HTC Hero :: HTC Music Player - Upgrade
Sep 19, 2009
Wotcher chaps and chapettes, has anyone played with the music app since upgrading to the later Hero rom? If so have you noticed if the app heeds the track order properly or not, or whether it continues to keep re-ordering tracks in alphabetical order?
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Oct 26, 2010
The audio/music player on my HTC Hero locks up immediately when it starts. As a result I cannot preview any sounds or play any music unless I stream with pandora or something. I have installed another music player app, which is fine for music, but the default player remains the one that locks up, so if I click an audio file to preview it, that app comes up and locks. Is there a fix for this? Can I somehow set another 3rd party player as default?
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Aug 7, 2009
how to add album art to the music player? I have put 3 albums on my HTC Hero and none of them have their album art. I know it's nothing major but it's a nice little touch to be able to see the album art of the song playing.
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Apr 11, 2010
Sometimes when I'm istening to music, the player 'skips' and sometimes stops all together, until I get it out of my pocket and hit the home button to wake the screen up. I think it's caused by my phone dropping the signal completely, but it only happens when I've got the phone in my pocket. Is there a way to stop this? I've switched from the HTC player to MixZing lite, which has helped a lot, but it still does it.
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Aug 2, 2010
It seems to turn off after a set number of minutes.Is there a way to set the player so it won't go off until I stop it?
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Oct 17, 2009
how to turn off the music player when finished listening to it.
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Jun 25, 2010
All my music I play via the default music player doesn't have the cd artwork on which it does have on my PC before I transferred it.Does anyone know how to make it show on the hero?
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Apr 17, 2010
I have a 2week old Hero which for unknown reasons has a very laggy music player, is this normal ?
I only have like 10 songs aswel, on average they are 3-4mins long aswel. Is there a better music player which doesnt lag plus i have the latest firmware.
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Oct 8, 2010
I have the Motorola Droid and am using the stock music player. I was looking for alittle help finding something better to sure alot of you are using something much better.
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Aug 3, 2009
Earlier I formatted my memory card, probably shouldn't but I thought that as I hadn't put anything on this should be fine. Is this where the sync programme lives, I'm guessing if it is I can download it from somewhere no bother. So, I downloaded a couple of songs off T-mobile, but since formatting my music player does nothing, just says that there are no songs. Doesn't let you search or anything.
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Feb 9, 2010
Came across this from another section of the site. There's a great new music player called RockOn3 (Search for RockOn in the Market and scroll down to 3). It's in beta, but has still become my default music player. I love the cube for browsing.
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Nov 28, 2009
If there is a booster for the music player or and equalizer for the music player or a better music player, I know that on a BlackBerry there is option to enhance the sound, is there something like this for the Sprint Hero?
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Oct 28, 2009
Is there anyway to turn off the built in HTC music player? Whenever I hangup from a phone call via bluetooth, the HTC music player will start playing. It always occurs if I was playing music via another music app or listening to a podcast with any program other than the HTC music app.
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Nov 1, 2009
Some of the music albums I have loaded into my Hero don't show a picture of the album cover when the tracks are playing.How do I get the picture to show?
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Nov 30, 2009
I just got a new 8gb memory card and want to dump a bunch of music to my Hero, but the music player seems lacking in many respects (functionally) despite looking nice (aesthetically). Has anyone tried other players that both work well and look stylish? sidenote - I was unable to format my memory card with it plugged into my network printer due to not having an adapter, but when the card is mounted and the hero is connected through usb it is reported as FAT32 in the open window. Do I need to worry about formatting? I wasn't sure if there would be any performance gain by doing so. Its a Transcend 8gb class 6.
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Mar 15, 2010
Basically when connecting my phone to my car's aux in socket, the music player starts up & plays over whatever else is happening. As an example, if I want to listen to a podcast on Beyondpod, the moment it starts playing, the music player kicks in & plays whatever track was last being played. I use Taskiller to close it down but it's starts up again after a few mins or even seconds. It also occasionally dials the last number I called, just to really wind me up. It also occasionally does this when watching a video with headphones in.
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May 2, 2010
I use the bluetooth audio in my truck on my drive to and from every work every day with Iheartradio on. Every time I receive a call when I hang up my phone automatically starts the music player and just starts playing songs. It's extremely annoying. I even deleted all my music off the phone hoping this would stop it, and now it just plays ring tones. I've used an app killer, etc. and it still does it.
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Dec 13, 2009
It seems like the Music Player saves the ringtone to internal memory while Ringdroid saves it to sd card.I created several thru Ringdroid and set for contact ringtones and they only worked occasionally.Most times I would get default ringtone.I removed them from sd card and created a few with Music Player and I dont see them on sd card but they do show up in the ringtones list.Hopefully they now work better being internal.Does anyone know how I could delete a ringtone from internal memory?
