HTC Incredible :: SD Space And Disc Space
May 13, 2010So I just downloaded an app that quickly shows battery life, SD space, and disc space. It says I have used 628 of 748 mb on the disc. I thought the phone had an internal memory of 8gb.

So I just downloaded an app that quickly shows battery life, SD space, and disc space. It says I have used 628 of 748 mb on the disc. I thought the phone had an internal memory of 8gb.
On Sunday I started getting the message "Low on space Phone Storage space is getting low." on the status bar. When I tap it, I'm taken to the "Manage Applications" screen, so it's clear that the message refers to the "Phone Memory," where apps are stored But when I go to Settings > SD card & phone storage here's what I see:
SD Card Total Space: 14.83GB
SD Card Available Space: 6.15GB
Internal Phone Storage Total Space: 6.60GB
Internal Phone Storage Available Space: 6.51GB
Phone Memory Total Space: 748MB
Phone Memory Available Space: 332MB
I've googled looking for solutions and it's obvious that this is a fairly common problem - especially on HTC phones. But the only possible solutions I've found are:
Too many apps are installed & space really is running low
A "bad" app was recently installed causing this error
Clear the cache for HTC Mail and HTC Message apps
Perform a Factory Reset We can rule this out since there is more than 44% of the Phone Memory available.
I didn't install any apps immediately before getting the message, but to be sure I uninstalled the 10 most recently added apps. No luck.
I've gone to Settings > Applications > Manage Applications, but the cache for these apps is already zero. The "Data" for Mail is 2.22MB and for Messages is 812KB.
This isn't fixing the problem, it's just a way to eliminate whatever condition has caused the symptom. But without an explanation of the actual problem I see no reason to think the problem won't come back in another two months.
My phone keeps telling me this in my notification bar and its bugging the crap out of me. My intenal phone storage has over 6gb free and my SD card has 1.3 gb free. The notification will not go away, I have tried rebooting my phone. I can't not stand it, its just one of my things, but it makes me want to not use my phone. OCD i guess.Anyway, PLEASE tell me why it is doing this
View 49 Replies View Relatedi got this notification yesterday so i deleted some apps and all my text messages but i cant get rid of it now!
any ideas?
Had my Samsung Moment for about a month. LOVE IT. Few issues (same as everyone else has noticed), but nothing terrible. Until: Randomly today TWO Notifications popped up that said "Low on space Phone storage space is getting low." One was what seemed to be from the "hardware" and the other was from the "Work Mail" app (which I don't use, haven't used, haven't even opened). When I click it, it takes me to the Manager screen. So, I began uninstalling some apps I don't really use (I didn't have that many anyway...a couple of games [Solitaire, etc], Facebook, Notes). It started running really slowly and random Force Close messages would appear for things like android.process, messaging--things that have never Force Closed before. I turned it off (pressed and held the red button), waited a few seconds, then turned it back on again. Immediately after the "Sprint" logo lights show finished, I got another Force Close message. When the Home Screen showed up, I had the two notifications again "Low on space". When I cleared the notifications, only the "Work Mail" one would clear. I went through and deleted some more apps that I don't use. Got on my computer & Googled the issue. Found a couple of random forums that suggested cleaning out the Cache in the Browser. I did that. Cleaned the History & Cookies in the Browser, too. Then, I did a soft reset (took out the battery). Started it up again, SAME notifications. Less Force Close messages. But, it's running VERY slowly.
After a few hours, I noticed that I hadn't received any text messages or Gmail notifications. I had my sister text me about 2 hours ago. Still have not received it.
