HTC Droid Eris :: Ringtones Battery Life And Native Apps

Jun 2, 2010

My battery life sucks.I use TasKiller pretty regularly and I still get less than twelve hours out of it.Also would like a free ringtone download source?I had a blackberry curve and used crackberry forums for ringtones, haven't found a good one for Eris yet.(Haven't looked exceedingly hard either though.)Anybody know how to get rid of native HTC or Android apps?Like MP3 store, stocks and Peep?Tried QuickUninstall and it didn't do the trick.

HTC Droid Eris :: Ringtones battery life and native apps

HTC Eris :: Froyo Pattern-unlock / Manage Apps Hang And Battery Life

Nov 15, 2010

I'm a very happy KaosFroyo 37 user, but I have some misc questions.(sorry, this item is a sort of double-post) Do any of these lockscreen widgets work with Froyo? When I was running Android 1.5 and 2.1, I would keep my screen pattern-locked most of the time, since it lives in my pants' pocket and I want to avoid it activating accidentally. Then when I get into the car and place my phone in a cup holder, I would unlock the phone once and click a widget which would leave it unlocked (for easy access to GPS, etc.) for the duration of my ride, when I would lock the phone again and put it back in my pocket.Now with Android 2.2 I can't do this with the lock pattern, because apparently the security mechanisms don't permit it; one must re-enter the lock pattern several times, which is very time-consuming. Is there another approach for 2.2 users? I don't need very strong security, just want to avoid accidental phone calls and other accidental activations.
While (Android's) Manage Applications worked for me initially, now it only works the first time after a reboot. I.e., I can run it once, but on any subsequent attempts it will hang while attempting to populate its app list. As workaround I purchased Quick App Clean Cache, which is nice in its own right, but it would still be nicer not to have this problem. Also I'm not 100% convinced that Quick App Clean Cache is always giving me the complete set of options for an app, e.g. to move it to an SD card. Have others encountered this problem? I could probably generate a logcat for debugging purposes.

Most apps will let you move them to the SD card in KaosFroyo 37, even though I haven't checked the CyanogenMod option to permit these.I guess that there are a few more apps which might copy more completely to the SD card if I used this option.Can anyone shed any light on this option and whether it's saves any memory, and whether it induces any instability?I'm always careful not to copy widgets to the SD card.Battery life is a continued mystery; clearly much worse than before I rooted. Apparently the CPU tweaker isn't recommended (I guess it uses too much battery life trying to figure out whether it needs to adjust the CPU speed), and the battery life tweaker on the XDA forum described doesn't provide a very clear strategy. What do folks recommend? [ Correction: I had read a pretty incoherent writeup somewhere on XDA, but now see Collin_ph Battery Tweak RC1 for Cyanogen / Darch Froyo roms (possibly others) - xda-developers which is well-written. I will try this approach, but welcome your experiences.

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Motorola Droid :: GPS Apps And Battery Life

Apr 22, 2010

I'm going on a hike this weekend and thought it'd be a good time to test out either Google Tracks or CardioTrainer to see elevation gain, time, speed, etc. The hike should last about 4 hours. How will my battery hold up with the GPS on the whole time? Assuming these apps have the GPS constantly draining the battery, which I imagine they do.

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Motorola Droid :: Apps To Estimate Battery Life

Apr 4, 2010

I have been playing around with two applications that have widgets to show estimated battery life left.At one point, they seemed to show times that were pretty close but after updating to 2.1 they were off a bit. I am guessing 2.1 might have changed (hopefully improved) battery life and that caused calibration issues.I am just looking for any feedback from the community about which of these two apps they prefer, or if there are others I should look into. Of course, two of my main concerns are

1) I don't want an app that drains the battery

2) accuracy is important.

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HTC Droid Eris :: How To Increase Battery Life?

Mar 4, 2010

So far I seem to be losing battery a little bit quicker. It will take a few days to get a good idea of the battery life.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Improve The Battery Life?