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Jul 15, 2010
Is there a better music player than the standard music player I've got with my Hero? The sound isn't exactly high quality, virtually no bass even with good headphones. Maybe there is an equalizer app that I can use to improve my sound quality?
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Apr 8, 2010
I dont mind the stock music player app but is there any other music player apps. the only problem i have with the stock one is that the volume is kinda low at the max. with headphones they are fine but i use my phone for music in my car and even with my speakers on max volume within my car the music is really low. and my speakers in my car are upgraded and VERY loud. is there another music player app that has lower output volumes ?
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Nov 28, 2009
I've been taking my hero to the gym and I've been annoyed by the lack of sapless playback. I have workout CDs that go from track to track but there's always the jarring pause in between.
Are there any other music player apps that will do this?
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Apr 17, 2010
I'm not able to flip/scroll my music lib. anymore!Using HTC Hero with android 1.5 (the default music player)I'm using Windows Mediaplayer in Windows7 to sync my devicce.what can I do to fix this?
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Feb 14, 2010
I just recently got the HTC Hero and have a question regarding the mp3 player. When you go to albums and choose an album to play, I found that the tracks are not listed in the correct order. Is this seriously the case or is there a way to get albums to play as they should be played?
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Jan 31, 2010
Has anyone noticed that the stock music player isn't very good at shuffling music? I have my playlist set up, and want it to shuffle while I'm listening at work. It will shuffle, but the problem is that it won't play all the songs on my playlist. I have about 500 on this particular playlist, and in an 8 hour day I will hear the same song 3 or 4 times. In the 3 weeks I've been using it at work, there are some songs that I have *NVER* had come up on the shuffle. I tried turning on just shuffle and not repeat, but same thing. Is there a fix for this, or does anyone have recommendations on a music player that I can download that is better?
** Clarificaion: By "recommendation" I mean more than "Get Product X, it's cool". Why is it "cool"? What makes it better than the other products?
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May 10, 2010
I notice that if I use bluetooth headphones, I can only use them with the default music player, which is a big drag since it kind of blows. If I delete the music player in the adb shell, will that fix the problem so I can use a different music app?
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Jan 16, 2010
My native music player has started turning itself on at different times. I will get a triangle in my notification bar, open it and the music player is running and listed as ongoing. There is no stop button, only pause, and apparently backing out of the app does not turn it off. Should I look into a task killer for this?
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Jan 22, 2010
All the Sprint documentation I have reviewed tells how to play a selection, pause a selection and do other things like shuffle, etc. What I cannot find is how to stop a selection during playback.
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Apr 5, 2010
Not sure if anybody has this issue. I have a telus HTC hero and when I am in the music player, whether it be the stock player or not, if I let music play in the background, then lock/unlock the phone or if it sits with the screen on and then locks by itself, the music will skip or "cut out" for a half second and then continue. I don't remember youtube reviews of the phone music player showing this happening. Anybody else have this issue or does your music play smoothly regardless of locking/unlocking?
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Jul 29, 2010
All, I rooted my phone today for 2.1, and it's working great. I removed most of the crap sprint applications I didn't want (including their music player). Only issue I have is I seem to have lost the ability to set an mp3 as the ringtone. I do have some mp3's in the /media/audio/ringtones folder, but they don't show up in the ringtones list.
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Aug 7, 2009
I'm trying to use the in-built Media app but am finding it rather poor for two main reasons.
One is that it scans my entire SD card for music to play, which I really don't want it to do as it finds my podcasts downloaded by acast and the tags in those MP3 files are all over the place so make a mess of the Music Player lists. I've tried adding a .nomedia file to the podcast directory as suggested on another site but HTC's app doesn't pay any attention to that.
The second issue is that despite my files having MP3 track number tags, the Music Player app usually ignores those and sorts the tracks into alphabetical order which just doesn't work for a lot of my albums. It's not consistent with sorting, e.g. if I pick an album off the Albums list the tracks are in order and play in order in the track list for that album so I can hit the first track and it plays in order, but if I go back up to the albums screen and add the whole album to a playlist, sometimes it puts the tracks in order, other times it re-orders them in alphabetical order of track name. If I go to a particular artist or composer and select an album, it normally sorts the tracks by alphabetical order this time instead of tagged track order.. This is all with the same album too so it's not that some albums have track number ID3 tags and others don't.
I copy the MP3s across the USB link, I'm not using HTC Sync as it won't run on my desktop computer (a linux box), so I don't know if HTC Sync can help out here or not.
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