I really don't want to hard reset. I haven't synced my contacts (I have over 400 & the Sprint store had trouble moving them from my Centro to the Moment) to Google yet, nor have I hooked my Moment up to my Mac yet (the Sprint guys had no idea if it would work or not with Snow Leopard & I hadn't had time to check yet) and I'm worried to try it now that my Moment has gone crazy...I really don't want to lose 400 contacts.I don't download a lot of apps. Most are reputable (Pandora, MotherTED, Shazam, Movies, Jewels). The last one I remember downloading was Google Voice three days ago (which I haven't really used because I've had the flu). I don't know if this is a Malware/Virus issue or if I'm just an idiot & did something wrong. But, it's running REALLY slowly right now. Still not receiving texts or emails (though my Twitter app has notified me of a couple of @ replies).I'm going to call Sprint & Samsung tomorrow, then go to a Sprint tech store if they can't help. But, I'm just hoping one of you have come across this & can help before I have to deal with hours of hold music & techies who tell me to soft reset over & over again.
After awhile, I finally checked the storage space:
External SD care: Total: 1.89; Available: 1.85
Internal: About 2 hours ago when I first checked, after I had deleted a bunch of apps it said I had 7.something MB, now (after not downloading ANYTHING or barely even TOUCHING the damn thing) it says 1.95MB. Which leads me to believe that the 7.whatever was not necessarily accurate.
Well, im low on disk space again! The icon keeps coming up every day or every other day! Each time it comes up, I clear data on certain apps, and I uninstall some apps from my phone! I've removed Twitter, Reuters News and Jewels in the last week.. Icon leaves but comes back few days later! And I have a lot of space on my phone by the way!
View 31 Replies View RelatedHi guys. I have checked all the low on space threads and i feel like mines is definitely an odd ball
When i click on the notification it sends me to my Manage Apps menu. The Manage Apps menu kind of freezes and all the apps show but the disk space says "computing..." and doesn't change
This is the current amount of space I have in my phone.
SD card - Total space = 7.42GB / Avail. space = 7.05gb
Internal phone storage - Total space = 6.6gb / Avail. space = 6.53gb
Phone memory - Total space = 748MB / Avail space = 696MB
I have tried clearing the internet cache and etc..still to no avail. the phone seems to be functioning fine except for the notification that bugs me.
All day it keeps saying I'm low on space in my notification bar and I'm not. Phone memory is 4gb and sd card is 32gb. The memory it uses for app usage is not low either. The problem is that I can't use Google talk. It just auto closes.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI have only the stock apps on my phone, and i keep getting this error? Is there something wrong with my phone?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there a way, after obtaining root, that I can make the App Storage bigger? I don't feel like I have that many apps installed, and I don't feel like HTC gives enough space for apps on the phone, when there is 8 gigs on board space. This, and the ability to connect to Ad-Hoc wifi connections would be the only reason why I would root.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI Have been having problems with my phone's internal memory, ill go to the market and try to download an app and it states that there is not enough space to install it. I have deleted all of my apps and even done 2 hard reset's and nothing seems to help? No I cant even download any app what so ever?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI think I've heard of this error somewhere before, but I couldn't find it. I just started getting a notification that says 'Low on space: Phone Storage space is getting low'
View 5 Replies View RelatedI like the calendar on the Incredible and like what it does. BUT, there's also a little icon to open it so why does a whole page/screen need to be devoted to it? Can't I get rid of it somehow and just use the little to load it when I need to calendar something?
View 1 Replies View RelatedEver since I update the Facebook app this weekend, I've been getting the "Low on space" messaage. Not true, I have 637 of 748MB. This is only thing that has been updated. I have maybe 20 apps installed.
Anyways, I noticed that this thing kept syncing for hours. I saw it was the Facebook app that was syncing. I went and checked my contacts and I had hundreds of entries for several diffifrent contacts.
I uninstalled the app and removed the Facebook data. Now the dialer and contacts will not pull up. Curse you Facebook.
Does it look like I need to reset? Battery pull did nothing.
So, I'm trying to update a 40MB app (SVOX US English Female Voice - Android app on AppBrain), but my phone is telling me "Sorry, there's not enough space to install this item.". Could someone explain to me why I'm seeing this if the following is true? Phone looking at to decide that I do not have enough space? Looking at that information, I have plenty of space everywhere!
View 3 Replies View RelatedCurious how space people have used. I have 380mb free in phone memory on the Inc.
