HTC Incredible :: Screen Sleeps And Forces Password / Stop It To Do So?
Jun 10, 2010How do I make it so when my screen turns off when I pause while writing a text or email it doesn't lock and make me re enter my password.

How do I make it so when my screen turns off when I pause while writing a text or email it doesn't lock and make me re enter my password.
I thought I would put one of the available pedometer apps on my Incredible, thinking it shouldn't be too hard to find one as handy as what my old Sony Walkman phone shipped with (it ran when the screen was off, tracking my whole week's walking). Needless to say, I am disappointed that HTC does not support this functionality, causing any installed pedometer apps to quit counting steps as soon as the phone sleeps. With the supercharged battery which I plan on buying, I wouldn't be sweating so much the power consumption, and it's really disappointing to be left without the choice to let programs of my choice run. Will there be a fix for this problem anytime soon? Anyone happen to know, of if there's something else I can do about it?
View 11 Replies View RelatedI have had this same problem happen twice to me on 2 different phones on 2 different Verizon accounts!
The password screen locks and when it asks for the user name and password it states invalid user name / password!
Is this a known problem since when I called and talked to both Verizon and HTC the only thing they could tell me was to do a hard reset and they weren't aware of this problem?
Up time & awake time are always the same, even when phone sits for hours untouched. "Data Always On" is checked off.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have written a video player app. Its working fine, but the problem is the screen is going to in sleep mode after playing some time. When I click on "Menu" button on the device, then only it wakes up.
How can I solve this?
Sorry if this has been asked, I did a search and came up empty.Am I missing something or is there no way to password protect the lock screen with Android (without some app)?I can live without it, but considering how much personal info we store on our phones these days, I'd at least like to know if I have the option.
View 14 Replies View RelatedWell now that voice dialing works for us, another step backwards it wont work when screen is asleep. Works fine when screen is on but as soon as it goes to sleep, voice commands won't go through?
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhen I have wifi on I have full bars and fast browsing etc on my device but I notice Activesync emails don't always push until the device sleeps for 10 min or so when the wifi shuts off.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm a newbie to the forum and can't figure out how to get my incredible to stop bouncing from screen to screen. Any suggestions?
View 4 Replies View RelatedJust got my inc on Wednesday, and the trackpad is moving on my screen by itself. very annoying when texting, and browsing. tried cleaning it, tried reboot. is this a software issue or is it bad hardware?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do you stop incoming texts from going into the notifications bar at top of the screen? If i turn it off then there is not audio alert? I hate clearing the the notifications every time i get a text.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a new Samsung Captivate. Sometimes it requires a Password to be entered upon Wake. How do you stop this? All I want to do is slide to unlock. Yes, I have checked Menu->Settings->Location and Security. I do not know what is requiring me to enter a password in order to stop it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've read about a possible grounding issue with the some screens, but I haven't read about the issue I'm having. Randomly the touchscreen will stop working... It doesn't matter what I have open it will just stop working. The system is still running, calendar alerts will pop up, and the time will still advance, but I can't do anything with the phone and have to pull the battery and force a reboot to get the screen to respond. I initially thought maybe it was an app, but this has happened with nothing running except the default apps.
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy wifes Incredible started shifting the home screen to the right without any touching. When its centered the screen begins swiping to the right as if a finger was there. In "all programs" it starts highlighting apps as if I was touching them but I am not. I have tried G-sensor calibration, keyboard calibration, restarts and the closing of apps but cant find where the trouble lies. Is it possible the touchscreen is now defective?
View 1 Replies View RelatedOK today charged battery then turned off bump charged it turned it back one. HTC splash screen, then little splash screen then verizon splash screen then its reboots. It did this even if I removed the battery. Called Tech support had to clear all my data UGH!!!! luckily i did export to sd card a while back only missing about 20 contacts out of a 100 but its fixed now. Anyone else have this happen. I have had no problems with this phone til now.
