HTC EVO 4G :: Is Sprint Charging To Replace Evos?

Oct 26, 2010

I just called Sprint customer service about my rebooting Evo and after a visit to the store and a hard reset that did nothing, they offered to replace it for me but at a cost of $35.00. I have replaced 2 Pres in the past year and not once did I have to pay anything. Is this a new policy? Are the other carriers charging to replace phones under warranty?

HTC EVO 4G :: Is sprint charging to replace Evos?

HTC EVO 4G :: Sprint DOES Have Available EVOs

Jun 17, 2010

I called Sprint yesterday because I got a slip of paper with my bill saying I was a premium member and I could upgrade early... Given that I have a Palm Pre, I really wanted to upgrade... I saw the website was sold out so I called Sprint to ask if they had any sort of timeline for receiving more devices. To my surprise, they told me that they had some left after all... So if you need a replacement or maybe haven't gotten one yet I suggest calling Sprint directly.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Unrooting Evos - Need Sprint Support

Nov 19, 2010

Iam having some problems with my evo so I need to take it to sprint support. My evo is rooted, is there anyway to unroot so sprint does not find out when i take it in.

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General :: Replace Charging Port On HTC One?

Jul 25, 2013

Anyway to replace the charging port on HTC One?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Sprint Corporate Stores Lying To Existing Customers - No Evos

Jun 8, 2010

So I starting calling the corporate sprint stores in my area and I noticed they were all asking if I was an existing (EC) or new customer (NC) before telling me if evo's were available. Turns out they are lying about their evo stock to EC. They will sell you one only if you're a NC. So I called a store, and told them I was a tmobile customer. "We have 5 in stock so if you come in the next 30 minutes you can get one". Then, I told them I wanted to buy the phone outright, full retail, no line activation sprint rep told me they don't have phones in stock for me.

Immediately I called sprint customer service; they called the store. (10 min after original call). Store now says none are available, and there is a waitlist. I'm not the only one. Sprint HTC EVO 4G supplies running low, but could be higher than we think - Android and Me

Try it yourself:
Around Sunnyvale, Ca 5 of 6 stores I called asked if i was an existing customer before answering if they had it in stock. 6 store said none. 2 of 2 stores, told me they had stock, then changed tune when they found out i was an existing customer. I should have just gone to the store, waited for them to present the phone. then reveal I'm an existing customer. If they try to pull it back, then call sprint customer service.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Charging Battery - Alternative Methods? Charging With USB Cable To Any Computer?

Nov 10, 2009

Charging Battery - Alternative Methods? Charging with USB Cable to any Computer?

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Sprint :: Charging Sprint HTC Hero With Blackberry Charger

Mar 31, 2010

Is it okay to charge the Sprint HTC Hero with a Blackberry charger? They are both listed as using MINI-USB ports but when you look at the actual plug, they look different. The Blackberry charger does fit, and charges, but i was just wondering if anyone had any issues. I went to the sprint store and asked them, but they said that they "heard" it would mess things up. But obviously they just wanted me to buy a car charger from them.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Replace HTC Sense With Standard UI?

Oct 15, 2009

I have looked there, and xda is my next stop, but I would like to ditch Sense and use the standard Android UI. Does anyone know if this is possible? I am not talking about flashing the ROM but rather stopping Sense and loading the normal UI. I am not having any real problems with the Sense UI per se but from playing with other Android devices I think I prefer the normal interface.

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Sprint :: Is There A Good Charging Pod For Sprint HTC Hero?

Dec 25, 2009

I came from the BlackBerry world, and they have these great charging pods that you can set your device in and it charges it upright. Works great to just keep on your desk and keep the device charged throughout the day without having to plug and unplug a cable. Any good options for this phone?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Email Application To Replace Stock One?

