HTC Eris :: Wipe Battery Stats
Sep 10, 2010Any advantage to using the "wipe battery stats" in Amons recovery?

Any advantage to using the "wipe battery stats" in Amons recovery?
I'm not getting the best battery life at the moment, have the Seidio "1750", and have seen conflicting reports on if wiping the battery stats really helps or not. Tried it this morning anyway, figured it couldn't hurt. Charged the phone, gave it a nice bump charge, and then booted into recovery and wiped the stats.
View 15 Replies View RelatedAnyone ever try wiping their battery stats using Rom Manager? I read a few post about this on another forum and was wondering if worked? I seem to be having a problem with my Ally - I let it run until it shuts off and when I plug it into my charger, the stat says it has between 3% and 5% still left.
View 1 Replies View Relatedcharge battery fully then reboot into recovery and wipe? or fully discharge battery, plug in phone and boot into recovery, wipe stats and reboot leaving phone on? or off?
View 11 Replies View RelatedI have a 2000mah in my Hero now, changed it yesterday from the stock 1500, I thought about wiping the stats but i didn't know what that does and if i should or not, so what's the deal?
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhat does clearing battery stats do? I'm just curious b/c I'm seeing a lot better battery life after wiping mine and it's just weird that some stats would affect it so much.
View 9 Replies View Relatedis the awake time and uptime supposed to reset after every full charge? or is rebooting the phone the only way to reset these numbers? i just installed a new rom and i don't seem to remember them not resetting after each charge.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI followed the instructions here: but didn't see the option to wipe battery stats. Am I using the wrong recovery image to the on in the thread, and if yes is there another way to do that? my battery life SUCKS.
View 2 Replies View RelatedDo battery stats reset every time a install a new rom(not a restore just a fresh rom) or only when I clear them?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to display Battery level stats in my app. How can we obtain such information like Battery Power, Battery Voltage, etc.?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm new to Android so have probably missed something. I'm running a Droid X and looking for a simple way to get a snapshot reading of the battery (% charge mostly). I haven't found it yet on the standard phone, and the battery widgets from the marketplace do far more than I'm looking for and seem to have the side effect of draining the battery anyway.
View 7 Replies View RelatedThe stock Android lock screen will display your battery status while your phone is charging; does anyone know how to have it display your current battery status while it is not charging?
This doesn't seems like a super difficult task to accomplish, I'm just unsure where I need to start to get things going. It would be so awesome if someone would actually help me.
Rooted Droid 1, running LFY 1.9 with it's 1ghz kernel, SPRecovery. Had a weird issue recently; the phone displayed that my battery life was at 40%, then probably ~30 minutes later it was down to 20%. I wasn't using it during that time, I just unlocked the screen to check something. Anyway, I opened my browser and within a minute or two I got the "15% battery life remaining" message, prompting me to connect my charger. I decided I would allow the phone to just die and shut itself down. So I waited ~45 minutes and it went down to 10%, then almost immediately to 5%. I turned on the GPS just to make it drain faster... I watched a one-hour television show and when it was over, I glanced over to the phone to see if it had died - nope, still on. I turned the LED light on, leaving the GPS running for ~25 minutes and it finally powered down. Then I plugged it in to charge and left the room. Came back in about 2.5 hours later and picked up the phone - it was very hot. Unlocked the screen and checked SetCPU and it was running ~135?F but it immediately started cooling down. It was fully charged, however so I unplugged it. I went to bed shortly thereafter and the battery life displayed 90% as I set the alarm to wake me up the next morning. I happened to wake up shortly before the alarm was set to go off and I picked up the phone to disable the alarm and noticed the red 'charge me' light blinking - unlocked the screen to see 5% and just then it powered itself down.
TL;DR -- Phone only got hot that one time, phone hasn't gone dead in stand-by mode again like it did that night. Battery drains at a seemingly normal rate based on my regular use from 100% down to 40%, then it rapidly drains after that, always skipping 30% and when it gets down to 5% it stays alive for quite a long time under heavy load. Is there a way to 'teach' the phone how to check and calculate actual and remaining battery % and to display it correctly? Is it kernel-related? I heard somewhere about doing a 'battery wipe' but I am unsure what that entails and searches are proving fruitless for me so far.
