through the car speakers wich all work perfectly.
The problem starts when there is an incoming or outgoing call and when I answer the call through the radio, the sounds dont go through the car speakers anymore. The opposing person can hear me but I cannot hear them because the carspeakers are silent. The only way to hear them was by attaching a headset to my phone only then could I hear them.
The main reason for buying this radio was that I would not need a headset at all. Is there a way to route sounds from incoming and outgoing calls also to the car's speakers?
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Sep 14, 2010
I've been using bluetooth lately to connect to my car and talk while driving. When I'm finished talking, and the other person hangs up, I can't turn my screen back on. Bluetooth must still be connected because my car radio won't come back on, almost like the phone call is still going on. Only way to get my screen back on is to take the battery out.
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Sep 8, 2010
I am new to rooting and I am using Nonsensikal 5.4 and when I am on a call using my bluetooth or a wired headset, I can't get the screen to turn back on during the call. The only one that turns it on is the end button and that hangs up the call. Sometimes I need to get a number or some other info off the phone. So I have to hang up get the info and call the person back. Is there a setting I can change to fix this. I already tried trackball wake in the cyanogenMod settings.
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Jun 5, 2013
First, my specs: I have an HTC Evo 4G LTE, software, firmware is current. I am using a Plantronics M50 earpiece. The problem: I have it in a Sprint car dock while driving and I make a couple calls on my way home from work using my Bluetooth. It started about 2-3 wks ago. I'll start a call and while the phone is ringing on the other end, it goes silent in my ear and I can hear it through the normal ear speaker on the phone (speakerphone doesn't kick on). I have to turn my Bluetooth off then on again to re-establish a connection. Then it stays on through the call. It happens when I answer a call as well. Happens when not in the car dock too. It doesn't do it twice in the same call, after reconnecting the Bluetooth, the call stays connected. I have already unpaired the Bluetooth and did a simulated battery pull (battery is not removable) and hard reset to clear data then pair it up again, but it still does it. I have a feeling that it's not the Bluetooth, but something in the Bluetooth software in my EVOLTE.
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May 21, 2012
Basically my Samsung Galaxy S2 gives me unlimited calls to mobiles/landlines and I want to make A LOT of calls throughout the day. I have a plantronics pro uc bluetooth headset which syncs up with my phone. I can send SMS and remote access the phone (too slow and clunky to make calls fast and simply).
What I want to be able to do is dial a number from my computer and my phone start call it. Essentially just want the phone on my computer. Paste a number in/dial it etc... click a link and the app/whatever call it.
(P.s. a remote desktop is not the solution as it is too slow - I tried that with MyMobiler. I have a skype number and can pay a small fee for unlimited landline calls but would have to pay for mobiles so this isnt a solution either).
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Jun 24, 2013
The app - Incall Recorder (Free) app link -URL...InCall Recorder video guide - on xda - URL....xda app review - URL....which devices support recording with Bluetooth.
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Apr 29, 2010
I just got my HTC incredible yesterday from my preorder. I have problem to enable other keyboard such as Swype or others like Chinese input from google. I went to settings-keyboard & language and checked these keyboards, but when I typed text, only the default HTC touch input keyboard popped out, I did not find any key to switch. I did not find a way to disable the touch input keyboard either.
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Sep 2, 2010
Is there any way to enable car dock mode on an Incredible? I don't mean just starting the car dock app, but having it automatically start when you put the phone in a dock. I know it works on motorola phone with magnets. I've been using Custom Car Home and it's supposed to take over the Home button when you're in a car dock, but doesn't work on the Incredible since we don't have fancy magnetic docks. I read on the EVO board that the new HTC car dock for the EVO puts it in car dock mode and was wondering if there was a way for us to enable this too. Perhaps a special USB charging cable to use in the car that sends some sort of signal?
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Jun 21, 2010
I got my Incredible almost two weeks ago and haven't modified it in any way other than switching to LauncherPro instead of Sense. I've seen these buttons (highlighted in red in the screenshots) in various places; Used for selection of a single item or as "enabled" or "disabled", they just don't look right. Especially in Astrid, they don't look like they do in the screenshots from the market. what are these buttons called (they're not radio buttons or checkboxes, so I'm assuming they have a name)? Does this happen to anyone else?
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May 8, 2010
Which folder do they go in (I can't find a "notifications" folder)
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Jul 1, 2010
I don't know if this has been posted before and if it has, please direct me to the thread but I have an issue with my HTC Incredible. Everytime I make a phone call or receive a phone call, the name and picture of one of my friends shows up as the last call. For instance, my dad could call me and in the phone log, it will show my dads number but my friend's name and picture. I deleted my friend's name and number from my phone and the issue still persists. If anyone has had this issue before or know how to solve this issue, please help me out!
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