Feb 11, 2010

Are there any emails apps that we can use to replace the stock one? I would like to be able to filter emails but I just don't like the look or feel of the stock one.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: USB Not Charging

Jun 7, 2010

My phone was rooted with Freshrom 2.1.2 then I recently unrooted my phone with the official sprint 2.1 because I was having usb charging problems. My phone charges fine with the AC adapter, but when I plug into a usb to charge it never does... the orange light comes on and my batt. indicator says it is charging but it never does. I've checked to make sure my status indicator says "Charge Only"... any ideas why I'm not charging via usb?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: 2.1 Battery Not Charging Fix

May 21, 2010

Today I took my Sprint HTC Hero to a Sprint store to upgrade to Android 2.1. In my opinion, I don't think it was worth upgrading the software. I really liked the options in 1.5 more especially the camera app. Any way, after getting home, my batter was almost dead. I pluged the micro usb cable into my Hero and attempted to charge it via an a/c charger. It started to charge from 10% slowly but then only went to 22% and stopped and stayed there for 2 hours. The back of my Hero was REALLY hot. I shut off the phone and let it cool and tried again. Same thing happened. I noticed that when you are using the phone and charging it in 2.1, the battery starts to die and it gets hot even quicker.Shutting the phone off and charging didnt help. What did and is still working, is putting the phone in Airplane mode, killing unnecessary running apps/widgets with the Advanced Task Killer by ReChild and then proceding to charge the phone.After leaving it like this for 30 minutes, the back of the phone was no longer hot and the battery percent went up from 22% to 33%, it is continuing to charge now.If you are having this issue, I suggest you use this method to charge your phone until the bug is fixed.This is such a pain because if your using Sprint Navigation in the car and your battery is about to die,you cannot charge it.The phone will remain on after using a car charger to charge it but the battery percent wont increase and it will get really hot.I guess we have to charge the phone before every use from now on? Android 2.1 is a lot of bugs. They made us wait this long for it and they have still failed to fix the major issues that were supposed to be fixed with this update IMO.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: No Longpress While Charging?

Dec 3, 2009

I was just sitting here on the couch, charging my phone, and messing around with the home screen. I tried longpressing on various icons, but it just immediately opened the program, instead of letting me move it somewhere else. It was like the screen was possessed, i'd barely touch it and it would act like i'd hit it twice, I tried to write a text but it was impossible because whenever I touched a letter it spit it out 2 or 3 times.

This is pretty obnoxious, true, I could just stop using it while it's charging...but why should I have to do that? Is something wrong with my phone? I've noticed this once before...but was busy with something else and forgot about it until today. I've only had this phone about 10 days now, and as far as I can tell that has happened twice. I took the charger in and out a few times, each time testing if the behavior was consistent, each time it was charging the screen is crazy, when it take the charger out it returns to normal.

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Sprint HTC Hero : How To Turn Off Charging Led?

Feb 11, 2010

where is the option to turn off the charging led? i cant tell if i have any texts or alerts when it is charging... i know it has got to be an option!

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Sprint HTC Hero :: LED Indicator Light When Charging?

Jun 4, 2010

Is there a way to have the phone still display notifications using the LED when he phone is charging? As it stands, charging the phone keeps the light solid.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Screen Stays Lit While Charging

Jan 19, 2010

Is it normal for the Sprint HTC Hero for the screen to stay on when the phone is charging?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Battery Temp While Charging

Jan 7, 2010

What is the normal battery temp while charging? I just pulled my phone off the charger and checked the temp, because it felt pretty warm and it said it was 110.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Looking For Charging Dock Cradle

Apr 11, 2010

Does anyone have or know of a good charging dock that is both functionally and aesthetically good? I've seen plenty on eBay and random accessory sites, but most of them are very square/blocky and very unattractive. I've also heard that the MyTouch 3G dock works, but doesn't fit perfectly so I'd like to stay away from that.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Phone Sleep While Charging?

Nov 12, 2009

I was experiencing the poor battery life and have effectively implemented the work-around that includes disabling the stock Messages app. and installing and using a 3rd-party SMS app., Handcent. The work-around appears to be fully effective for me so far, so thanks to those who helped communicate it here on the forum (you know who you all are). I've noticed though, that when charging, my wake time percentage is in the 80th percentile, indicating that it's not fully sleeping while charging in an A/C outlet. First question: Does the phone not sleep while being charged? Second question: If not, can someone please provide some suggestions of things to look at that might be interfering with sleeping while being charged?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Screen Dims When Charging

Jan 30, 2010

My screen blanks out after a couple of mins while charging and I have it set to stay awake while charging. Is it supposed to do this? I would really like to find a way to keep the screen on in the car.

