HTC Incredible :: How Do I Delete Songs?
May 2, 2010how do i delete songs on the incredible?
View 6 Replieshow do i delete songs on the incredible?
View 6 RepliesAnyone know how I can delete the preloaded songs that come on the phone. When I hook the Inc up to my mac only my SD 2gb card shows up, I cannot vies the songs on the 8gb internal memory to delete. Any ideas?
View 1 Replies View Relatedhow can i delete songs directly on my phone, without having to connect it to the pc to delete?
View 3 Replies View RelatedApologies if this has been discussed before; I searched, but couldn't find any threads related to my Q.
Is there any way to delete the five songs that come pre-loaded on the EVO? I've been paging though all of the menus, and can't find one that says "delete."
How do u delete and rename songs?
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo I guess I have too many songs on my iMusic now because everytime I try to download a song it says there is "insufficient storage space" I tried to delete songs off of it and I can't find a way
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just got the samsung behold 2 which is pretty darn nifty. the only thing, so far, that i can't stand is that when i plug in my headphones it starts playing that fucking david gray song.
A.) I would like to know how to disable the function of the music player starting when i plug in headphones and
B.) if possible, how can i delete the two songs that come with the phone?
i got a nice pair of headphones for the holidays that i can use as a hands free device but if every time i plug them in the music player starts i'm going to throw the phone out the window.
I downloaded imusic and proceeded to download some problem there.However, I can't seem to figure out how to delete unwanted songs from the SD card. How is this done?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI created a table with the name SONGS in the assets/folder. And after that I create a new project, my project run to create a database name "data" with table name "BOOKS". But I found that the table "SONGS" also created in my new database? And now my database have two table "BOOKS" and "SONGS". I don't know why? How can I delete completely the "SONGS" table?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhat's the easiest way to get all my songs from itunes onto my phone? Where and what do I drag and drop?
View 28 Replies View RelatedI've tried re-adding the songs twice now and every time it deletes a BUNCH of the songs. The only place I've noticed this was with Cascada. I have about 40 songs of hers that I tried to add and when I disconnect the phone from my computer and view the Music list, it only has 3, the same 3 every time. I'm putting the files on my SD card in MP3 > Cascada in their separate album folders. It keeps the folders and AlbumArt.jpg files but deletes the songs! Why is it doing this?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have tried many programs and aps to sync music to my incredible. I have used doubletwist, mediamonkey, sailing media sync, itunes agent, itunes export, isyncr, and songbird. From my experience, mediamonkey works the best and gets the job done better than the rest. My problem though is that when I sync playlists to the sd card, the program transfers all of the songs, but the last 20 or so songs won't play on the phone. It's almost as if the transfer didn't finish. Is anybody else having this problem or know of a fix?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI can see the songs when I have my phone hooked up to the computer as a hard drive (on the SD card), yet those songs don't show up on the music player.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIn the music app that came pre-installed, I keep using the trim song feature to create a ringtone, I hit apply, it confirms it's set, but then doesn't set the new ringtone -- I still have the default ringtone. I searched around for the trimmed version of the songs, and they're nowhere to be found either. I've tried it multiple times. I can only seem to set the entire song as a ringtone. Any idea what gives? Or where on the internal storage or SD card it supposedly saves these trimmed versions so I can find them myself?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI hope this hasn't been answered anywhere else (I did search! I promise). Is anyone experiencing very slow load times when clicking to show Artists or Songs in the default music player? I have about 1800 songs, and when I click on either Artist, Album, or Song, it takes like 10 seconds to think about it and then finally pulls them up. They are stored on my 16GB SDHC card (Class 4). Any ideas or is it something I'll have to live with?
View 8 Replies View RelatedUsing a droid incredible and sync with exchange. Tried to attach to songs from phone in a new email to myself. The email sat in the outbox and would not deliver. Deleting the email also deleted the files off the file system (or sending an email deletes the file?)
