HTC Eris :: How To Setup Apps2SD?
May 23, 2010How to set up SD card?

How to set up SD card?
Has anyone got a guide to setting up Apps2sd? I partitioned, and cant seem to figure out how to move my apps to my card..
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs this possible for the Eris? Apps2SD - CyanogenMod Wiki
View 2 Replies View RelatedCan you use Apps2sd on the xtrROM 4.6? If so, how do I do it?
View 2 Replies View Related[ROM] Fresh Rom 2.1 (Overclock, Apps2SD)
View 44 Replies View RelatedHas anyone else noticed that in the FroYo ROMS, the entire app is not stored on the SD card? If I click on the SD card tab under 'manage applications' and look at a certain app (Astro, eg.), it only shows that 1.5mb is stored on the SD card. I know for certain that Astro is around 3.5mb. I've experienced this with every FroYo ROM I've had.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm new to this site although i've used it plenty of times for help with my eris. (for which i thank everyone) i've been looking into rooting and custom roms and whatnot for a while and last thursday i rooted and add the tainted vanilla v1.4 custom ROM and i love it. the wi-fi tethering and overclocking is so awesome. but i was wondering if my new rom automatically saves apps to the sd or if i have to enable this.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy Gmail account works great, and I have my aol and yahoo acounts set up no problem (well the yahoo was a little problem but got it to work so thats all that matters). I have 2 other email accounts that no matter what I do I can not get them to work. One is my works email which is handled by a company called network solutions. I can get the incoming server setup fine but I can not get the outgoing to work. The other is my school email which is some sort of msn email account variation ( which i log into through I cant get anything to work for this accuont.
View 3 Replies View RelatedEverytime i use the gscript app to make a new script for apps2sd on, and i reboot, it still says that i have 27mb of internal memory. When i used kaos froyo and white widow 4.6 it always said that i had around 100mb of internal memory... i have partitioned my sd card and did the ex2 to ex3.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there an EASY start to finish tutorial out there?
Everything I found is for a specific ROM (I have XTRROM3) and looks really complicated.
My phone is showing the low memory icon and it's really annoying, so I'd like to get this figured out.
Is there a way to setup the HTC Eris so that when a phone number is dialed, an extension # can automatically be dialed after the call is answered? With the extension included with the number in Outlook, the entire phone # plus extension is dialed which results in an invalid phone number.
View 1 Replies View RelatedDon't know if anyone else is experiencing this but everytime I try and set up K-9 email, it says null point invalid (or something along those lines). Has anyone been able to get their Eris to work with K-9 and if so how did you get it set up.
View 7 Replies View Relatedwith the stock Mail app if you have upgraded the leaked version of 2.1. Sorry if already posted. Just put your email and password in and it will auto configure.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI just got a Droid Eris yesterday and am trying to figure out how I want to set up my seven screens! So much space!
I saw the different "scenes" that are pre-loaded but I was interested in how others have theirs set up. Right now mine are all sort of random as I haven't yet figured out a good system for me.
I wrote this review after a lil research and I hope it helps anyone trying to set up their Suddenlink email on their Eris..
From your main screen click on the mail icon
Click on Other (POP3/IMAP)
Type in your suddenlink email, and password, and then click on MANUAL SETUP.
On the next screen input your email and username is also your full email.
On the Incoming Mail Server enter the following:
Host Name:
User Name:
Password: yourpassword (may already be entered)
Click NEXT and on the Outgoing Mail Server enter the following:
Host Name:
User Name:
Password: yourpassword (may already be entered)
EDIT: This guide is obsolete now with the latest 0_3 rom. Feel free to delete this thread mods.
