HTC Incredible :: Where Is Fabled User Manual?
Jul 19, 2010Just got an Incredible and need the fricken user manual because what comes with the phone barely helps. I understand there is a user manual of some bulk available here?

Just got an Incredible and need the fricken user manual because what comes with the phone barely helps. I understand there is a user manual of some bulk available here?
I found the place to call to get the user manual, if you want a paper version. It is the same size as the tips and hints book that comes with our phones, but about 5/8 of an inch thick. It is free. Here's the number: PCD Phones - 1-800-229-1235. Just got mine today. They should have included this with the phone.
View 13 Replies View RelatedSo its the manual for the upcoming Incredible but... same OS Folks! I've gotten a FEW tips already from its pages!
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View 1 Replies View RelatedWhere can i download the sprint samsung sph-m900 user manual?
View 6 Replies View Relatedi searched and couldn't find it but what is the link to get a hard copy of the user manual for the droid?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have heard others reference a page in a user manual, I assume this is not something they got with the phone but something downloaded. Does someone have a link?
View 4 Replies View RelatedJust got my Motorola Droid. I've loaded up all the Google stuff as usual and all is well. What I'd like to do is create contacts from WORK and keep them separate from my personal stuff (GMail Contacts, etc). Can I, and if so, how? Secondly, is there a user guide for this beast other than the dinky booklet that came with it?
View 18 Replies View RelatedI upgraded to Android 2.1 2 days ago and I've pretty much gotten most things that used to work working again, but I have questions/problems regarding the new functionality, can anyone help me? Blue tooth: I am able to send photos via blue tooth, but I CANNOT send a song, ring tones, etc which I could do with my SE 850i I bought 5 years ago. Perhaps if there was some kind of file manager application where I could see the file, I could send from there. In my opinion, blue tooth was marginally improved, but still is NOT satisfactory. Someone please proove me wrong! GEO tagging Photos: This is a new feature with the upgrade and I was eager to try it. In the GEO tagging widget it says to enable GEO tagging from the camera menu. I spent a fair amount of time, but I CANNOT find a camera menu or anywhere to enable GEO tagging. Please help! User Guide Gone: When you use the User Guide widget it says the files have been removed. I looked on PC Companion and confirm, they were removed. I copied the files from PC companion back into the .emanual folder on my phone where the files used to live, but that did not help.Still unable to see user guide. Did anyone get this working again? SMS-ing unsaved number: This annoying problem still exits after upgrade. As far as I can tell, there is NO WAY to sms someone from the call log for numbers that have not previously been saved. I often want to sms a number in my call log that either called me or I typed in. The only way to do this is to save the number in my contacts first. Am I missing something here?
View 3 Replies View RelatedUser manual disappeared from my XPERIA and it has been to repair two times, no effect. the user manual aplication connects the phone to this site, and again to a missing part of site so no manual again. I have reinstalled the software myself and no effect again.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI need a Chinese HTC Hero User Manual. Where can I download it?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've rooted my Incredible with Unrevoked 3 and I have successfully used Unrevoked Forever to set, I am trying to update to Froyo, but I am confused as crap.Can I use the official OTA update and do it manually? Or do I need a different ROM to update manually with.I've searched here and there everywhere and I haven't gotten a firm answer or I can't find anything at all.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI promise i searched, but from my phone it's a bit limited. I manually updated to 2.2 at the end of August. However, earlier this week, I got the following message from Verizon. Should I pursue it, or will it brick my phone? If I don't do this, I'll likely hard reset my phone. I've been having a few hicups lately. Nothing to write home about, but still annoying. I've read that some suggest a hard reset after updating due to similar situations.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do i get to the manual as the link says it is incorrect.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm getting my phone tomorrow, but I would like to go through the manual if it's online somewhere!
Does anyone know if there is any?
Is there a reason that fs is not updating? I have 2 refresh it manually. Is there anyway to make it update on set intervals?
