HTC EVO 4G :: FM Radio Doesn't Work

Jun 30, 2010

And maybe causing some of the other problems when headphones are plugged in too. I've posted about this in other threads, but I want to draw more attention to this. Of all issues HTC is making statements on, this is one that hasn't been acknowledged at all. I think most people just attribute it to poor reception when really it's just a flaw in the jack design. It seems to be the case in every 0003 I've come across, but I'm not 100% sure on the 0002s... Maybe we can get some input here.

When fully plugged in, the connector pin for antenna is not always touching a contact on your 3.5mm plug. Supposedly some headphones work, but there may be slight variations in the headphone plugs by manufacturer that would work. I've tried several sets... AKG, Skullcandy, Panasonic, Phillips, etc. and several Evos, they all have the same problem. Try this: Turn on the FM radio without headphones. It'll ask you to plug headphones in to use as an antenna. Plug the headphones all the way in, until it snaps, and it'll start tuning... You'll then hear nothing but static OR get lousy reception that changes a lot when you move the headphone cables around, right?................

HTC EVO 4G :: FM radio doesn't work

Samsung Galaxy I7500 : Galaxo 1.6.3 Bugs - Speaker Doesn't Work In Call - Scrolling Contacts By Letter Doesn't Work

May 2, 2010

I have so far found two bugs in Galaxo 1.6.3:

a) Speaker doesn't work in call (very weak). works well in ringtones etc.

b) Scrolling contacts by letter doesn't work.

Other than that this is a leap forward, especially with the overclock options!

Both bugs, as well as others, fixed in update!

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Motorola CLIQ :: Most Apps Don't Work - Snake - Doesn't Work Says Its Paused

Dec 8, 2009

I'm trying to determine whether or not my phone is defective, or if this is a current problem with the Cliq.

Of the apps I've downloaded, only a few of them have worked. Of those few that work, some don't work right. Has anyone had problems with these apps crashing on them, or just not working correctly?

- Nice Battery (see description at bottom of: My Ultimate CLIQ settings (so far))
- WeatherBug (kept showing the wrong location, crashed when trying to change location)
- Snake - doesn't work just says its "paused"
- RingDroid - crashes when I select the "Facebook Pop" button
- Layar - screen is rotated 90 degrees at all times

There have been others, but usually I just uninstall them right after discovering it doesn't work right.

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HTC Desire :: Data Doesn't Work On 3g / Calls Don't Work On HSDPA

Jun 14, 2010

I've had an HTC Desire on Orange in the UK for about 6 weeks and it is having persistent problem. Firstly despite having a strong 4-bar out of 4 signal, online services and the internet do not work at all when a 3G signal is being received (e.g. news, weather, all widgets, internet, email etc).Calls and texts do work however with a 3G signal.But when a 3g+ signal (HSDPA) is being received, all internet services as above work fine.However, when a 3+ signal is being received, the phone does not make or receive calls or text messages, and often fails to send texts. Calls I make immediately shut down (bleep + �call ended�), and incoming calls from other people go straight to answerphone. Also often when turning the data connection on/off, it freezes and has to be rebooted, and turning airplane setting on and off does not fix the problem.

I have also tried the different network settings (GSM, WCDMA, auto, etc). �GSM� sends and receives calls and texts but doesn�t work (or is incredibly slow) with internet, and �auto� and �WCDMA only� show the problems as above.I don't think this is a network/coverage issues as, as I have seen many people reporting these same issues on other networks and in other parts of the UK, and I have read that other people are having to manually turn off HSDPA to be able to make calls (using an app?). Even if I can stop HSDPA from connecting to make sure the phone works, I still can�t use the internet at all on 3g � even GSM works better!

Finally, when I connect to a bluetooth device (e.g. car and headphones) the phone will connect briefly, and then randomly disconnect. I have also seen this issue reported elsewhere.I very much like the phone and don't want to get rid of it, but these problems are making the phone unuseable.Also I don't know if I should be contacting HTC or Orange about this. Will the upcoming Android 2.2 fix these problems?Anyone know how to fix this or if I need a new handset? Are there any apps that can help? Also does the Nexus One have these problems and are they fixed by Froyo?

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Samsung I7500 :: Dialpad Doesn't Work During Call / Get To Work?

Sep 16, 2009

So I made a discovery - my dialpad doesn't work during a call. Even if I bring it up via the softkeys, the numbers don't register a tap...anyone. else have this issue or is it just my phone?

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Samsung I7500 :: FM Radio Doesn't Support?

Oct 4, 2009

Does the i7500 actually have a FM radio? I've read quite a few reviews on the net and there seems to be slight confusion by reviewers weather or not it has one. Some say yes others say no! Is it a case that the hardware is there, but android doesn't support it yet?

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HTC Incredible :: Cannot Get FM Radio To Work

May 1, 2010

When I open the FM radio, it says I need to plug in headphones to work as an antenna. I did that and it still says it. Do I actually need 80's era headphones for the FM radio to work?