Feb 23, 2010

how to improve the battery life on my Eris, but much of it didn't seem to apply or help much. All I really got out of it was "if you turn off all of the cool features of this new smartphone, your battery will last longer". What's the point? Anyway, the problem that I'm having with my battery is that is seem to drain very, very fast. For example: I took it off of the charger today @ 7:10am. It is now 8:35am and I'm down to 85%. I'll have to put it on the charger again by 2pm. That's really terrible. I don't sit and put a heavy load on it all day with tons of surfing, etc. I have it check my email accounts once per hour, and its doing the normal smartphone things in the background (weather, etc). I'm running the GDE home app with the iDroid theme. I used to have Advanced Task Killer and would periodically kill off any running apps, but I got the impression that it drained the battery so I uninstalled it.

I'm just trying to figure out how to tell what could be going on that is running the battery down so quickly (in my mind that is). I think that something must be running that's doing it, because as a side effect, I notice that at times, the phone is very slow to respond. For instance, when I go into my email, it takes between 5 and 10 minutes to bring it up, click Menu->Delete->Mark All->Delete, then go back to main screen. Not acceptable

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HTC Droid Eris :: Anyone With Improved Battery Life On 2.1?

Jun 2, 2010

I didn't at first, but I have been for at least the last week. I'm not entirely certain why, though. I used to be below 30% at the end of every day (1.5 and 2.1 OTA), regardless of how much/little I used the phone. Often having to put it on the charger when I got home from work just to make it through the evening. Lately, I've been ending my day (15+ hours off the charger) at 50-60% remaining, consistently. I'm curious to know if others have experienced this, or if it's just something weird with my phone. AFAIK, most of the data sync settings are exactly the same as they were.

Interestingly, I am leaving 3g and GPS on always, now, where I used to turn them on only when needed. Also, it seems that my mail and weather widgets are not updating as consistently, which could be leading to some increases. I have used the "end all" in System Panel a few times when the battery seemed to be draining extra fast, but I have my mail, weather, sms, etc. Excluded, so I don't know if that's it.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Need For Extended Battery Life

Apr 6, 2010

I can't seem to find the information I'm looking for How long does the 1750mAh battery and the 3500mAh battery last with moderate to heavy usage? I'm getting about 10-12 hours on stock 1300mAh battery. I take the phone off of the charger at 5 in the morning and by the time its 5pm the battery is in the red at 5-10%

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HTC Droid Eris :: Buy Extended Life Battery?

Dec 15, 2009

OK, we all know the Eris battery is a major complaint. Has anyone bought an extended life battery for the Eris yet? If so, is it worth it? Is there a noticeable difference in battery life? It aint cheap so I would appreciate any feedback on this.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Google's Take On Battery Life

May 19, 2010

Google: "If You Are Not Getting A Day [of Android Battery], There Is Something Wrong" - Android battery life - Gizmodo

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HTC Droid Eris :: Does Not Extend Battery Life Significantly

Dec 6, 2009

Someone said there is a battery from another HTC device that fits in the Droid. It does not extend the battery life significantly, but every little bit would help, even if it was just 10% mote. Which other battery fits inside of the case?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Battery Life And Awake Time

Feb 28, 2010

I've read up on the battery life sticky and various other threads pertaining to battery life and awake time. But my phone seems to still be around 50-60 percent. I don't use my phone all too much, and neither do I have any programs set to auto do anything except for mail to go and do its thing. But I remembered I do have various Sense widgets... could those be draining my battery? I have the Facebook, Mail, Calender, Sense Clock, Music, Weather, A Calender reminder, and Bookmarks. I can't afford a better battery. Making 8.25 an hour really suckz. On a side note, I know that 8.25 is more than last year, and the year before that

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HTC Droid Eris :: Battery Life Leaving Wi-Fi On All Time?

