HTC Incredible :: Root Battery Life Vs 2.2 OTA?
Oct 26, 2010For those of you who rooted how much extra battery life do you get now? I go about 12 hours right now and have 20-30% left with stock if that is any indication of my usage.

For those of you who rooted how much extra battery life do you get now? I go about 12 hours right now and have 20-30% left with stock if that is any indication of my usage.
I just rooted my 2.2 phone with S_OFF and flashed it with virtuous 2.7 rom. Ever since my battery life is terrible, I have removed all the bloatware, and do not have any extra apps. This is the most trimmed down phone. I was at 100% and all I did was go to a website ( and within 10 secs, my battery is down to 96%. 4% drainage within 20 seconds! That is awful. Is there any advice? I tried wiping stats, bump charging. I do not have gps/bluetooth/wifi or anything that is soaking up the resources running.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI rooted my HTC Eris a couple of nights ago. The battery life sucks now. It was on the USB charger all night last night. This morning I have checked maybe 4 emails, received 5 text messages and my batter is down to 25%. I have an app killer and have everything killed.
View 11 Replies View RelatedIf you're like a lot of Android users, you're obsessed with battery life and probably require a percentage widget. If you don't use a battery life widget, this probably isn't for you. I used to use Curve Fish's battery life widget which, in my initial testing months ago, didn't seem to affect battery life so I kept it and didn't think much about it.
My brother-in-law showed me a percentage indication that goes over the battery icon in the status bar on his Evo 4G. I found this hack for the Hero:
[PORT] Display Percent Battery Left within Battery Icon - Fresh 2.1.2+ - xda-developers
It adds the percentage remaining on top of your existing battery gauge in the status bar. Yes, root is required for this. At the time of writing this, I am at 14h 20m since unplugged and have 69% remaining. I would typically be between 47-53% remaining by this time. That equates to 3.5% drain per hour improved to 2.2% drain per hour. Which then comes out to around 60% increase in battery life without the loss of any features.
My battery life was bad, but it was OK, but in the past few days my battery life is 10% per 30minutes(Just over 5 hours on a charge).I used to get 8-10 hours on a charge.I noticed last week that while it was charging the status of the battery was "Overheat".I think I somehow cooked the battery?I use TaskKiller and kill 95% of apps automatically, I have bluetooth,wireless,GPS disabled and the screen dimmed.I have not changed or installed any new apps.I have not changed the way I use the phone at all.My battery was dead, 0%, and it charged to 95% in about 45 minutes.Is this even possible?In fact in the past two days I have not gotten the charge above 95% at all.
View 10 Replies View RelatedThinking about getting the extended battery for my new htc incredible. Just wondering how long the battery lasts when you use the phone. Not just standby?
View 4 Replies View Relatedi just recently ditched my droid x for a droid incredible and like it a good bit. The only problem im having is that my inc has been off the charger for 4.5hrs and has 53% battery life. Why is my battery life so bad? I'm rooted running redemption rom, stock kernel, and the 2.15 radio update. Is it my setup or should i get a new battery?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI get about 4 to 6 hours. Moderate use.
View 14 Replies View RelatedThis thread along with the other is being created for the purpose of merging all battery threads into three. It will keep the forum clean and will also serve as a one stop information collective. This particular [Battery] thread is for Fixes and Tips on how to increase battery life. If you have found any ways to help get the most out of your battery please share it here and help other members if you can. Please don't get angry or upset with another member if they disagree with your fix or tip.
View 49 Replies View RelatedI had a motorola droid that I recently sold on ebay in order to purchase the Incredible and I was just wondering did anyone else here go from a droid to a incred. Is everything pretty similar other then the speed/camera of course? I know the complaints against the droid were battery life and signal which are the same Im hearing for the htc model but I figured out a way around those.
View 21 Replies View RelatedI'm just wondering if leaving the charger on after it's reached 100% battery life will shorten its life (like overnight charging). I read something about the batteries nowadays don't have memory? not sure if it's relevant.
View 2 Replies View RelatedJust tested my battery (stock) vs my new battery (1750). I got about 4.5 hours running my stock battery down to 25% or so and I'm now at about 6.5 hours running the 1750 down to 27%. When people talk about measuring battery life are they talking about 100%-0% or are they just talking about just 100%-20% or so. This is really the only usable battery range because the radio turns off somewhere under the 20% point. I'm also thinking that my Seidio battery isn't working properly. It was kind of bent out of shape when I got it and felt pretty filmsy. I decided to give it a try but now I'm kind of thinking about returning it in the hopes of getting better life out of a new one.So two questions here what range are you all measuring your battery life through? and any chance that Il' get more life out of a new battery?
View 16 Replies View RelatedI know there are already 1000 posts to this question but I'm curious what all can be done to help with battery life?? i am using ATK to help kill tasks but I'm not sure if thats helping or not! i also am using TIb to help backup my apps and unistill the bloatware that comes with the phone. any tips or tricks that can help improve my battery life?
