HTC Eris :: Low On Space Error After New ROM Install?

Aug 12, 2010

I recently installed XtrSense ROM on my wifes Eris, and now she came to me today saying that she is getting "Low on space" errors, sure enough I checked, she only has 14mb on internal memory. I checked the amount of apps she has, and it wasn't much more then I had the phone when it was stock, she has like 20 apps in there, and when I had the phone on Stock, I had 30 apps and 100+mb free. So, is it the ROM that is taking up all the space? or the Nandroid backup? If I enabled Apps2SD will that move all apps to the sd card?

HTC Eris :: Low on Space Error after new ROM Install?

General :: Chainfire 3D Can't Install Driver Not Enough Space Error

Nov 16, 2011

I am using htc hd2 and wana play shadowgun on it. I downloaded its non tegra version..The game launches fine but it crashes back to home screen after the intro..So i downloaded chainfire pro .. but when click on install driver . The msg appeared dat " need 1022987 more bytes"..But i had 190 free ram ... 45 mb free phone storage and 4gb free on sd card..

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HTC Eris :: Storage Space Error

Aug 28, 2010

I just put xtrROM on my Eris and now I'm getting the "low space" notification. It says that I have 7mb left on my phone. I have 3.5 gb on my SD card. I had 4.0.4 on previously with the cache and apps on the SD card I had 4.5gb left before I did the wipe and install.After I reinstalled my apps using Titanium Backup, I started getting the notification. I can't figure out why I'm getting it though. It almost appears like the apps may have gotten installed on the internal memory on the reinstall.I first saved my SD card contents to my PC, did an SD card wipe, repartition, and made it ext3, then copied all data back. I tried running the apps2sd script via GScript and I get the following errors: stderr : sys : not found stderr: cannot create /system/etc/usersettings/conf/apps2sd_value: read-only filesystem Market apps (.apk files) will be moved to the sd card, reboot phone for changes to take effect.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Cannot Install Applications / Not Enough Space?

Sep 24, 2010

I have a stock Eris and the other day my sdcard went corrupted. I learned this from when I got the new swype beta email and went to download the .apk. It told me a sdcard was required (I had never taken the sdcard out of the phone to being with). Anyways I brought it to verizon and the guy said it was done and gave me a 16gb card (8 was in there previously). So now I was able to download the .apk file; however when I try to click on it to install it says I can't because there is not enough space on Phone.

Now I don't know how much for it is required. But I have 14gb on the card available and 25mg on the internal phone storage. Now since uninstalling swype and trying to download I haven't added any more apps that would take up additional space. I've actually uninstalled a few, so I should have more space than I did before this whole thing started.

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HTC Droid Eris :: After 2.1 Install Is It Safe To Remove Zip File From SD Card To Clean Up Space?

Mar 7, 2010

After successfully installing the 2.1 leak, is it safe to remove the zip file from the SD card to clean up space?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Error Upon App Install _ Reboot

Dec 5, 2009

Anyone else having problems with error messages when they install apps? I was in the habit of installing multiple applications from the market before rebooting, but started having problems with the phone not working and getting other error messages so I now try to reboot after each install. I just tired to install and run advance task killer (ATK) twice and after each reboot I'd get at least 2-3 errors. If I uninstall it and reboot all seems to be ok. Same happened with Bloo and an AK-47 app (game).

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Nexus :: Getting Low On Space Error / What To Do?

Oct 6, 2010

On my Nexus One I keep getting "Low on space: Phone storage space is getting low" errors whenever my phone storage gets kind of low. Worst of all its preventing me from receiving text messages, yet I still have 7 MBs left. I only have a moderate amount of apps, roughly 60-70, and I use all of them. Furthermore, all the apps than can be stored on the SD card (like 1 in 10) are. Looking through the threads here and everywhere else people seem to suggest the following options:

1) Delete uneeded apps (I've done this)
2) Root your phone and install an app that forces your apps onto the SD card (I don't want to root my phone and frankly shouldn't have to)
3) Clear the cache in your browser (Done)
4) Delete text messages (I mean really, do I have 10 trillion texts on my phone taking up space, of course not)

Do I effectively have an app limit on my device if I want it to function properly? Right now my apps won't update either and I constantly have the error.