View 1 Replies View RelatedFor me, it would be K9 Mail. What about you all?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have a Motorola XT626 (IronRock) its a dual sim (Iden/gsm-3g) with android 2.3.6.At first time, both SIMs, nextel and the other carrier, if putted from the beginning there is no problem. But when trying to change the SIM, to use an other phone number or upgrading the SIM model.It forces to erase private data.Message says: "A new SIM card is being used. All private data must be cleared before you can continue"If no option its selected it erases it, hate to do a backup to just change the SIM or imposible to change the SIM on the fly.Its Rooted, so looking forward to edit any file and line in the db files to fix this problem.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThis morning my alarm started unexpectedly at 6am. The lock screen turned into the snooze/stop screen. Dragging down didn't stop it it.. It came on every ten minutes for the next hour. My alarms were set to 9:45am and 8:30pm as usual. Even turning the phone off and on didn't stop the beeping. It was my 9:45am ringtone even. (The two are set differently)
Anyone else see anything like this? I'm on OTA 2.1
I have created an Activity A, which is blocked from rotating. I have implemented this by adding android:screen Orientation="portrait" in the Android Manifest. I have tested the app, Activity A didn't enter landscape mode when I rotated the phone, everything worked fine. Then I created another Activity B, which is a 'Dialog theme' Activity. Inside Activity A, I called.
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy phone is rooted with the Fresh 1.1 rom and I have used the Wifi-Tether many times and it always worked great. Now today I went to sign on and it forces close. Anybody have any ideas?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've tried googling and searching for applications, but ironically, all I've found is people with the opposite problem - who are lucky enough to be asked for a password, but don't want it? Just got my HTC Desire, it is really amazing, but I HATE the stupid lock screen 'pattern' - I am amazed there doesn't seem to be any actually secure option considering the amount of important data the phone may hold (access to email in 2 clicks from home screen + no password = epic fail), especially as when I had a quick go to see what would happen, the pattern seems to allow unlimited attempts - just have to wait 30 seconds between every 5 .Turning my phone off whenever it has to be unattended is just ridiculous, even though I doubt I'll ever let there be a need to, I still want to make sure things are secure.Is there any way to replace the pattern with a PIN or password? Preferably free but I won't mind paying for an application if it's the only way.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI use Password for screen unlock (digits and letters). I changed yesterday night and now I totally can't remeber the combination.There is no option like pattern unlock to enter the google account password to unlock! even after doing 100 trial.
I really don't want to do a hard reset.I'm rooted and debugging mode is active
I tried doing this adb command but it didn't work as it appear for pattern lock;
./adb shell
# sqlite3 data/data/
sqlite> update system set value=0 where name='lock_pattern_autolock';
sqlite> update system set value=0 where name='lockscreen.lockedoutpermanently';[code]....
that command to work with password lock instead of pattern lock ?
On my mobile with A2.1, can unlock the screen simply by swiping from left to right.
Is there an app to lock the screen by some password or whatever, to prevent thiefs and alike to easily access the phone?.
I'm actually more disappointed than I am happy with the update. This is just a minor vent, ignore if you don't want to read. I'm coming from Windows Mobile. Having apps running or not, was a simple thing. With android, why does it have to be an annoyance? I understand Android handles programs in the background well esp Froyo. But why does it have to be a pain, esp for the OCD types, when you close apps you don't want running, they just open themselves again? You can go as far as going into the services, and shutting down that service, not only the app, and have that service restart itself. With 2.1, using Advanced Task Killer, the apps were closed and never really opened again. Unless I lost service or something, which for some reason triggers the internet related apps to open again.
Now I did a hard reset earlier hoping to fix some of the problems I'm having. It didn't really help at all. One problem I'm having is, my Evo NEVER sleeps. Currently synchronized at 0:52:xx Up/Awake times, restarted earlier hoping for change. 2.1, I never had this issue. And after hard resetting, I'd think it would be normal as it is the bare OS itself. Didn't work. Downloaded System Panel lite, forced closed some apps, also from settings-applications. Still same results. 2.1, I had a very good standby time when I wasn't using it.............
