HTC Incredible :: New Root Method / No More SD - Card Timing
Jul 14, 2010Closed, starting a new thread for development. Doesnt work as it stands, check out the other thread for more info

Closed, starting a new thread for development. Doesnt work as it stands, check out the other thread for more info
For the rest of us peasants who still can't get into that f*@#&$g shell?
View 23 Replies View RelatedIn the thread that has a guide to rooting with unrevoked 3 it states that you should have a 2gig available on the sd card, but also states if you have less than 4 gigs available you must format. Is it ok then to format the card if its only 2gigs to being with and root it that way? Sorry sounds confusing, I'm just wondering if 2gigs is enough.
View 6 Replies View RelatedBefore I rooted I would go through my sd card and delete files that were no longer needed such as application files from applications that I would download and later delete. Now that I'm rooted I am a little hesitant to do that because I'm not sure if there are files on there that are necessary for root.
For example: the SU file on the SD Card. Is that the program itself or is it just the install file. If I were to delete it would I lose the superuser or would it not effect it? I just got a 16 gig sd card so I am wondering what files I need to transfer over if there are any.
So i ended up rooting using my PNY 2gif card. Is there any files on this sd card that I need, or can I just swap back my stock VZW one without loosing root.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm using an htc evo. I'm terribly confused by the 3 different root methods and what to do after wards. Are there more than 3 methods? I've seen toast, unprovoked, and simple. I'm running 2.1 since tethering to an ubuntu box is important to me and I'm afraid the update will interfere with it. Is there a breakdown somewhere of the different methods somewhere with a pro's and con's list of each?
View 23 Replies View RelatedAnyone know if the latest update (1.47.651.1) is available to be applied to a toast's method rooted phone? i've seen some posts over at xda that refer to starting all over and bringing your device from stock to full root with the latest ota, but not sure if that's what i want (need) to do. the devs had the sd card fix update available as a stand alone update after being rooted. has the 1.47.651.1 become available to apply with my current status, or is the only way to implement it to start from scratch? anyone else in this situation?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI went to best buy to exchange my evo cause of some minor issues. It had the new ota update installed so I thought it was a pain in the butt to root it. So I got the new evo and I checked the software number and I have 1.32.651.6. Is it easier to update this phone to the new ota and use the simple root method over in xda or do it manually using the 1.32.651.6?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI rooted using a video i found on you tube. the process involved using unprovoked and amon_ra, i downgraded to 2.1 and loaded a stock sense 2.2. However, as i was exploring and reading up on roms i saw that many people said that unprovoked was a bad way to go due to some problems. So now im scared to load any roms/themes. is there a way for me to switch my root from the unprovoked method to the other method?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have an out of the box Evo 2.2 already. Is Unprovoked the way to go?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI was rooted with unprovoked and have not experienced a single problem since the update. I clicked on unprovoked and then checked out the tether app. It starts up fine with no problems. Wasn't the update supposed to make unprovoked not work?
View 6 Replies View RelatedThe brilliant minds over at xda have cooked up this 3 step root method...all of the credit goes to them, I'm just posting it.
[Program] Simple Root .1 - 3 Click Root w/ nand unlock!! - xda-developers. Here is the link for the OTA root version
I know, there are lots who are against one click roots. that said, I'm not fully sure I know why, and before I use ANY root method- I must be the slowest person on earth, I have been thinking about and considering and backing off from rooting for what seems like ages- I want to know everything I can about it. so, does the program work for the fascinate? is there a good reason NOT to try it? also- how hard is it (with any root method) to take the phone back to stock? yes, I know there is info on how to do this- I am not looking for detailed instructions- more like, opinions. how easy is it, did someone get hung up on any particular part of these processes, etc. honestly, I have the root files on my computer already for normal root- but keep chickening out. on the one hand, I hate the thought of voiding warranty on purpose- on the other hand, in all the years I have had phones and computers and other electronics, I have only ONCE had to use warranty, and then they said it was void anyway because they did not believe that the problem was due to a manufacturing problem(which it was) and I STILL had to pay for the repair. that all said, I get closer each day to rooting but I continue researching the subject (including the after rooting what to do stuff)
View 7 Replies View RelatedI need someone with an unrooted LG Ally to test my 2 Click Root scripts. This is for Mac users only. Please Direct Message me or message me on twitter @northmendo if you are interested in testing. If all goes well I will release to the public asap. Also it helps if you already have adb configured but I can help with that if you don't.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIf this has been asked I cannot find it. What is the easiest, quickest method for root right now? There seems to be a new method being developed every week. I know there are basebands available to load that will help with the signal issues. Are there fixes with root that will resolve the audio issue with Pandora?
View 8 Replies View RelatedHere's what I've figured out. I tried doing Toast's root method for linux and the directions weren't idiot proof because I screwed them up. I've explained how far I've gotten in other threads. If that's relevant just ask and I'll explain exactly what I did.
Anyway my phone does the basics. It allows me to make phone calls, text, and look at the internet on the phone so this isn't an emergency but it I am worse off than I was before I tried to root because I can no longer use easytether.
I had no problem with easytether prior to the root attempt, and it still works when I hook it up with my wifes untampered evo. with my phone but with my wife's evo, I've never messed with that one, I have no trouble connecting with easy tether.
Some of the things I've noticed about the device since the attmept...
-I can't update to 2.2 via the OTA or any other method, my device says no updates are available.
-Simple root wasn't so simple, the phone never shut off and rebooted into boot screen like the red screen said it would in step 1.
How do I reset the device to the way it was the day it was purchased. I've got everything I need backed up. I'm ready to reset just tell me how.