View 1 Replies View Relatedalright, just installed 2.2, but my incredible has rebooted 5 times already after the initial install. it's currently rebooting, showing the lock screen, then when i pull it down i get the white htc screen with the pop up and some sort of % (i imagine some sort of setup process) it's already told me the first time "congratulations, you've been updated to build" it also tells me "sorry! process System is not responding" now that just sounds like crap. it just rebooted the 6th time... note that i installed 2.2 manually.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just started seeing a weird icon that wasn't shown in the manual. It looks like a headset. Even after turning off Bluetooth and after powering the phone off, it still appears. Uploaded with
View 2 Replies View RelatedI did the manual update and now when it boots up I do not get any network connection. When I go to the network connections it says that I am connected to the verizon network. But it will not show the bars or the 3G it just shows an x I am new to android. I used to update my Blackberry all the time I never had these issues. How do I get it back to 2.1 if I cannot get this fixed.
Also I went into my SD & Phone Storage Folder. And none of my SD or Phone Storage is available as if they r not even there. Now I am getting a window that pops up saying: Sorry System is not Responding force close/wait
View 13 Replies View RelatedI just manually updated to 2.2 (successfully) but I started to panic when I couldn't find the camera shots category in the new gallery app. I mounted the phone to my computer and found the photos on my phones internal memory, so they're all safe, but I still cant view them on my phone. Also, whenever I take a picture and try to go back to review it later, I get a "no photos found" error, and the new photo doesn't show up in the directory of the previously "lost" photos from prior to the update. It's safe to say that I'm utterly bamboozled. Anyone else experiencing this issue or know how to fix it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI know some people are used to getting a user guide with their phone, but the guide for the Incredible is only online.Here's a link to download the latest copy of the User Guide. Please take the time to read it and become familiar with the basic workings of the device.Download incredible_updated.pdf from - send big files the easy way
View 20 Replies View RelatedI am new to The incredible but not to android. I previously had the Eris. And no I did not just abandon ship and get the incredible it was given to me as a gift and I decided not to open it until today because someone stole my eris with the leaked 2.1 v1 and a passcode on it and im pretty sure I will get it back on Monday but I just have to say: This Phone is Awesome.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo I am considering using unrevoked to flash/root my droid incredible and I just had a few questions. How safe is it? Is it easy to brick during the flash process or after when its already flashed? If my phone does somehow get bricked is there any way to save it? Is it reversible? If so is it easy? And lastly how does unrevoked run? I have stock 2.2 and its fast and smooth. Would using unrevoked slow it down?
View 8 Replies View RelatedFound this earlier while browsing the net and thought some of you might want this.It's a 366 page PDF user guide on Android 2.2
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a EditText in android in which i want the user to enter the text and checks for the condition "BYE"
Code sample..
How can i make user to enter the text?The UI should wait for the text to be entered(something like we have InputStreamReader in java applications).
I could have sworn I saw something about a link to the Droid Incredible User Guide. The only link I could find by Googling it is invalid. Was there an issue with the guide and was it taken down? It's raining here this weekend and I though I would take this opportunity to acquaint myself with the guide before I get my phone next week.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHTC Droid Incredible Smartphone Review | Macworld Macworld Reviews Incredible - Read user reviews
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have had this same problem happen twice to me on 2 different phones on 2 different Verizon accounts!
The password screen locks and when it asks for the user name and password it states invalid user name / password!
Is this a known problem since when I called and talked to both Verizon and HTC the only thing they could tell me was to do a hard reset and they weren't aware of this problem?
This update appears to have been pulled (probably temporarily) as an OTA update. edit: The update is now available again OTA. This guide will still work if you prefer to install manually, or don't get the OTA offer. This update is for stock froyo release 2.09.405.8 only. You can apply it manually by following these steps:
Backup anything you need, in case of problems
Download this file and put it on your sdcard
Rename the file to '' (ensure it is not
Power down the phone
Start the phone in recovery (press vol down and power together, then select recovery)
After recovery loads press vol up and power together
Select to apply
If you have debranded your phone you MUST have your goldcard in the phone.