HTC EVO 4G :: Single Click Multi Tasking?

Jul 14, 2010

I was just wondering if there's a way to open the task box by a single-touch instead of a long touch? An application maybe?

HTC EVO 4G :: Single click Multi Tasking?

HTC EVO 4G :: Can't Access Multi - Tasking

Jun 10, 2010

Why when I'm on a phone call (blue tooth) I can't access other apps:like Mail

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HTC Incredible :: Benefits Of Multi Tasking?

May 5, 2010

Can someone give me a real world, bare bones, idea of how the multitasking on the Incredible (android in general) actually works or what makes it so great? I know that is one of the things people haven't liked about the Iphone, and by default it is seen as a big benefit to android phones. I'm about to get my first smart phone and while I like the idea of multitasking, I'm wondering how many things can I actually run and/or use at one time. As I have thought about it, admittedly I'm not experienced, but I was thinking I could listen to music, while sending a text, or surfing the net, or maybe running some app, but how many things can I really do at once on the phone? Maybe while on a call I can be surfing the net or playing a game or running some app?

If I'm playing a game, won't that take up the whole screen, if I'm using it for navigation, I can't really be texting while it is guiding me, or making a call, I guess I could, but who knows? Hopefully this doesn't sound too stupid of a question, I'm just trying to figure out how I will best utilize my phone when I get it. Maybe the idea is that I don't have to close things out or have them close in order to do something else, and that allows me to go right back to what I was doing before I changed tasks? Any thoughts someone might have on this? Please keep in mind, this isn't a complaint or probing question as to limitations, I'm really just trying to figure out all the cool things I will be able to do with my phone when I get it.

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Android :: Multi Tasking Like Palm Pre?

May 2, 2010

Is there an app for multi-tasking like Palm Pre for Android? Or, is this being developed; coming in future Android versions? Not really that good but it was developed for iPhone and it was a great.

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Android :: How To Disable Multi Tasking?

Aug 14, 2010

1- How can i disable multi-tasking? My application is a socket based game, every time i start the app, it MUST load the main page first to start the socket connection? I do not want the user to be able to run my application in background. Is this possible to do? 2- I do not want the user to be able to use the back button, to navigate between pages, users must only use the buttons available in my application to navigate?

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Android :: G2 Multi-Tasking / Got A New Email Notification?

Mar 18, 2010

Apparently my T-Mobile G2 (HTC Hero) multi-tasks. Why is it then, that I might be playing a game (say Puzzle Attack) and I get a new email notification. I slide down the notification bar, click the email notification, read the notification, go back to Puzzle Attack and it takes me to the main menu. This happens on, I think, every single game I have played. Is there something that the app developers can do to force the app to close instead of simply going to the background? Is it *really* multi-tasking?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Battery Consumption Upon Multi Tasking

Feb 11, 2010

I really like to run Dolphin in the background and it runs fine (on Fresh 1.1 with Gumbo Kernel + setcpu) and I have 2-3 tabs open and everything else runs fine. I try not to run too much else (if I do ebuddy it gets slow, so I usually don't), but I was wondering how bad this was to do, and if I could check somehow how bad it was. I don't know a way to tell how draining this is on the battery or how the phone runs, is there any way to check?

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HTC Magic :: Wifi Priority - Multi Tasking To Switch Between Applications?

Jul 22, 2009

Just two quick questions: When connected to wifi, do internet connections made on the device automatically go via wifi as opposed to 3g etc and if not then is there a way to organize which wireless connection 'methods' have higher priority (i am worried about excessive data costs). Second question is: Is there any multi tasking support on the Magic and if so then how do you switch between applications?

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Motorola Droid :: Multi Tasking Google Maps And Music

Nov 20, 2009

I found out today that when I use the headphone output from my Droid, I can feed the Google Maps turn-by-turn through my car speakers using the aux-in on my head unit. I can also play music out of my Droid in the same fashion. I can even do both at the same time! But here's the rub. The Google Map "Voice" is so loud compared to the music out of my Droid that if I have the music playing loud enough to hear. Google Maps blows out my speakers! There doesn't seem to be a volume control on the Google Girl, so I guess this is as much a feature request to be able to mix the Google Girl up a bit over the music.

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HTC Desire :: Multi-tasking Between A Browser And A Basic Text Editor?