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HTC Incredible :: Low On Space Error?

Aug 5, 2010

I think I've heard of this error somewhere before, but I couldn't find it. I just started getting a notification that says 'Low on space: Phone Storage space is getting low'

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HTC Incredible :: Phone Storage Space Error

Aug 20, 2010

I keep getting the little notification that my phone storage space is getting low, but when I go into Settings > SD card & phone storage, the SD card, internal phone storage, and phone memory are all well above critical levels (they're all like 70-90% free space). What could be the issue?

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General :: Couldn't Install Application - Out Of Space

Mar 20, 2012

Recently I uninstalled PowerAmp. However, when I tried to reinstall an upgraded version of it, I can't as the installer came out with the out of space error. However, the problem is that I have enough space in my phone. (Confirm have space one). I also tried installing different versions of the apk but it still doesn't work. Other bigger apps apk work fine except all the different version of PowerAmp.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: MMS / SMS Stopped Working After Out Of Space Error?

Oct 26, 2009

I recieved an error two days ago saying "out of disk space". After restoring my phone to factory the ability to receive MMS/SMS went kaput! Surprisingly I can send but not receive messages. I was on the phone with Sprint for hours with to technicians. One of the techs implied that some of the early batch of phones from Best Buy have this issue. This is just one of the techs viewpoint. I am going to swap the phone today and see if it resolves the issue. I switched to Sprint specifically for TEXT so this could be a deal breaker. More to follow.

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General :: Transformer T300 / ICS - Out Of Space Error On App Reinstall

Jun 21, 2012

Running a Transformer T300/ICS - Getting an out of space error message when attempting to re-install a single app (Directly from apk) getting an error message that there is not enough space to install (20+gigs free).

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HTC Desire :: After Install Application - Message - Low Memory Space

Sep 25, 2010

1) After install application, message appear " low memory space" my question is why is to to install application and save to sd card.

2) How to change a song for incoming call and sms using a music. because original song in the phone is so bored.

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General :: Insufficient Storage Space After Setting Install Location

Jun 9, 2012

I have set the install location of my phone to external. Even though I am installing apps to ad directly, I can't install apps higher than the internal free space left.

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Music Player Error Message / Not Enough Space In Database

Oct 1, 2010

I've just downloaded my mp3 library to the phone (using the mass storage usb connection method) and when I try to select "artists" as the way to select music to play I get this error "Not enough space in the Music database" in the header of the phone and the player shuts down. Any thoughts on what I can do about this? There's 9.5 GB of space on the internal sd card and 2.2 GB of space free on the external 16 GB card.

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General :: EMoto With 4.1.1 Jelly Bean - Insufficient Storage Space / Error 498

Sep 7, 2013

I have an eMoto, with Android 4.1.1 Jellybean.

I can download any app under 10mb, but anything over 10mb such as Facebook, gives me this error. I have enough space on my SD card and internal memory. Considering I can download any app under 10mb just fine. I have tried tons of apps and games over 10mb and none work, ONLY ones under 10mb.

Is there a way to update android on my phone, which could possibly eliminate this issue? Because I didn't have this problem on 4.0.1 (Ice Cream Sandwich) on another phone.

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Android :: Adb Push Hosts File Into /system/etc/ - No Space Left On Device Error

Mar 22, 2010

I am trying to edit the hosts file to access rest services in my local network. Using adb pull I am able to get the hosts file for the emulator and edit it. However I get the error "No space left on device" when I do an adb push.

Does anyone know how to resolve this issue? Can we increase the space for /system? If so how? Are there any other easier ways to access local area network (without creating a DNS server).

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Android :: SDK Installation Error - No Buffer Space Available - Maximum Connections Reached? - Recv Failed

Feb 3, 2010

I am trying to get my environment setup to develop an android app so I downloaded the SDK( After unpacking the files and running the SDK Setup.exe, the Android SDK and AVD manager opens up.

During the installation process, I got an error stating the following: Failed to fetch URL, reason: HTTPS SSL error. You might want to force download through HTTP in the settings.