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HTC EVO 4G :: FM Radio - Music Playback Won't Work?

Jun 13, 2010

i was one of the first batch evo owners ( proud owner as of 6.4.10) however over the last few days i have had a few weird errors pop up. The first one was with the FM radio, it simply wont work right for long period of time. I would play the radio and the icon would show up on the notification bar, then the phone would go into idle, however after about 10 mins of idle if i wake the phone to try and change the station or lower the volume, the icon for the FM radio dissapears from the notification bar although the radio is still playing. At this point i am not able to lower the music and upon opening the FM radio app, the playback stops and the app loads but fails to complete stalling at the last 10%.

The 2nd thing is the music player. I have about 160 songs on my evo's 8gb micro SD card. I have also installed the Update sprint/ HTC released on launch day to combact the SD card issues. The 3rd day of me having my evo i was on my way home from work and decided to listen to some music via my headphones. as i was playing the music in the background, an incoming IM from aim sounded over the music and it suddenly stopped. when i checked the music player, it still showed as playing the music although nothing was coming out of the headphones. i tried unplugging them and no go, i tried raising and lowering it but no go, i even tried killing the music player app via an app killer ( advanced settings > Show core Apps) and still it wouldnt work. I was curious so i tried pandoras radio to see if it wss just the Media player and pandoras radio would not play any sound either through the speaker nor the headphones. only after shutting down and restarting the phone did the problem go away.

Today heading home from work, i decided to listen to music once more and the SAME thing happened twice... this time the Evo would finish playing one song and that would be it, the following song would not be heard through the headphones nor the speaker. IT didnt happened back to back after every song but it happened twice within a 45 min train ride to work. the first time it happened after 30 min of starting music playback and the 2nd time it happened right after finished restarting and playing one song.. i tried all the steps i tried the first time and nothing worked. ( except for restarting the phone). even pandoras radio didnt work either. It would finish playing one song and blank..nothing else would come out, although i tried a phone call and i could still hear audio through the headphones. Im not sure whats going on. i hope this is a software issue and not hardware related..

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HTC Desire :: Will Android Phone Able To Work As DAB Radio?

Nov 17, 2010

Well it's really a simple question. I thought why not? But wasn't able to find any DAB apps in the Market, so perhaps it's not possible?

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HTC Desire :: How FM Radio Work In Android? (Battery Consumption)

Apr 13, 2010

Just wondering How the FM Radio in desire works. Is it like in other phones where you have to use the headset for the radio to work? And another question to those that might have tried, how long would the battery last when using FM radio?

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini/pro :: Can't Listen To BBC Radio Over Web (outside The UK) / Have Work Around?

Oct 21, 2010

I try to listen to BBC Radio over the web (outside the UK) but get the message that the mobile is not supported. Anyone that have a work around?

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Motorola Droid :: Pandora Radio And Youtube Not Played On Phone / Get It To Work?

Aug 23, 2010

Recently my DROID updated, and since then my PANDORA radio and Youtube have not played on my phone. It will say unable to retrieve music from Pandora, and youtube it will say unable to play videos.

I have done all updates for the apps, and still nothing.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Official What App Doesn't Work With 2.2

Jul 31, 2010

Can you guys post what no longer works with the new 2.2 update.HTC IME and swype does a force close on me.

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MapView Pan Doesn't Work Right?

Sep 14, 2012

i used this tutorial to make a map activity: https:[url].....

The map and my overlays show up fine. But when i try to pan to somewhere on the map, my touch controls start acting funny. The map pans to the ocean or another country altogether. Or it zooms out all the way and sometimes it opens other apps when i try to pan.

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Motorola Droid :: *228 Doesn't Work

Jan 29, 2010

I tried calling *228 and then pushed 2 and it tells me the phone can't be programmed.I have also tried option 1.Am I doing something wrong?Does anyone else have this issue?

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Android :: Widget Doesn't Work

Nov 4, 2010

I'm trying to do my first widget but it seems not to work in the emulator: when I try to add the widget to the wallpaper, I've got the following message: "Application is not installed on your phone".

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Android :: GPS Project Doesn't Work On Sdk 1.5

Jul 24, 2009

I've inherited a project that worked on sdk 1.0, but when I try to use them on sdk 1.5 it crashes. I'm a beginner so I'm not able to understand where is the problem..So I hope that writing on this forum someone can help me..The project concerns the detection via GPS coordinates and the notification of events close to the location where it was at that time.

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Android :: Google Map Doesn't Work

Aug 17, 2010

The import cannot be resolved to a type.

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Android :: Timer Doesn't Work

May 4, 2009

I am using a Timer in my android application, but i can't get it to work. When I start my application the Timer simply does not start. The application continues but does not update.The long "toStart" finds the number of seconds left of the current minute, and thereafter the period is set to 60 seconds. The TimerTask simply calls a method.