View 47 Replies View RelatedLong time blackberry user and I just traded in my tour yesterday for the Droid Eris. Let me just get this out of the way first and say WOW what an awesome phone this thing rocks the casba better than any blackberry I've ever owned.Ok now that I've got that out of the way here is my deli-ma and if this has been posted and answered before please forgive me as I did conduct a search prior to this I just couldn't find a thread that related to my scenario.Ok so I work for a huge IT company and when I was on the BB I had a rule setup with my BB desktop manager that any emails that came through with the word PAGEME in the body to forward that email to my phone as a level 1 message and cause my phone to explode in the process. (btw the PAGEME was added by our BES so that will no longer be an option for a filter) so what I was wondering is this, is there a way with this phone that I can setup a similar rule whether it is something that I have to configure on the phone itself or in say Outlook with a exchange rule. Whatever be the case I am open to anything all that matters is that we can make the phone do some god awful sound when a page comes in so that way I can at least assure that my phone will at least wake my wife up so she can kick me and wake me up . The positive thing is that the page will only be sent to me so whatever rule we'll be creating will be specific to me being the only recipient. And yes the page does come through as a email. I can change the pager address to be thats not a problem but I'd rather leave it going to my regular email that way I get the full page instead of just the first 160 characters.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I set up multiple exchange accounts on the Eris?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI had this same problem on my eris with the v2 leak, I now have the v3 leak and the same thing still happens. I install voice, fire it up and start the setup, I get to the page where it asks me to allow or deny access, I click allow, and it force closes. Does this every time. Same thing happens if I select deny. If I try to exit, sense force closes and has to restart.
View 6 Replies View Relatedsetup the FIOS remote control on their eris? If so, guide please. Cant get past the setup on the set top box.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to set a song on my phone as an alarm. The default options are just way too annoying for me. If I can't do it with the default clock, is there an app that will let me do this?
View 5 Replies View RelatedOK, this is my first phone that does anything other than make calls (well, my last phone did take pictures) and I'm pretty new to all of this.
When I purchased my phone the lady set up a gmail account, but I have no real desire to use gmail. How can i set up my phone to use my Yahoo account?
I have seen this question asked alot so here is how to on setting up your Yahoo email on the Eris.
View 15 Replies View Relatedlooking for Droid sound to setup for notifications anyone know anywhere to get it?
View 14 Replies View RelatedAnyway I could get this setup on my eris without having to get info from my IS Dept? Not really sure they would let me have it. I get work related emails on this account and when I am away from the office and have an email for a powerpoint etc. I would like to be able to get it.
View 13 Replies View RelatedI'm using GMail by default on my phone because it allows me to have my mail pushed to me. Receiving works great, but when I tell the phone to send an email such as a picture from the internet while in the browser, it makes me choose between Exchange or a POP account. How can I get it so it uses gmail instead? I tried adding my GMail account as a POP 3 and sending the emails, but I'm not receiving any of them.
BTW, after conditioning my battery for 3 days, I'm currently at 6 hours of awake time and 24 hours of up time, and the sucker still won't die, lol.
Like most ppl on here, I previously owned a Blackberry and am accustom to having separate icons for each email account. So far I have three email accounts including my gmail account on my eris. When I first setup my msn, and school email I was able to separate the accounts into two separate icons. Now that I have figured out how to add my yahoo account I would like to have a separate icon for this also but can't figure out how I did this the first time.
View 15 Replies View RelatedWhat is the best way to set up SetCPU for optimal performance and battery preservation. A balance between the two, I suppose. What profiles do I need to enable and how should I modify them?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm getting my first Android device anytime now (FedEx says "out for delivery"). It's the HTC Droid Eris. I've been a huge Google user for years and became frustrated with how difficult it is to work on Windows Mobile. I have a few basic questions.
1. I want to use Push E-Mail/Calendar/Contacts, etc. With this phone? Can someone please explain the set-up process to me.
2. I had trouble with my Samsung Omnia and Google Latitude. It would 20+ minutes to get the GPS information and I had to keep Google Maps on the screen or it would stop using GPS. This function has become very important for me when I travel. Am I going to encounter these same issues with the Eris?
3. I would also like to have a chat client which uses push and can work with FB, GTalk, AIM, and MSN. Is eBuddy the way to go?
4. Twitter Application, I'd like to have an application that will put new tweets on my home page. I'd also like to have an app in which I can post tweets (preferably with the option to post locations). What is the best twitter application?
If anybody knows I was wondering if there is a way to setup a yahoo mail account for free on the droid eris. From what I've heard it costs extra to sync my eris with my yahoo account.
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