I am using LG Optimus Vu P895 with V10c FW and its rootable with Root with Restore Bin4ry version 17 or 18, but now I got the phone upgraded to V10c over OTA (or KDZ file) and my phone is no more rootable by that method. I tried to run the tool as I did before but it ended very soon and the phone didn't restart as expected, maybe LG fixed the exploit to root this phone. How to root it after upgrading to V10c?
View 2 Replies View RelatedNot sure if it happened with the RC29 or RC30 update but they removed the setting option to "Allow File Browsing on Computer"(or something like that) from the SD Card Settings menu. I just got both updates pretty close together and I couldn't figure out why the phone wasn't showing as a Removable Disk in My Computer.Well, now when you connect the phone you will see a USB icon show up in your notifications bar. You have to select that and choose to "Mount" the phone/card. Done.Still not sure if I like the new way. Seems like unnecessary extra clicks to have to choose this option each time you connect the phone. What do you guys think?
View 5 Replies View RelatedGalaxy S Root Hack Will Work on US Carrier Versions | Android Phone Fans. I tell ya, maybe this is the "S (smart) Life". Now I don't have to worry about losing any data cause I used titanium to do my backup
View 1 Replies View RelatedTouted as "for most Android devices" which may or my not work, it is *new*.
How To: Root Your Android Phone (SuperOneClick Method) | TheUnlockr
I'll be testing it later today and posting my findings.
I haven't tried this, just passing it along. If/when you have experience with this root method, please post in this thread.
Current as of 10/12/2010
For all phones except:
Sprint EVO 4G (HTC Supersonic)
Droid Incredible (HTC Incredible)
HTC Desire GSM
HTC Desire CDMA (HTC BravoC)
HTC Aria
Droid Eris (HTC DesireC)
HTC Wildfire (HTC Buzz)
How To: Root Your Android Phone (SuperOneClick Method) | TheUnlockr UPDATED: Here is a video guide showing how to install custom ROMs after rooting your device. How To: Load a Custom ROM on Your Android Phone (After Any One Click Root Methods) | TheUnlockr
I have a non-rooted Motorola Droid running 2.2 and I want to root to try out a ROM. I want to make sure I do this right. I don't want to lose any data (pictures, texts, etc) and I don't want to lose any apps. I've read a bunch of threads and it sounds like this is the general order I should proceed in:
1 - Backup data with MyBackupPro
2 - Root
3 - Backup apps with Titanium Backup
4 - Install ROM
Is this correct? Am I missing anything? Will the root method or ROM make a difference in terms of the process?
There are a lot of different classes that can be used in various ways to read/write to files in Android. For example, you can make use of java.nio.ByteBuffer, FileOutputStream and BufferedOutputStream. Are there any general guidelines for what to use to read/write quickly to the SD card? For example, BufferedOutputStream seems as if it should make things faster but I'm unsure the buffer size should be set for. Specifically, I want to read/write byte arrays that are ~1Mb in size as quickly as I can.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI"m always connected by wifi at home and i would like to access my files through wifi. There are a lot of web browser based wifi apps (like Websharing) but I was wondering if there are any drag and drop methods as if I was connected by the USB cable. I want to access the SD card through My Computer and not Firefox.
View 19 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to change the boot animation easy like the one click root method or a thread with easy detailed instructions if there is sorry i have not seen can u share the link .
View 3 Replies View RelatedI know how to use AsyncTask in a standard manner to manage operations that are in the background in relation to a UI thread.However,I want to run a task in the background which might run for a very long time under certain circumstances. In these cases, I would like to force the background task to fail if it runs for an excessive amount of time.I know that I can invoke the "get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)" method of AsyncTask in my UI thread in order to terminate my background task if it runs too long. However, in that case, my UI will block while this "get()" command is waiting.There are probably other drawbacks to directly calling "get()" in this manner, not the least of which being an evil interaction with the "done()" method of AsyncTask's contained FutureTask object, which itself is calling "get()" at least this is what I see when I look at the source code for AsyncTask.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI'm running a network service within an ASyncTask. I want to be able to time the task, and after a certain period of time interrupt it.Is there a simple way to do this? Basically, when the doInBackground() methods starts, I want to say "If it hasn't completed in 30 seconds, do something else".
View 2 Replies View RelatedI wanted to ask a question regarding the Alarm Manager. I have a requirements of setting long running timers in my application. The minimum duration for my timer is 1 hour...and the maximum may be for 4-5 days. This timer is supposed to run in the background, and when it fires/expires, i have to show something on the GUI. The timer can be re-scheduled once it fires based on user action.
What is the best approach for scheduling such long running timers ?
Should i make use of the Alarm Manager ? Or will it be an overkill ? As far as i know, alarms are retained even if the device goes to sleep and they wake up the device when the alarm goes off.
I am thinking of using a simple Java TimerTask as an alternative to setting an alarm:
But i am not sure what will happen to the timer task if the device went to sleep while the task was running.
Is anyone else having issues with connections to the hotspot timing out when trying to connect or when already connected? I have tried to search around before posting but even most of my friends haven't come across this issue yet.
Trying to connect with a winxp laptop and a mac laptop. Tried open, WPA and WPA2.
I'm doing my thesis work on resource management on android and I want to be able to measure the "responsiveness" of an application to figure out if the application get enough resources and is scheduled often enough.
So what I want is a way to insert timestamps on events, e.g. button clicks, when they are created and when they are consumed. This way I can get the "responsiveness" of the application. But I have a hard time of finding exactly where the events are created and also consumed.
In there is the handleCallback(Message message) method which I can insert the end time stamp. I tried to add a long variable in the Message class and that worked well (had to rebuild the api though). So my problem is to find the place where the button click is generated and where the message that corresponds to that event is being created so I can add a time stamp.
I also welcome other suggestions on how to measure the "responsiveness" of an application or other way to measure how well an application performs.