HTC Hero :: Does Rooting Invalidate Insurance?
Sep 7, 2009does rooting invalidate insurance on orange care?

does rooting invalidate insurance on orange care?
sorry if this is a dumb question but everyone says rooting you phone will void warranty but will it void your insurance if you pay monthly for it?
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhat's the functional difference between these list view methods: invalidate() and invalidate Views() ? Which one is faster to refresh a list view?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhat is the use of Invalidate() in android?...
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a ListView, its rows each have an image downloaded from the net in a separate thread. When the image is done downloading, I notify my main thread, and need to invalidate the corresponding row if it's on screen.
View 4 Replies View RelatedDropped the phone for the first time from my pocket the screen ends up being completely cracked. Didnt get insurance and i am past the 30days.
View 44 Replies View RelatedI was looking at the Traveler's Insurance Co. website and they have an app for iphone and blackberry but not for Android. I though this was a bit odd. They do have an site, but I was hoping for an app with a little quicker and easier way to get insurance info and to help with any accidents/claims on the spot.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've never had a smartphone before and am thinking of potentially buying a Nexus One. Its a big investment and with bringing it around everywhere I am afraid that I might break or lose it. I am wondering what insurance options there is out there. How is Verizon's insurance? Can you get insurance through your home owners insurer? Any other options out there? How much is the deductable?
View 3 Replies View RelatedThe title says it all: has anyone had any experience with Worth Ave phone insurance?Googling doesn't turn up very many discussions of the insurance, however it does look pretty good on paper.If you've had an experience with in, please give some details. What did you insure? How much did you pay? Did you have to make any claims? If so, how did the claims process go, and what was the result? Have you noticed anything about Worth Ave insurance that you think may go unnoticed if not looking closely Any and all information is helpful.
View 6 Replies View RelatedOn checkout at mobile phones direct it gives you 3 months mobile insurance free. Now there is a option to remove the insurance but what i am wondering is if i go through with the free 3 months am i then dedicated to it for the full 18 months? Will i have to pay anything for the months after.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was lied to by Verizon. When I upgraded I was told that my current 6 dollar plan would cover my phone the same way my old phone was covered. Luckily I called today and found out the truth. They offer a 6 dollar plan that does indeed cover the Droid. It only will cover it for 1 Year. Outside of a year then you are not covered at all. So thinking logically I asked about the 9 dollar plan and was told it does cover you outside of the 1 year warranty. Here comes the stupid part, you are forced to purchase either one of these plans within 30 days of getting the phone even though you are technically covered under the manu warranty for 1 year. So basically you need to pay verizon 108 dollars for a years worth of coverage when your phone is technically already covered. Does anyone else see an issue with this
View 36 Replies View RelatedI have an List Activity with a Base Adapter where the contents have changed (example - the rows are reordered). I have tried invalidate.
I am new to Android. Can someone show to me how do I force invalidate a portion of an item in listview? I have listview row item that contains textview and image view. I only want to invalidate text in the textview of a particular item in the listview.
View 3 Replies View RelatedThe green plane is shown on the golden-brown surface but when I press a key nothing happens. I want eventually be able to move the plane pressing 4 different keys + another one for shooting but that's easy if I can just get the thing moving in the first place. When I press a key in the emulator, nothing happens at all.
Almost two months ago I bought an Eris (pristine condition) off someone on Craigslist. About an month ago Verizon had open enrollment for insurance.thus I was able to buy insurance on my phone for $8 bucks a month!Just though I'd let everyone know...recommend checking with Verizon regarding their open enrollment.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI think it's $7 per month and has a $80 deductible. Do you guys usually go with or without it?
View 30 Replies View Relatedwhat parameters do I pass to this function? invalidate(left, top, right, bottom) for use with google map on android ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a simple draw application on Canvas. User should be able to draw with a chosen color. On MotionEvent.ACTION_UP, invalidate() is called. Now it redraws previously drawn lines with the current color ( Redrawing the entire drawing with the current color). I do not want to change the color of previously drawn lines. I am not sure what is missing. Can I make it redraw only newly drawn lines?
View 4 Replies View RelatedSo how few options do I have? I dropped my incredible on the garage floor and it hit in the corner and shattered. It still works fine, but I had to put some tape below the screed near the optical sensor to cover the sharpness from the cracks where the screen protector doesn't cover.