So then I proceed to the SETTINGS tab and activated the check box which states: Force https://... sources to be fetched using http://

Then click save and apply. A box flashes on screen, which appears to be the previous box which showed the error, except this time, the progress bar races from 0 to 100% in about a second and then disappears. So clicking the FORCE option seemed to have worked for that issue.

Now, I click on the AVAILABLE PACKAGES tab which is where the Android manager actually downloads all the available resources including every "SDK Platform Android Vx.x" and every "Google API by Google Inc., API x, revision x"

There are green check marks in every check box indicating that I need to download every update.

The confirmation page comes up. Again, I click INSTALL ACCEPTED.

The INSTALLATION ARCHIVES box pops up and this is where I get stuck. I receive the following errors and I'm not sure what to do from here..


I did some googling on "No buffer space available (maximum connections reached?)" and apparently it is a socket issue that typically occurs when a database query is called and there are a large number of TCP connections.

But beyond that I'm completely stuck. Can't find anything on my issue relating to Android SDK installation and I don't really know where to turn to continue with the SDK installation.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Sms Error Cause Code 34 Error Class 2

Feb 1, 2010

Everytime i go to send a message it says sms error cause code 34 error class 2. i did a hard reset and it is still happening?

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HTC Eris :: ROM 3.0.3 And Low On Space Notification

Aug 8, 2010

I have been running xtrROM 3.0.3 for almost 2 weeks and love it. However in the last few days I have come across an issue. I am now getting a notification that my phone is "LOW ON SPACE phone storage space is getting low". I am currently showing 14.2m free on my phone. My phone is not overclocked. My current apps list is found here:
fhsfish's Apps on the HTC Droid Eris
A2SD and JIT are not enabled

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HTC Droid Eris :: Low On Space / No More Storage For SMS / MMS

Feb 7, 2010

Good morning all, I'm new to the forums, android and smart phones in general so please bare with me. I've been lurking for the last two months and following some real solid threads (mostly stuff on task killers and 2.1 updates,) and trying to take the great advice that I see on here. I'm by no means a power user (I don't even use social networking of any kind, mostly using music apps like pandora and so the notification that I received this morning kinda threw me for a loop. I got the low on space/no more storage for sms/mms notifications. I guess my first boneheaded question..what the heck is an sms/mms. Second, what can I do about this?

I stopped running a task killer based on the topics I've read about it and I've been hitting the back key to get out of everything. I checked the internal phone storage (368k available, was 0 but I removed a sound board app). I've also gone through settings> apps> manage apps to see if anything was hogging up internal storage and everything seemed to be closed (mail aside). HTC Mail does seem to come up first when I sort things by size and its the only one that gives me the option to force stop. Other then that, the only performance issues I've noticed recently (esp since I stopped using the taskkiller) is the menu key seems to lag a moment before it registers and the phone key does the same. I wouldn't say my phone is screamingly fast but it gets the job done for the most part. Anyone have any thoughts on what I should do?

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HTC Eris :: Apps Taking Up More Space Than Necessary

Aug 8, 2010

I noticed that my internal space was getting low, so i decided to clear some cache and data, however, I realized that some of my apps are actually taking up more space than they're supposed to use!? For example, my NFL app is utilizing 6.78mb (should be 3.75mb), Google Maps is 7.36mb (should be 4.54mb), Facebook 3.72mb (should be 1.97mb). Again, this isn't data or cache, just the size of the app being displayed much higher (nearly twice) than it should be. It's happening for a lot of my applications. Anyone else experience this?
I'm running Aloysius v12 and have installed the zip file so all the Verizon apps are displayed in the market.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Getting Low On Space Warnings?

Feb 10, 2010

I've been getting low on space warnings for quite some time on this Eris Driod phone. I consistently run at 17M or below. I'm confused.

I only have installed 9.52M of third party programs. 8 programs.
I have cleared all my cache, including the browser.
I have cleared my text messages.
I have three email accounts. One is a POP3 (Verizon email) the other two are IMAP (work and Gmail)
The emails are set to scan every hour and do 3 day download.
I save all my email attachments to external storage.
I have cleared all inbox, drafts, sents and trash emails on the phone. Along with deleting the externally saved attachments.