I have uploaded application to market and met weird problem which I never received before - when I click "Open" button when the application is installed I receive error dialog and the application is forced to close. I do not have this problem when start application from desktop launcher panel. I have already receive 2 stars for that though the exception even comes not from my cod - very unpleasant surprize from market app.
Application uses vibration and declares corresponding uses-permission "android.permission.VIBRATE" - this is what the exception tells me about, but I can't see such problem with other apps that use vibration on market.
Here the exception:
Here is application manifest:
It isn't easy to summarize the problem in the title.So in 1.5 or 2.1 v1 or v2, it was very rare for the Sense UI Home app to have to re-launch.By this I mean when you click the home or back button to return to your Home screen, instead of seeing the home screen you see the black screen with HTC on it, then you wait while it loads the Home application.This very rarley happened before v1.3. Now it seems to happen at least once or twice a day.I don't have more apps installed than I did before, I shouldn't be any more out of memery than I was before.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a Droid Eris, but recently its become super leggy and forces closes on most apps. Even the phone function is becoming quite the hassle.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am new with Android, and writting a small application for tracking call events. Every time i try to bind the listner, the os forces the app to close unexspectly. What did i miss? Here is my code:package com.example.helloandroid;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.telephony.CellLocation;
import android.telephony.PhoneStateListener;
import android.telephony.ServiceState;
import android.telephony.TelephonyManager;
import android.widget.TextView;public class helloAndroid extends Activity {
TextView textOut;
TelephonyManager telephonyManager;
PhoneStateListener phoneStateListener;
public void onDestroy(){
telephonyManager.listen(phoneStateListener, PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_NONE);
}/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Get the UI
textOut = (TextView) findViewById(;
// Get the telephony manager
telephonyManager = (TelephonyManager) getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
// Create a new PhoneStateListener
phoneStateListener = new PhoneStateListener() {
public void onCallForwardingIndicatorChanged(boolean cfi) {}
public void onCallStateChanged(int state, String incomingNumber) {}
public void onCellLocationChanged(CellLocation location) {}
public void onDataActivity(int direction) {}
public void onDataConnectionStateChanged(int state) {}
public void onMessageWaitingIndicatorChanged(boolean mwi) {}
public void onServiceStateChanged(ServiceState serviceState) {
String stateString = "N/A";
switch (serviceState.getState()) {
case TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_IDLE:
stateString = "Idle";
case TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK:
stateString = "Off Hook";
case TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_RINGING:
stateString = "Ringing";
break;} textOut.append(String.format("
onCallStateChanged: %s", stateString));
} public void onSignalStrengthChanged(int asu) {}
}; // Register the listener with the telephony manager
PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_CALL_STATE |
My idle cpu usage seems a little high and sporadic and I'd like to force them all to 0% when idle but still be able to receive background data like for instance my play store seems to use a continuous idle usage and a few others. I can freeze them with the System Tuner but I'd prefer to Globally force all apps to 0% usage so I'm getting say 1% usage at idle on occasion every hour or few hours? When I use System Monitor, I see my cpu usage kind of jumping from 0 to up to 35-40% while idling and I don't want these apps using any resources at idle. I'm trying to extend battery life a lot more.
My battery life is really good already since I have a 3600mah battery but I could get even better if I can dial in the usage at idle.
Is there application that can do that?
On another note, I can't seem to figure out why my Google Calendar won't open a "New Event" it just sits on the Loading... Screen
took the dive - updated to RUU2.1 it keeps asking for a new password when the screen wakes up, it makes me enter in the password (emergency call button and unlock) --- and from time to time it asks for a new password (provide old pwd then enter new pwd twice) my main g mail acct is like this (for example - not the real one obviously) password so i changed it to password - and then back again to password.
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