View 27 Replies View RelatedI got a notification that says I'm getting low on space. "Phone storage space is getting low." Huh ? I go into settings / SD card & phone storage and I get ---Internal phone storage Total space 6.60GB. Available space 6.44GB. Total space 748MB and Available space 672MB. How can I be getting low ?
View 21 Replies View RelatedIs your Droid Incredible low on disk space?
View 1 Replies View RelatedRecently when I try to download apps I get a message saying there is not enough memory. But when I check I have over a gb of internal storage. I don't have much space on the SD card but it does'nt look like any apps are saved there. Any idea what going on?
View 4 Replies View RelatedSo i know my incredible has 8gigs of internal space. When i first got my phone and i plugged it in it would ask me "do you want to connect as usb drive" i would hit yes.. and it would load two hard drives one my computer
HD1. was my SD card
HD2 ... was my internal 8gb
Now, same thing happens, but
HD1. i can load no problem (SD CARD)
HD2, click on and it says "must format"
What gives? my phone can still see all my pictures/music from the internal memory though.
BTW i am running CyanogenMod
Just got swype the other day and loving it. The only thing I don't know what to do is have it auto space after a period. Having to hit space is very annoying
View 9 Replies View RelatedA couple of the reviews refer to the app space and say that none of the 8gb is for apps and you are constrained to the rom. This makes no sense, based on the 768mb free storage showing up in snapshots of some of the reviews. Logic is taking a hit here:
1. 768mb shows free for storage
2. Internal media memory shows 6.6gb
3. If 8gb flash, about 7.8 should show free (not 6.6)
4. If apps are constrained to the 512mb rom (as reviews state), the OS and preinstalled apps would take up space, so 220mb or less would be free with Android 2.1 and the Sense UI
5. 768mb free on a 512mb rom is impossible- even excluding how much space the OS and preinstalled apps take.
Is there 748mb free available storage for apps? I have seen a few screen shots, but reviews and reports seem to contradict. If 512mb ROM, most out of box would be less than the 228mb free on Moto Droid, since Android 2.1 takes up more space, due to more pre-installed apps. My guess is there should be about 200mb free IF only a 512mb ROM, or none of the flash is allocated.
Only other option would be if the ROM is actually 1gb. Then the question would be where is the other 1.1 or so gigs of space on the "8gb built-in storage". Should be around 7.8gb free if 8gb is built in. BTW, where IS the "missing" storage space, since 8gb built-in and only 6.6gb shows free?
I keep getting the little notification that my phone storage space is getting low, but when I go into Settings > SD card & phone storage, the SD card, internal phone storage, and phone memory are all well above critical levels (they're all like 70-90% free space). What could be the issue?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have an Incredible. It has 8GB of internal storage and I've installed an 8GB microSD card. When I plug the thing in via USB, I have two drives that appear on Windows. One shows total capacity of 6.59GB and the other is 7.39GB. I guess my question is: I think I understand that the 7.39GB one is the microSD card. It's getting full. It appears that everything gets stored there. My question is, why do I have a 6.59GB drive available that never seems to get used? Is the purpose to manually put MP3s and such on this instead of the microSD card? With 2.2 (SkyRaider ROM), can I move apps to this internal storage?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI took this through my telescope with the Incredible's camera. One of the good things about the tiny cameras in phones is that they can see through the eyepiece of my telescope. Don't expect to try this and get it perfect the first time. The Saturn picture took about 30 tries and lots of fiddling with the settings to get just right
View 49 Replies View RelatedDl the apk for high res HTC IMEkeyboard, find using androzip or astro. Install after checking allow unknown apps in the settings. Seems to be the same keyboard as stock with the auto space inserted. Only issue that it seems to be a tad slower than stock
View 7 Replies View RelatedIs this possible? i went into the keyboard settings and didn't see anything
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View 5 Replies View RelatedHow can you make it so that when I choose a word from the suggestion line it auto spaces for me?
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