Here is the kicker, when I go into Manage Apps, Mail is listed as the greatest user of memory at 117M, all of it is in data, none in cache.

What is going on with this? I'm sure if I clear data I will lose all of my setups, but why am I at 117M in email data? and only 17M of usable memory left?

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HTC EVO 4G :: App Install Error

Oct 11, 2010

Okay so my phone will not intall or update certain apps, mostly games. The phone will download them but not be able to install, my brother has an Evo with the same hardware and the the same software and his installs the apps. Is anyone else having this problem. I am thinking about restoring phone to default setting to see if that would fix it but I don't want to have to go and reinstall all my apps that are working.Any suggestions on what to do?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Storage Space Low Question

Apr 30, 2010

I am getting 2 notifications: "phone storage space is getting low" and "phone storage is running low". When I click on either notification I get a list of apps.What am I supposed to do? Why is this happening?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Unwanted Applications And Low Space

Jul 10, 2010

I'm fairly new to the forum but I've read up on some past threads that touched on my topic but I never really found a straight answer. I'm hoping this thread will help, but in my experiences with technology...We may never get a straight answer/ solution. I've followed some threads on the "low on space" icon. I've gone through and deleted lots unused apps and I've cleared many of my caches.

While deleting apps i noticed that more then half of the apps on my eris are apps that i haven't downloaded and/or came pre-loaded on the phone. I understand that some are essential to the functioning of the phone (like being able to sync with your pc, download apps, etc). But i've noticed apps like "footprints" and the amazon "mp3 store" that I really have no use for. While managing apps there is no option to delete or get rid of these there a way to safely do so? or do i really have to live with having very few apps on my phone? (because i really don't have many that I have actually downloaded myself) Sorry for the lengthy post...i want to answer as many questions as i know how before i start getting responses.

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HTC Droid Eris :: So Space / Want To Setup Seven Screens?

Dec 24, 2009

I just got a Droid Eris yesterday and am trying to figure out how I want to set up my seven screens! So much space!

I saw the different "scenes" that are pre-loaded but I was interested in how others have theirs set up. Right now mine are all sort of random as I haven't yet figured out a good system for me.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Less Free Space On Device Since OTA Upgrade?

May 18, 2010

Ever since I did the OTA upgrade I notice less free space on my device - about 10mb, on average. Even after I dump the cache kept for all my apps, I cant get it down to what it was before the upgrade.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Notification Phone Storage Space Is Getting Low

Jul 26, 2010

I have just recieved a notification a few days ago saying the phone storage space is getting low. I don't understand why this notification has come up. I cleared all of the cache from the applications and it still remains. I have a decent amount of apps downloaded but I used to have a lot more downloaded and never had this problem before.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Optimizing Gmail Storage Space

Aug 10, 2010

Without going crazy, I've searched the forums and haven't found many topics to address this. Apologies in advance if such topics, in face, exist.I've had my Eris for nine months, and I've never really messed with the Gmail app/storage settings much. But I'm noticing that it's taking up around 50MB of storage on the phone. I have it set to sync 2 days. I have five labels that get synced. My Inbox, and one other label, are set to "Sync all;" the other three labels are set to "Sync 2 days."Any time I try to change the settings or how many days to sync (like changing everything to 2 days, or 1 day), it winds up eating more of my phone's internal storage, but for an app to use a third of the total storage seems a bit extreme to me. My Gmail app is showing 332KB, of which, 52KB is data and 280KB is the app. There is no option to clear the cache. I can Manage Space or Clear Data, though. My Gmail storage is showing 49.89MB, of which, 276KB is the application. There is no option to clear the cache or manage space, only clear the data.Also, while I'm on the topic, is there any reason for the discrepancy between how much space the Market says a given app occupies, versus what the phone says? Example: The Market says Maps uses 4MB, or so. My phone shows it occupying twice that much space. Facebook is allegedly 1.5MB in size, but it takes up four times as much space on the phone. There is no cache to clear, and I have everything disabled that can be disabled. What's using up so much space in these apps?

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