The two music files were located here:
emmcmp3Marisa CristinaMarisa CristinaForget Me Now.mp3
emmcmp3Samantha JamesSamantha James - Rise1 Rise.mp3
Any way to get these songs back? I tried reseting the phone but that didn't work.
Coming from a Iphone to the X the music player is a little lacking. Often I will go into a certain artist and want to play all the songs by that artist, or thumb through all their songs to find a certain one. On the stock music player on the X this seems hard to do (maybe I'm missing something).
if I pull up the music by artist and select a certain artist then it shows me all their albums (The iphone has the option at this point to select all albums and see all the songs of that artist in alphabetical order). The X doesn't give a option to select all albums at this point. If I go to artists and long press on a certain artist I can select play and it will start playing all that artists songs, then I can hit pause and go into the list from that point to see all the songs but they seem to be in a random order making it hard to find a specific song.
I've tried a couple other players and haven't been able to find one that functions like the Iphone, makes it hard to quickly find one song.
Is there a way to stop the Music Player from putting ringtones in with the rest of my music. I hate having it on shuffle and getting a stupid 30 sec ringtone.If not is there an alternate media player that will let me do this?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI uploaded 100 songs to my SD card from my PC. When I opened the music player app in the phone, it shows all 100 songs. So I opened up the songs list, picked a song and it played just fine. After the song I hit the forward button to play the next song (next song of the 100 that I had on there) and it played the same song again. So upon looking at the music player it now showed "1/1" at the top, instead of "1/100". It's like it's locked on that 1 song. If I go into the menu I can see all my songs, and I can choose/play them individually, but I can't have all 100 songs chosen, so that they'll just play one after the other. How do I make the music player show all 100 songs again? I just want to open up the music player, hit play, and sit back & enjoy the next 100 songs playing one after the other. I don't want to have to select each one individually to play. (Hopefully this wasn't too confusing).
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm having an issue with the album art showing up on my droid incredible half the songs show the art half of them don't. I had this memory card previously in my Droid eris and did not have this issue. Ive tried formating the sd card twice and resyncing the songs twice using 2 different programs double twist and media monkey still the same outcome. The songs are in itunes format.
View 32 Replies View RelatedHow do you delete multiple emails on the droid incredible at one time?
View 2 Replies View RelatedSomeone wanna tell me how I get rid of ROM manager? Uninstall is grayed out.
View 8 Replies View RelatedShould I be backing up everything every time I flash a new ROM? In other words, will flashing a new ROM wipe out my contacts and all my apps? If so what all does ROM manager save when I do a backup or restore point? Also, how do I delete apps I don't want that came with the ROM? Such as chrome to phone or the default browser in favor of dolphin browser.
View 5 Replies View RelatedSo I did a factory reset after getting 2.2. I got most of my contacts back thru Facebook and Gmail syncs when I set them up at the beginning. I foolishly "Imported from SD Card" my "Phone" contacts that I exported pre-factory reset thinking it'd just add the ones I didn't have synced with Google or FB. Now I have like 2-3 of the same for each person and sadly, there is NO way to undo this that I can see... unless there is? If I delete ALL contacts, will it automatically restore the ones I sync from Google and Facebook so I can lose all the dups and trips? Any better way to handle this? I can't stand when I type a friend's name in Handcent, I see his/her name and number show up 3 times.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSorry if this has been posted, but how do you delete something from the pdf files. I downloaded the wrong thing.
View 5 Replies View RelatedSo, after you flash a ROM from your SD card, can you delete the .zip file?
Same question with mods, themes, etc
Amazon MP3, Skype mobile, Stocks, and all the other apps it installed without my permission.
Also, a short gripe, entering post on forums with the Dinc SUCKS now! How did that get past beta?
I have a few bookmarks that I want to do I do this?
View 5 Replies View RelatedDelete someone from Favorites?
View 7 Replies View RelatedHow do I delete everything off my phone? Contacts, etc.? I hit format storage to erase all. Its says preparing to format. But doesn't delete everything? I want the phone to be wiped out to out of the box never turned on settings.
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