Mar 23, 2010

This is kind of a detailed question, but basically, I have been reading through some threads and came across someone who wrote that keeping the wifi turned on to 'never sleep' optimizes your battery life by a lot (instead of using mobile connection). So I set this up, but I also have the app Advanced Task Killer and I am trying to figure out if I need to set the wifi to the ignore list (so that it doesn't get killed everytime) or if Advanced Task Killer doesn't effect this.I am just trying to optimize my battery so I can actually use the internet without it dying on me so quickly. I charged it all night and literally 5 minutes after I unplugged it, my phone was down to 90% life.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Massively Saving Battery Life

May 18, 2010

I found that really saved my battery life was either during off 3G or installing Juicedefender, which helped, but it was still draining a ton.

What I did was I checked when facebook updated my contacts to once a day instead of the default. Which I believe the default setting was Every hour, because honestly I don't need it to check every hour for a profile picture change or a few things that I normally check on my own with the facebook app.

The way you do that is

Menu->Settings->Accounts and Sync->Facebook for HTC Sense->Account Settings->Change it to Once a day.

Also I recently found out that you can use your gmail account to have it check a work e-mail or another e-mail, by using pop e-mail, so I didn't have to leave my phone set to check my work e-mail every 15 minutes and drain battery life that way, and that works really well too so your just using your gmail account for e-mail, plus your gmail account pushes to your phone every time a new e-mail comes, which it can do for a work e-mail or your gmail e-mail.

The way you set that up is,

Login to your gmail->Settings->Accounts and Imports->Under Check mail using POP3->Click add POP3 account->Then start adding your work e-mail in there

You can also select Send mail as and add your work e-mail in there, so you can just use your gmail account to send e-mail, I would prefer to use IMAP, but since I am usually in front of a computer, cleaning up my e-mail isn't too much of a job to do.

But this is a great way to use less data and to save a TON on your battery, by the time I was done with work today, I was at 80% battery, when I am normally around 40% to 50%, and after a few short phone calls and showing my mom about 100+ phones from the 3D photo gallery I am still at around 60% on my battery.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Which Widget Safe Battery Life?

May 18, 2010

I had been using the HTC Battery Widget while on 1.5 and it never caused me problems as far as I know with being a drain on the battery life. Now after the OTA on 2.1 my battery life seems to have gone down drastically and I heard that this widget could be the culprit. So, which battery widget are you using with 2.1 that is "safe" on overall battery life?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Gmail Autosync And Battery Life?

Mar 2, 2010

If so, does it use a lot if battery? Reason I ask is I forgot to check my email until a few minutes ago, and missed an email I was supposed to respond too. I know they will push with sync going, but how quick will this kill battery?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Turn Off Autosync Add Much To Battery Life?

Jul 12, 2010

So was wondering if I shut off autosync what will I be missing? Automatic email up dates, weather bug widget update? Anything else? Also with it off will I get better battery life? Did the Eris have autosync before 2.1?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Instant Messaging And Battery Life

Mar 1, 2010

On the ERIS is there any instant messenger client that doesn't drain the battery excessively ?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Extend Phone Battery Life?

Aug 5, 2010

Do you know how to extend the droid eris battery life? m sure that everyone has a lot of forums on this but I'm new to this website and i don't really know how to find what m looking for.

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HTC Droid Eris : How To Extend Battery Life Thread

Dec 4, 2009

Ok. I know there are a few other (older) threads about this. I haven't even got my Eris yet, but will be getting it Saturday. I've read through the the how to extend battery life thread. I have yet to look at the tips and tricks thread though.

Anyways, what I would like to know is what are the "Must have" apps. What should I do with it right out of the box? Anything particular I should know/expect?

I hope this will be a pleasant experience, it's my first Android phone (first smartphone actually) although I do have an iPod Touch, so I hope that will shorten the learning curve.

