HTC Eris :: Froyo Pattern-unlock / Manage Apps Hang And Battery Life

Nov 15, 2010

I'm a very happy KaosFroyo 37 user, but I have some misc questions.(sorry, this item is a sort of double-post) Do any of these lockscreen widgets work with Froyo? When I was running Android 1.5 and 2.1, I would keep my screen pattern-locked most of the time, since it lives in my pants' pocket and I want to avoid it activating accidentally. Then when I get into the car and place my phone in a cup holder, I would unlock the phone once and click a widget which would leave it unlocked (for easy access to GPS, etc.) for the duration of my ride, when I would lock the phone again and put it back in my pocket.Now with Android 2.2 I can't do this with the lock pattern, because apparently the security mechanisms don't permit it; one must re-enter the lock pattern several times, which is very time-consuming. Is there another approach for 2.2 users? I don't need very strong security, just want to avoid accidental phone calls and other accidental activations.
While (Android's) Manage Applications worked for me initially, now it only works the first time after a reboot. I.e., I can run it once, but on any subsequent attempts it will hang while attempting to populate its app list. As workaround I purchased Quick App Clean Cache, which is nice in its own right, but it would still be nicer not to have this problem. Also I'm not 100% convinced that Quick App Clean Cache is always giving me the complete set of options for an app, e.g. to move it to an SD card. Have others encountered this problem? I could probably generate a logcat for debugging purposes.

Most apps will let you move them to the SD card in KaosFroyo 37, even though I haven't checked the CyanogenMod option to permit these.I guess that there are a few more apps which might copy more completely to the SD card if I used this option.Can anyone shed any light on this option and whether it's saves any memory, and whether it induces any instability?I'm always careful not to copy widgets to the SD card.Battery life is a continued mystery; clearly much worse than before I rooted. Apparently the CPU tweaker isn't recommended (I guess it uses too much battery life trying to figure out whether it needs to adjust the CPU speed), and the battery life tweaker on the XDA forum described doesn't provide a very clear strategy. What do folks recommend? [ Correction: I had read a pretty incoherent writeup somewhere on XDA, but now see Collin_ph Battery Tweak RC1 for Cyanogen / Darch Froyo roms (possibly others) - xda-developers which is well-written. I will try this approach, but welcome your experiences.

HTC Eris :: Froyo pattern-unlock / Manage Apps hang and battery life

HTC Eris :: Froyo ROMs Increase Your Battery Life (XDA)

Aug 26, 2010

So I'm not sure if any of you have been reading or trying out some of the SetCPU values a fellow over at XDA is suggesting. Froyo ROMs increase your battery life! try this (UPDATE 08/26/2010) - xda-developers. Basically, whatever you want your max to be (700+ish) and setting the min down to 19 (lowest it can go).

I remember reading something about it not being good to have your CPU jumping 300+ Mhz, which it clearly would be doing with these values. I would ask over there, but that place kind of scares me Just wondering if any of the fine, intelligent folks over here have any advice on this. I would love for my eris to idle at 19200 but not at the cost of my battery and/or the phone itself.

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General :: SetXperia App - Set Up Undervolt To Manage Battery Life Of Phone

Feb 4, 2012

I'm really having a hard time understanding about the undervolt in SetXperia application. They say it will improve the battery life (not battery lifespan) of my phone but the problem is... I don't know how to set up the undervolt to manage the battery life of my phone.

I'm using Xperia Neo V.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Ringtones Battery Life And Native Apps

Jun 2, 2010

My battery life sucks.I use TasKiller pretty regularly and I still get less than twelve hours out of it.Also would like a free ringtone download source?I had a blackberry curve and used crackberry forums for ringtones, haven't found a good one for Eris yet.(Haven't looked exceedingly hard either though.)Anybody know how to get rid of native HTC or Android apps?Like MP3 store, stocks and Peep?Tried QuickUninstall and it didn't do the trick.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Forget Pattern For Unlock Screen

Nov 28, 2009

I read that if you forget your pattern for the unlock screen you're supposed to hit the Forgot Pattern button but I don't have one! I made a really simple pattern so I won't forget it but still, that's a pretty huge feature so I don't need to do a hard reset if anything happens. Does anyone else have this issue?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Interesting Exchange Security - Pattern Unlock Bug

May 21, 2010

I did the manual OTA update to 2.1 and once I re-setup my exchange account it enforced the security policy (no surprise there thank god for LockPicker!). The Pattern Unlock stayed as well. So I would have to pattern unlock THEN input the 4 digit alphanumeric (major PITA) So after installing lockpicker I only had to pattern unlock - no problem.