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Sprint HTC Hero : Notification LED While Charging / Change It

Jan 8, 2010

For some reason the notification led does not flash while the phone is charging when I have a new text, voicemail, etc. Is there an option somewhere that I am missing to change this? While charging, the LED stays a constant amber.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Evos MUCH Better Then ERIS?

Jun 30, 2010

I'm trying to keep a fellow android user from smashing their htc Eris. I am using an Evo and love it! My dad has an Eris, and hates it since getting the 2.1 update from verizon. Does the Eris have serious usability and stability problems, that I don't have using an Evo? For example, he was stunned, I'm able to send and edit text like this message. I'm trying to guide him, and get an idea if he's screwed, unless he gets a newer phone. You would never know we both are using phones built by htc, and with both running 2.1 android. After getting the 2.1 update, his phone is unstable. He took it back to verizon, and they claimed it's fine. He's tech comp., and rarely has serious issues with tech problems. Any evo users, that have used an eris, any thoughts?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Evos In The Mail

Oct 2, 2010

Very happy to say that I am about to get a couple of new Evos for my wife and I. I've read lots of very informative threads. I am getting them from and I would like to know what I should do first with them.

1-I read that I must charge (8hrs) and then calibrate the battery.
2-In terms of making sure I don't get refurbs, ##786# should show activation dates unless previous ones were erased. What else should I look for in here? Version? What is the current one?
3-Light leakage? What does that look like? ETC...

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HTC EVO 4G :: Black Evos Available At Best Buy

Aug 26, 2010 Check it out yourself if you are still interested. Unfortunately I need to buy from Sprint because I'm not spending 500+ on an Evo when it retails with Sprint for 450. Also just something that happened to me today. I went to a Sprint store and the lady told me to be careful with buying a "new" Evo. She told me that most of the "new" Evo's were actually refurbished phones and the Radioshack across the street actually got in trouble for selling "new" refurbished phones. No idea whether this is true or not, but it makes sense since some people are on like their 3rd and 4th Evos and many who buy new Evos have some problems as well.

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HTC EVO 4G :: How Many EVOs Will Be Sold

Jun 3, 2010

I know there is a thread or post somewhere in here that has a poll asking how many EVOs will be sold, but this article actually is the first to estimate how many.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Purchase Of USED Evos?

Sep 19, 2010

ive read several threads regarding people who purchase a "new" EVO only to find out it was "used" I notice they typically notice some minor defect on the device. They ask the rep who "promises" that its new. they then take the device home and find out several weeks into the 30 days that they were given a returned phone and sold it as new.

Why in god's name, with all the stories of this going on.. wouldnt you just turn on the EVO with said "defects" and look at the call count/timer and refurb status in the phone WHILE YOU'RE IN THE STORE! if its used, show the rep.. tell him you DONT want a USED phone, insist on a new one.. and dont buy if you dont like the used handset! And telling me you dont know how isnt an excuse. there are EVO user guides on sprint's website.. or just open the user guide that COMES with the phone. as the saying goes.. "let the buyer beware!" I have ZERO sympathy for people in these scenarios!

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HTC EVO 4G :: How Many Evos Have Been Sold So Far?

Jun 17, 2010

Does anyone have any idea how many Evos have been sold so far?

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HTC EVO 4G :: How Durable Are The Evos?

Jul 19, 2010

How durable are the evos? Im not the nicest person to my phone and am not getting an iphone because I fear I will break the screen. What sort of warranty can I pick up to help my clumsiness?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Screen Becomes Non-responsive With Charging Battery?

Mar 21, 2010

I've had this phone for a week now and today it developed something new. When I plug in the battery charger, the touch screen becomes almost entirely non-responsive. When I attempt to slide the Lock Screen away it either won't move or I can get it to slightly move but it bounces right back or even sticks halfway. If I unplug the charger and wait about a minute it's back to working fine again. I've removed the battery a few times now to see if this helped but nothing seems to help. It didn't do this till today. Anyone else run into this problem and if so how did you remedy it?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: App To Disable Battery Charging And Plugged In

Jan 25, 2010

I hate charging my battery before it drains off. So if I wanted to stream music on the phone at work, do you think there is an app that'll disable battery charging if I have the phone plugged into power plug? basically draw juice from wall and disable battery from use or charge.

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