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HTC Droid Eris : How Long Is My Battery Life Supposed To Be

Jun 8, 2010

My battery usually lasts from about 7 in the morning to 4 or 5 at night with moderate texting and low usage of the internet since im in school :O JW if it should be longer or if this is normal.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Small Charging Life / Extra Battery

Jun 11, 2010

The battery life is not too good.But it's tiny after all.I was looking at getting an extra battery.This one: "Seidio Innocell 1750mAh Extended Battery for Verizon HTC Droid Eris" at HTC Depot is $49.95.On eBay,I can get 2 batteries and a wall charger for around $11.But I have a case for the phone and it looks like opening it up every day to change batteries would wear it out very quickly.Does anyone know of an external battery with a (short) cord to the USB/charge port?That could be 4 times the size of an internal battery and still fit in my pocket.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Reason - Bad Battery Life / No Great Reception

Jan 9, 2010

I've been reading about the Eris battery life issues on this and other forums. Even with all the tweaks that users have applied to it, the Eris continues to have a rep for bad battery life. Its a bit odd that the Eris gets worse battery life than the Moto Droid which has a larger screen and more processing power, don't you think? I've also read that Eris reception is not that great, that the Droid gets 3G reception when the Eris can't etc.

These issues (battery life and reception) lead me to wonder if they are related. Perhaps the Eris has a weak antenna, or bad antenna placement? This would lead it to have worse reception than other smart phones and also worse battery life because it would have to apply more juice to the antenna to reach the cell phone towers. I've attached a poll to see if there is any correlation between bad battery life and bad reception.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Spare Parts Affecting Battery Life?

Feb 18, 2010

so I downloaded Spare Parts and changed the window and transition animations to FAST, and it has been going noticeably quicker. My only question is if changing the speed will affect my battery life?

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HTC Eris :: Make Droid Faster / Smoother / Increase Battery Life?

Sep 9, 2010

**UPDATED 10/2/2010**
Hey all Droid Eris owners, just wrote a lengthy post on my blog about improving performance, stability, and battery life on the Droid Eris on my blog at:
I included tutorials on:
GPS Status
Dialer One
Wireless Tether *Added 9/24/2010*
Battery recalibration for extended battery life *Added 9/17/2010*
Upgrading radio (July 2010
Upgrading Kernel (CFS v5) *Updated 9/17/2010*
Tweak your settings (Window transitions, VM heap size, Launcher Pro) *Added 9/24/2010*
Well known bugs (Camera bug, 3D gallery bug) *ADDED 10/2/2010*

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HTC Droid Eris :: Android Application With Widget To Save Battery Life

Dec 28, 2009

APNdroid is a great android app and comes with a widget that effectively turns off data but still enable text/voice. It's great for a day of snowboarding when you only need the essentials but need the battery to last! The battery was only at 75% by the end of the day for me. Check it out, it's a very high quality and professional app.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Says That Camera Has Used Like 80 Percent - Battery Life Is Dieing Very Quickly

May 27, 2010

I just got my Eris 2 weeks ago and all of a sudden my battery life is dieing very quickly and i looked to see why and it says that my camera has used like 80 percent of it..... and i don't even use it that often.

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Motorola Droid 2 :: Phone Randomly Open Apps In Background At All Times / This Will Affect Battery Life?

Nov 11, 2010

Just got my D2 yesterday after spending way too long with the Eris... so far I'm loving it, but I have one question: do everyone's phones seem to randomly open 10-20 apps in background at all times? These aren't even apps I use, like a Sudoku game I haven't tried once yet. I'm not too worried about it, since performance seems to be fine, but I'm wondering if this will affect battery life.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Haptic Feedback Sound On Keyboard Effect Battery Life

Feb 5, 2010

Does haptic feedback (vibrate) and sound on the keyboard. Really effect the battery life? I have the feedback off because of typing lag, but like having the sound on.

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Motorola Droid X :: Native Email Client Separate Ringtones

Jul 23, 2010

Is it possible to have different notification sounds for different email accounts with the native email client not the Google one, but the other.I can't find it anywhere.

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