Well I've had the dreaded "no-audio" bug a couple times since upgrading so I decided to try a hard reset before pursuing a warranty replacement. This time I did the same thing, setup my Exchange account and installed LockPicker. Now I do NOT have the pattern unlock. Under Security -> Screen Unlock Pattern I only have "Change Unlock Password" and there doesn't appear to be any way to enable the Pattern unlock.

Here is where it gets interesting. My friend has an Eris as well, is on the same exchange server and got 2.1. He is in the same boat that I was PRE 2.1 upgrade where he has the pattern unlock AND the password (I hipped him to LockPicker) and is now where I was with only the Pattern Unlock. Under his Security -> Screen unlock it is the same as mine, with only "Change Unlock Password".

Now not have the pattern unlock is not the end of the world, I just liked having that small bit of security...just curious if anyone can find a way, short of another hard reset, to get Pattern Unlock back. I'm guessing that the issue is that I didn't enable pattern unlock before setting up Exchange and allowing it to enforce that security policy.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Froyo Bad Battery Life

Aug 20, 2010

Any idea on what is causing this. I've uninstalled most of my apps, disabled gtalk auto-sign in, disabled all syncing, updated the facebook app (which I dont use), and have been keeping the radios off and I still have much less life than with 2.1. I ran un revoked when I had 2.1. Did this break something? Is there another culprit? I went from being able to charge once a day to being forced to charge twice a day now.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Horrible Battery Life After Going To A Froyo Rom

Aug 26, 2010

Anyone else seeing worse battery life after going to froyo? I now get about 12 hours on limited use (a few texts and maybe a couple phone calls). Prior to the froyo rom (fresh 3.1.x), I was getting about 20+ hours on moderate use (also a fresh rom). I've made sure that google talk isn't running and the awake time isn't an issue. I currently have setcpu running without any profiles active and set it to conservative--no overclocking. My current setup is fresh 3.1.2 rom with Kingxkernel #3.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Why Froyo Killed Battery Life

Aug 4, 2010

I noticed today that Froyo re-enabled "auto sign in" in Gtalk. I unchecked it, problem solved. If you're getting bad battery life after the update, make sure Gtalk is NOT auto signing you in. That's one of the biggest battery hogs. Just figured I'd post this to let everyone know a potential problem.

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HTC Desire :: Froyo And Battery Life ?

Aug 27, 2010

Here is just a quick photo of my desire just bordering on 2 days use which it did last to 2 Days and 2 Hours post photograph without charging:

This was based on medium to light usage I might add, phone calls, texts, market use, web browsing and around half an hour mp3 player usage. No gaming as I do find gaming using anything other than the "oid" range of emulators kills battery life fast. However heavy use generally nets me minimum 20 hours. Sorry about the dodgy picture, trying to get a decent close up shot using my N95 wasn't easy...

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HTC Incredible :: Froyo OTA - Your Battery Life

Sep 1, 2010

I got the OTA yesterday afternoon and I've noticed HORRIBLE battery life. For example, I usually get online at about 3:00 every day. I got the OTA at like 3:30 or so, and my battery life was at 55-60%.

Today, same time, my battery life is at 31%. Have you noticed any difference in your battery life after installing Froyo?

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HTC Incredible :: Froyo ROMs - How Much Better Battery Life?

Jul 23, 2010

I'm trying to determine how much better my battery life is based on non-scientific normal everyday usage. I installed Sky Raider 1.9 on my phone. Charged two of my extra stock 1300mAH batteries to 100% and have been running them on the phone. Will restore back to my stock ROM and try the same and see the difference. What have you guys found? Aren't we supposed to see improved battery with Froyo?

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HTC Desire :: Froyo - Has Your Battery Life Improved?