How to do a battery wipe on the evo 4g
View 6 Replies View RelatedAs same as the title, I found several posts said that the battery stat would be incorrect and it should be wipe after a new Rom installed.
My question is:
1. Aren't we do the 3 wipe before installing the new Rom and the battery stat should be also wiped?
2. Why the Android OS needs the battery stat file to determine the battery status?
I have tazz 7 currently and up until now I have never wiped because it was not required. So is the jump from 7 to 8 worth the effort of backing up. I use astro because it is faster than the free version of titanium and froyo never seems to reload all of my apps for some reason.
View 5 Replies View RelatedBesides my contacts, nothing got wiped out. Settings, pictures, apps all remained the same and untouched. I thought they were supposed to be wiped automatically? The reason why I feel a little sketched right now is because I got impatient with the update so I did the " *#*#CHECKIN#*#* " method and it worked. Can anyone tell me if it's legit to do that? Also, I've heard I should do a Factory Reset after I receive the update.
View 10 Replies View RelatedThis is driving me insane! I cannot seem to get rid of the rom on my phone! I go into the nand and wipe the system, dalvik cache, and ext, yet I can't seem to completely wipe everything! I even went in and removed the partition, then repartitioned the SD card and it came back up into my rom with all my settings intact. Of course the file system was empty when I mounted it to my PC.
I recently tried to blow away the partition and redo it and did all three wipes after and reboot, apparently I missed volume and it installed the xtrrom zip all by itself, despite the fact that partitioning the SD Card should have gotten rid of that.. so after I set it all up, mounted it, and went into the file system, I have one directory called LOST.DIR and nothing else.
What teh hell is going on here?
Can I wipe the dalvick without re-installing all the software?
View 10 Replies View RelatedThe race is on. Which first-generation Android phone will receive an upgrade to Android 2.1 first?
Many thought Sprint would lead off (with all the noise they made), but they have yet to produce. T-Mobile remains fairly quiet, but they could jump ahead to Android 2.2 since Google is in charge of the software for some of their phones.
Today we learn that Verizon has posted the details for the upcoming Android 2.1 upgrade of the Droid Eris. Customers will receive the update over the air (OTA), which is good so customers don't have to take their phone in to Verizon. Other carriers like Sprint will be release their upgrades over the wire.
Like we predicted, it appears the Android 2.1 upgrade will wipe the internal memory of the phone. Verizon warns customers that they will need to reinstall some applications, their contacts will be erased (don't worry, they are all synced in the clouds), and some phone settings will return to defaults.
The update is mandatory, so customers should start looking at apps to backup their apps (or just re download them from the Market).
No information was proved on when the OTA update would be available, so it could drop at any time. When Verizon released the information for the Droid 2.1 upgrade, it still took several weeks before they finally pushed it out (but they did have delays).
How do you feel about a software upgrade wiping your phone? I don't think it is that big a deal and it will benefit most customers by greatly speeding up their phone. However, I can also understand how many unknowing customers might accidentally delete some piece of data.
"You will need to reinstall applications."Details of Droid Eris 2.1 upgrade are listed below.Enhancements:Pinch-to-zoom is now available when using the Gallery and Google Maps.
New support for voice-to-text entry.
Whenever a text-entry box appears, simply tap the microphone icon on the virtual keyboard and speak.
New Gallery application with 3D layout. View and share photos taken with your phone and images from your online Picasa Web albums.
New Leap thumbnail view lets you pinch to jump between the seven panels on your home screen.
Additional calendar views and easier access to contacts make navigating even quicker.
Google Maps with Navigation provides free, traffic-enhanced, turn-by-turn navigation.
With the Enhanced Android Market, you'll enjoy a better browsing experience as well as even more applications, including Verizon Wireless content featuring self-service applications.
Ability to log onto and access multiple Google accounts at once.
Support for 19 Microsoft Exchange Server policies makes your phone more secure and business friendly.
Desk Clock intelligently dims your screen and displays the current time while charging.
Location-based cinematic full screen weather keeps you on top of changing conditions.
Free Yahoo! Mail is now supported—simply sign in with your Yahoo! email address and password.
Longer battery life due to power savings.
Improved You Tube video playback.
Better Blue tooth support, including contact transfer.
Automatic settings for POP3 email accounts.
Added support for stand-alone Wi-Fi when device is in airplane mode.
Improved handset audio when disconnecting a wired headset.