View 3 Replies View RelatedAdvanced Task Killer, it turns out the Incredible never actually closes programs you run and they remain in the memory. Now that I am killing programs I am not using, I am getting SICK battery life. A whole day with downloading, heavy usage and pictures.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI wanna know your battery life along with your Rom and Kernel. I want a Sense Rom with great battery life. But everyones saying the MIUI has some good battery life. Right now I have Uncommon Sense v1.1 with King #5 Kernel. Not bad battery life, but not good neither. Also, can you post how much you use your phone?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI just got the incredible and can't believe that the battery life is even worse than the eris! I am afraid to change ANY settings without knowing that it wont have impact on calls, texts, emails, internet, and so on. Does anyone have suggestions on specific changes to make?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to decide between the Droid X and the Incredible. I found this link in the Droid X forum, regarding a potential cause for poor battery life. Could this issue be plaguing the Incredible as well?
I got the OTA yesterday afternoon and I've noticed HORRIBLE battery life. For example, I usually get online at about 3:00 every day. I got the OTA at like 3:30 or so, and my battery life was at 55-60%.
Today, same time, my battery life is at 31%. Have you noticed any difference in your battery life after installing Froyo?
Based on this thread in another forum (2.1 users what is your Time without a signal %" [Archive] - xda-developers) I did both the Airplane trick and the following:
The problem is a bug in a lot of 2.1 roms out there now.
There is a fix:
1) Go to dialer, put in *#*#4636#*#*
2) Press Phone Information
3) Press Menu, and pick Select Radio Band (ITS NORMAL TO GET A FORCE CLOSE)
4) Go down and change GSM Auto(PRL) to CDMA Auto (PRL)
Both made my Juice Plotter (JD) increase in battery time left.
Has anyone tried the Easy Root App that was listed last night on I see in the Android Market that it lists compatibility for Droid 1 and Droid X and then also shows Droid Incredible. Has anyone had success using this new App to root their Incredible? If so, thoughts? Should you use the Easy Root App or unr EVOked3?
View 3 Replies View RelatedThe phone has been uplugged for 19 hours now. Awake time is 2 hours. Battery is at 50%. This is with texting, a few phone calls, using the application store a few times, reading and updating my status. I have had the phone almost a week and I have been on a mission to get great battery life.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo I got the ADW.Launcher and I'm finding it to be FANTASTIC, much better than Sense and Launcher Pro IMO. I FINALLY got skype and it's amazing too. The big thing those it that I finally threw some widgets onto my desktop - namely You Tube, Google Search, and the Power Control thing. The power control is really nifty and makes it so easy to control blue tooth, wifi, gps. Are these going to kill my battery life? I don't' use live wallpapers and I make sure I don't have a ton of apps running in the background.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to determine how much better my battery life is based on non-scientific normal everyday usage. I installed Sky Raider 1.9 on my phone. Charged two of my extra stock 1300mAH batteries to 100% and have been running them on the phone. Will restore back to my stock ROM and try the same and see the difference. What have you guys found? Aren't we supposed to see improved battery with Froyo?
View 15 Replies View RelatedI was wondering which Roms with Kernels combo has the best battery life? Right now I'm using MIUI v0.2. Just came from newest ShadowRom which I may go back to and use SurfaceFlinger to see the battery life on it.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am a new rooter on 2.2. I want something easy to install without getting into new kernals, hopefully the least amount of fiddling around. I want something that is awesome with battery life. that is my #1 concern. Speed is not so important to me. Something that is close to Sense is virtuous for me?
View 12 Replies View RelatedI started using WiFi exclusively at home and my office after reading about the benefits on here. I noticed a tremendous increase in battery life. But when I'm on WiFi at my gf's parents house, the battery drain isn't even about the same as 3G it seems like it is much worse. What could be causing this? The signal strength is often better at this location than home/office so that shouldn't be the problem.
View 7 Replies View RelatedThere was another thread about this posted already but it had no poll!! Here's another with an actual poll. I hope this helps all of us get an idea of what kind of battery life to expect with the STOCK 1300mah battery.
View 22 Replies View Relatedseems like something kept my phone awake the whole day. Any idea how I can wittle down the culprit?
View 31 Replies View RelatedComplete Guide to Maximizing Your Android Phone?s Battery Life By
Complete Guide to Maximizing Your Android Phone's Battery Life - How-To Geek
I have many devices, Archos 5, Gmini 402, Ngage, Dash, G1, Moto Droid (for two weeks), N900, Zen 32gb, Dingoo, DS, M11X and other devices (too many- I admit).The one common thing with all of these devices is they use basically the same battery technology. What do some folks expect out of a 1300mah battery having to do all this:
1. 3.7" hi res screen
2. Mulit-tasking in OS
3. Social apps
4. 3G
5. Wifi
6. GPS
7. Flash vids
8. Games
9. Audio & video decoding
10. 1ghz snapdragon
The device needs a bigger battery, or access to the chipset, so people use an app like SetCPU to set profiles for more relative dynamic clocking (for how user, uses the device).Perhaps rooting the device just for SetCPU would be worth the effort to to root? Maybe so.