Aug 1, 2010

PLEASE USE YOUR PHONE FOR FEW DAYS AFTER UPDATING BEFORE VOTING OK so it's early days yet, I'd be interested to hear if the Froyo update has improved your battery life? Or worsened it. Post when you have some results to share.

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Motorola Droid X :: Froyo Battery Life

Aug 21, 2010

Anyone else noticing great battery life now? I'm at 60% after 12 hours unplugged.

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HTC Desire :: Battery Life Once Froyo 2.2 Is Installed

Aug 2, 2010

Anyone finding their Desires battery life has decreased with Froyo installed? I used to only go into the orange after a full day at work, now my battery died at around 12 Midday (Unplugged it 5 hours before) - I haven't been playing around on my phone or anything, this is just idle use.

Went through all my settings and all were the same as before. I'm NOT running any Task Killer or AutoSync software. Running stock OTA Froyo, never routed my phone before or after.

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HTC Desire :: Froyo Destroyed Battery Life

Aug 5, 2010

Well as the title says froyo has destroyed my battery life , i have 2 batterys and have tryed factory wipe , neither of my batterys since upgrade will last longer then 8 / 9 hours before i was getting 36 hours gutted wish i dident bother with upgrade ...... feel like my phones been ruined as 8 / 9 hours is just pathetic , i was curious if anyone else has experiance this ?

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Motorola Droid :: Froyo Update - Battery Life

Aug 18, 2010

A few days ago I woke up really excited to get my Froyo update. The first day I had it I had an error that kept occurring because of the htc keyboard I had previously been using. After restoring the keyboard to stock that problem went away, but the biggest problem of all took the forefront. I can't go more than 5 hours without needing to charge my phone. Before the update I usually charged my phone daily because I am a relatively heavy user. After the update, I am not using my phone any more than before. Today I charged my phone 3 times. Some people have said it is the facebook app, but I uninstalled the latest updates. I have noticed many of my programs are opening up in the background on their own.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Terrible Battery Life On EVO Post 2.2 Froyo Update

Aug 7, 2010

I updated to 2.2 (Froyo) a couple days ago.While not really noticing anything significantly different, I have noticed my battery life is much shorter now.Before the 2.2 upgrade I'd unplug my phone around 8am. Thoughout the day I'd use it a bit simple internet searches, maybe 10 SMS, and maybe about 30 minutes of talk time. In addition I have a couple programs (Loopt, Weatherbug) that use GPS routinely to pinpoint my position. I aslo have Facebook and a news tracker that autoupate from time to time throughout the day. Even with all this by 10pm my battery would still show in the green approximately at 40%.I upgraded to 2.2 and have noticed my battery life is way worse.Today I unplugged the phone around 8am. The battery showed a full charge at that time.I didn't make a single call, or even turn the screen on whatsoever until around noon.At that time I sent a single SMS and noticed that my battery was yellow, probably around 20%. By 2pm the phone shut itself down due to a weak battery.I charged it up again and once again, in about 4 hours time my phone was nearly dead.I've checked all my settings and they are the same as they were before the 2.2 upgrade. If I look at the screen that shows what using your battery it indicates that 92% is being used by the andriod operating system. Not sure what the percentage was with 2.1 but that seems awfully high when you're not doing anything.Anybody else having the same problem? For what it's worth, my data calulator only showed 35kb up and 85kb down during the 6 hours this morning before my phone shut down.

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HTC Desire : Extremely Bad Battery Life - Running Froyo

Aug 22, 2010

After the 2.2 update, my battery has been starting to be extremely bad. I recharged it yesterday until it was 100% charged. Now, 18 hours later, the battery is at 15%.

I only used my HTC Desire to do this:

1. Listening to offline songs through Wimp, a Spotify-clone, for about an hour.

2. Texting 3-4 sms.

3. Doing 1 call.

4. Having it on while I was asleep.

My battery was usually lasting 3-4 days with this kind of use, but now it's so bad.

Here are the running apps (if that is of anyones interest):
com.fd.httpd - 2.9MB - 2.9MB
com.metago.astro - 2.8MB
com.aspiro.wamp - 10MB
com.lookout - 4.4MB - 12MB - 7.6MB
com.facebook.katana - 14MB - 15MB

Does anyone suffer from something similar?