Aug 15, 2010

I'm doing a bit of online copy-writing on the side at the moment, and it would be great if I could use this thing to write a few paragraphs here and there when I'm on the move. How would the HTC Desire handle multi-tasking between a browser and a basic text editor? I won't be looking for any crazy formatting options; don't need to change margins, add pagination or anything. Just a few sites open for researching facts and an application that can handle badly worded sentences with lame jokes thrown in

My contract is due to run out soon and I'm not sure whether I should negotiate one with a free Desire, or get a cheap handset and then buy a netbook. I'm broke at the moment so its a case of either/or!

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Android :: Looking For "perfect" Multi - Tasking App?

Nov 4, 2010

I am looking for the "perfect" multi-tasking app, or at least the one that I unequivocally like the most. I have seen a few already and really like some, but for one reason or another I am still looking for the best one that suites my needs. Here are some of the ones I have either tried already or am using: Quick Desk : very cool, no real complaints except maybe that I dont think I can kill running apps from the quick bar SmartTaskbar : also cool because it can launch with a swipe from the side of the screen, but the problem is its interface is quite busy and not very functional/intuitive to configure. Also cant kill apps Multitask Manager: nice simple interface (iPhone 4 style) but more or less half the time unresponsive to touches. Also can only launch by singe touch of 'home' button, which isnt very convenient. Visual Task Switcher: Almost perfect. The screen shot idea used in this is really probably the best format for any multitasking app, but unfortunately it overlaps with Quick Desk (which needs to use the same activation key "search+long press") which is a problem because Quick Desk supports widgets... Android Mate: This is probably one of my favorites just because its pretty straightforward and organized, you can kill multiple apps at once, etc. But Again no widgets and no ideal universal one touch activation. Now I luanch it from within SmartTaskbar...
Itching Thumbs: By far the coolest and most (theoretically) capable. If I could get this to be stable on my phone it would be my 1st choice. It does pretty much everything I would like, screen shots, app killing, app launching, widgets, gestures ... Only problem is its still in beta and unfortunately, at least on my phone (Nexus One), keeps freezing and needing to be re-installed. Anyway all these apps have their pluses and I realize that for the most part the things I have trouble with are either due to still being in beta stage or the method of activation overlapping with other functions � something which can be adjusted in an update. But what do you all use? Have you found anything that really works for you?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Add Multi Google Voice Accounts On Single Phone?

Jul 12, 2010

Can you add more than 1 Google voice account to a phone and would it require more than 1 gmail account?

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Android :: ListView Selection - Make Only Item Click Be Effected By Click?

Apr 1, 2010

when I click on one item in the ListView that item's background changes to light gray, but when I continue to scroll through the list every 4th item has the background changed to light gray even though those other items have not been clicked. How do I make only the item I clicked be effected by the click?

ListView lv = (ListView) findViewById(;
lv.setAdapter(new ArrayAdapter(this, R.layout.resultitem, (String[])labelList.toArray(new String[labelList.size()])));
lv.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {
public void onItemClick(AdapterView parent, View view, int position, long id) {
TextView tv = (TextView)view.findViewById(;

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Android :: Catching Both Click And Long Click On ListView

May 3, 2010

I have a ListView in my Activity. I am trying to catch both a click and a long click (which should bring up a context menu).

ListView lv = (ListView) findViewById(; ... lv.setOnItemClickListener(this); lv.setOnCreateContextMenuListener(this); ...

I notice that if I have both the click and long click listeners up, I won't ever get the long click listener (i.e. the context menu). If I remove the setOnItemClickListener() call, i get a call into

@Override public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, View v, ContextMenu.ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) {

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Android :: Click To Expand List -and- Click On A Button?

May 31, 2010

I have just started my career as an android programmer, and am currently relying heavily on the sample code and api examples. I have been working with this api example, to produce an expandable list of items (note this example does not use the ExpadableListView).In playing with the example, I tried to add another widget that would become visible and be gone at the same time as the text (mDialogue in the sample code). This works well with another TextView, but as soon as I tried to add a button widget, it stopped working. The list would expand on first click, showing my hidden TextView and Button, but it will not disappear on further clicks. The button is however, clickable, and I was able to set up an onClick listener to change the button text back and forth.I'm starting to wonder, is it just not possible to have a clickable item inside a clickable list item? Or is there some kind of work around? Would it solve my problem if I used ExpandableListView?

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Android : When Click On GDE And Click The Home Button - Switches Back To Stock Home Screen

Dec 19, 2009

When I DL'd the GDE app, I accidentally set my stock droid "HOME" screen as the default screen when the popup box came up asking me to choose between stock Home and GDE. Now when I click on GDE and click the home button, it switches back to the stock Home screen. How to I switch the settings now to set the GDE app as the new home screen?