Anyhow, I did not get insurance as I'd never used it in the 15 years I owned a cell phone... murphy's law of course. I went to a Verizon store and they gave me a phone number of a 3rd party repair guy. He's closed for the day so I started to Google stuff and it seems that I am up the creek. The screens are the reason they are not making these as fast as they'd like so I assume there are none available. I cannot find any info on repairing them... not looking good is it?
I am new to Android development, just reading docs and trying the APIs. I am quit confused how ImageView managed to draw just a part of its content after an invalidate(Rect) invocation.
I've checked, found no other drawing method except onDraw(Canvas), but onDraw(Canvas) only cut the drawable only if it is beyound the view's visible boundary. I also read the implementation of View.invalidate(Rect), I think the key of this function is calling to mParent.invalidateChild(this, r);
However, I think the parent view doesn't know how to draw the child in the given Rect, it finally has to call some method of it child to paint out. Has anybody investigated this part of codes? Would you please give me some guide?
can anyone help me with finding the amen ra recovery image tells you to download when rooting your hero, had a look on amen ra's page and can't find it?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI wanted to know if I root my HTC Hero on Sprint and then load 2.2 if it will have any problems. Like can the hardware on the Hero run 2.2? I know most of the devices that are going to run 2.2 have a 1GHZ processor and a lot more internal memory than my Hero does. I am only thinking about doing this because 2.1 on Hero is so glitchy, but I love the 2.1 apps. Any help?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI just got a Telus version of the HTC Hero. Coming from an iPhone, I've been through some of the 'root/jailbreak' scenes, so most things are familiar. However, making the transition to the Anrdoid OS, there's many things I'm not understanding. Currently the Hero is running 1.5 (can that be updated). I tried running Instant Root and it failed. So I tried the Gold Card method (Eh, not too bad) and no luck with that. I'm not sure where to start, since the guides mentioned in the stickies for root don't work for me. I'm just a confused newbie with the Android customization scene.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI've tried a couple methods today, manual as well as the Fresh Kitchen 1054, and I'm getting stuck with both. I'd probably prefer the manual method so let's troubleshoot that I get through most the steps found here (and I believe I've followed them exactly, to the letter): How-To Root a Sprint Hero But when I enter the code for #6: /data/local /asroot2 /system/bin/sh My system returns: [1] killed /data/local/asroot2 /system/bin/sh It simply won't continue past that point. Ideas please?
View 5 Replies View RelatedRecently got a HTC Hero on 3 that came with the latest 2.73 firmware (unfortunately) and the flashrec and instantroot.apk methods both failed. So now i'm looking at the Goldcard way. Unfortunately when it comes to the step where you goto Free G1 goldcard generation ! to put in your email and CID I just get a duff page which says About, Download, Support Forum. All of these links take you to the PSAS website and I cannot see anywhere where you can put these details in.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI just finished rooting my (formerly) Orange-branded Hero with VillainRom 10.3 and I only have about 50mb of memory (maximum) and I'd like to know why! I thought this was supposed to make it quicker.My mate has a T-Mobile Hero, he just debranded his and he has 137mb free!
View 20 Replies View RelatedI flashed Villon Rom 10 about 2 weeks ago, and today i started noticing that my phone only connects at edge and won't go into 3g mode so super slow Internet. I'm with Fido (Canada) if that makes any difference, i haven't touched my APN settings, I used to connect to 3g all the time... not sure if this started when i rooted or not.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a hero on orange. I have managed to root the phone and can download root apps etc.
I am struggling to get a new rom ( can anyone recommend) downloaded. i have installed an app called "rom manager" which gives me the option to install rom from SD card. I have or think i have a villian 10 rom in zip format which i have on the root of my SD card.
It is recognised when I search on rom manager gives me 2 options to backup and wip/clear cache and says press ok to complete install.
I press ok and nothing happens. What am I doing wrong? should the rom file be zipped and if not can anyone give me a few short steps from here?
I have the HTC hero (branded) and Im thinking about either rooting it and going with a custom rom OR de-btanding it and going with the latest official HTC rom.I cant decied which one to do, so I thought you guys could point me in the right direction. Which of the two is the best to do?It is an Orange branded phone BTW, and I know de-branding orange heros causes problem but it seems like the guys at HTCCODE can give you the code to fix the problems (although it does cost money)
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have been through so many guides now... Tried Rooting my phone a load of times, using the special method for T Mobile phones... I have gotten so frustrated... Can someone PLEASE, just please give me an easy guide on how to ROOT My T-Mobile G2 Touch (HTC Hero).
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