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HTC Incredible :: Froyo And Battery Life - Charge Times

Aug 3, 2010

Anyone else getting horrible battery life and some insane charge times when using these froyo roms?

Is there a fix for this? Im not running anything new compared to when I was using 2.1 and it "SEEMS" like my battery is dying quicker. I say seems because I havent compared awake/uptimes between 2.1 and 2.2.

Battery life wouldnt be so much an issue if it didnt take FOREVER to actually charge the battery.

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Samsung I7500 :: Wrong Unlock Pattern - Can't Unlock

Oct 1, 2010

I've entered a wrong pattern too many times. The phone now asks for my gmail username and password. I tried to enter them, but it doesn't accept the credentials. They are certainly valid, I know because I logged in via web browser with the same name/pass and it works.

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Android :: Anyway To Enable The - Dot Unlock Pattern - Without The Swipe Down Unlock

Jul 2, 2010

This is for an EVO but i'm thinking maybe it'll be similar to other android phones. what i'd to set up is to have the phone require the 'dot unlock pattern' after it's been sitting for 5 minutes idle. when i set it up with AutoLock, whenever the screen turns off after 1 minute, it'll rqeuire me to do the slide down to unlock which i don't want.

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Motorola Droid :: GPS Apps And Battery Life

Apr 22, 2010

I'm going on a hike this weekend and thought it'd be a good time to test out either Google Tracks or CardioTrainer to see elevation gain, time, speed, etc. The hike should last about 4 hours. How will my battery hold up with the GPS on the whole time? Assuming these apps have the GPS constantly draining the battery, which I imagine they do.

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Android :: What Apps Actually Drain Battery Life?

Jun 9, 2010

What apps actually drain battery life?Im curious about the gmail and regular mail, and ECOBUZZ app?What's the best app I can download that will tell how much power an app is using?

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LG Ally :: Apps For Long Battery Life

Oct 12, 2010

How long does your battery last? Mine dies out pretty quickly. Are there any apps or anything that can make it last longer? And is it just my phone(LG ALLY)? Thank you

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HTC Eris :: Which ROM Get Best Battery Life?

Aug 22, 2010

Can anybody advise me on which ROM's they run and the battery life that may get? Or, how to set SetCPU to get optimized battery life? Yes, I have read the SetCPU guide, but it doesn't really make any recommendations to actual profiles.I am currently running Ivans Official, and for me, with heavy usage, I may get a a day. I tried Plain Jane, but would only get about 8 hours. Should I consider a Froyo based ROM? From what I have read, they don't seem to be much better in terms of battery life.

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Motorola Droid :: Apps To Estimate Battery Life

Apr 4, 2010

I have been playing around with two applications that have widgets to show estimated battery life left.At one point, they seemed to show times that were pretty close but after updating to 2.1 they were off a bit. I am guessing 2.1 might have changed (hopefully improved) battery life and that caused calibration issues.I am just looking for any feedback from the community about which of these two apps they prefer, or if there are others I should look into. Of course, two of my main concerns are

1) I don't want an app that drains the battery

2) accuracy is important.

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HTC Incredible :: Maximizing Battery Life / Closing Apps

Sep 1, 2010

I've had my htc incredible for a few days and I absolutely love it. However, I am less than pleased with the battery life. I run a good amount of apps and widgets and am sure this is causing the life to drain. I downloaded ATK in order to close apps when not in use, but I've noticed a strange occurrence. It seems that w/i 10 minutes of closing unneeded apps a bunch of programs that I have not been using open up. Is there any explanation for this? Also, is there a way to immediately close an app when I'm done using it rather than having to find the ATK widget?

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HTC Eris :: How Battery Life In Nonsensikal Rom?

Sep 29, 2010

I have been having terrible battery life lately on tazz froyo 7 so I decided to find another Rom. I chose nonsensikal (8.2) because it was a froyo Rom and i like the black theme. Anyone who has had or currently has nonsensikal, how is the battery life?

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HTC Eris :: Xtrsense 4.2 Battery Life

Sep 15, 2010

I flashed xtrsense yesterday with no major problems, but it seems as if my battery is running down faster than before :/ i just finished charging it, from zero to 100 and then i just watched a short youtube vid (like 3 min) and surfed the web and now im at 86...any ideas to improve my battery life?

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