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Media :: Youtube Doesn't Work

Jan 20, 2010

Every time I try to play a youtube video, or any video for that matter, I receive an error message informing me the "video cannot be played".Am I missing a piece of software or something?

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Android :: Why Doesn't Latitude Work Right?

Feb 25, 2010

My girlfriend and I would really like to utilize Latitude. But it's always off, behind, or wrong. We can be sitting next to each other in the same car and it will tell me where she was 12 hours ago, and on mine is has me where I currently am, but on her it has me 4 hours ago. Refreshing does nothing. I don't understand why it is not working.Also, when I am at work, which is in Indianapolis, it says I am at Center, IN. When she is a work, again in Indianapolis, it says Washington, IN. When I am at home in Greenwood, it says all kinds of stuff that's not correct.Am I doing something wrong?Also, I meant to ask, is there another app that we could use for this? This tool is handy for us because we carpool and I would like to be able to know where she is so I know when to go out to meet her.

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Android :: Why Doesn't Market Work?

Jan 30, 2010

WHy Is the market so bad. It's such a pain in the as#.Yes I know its being vamped in the next ROM update, but for now search for a word 8 results found.Would it be too much to ask to show me the 8 results found rather then showing me a error asking me to check my spelling. Try another key word or be more general?I already know there are 8 results why can't i see them.

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HTC Desire HD :: Browser Doesn't Work On 3G

Oct 30, 2010

Connected to 3G, everything else works fine (Twitter, Facebook, IM services). I have full signal bars, but every site I try to browse gives me a "Gateway Timed Out" Error (504). Browsing works fine on WiFi, but it just doesn't work on 3G and I can't figure out why. Anyone experiencing the same problem/got a solution?

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HTC Desire :: HTC Sync Doesn't Work?

Aug 24, 2010

downloaded htc sync accepted my serial attached desire to pc - and selected htc sync launched pc programme.i clicked sync and it doesn't seem to have done anything at all i wanna back up all my contacts, music, photos etc but it doesn't seem to have worked also.i thought the desire sent your contacts to gmail to keep them backed up remotely doesn't seem to work either new user so go steady.

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HTC Desire :: Internet Doesn't Work

Jul 10, 2010

Since a couple of days the internet on my Desire doesn't work anymore. (WIFI does) the weird thing is: When i have my phone in my pocket or on the table and my screen is off, it recieves gprs. But when i turn my screen on the gprs turns into 3g, then in HSPA and then it disappears. This takes about 5 seconds or less..
When i put my simcard in my old iphone 3g the internet works fine, so that means its my phone to blame and not the network

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HTC Hero :: Fed Up With Sync / Just Doesn't Work

Jul 16, 2010

I have the HTC Hero on Orange, got the new version of Sync a few weeks back and I just can't get it working, now, when I want it to. The previous version was just as bad, really. It seems to be a running issue with a lot of users, though.Is there an alternative? Is there a way of converting my Outlook contacts that are on the phone into Google contacts so I don't have to deal with Sync at all? What with this, plus the new Sync not working with my Outlook 2003 when I DID have it working plus the phone recently not notifying me of new voicemail over a 2 week period (which cost me a job interview), I'm seriously considering ditching the phone. Too many things keep going wrong!

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Android :: AutoCompleteTextView Doesn't Work

Nov 14, 2009

I can't seem to get AutoCompleteTextView to work with Theme.Light.The problem is the autocomplete popup draws the suggestions text in white on a white background. You can only see what the suggestions are after they are selected, because then the white text is drawn over top of the selector background.It works fine with the default theme but not with Theme.Light.I tried setting the android:textColor attribute.That only set the color for the AutoCompeleteTextView input box, not for the suggestion's popup.Right now the only way to get my app to work properly is to use the default theme.Does anyone else have the same issue or know of a way to programically set the suggestion's popup text color or background?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Google Sky / Compass Doesn't Work Right

Aug 22, 2010

First day or two Google Sky worked fine, but I realized yesterday Google Sky didn't want to move left/right from holding the phone sideways but would move up/down. I found if I gave is a good shake left/right it would work right as far as I could tell. I checked around for what it might be and saw it could be a problem with the magnetic sensor. I tried the compass app and I get a "abnormal magnetic field detected" message right away. Should I return this or maybe reset some sort of setting or is there another way to calibrate?

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HTC Incredible :: ATK Doesn't Work On Music

Sep 6, 2010

Before the Froyo update, whenever I wanted to stop playing mixzing or pandora, I used Advance Task Killer and it would stop playing. Now, after froyo, I have to go to the song, hit pause, hit the home button and that would stop the program.

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Samsung Behold 2 :: GPS Doesn't Work

Mar 14, 2010

My GPS doesn't seem to work, when i open google maps and select my location it says your location is unavailable, It also doesn't work in telenav or any other GPS related app, anyone know what might be the problem? and yes GPS is on, and I dont mean Network because that one doesn't give me the right location.

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