Faster power-up time.
Improved swipe-unlock functionality.
Added support for Microsoft Office 2007 documents.
What is that sticky post about ? How many of us have wiped our phones and NOT lost 3G ? It would be one thing if that post said you "might" lose it, but it says you "will" lose 3G. So not true. Fact is, I did it to my phone yesterday. Twice Guess what I still have ?
View 14 Replies View RelatedThe all knowing requires a method to reinstall the OS to start from scratch. We have far too much junk installed. We just want to start over.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI bought an Inc on Friday and I love it, best phone I've ever owned. Although my Eris, being my first android, will always hold a place in my heart, lol. My question to the brilliant minds here, If I factory reset and wipe data will it unroot my Eris? I'm selling my Eris tomorrow and advertised it as rooted. I just want to make sure it will still be rooted once I reset/wipe to remove all my info, contacts, etc. P.S. Wanted to thank all the wonderful users in here who have helped me understand and love the android OS. Scary Alien, Erisuer1, Frisco, Dooglad, and everyone else who I haven't mentioned. You're all class acts and I wouldn't know half of what I know if it wasn't for ALL of you
View 7 Replies View RelatedWhen I do a nandroid backup, do I first need to wipe data/dvalik first? I've searched the threads, but no one has mentioned doing a wipe before a nandroid.
View 13 Replies View RelatedToday I woke up and found an app on the Android Market for my G1. Looked to be the perfect app for my workouts. It's called WorkItOut -- odd coincidence because that was the file name for my excel file tracking my workouts for a long time.Well, I tried WorkItOut and it ended up having this odd glitch that synchronizes workouts. Like I put together my Workout for Bicep Day and my Workout for Tricep Day and it kept overriding the exercises for one day with the ones from the other day. I entered the exercises for Bicep Day and they got copied to Tricep Day -- replacing the ones already there. So I tried to fix Tricep Day and all of those exercises got copied to Bicep Day, replacing the exisiting exercises.
I tried deleting a day and recreating it, no dice. Same problem, won't let those two days labeled "2" and "3" keep their individual lineups. So I uninstalled. I was looking at the comments section to see what other people thought and someone wrote "please support Gyminee". So I googled it.Gyminee is a workout/food/nutrition/social networking website. There's even a mobile version(for iPhone) that works on the G1. So I set up everything in Gyminee on my PC, then logged in with my G1 and ta-daa! Exactly what I want! And when I use the Steel browser instead of the Android Default Browser, it comes with a virtual keyboard to tide me over until Android releases that in the update planned for first quarter of 2009.
This is great. I've been using my old T-Mobile Wing, because my workout tracking has been done with an excel sheet. I've been waiting for an App, or a Google Docs Mobile Update, or something to support Excel editing on the G1, and now I don't have to! Thought I'd pass this along to all the workout folks here. http://www. gym inee. com/
i am looking for a calling stats app for my hero that can track how much I talk (outbound calls) In a month or pay period, so that I don't cross my 2 hours a month does such an app exist?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs anyone having a lot of success with the market thus far? I'm seeing about 5% of the "downloads" when compared to my same app on the iTunes app store. I'm wondering if my listing is "poor" or if I'm doing something wrong. I've only had 11 downloads and 3 returns in the past 48 hrs (my app is $1.49)
View 7 Replies View RelatedIs there an URL where I can find documentation on how to get radio interface stats (signal level, registered BTS's / Node B's in the area.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI know Google is quite diligent when it comes to Data Warehousing. Beyond the simple 'Active Installs' and 'Total installs' I am sure they have a whole treasure chest of useful information like active versions, Android Release version, hardware, and uninstall reasons (based on the prompt users see while uninstalling) It sure would be nice if we could see (even a portion of) this somehow. Example - Out of 524 ppl to install version 0.5.4 80% uninstalled saying "Does not function", while only 12% of those on version 0.5.5 uninstalled. Wow Sure points to a bug in that version(0.5.4), how useful or at least it would be if we could see this stuff. If you think this would be useful, please star this issue; Share Market Statistics - /p/android/issues/detail?id=4376 I know of 1 other ticket, but it is more focused on comments not quite on target; User Feedback -
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've been searching for this, but cannot find the answer. How do I reset the usage stats (up time/ awake time) on my phone so I can track usage between individual charges?
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