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HTC Legend :: Delete A Single SMS

May 21, 2010

How can i delete a single SMS?

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Android :: Get A Single Accelerometer Value?

Aug 23, 2010

I'm working on adding a calibration feature to an accelerometer-driven game. For the calibration, I need a single value from the accelerometer. Should I register a listener, get the first value it gives me, and unregister it, or is there a better way to get just one value?

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HTC EVO 4G : How Can I Remove A Single Bookmark?

Oct 27, 2010

How do you remove a single bookmark? if i hold my finger on the bookmark to drag it the entire screen of bookmarks comes along for the ride.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Multi-touch Capabilities

May 26, 2010

So other than pinch to zoom, what do you use this for?

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Android :: Best Multi IM Client App?

Aug 27, 2009

What's the best app for using multiple IM clients? (yahoo,aim,gtalk,face book,my space,etc.) I've already tried meebo and ebuddy but theyre both missing atleast one client I need.

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Android :: Beejive Multi IM App?

Nov 1, 2010

I am trying out the Beejive MultiIM app and its draining my battery quickly. So quick I am down to 50% in only 5 hours with no use, it's just running. I also hardly used anything on the phone today so it has to be Beejive killing it. What do people use for IM that doesn't kill battery life?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Multi Touch Keyboard With 2.2

Aug 1, 2010

My droid x keyboard keeps saying "multi touch keyboard latin failed" or something like that and keeps wanting to force close. I haves tried rebooting the phone and I have installed and reinstalled. Anyone else having this problem since upgrading to froyo?

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Multi Layer QR Codes?

Oct 17, 2011

I am sending text to my app through a QR code via calling barcode scanner with an intent from my app.

Let s say I generate 2 QR codes. #1 passes "Frank" #2 passes "Upfront".

This is no problem, but what happens if someone scans the QR code with the barcode scanner on it's own? They will be presented with the text "Frank". Useless.

Can I have it link to the android market if they do not scan from my app? And if they do, it passes the string?

The only other option that I see is to have it present a message: "Go download my app, Frank" and remove the "Go download my app" from the string if it is passed to my application.

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HTC Incredible :: Only Single Exchange Account?

Apr 29, 2010

I finally was able to get on the mobile network and now it looks like the HTC Incredible can only do a single exchange account.With my Motorola Droid I had multiple and loved the functionality. Anyone else seeing the same issues? (or am I just being too needy?)I had assumed this was a standard android function.

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HTC Desire :: Single App Task Killer?

Jul 14, 2010

Looking for a widget with a single app task killer - one that can kill just ONE app.I want to kill, for instance, BeyondPod because it overtakes control of the music player when it runs (it gives it back, but only after the podcast is done). So, I'd like a "BP Kill" button.I don't want to kill any of the other processes, which is what other taskkiller widgets do.I guess the analogy is I need a scalpel and not a sword.

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Android :: Way To Display Images In Single Row?

Jul 30, 2010

I want to display the images one by one that means first i am displaying the some (5) images in a single row.when i am track that view next pair is coming.and when i click on particular image that image will be dispayed as big image in layout which is above of this single row layout.For this which layout are useful that means grid view like that.Give me some suggestions.

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Android :: Need Football App On A Single Screen?

Sep 25, 2010

Is there an app out there where you can pick any number of football games to keep upto date with the score with, on a single screen?For example, I put a number of bets on a Saturday afternoon and I would like a to be able pick which games I have bet on and have them auto update on one screen?If anyone knows of a website/ipad app where this is possible please let me know!!!

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Motorola Droid :: Single Key Shortcuts

Nov 21, 2009

I came from a BB and I had all the important shortcut keys memorized so that I could open them instantly. Is there a way to do this with the Droid? I don't like having to do two key combos or having to switch to the home screen and/or app screen. Plus, I don't like to have a lot of clutter on my home screen.Naturally, this would only work whilst using the physical keyboard but hen I'm browsing the web or talking on gtalk, I might think of something and want to quickly bring up a notepad app to write down some notes.I know that it's nit-picking, but I like to be quick and efficient with my phone. In all other respects/departments, this phone ROX!

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HTC Incredible :: Best Way To Backup A Single App Data

Oct 19, 2010

I have lost all of my progress 2 times now, and its really a downer.

besides a full backup, how can i create a restore file for just the one app? Or is there another way?

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