HTC EVO 4G :: Can Fring Make Video Calls To Yahoo?
Aug 7, 2010If I'm out and about, can I video call my wife while she's on her iMac using Yahoo messenger?

If I'm out and about, can I video call my wife while she's on her iMac using Yahoo messenger?
I am looking for what can be done for video calling from my Evo to my home desktop as I travel a lot and when Fring was working with skype it allowed me to see my son and him to see me. Any suggestions as Fring video calls with MSN and Yahoo messenger don't seem to work.
View 12 Replies View RelatedI was wondering if anyone uses the Qik or Fring apps to make video calls?
View 15 Replies View RelatedI am using fring on htc 4g... It makes a fringe to fringe video call pretty ok. I cant figure out how to dial someones skype account to a PC.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI know quite a few of you have been testing Fring with other members yesterday using the new video chat feature.Well, considering me and my old man both bought EVO's yesterday we did video chat with each other on Fring and while we could hear each other, there was A LOT of audio feedback and we aren't sure from where. He was in the garage, I was in a room on the opposite side of the house both very quiet areas.Just wondering if anyone else has a lot of audio feedback using Fring video chat?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI thought I read something about Skype no longer being compatible with Fring, so no more video calls w HTC EVO. Then, I read about people making video calls with Fring. I don't get it. This is confusing. Can we make video calls ?
View 14 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to make video calls with this phone.
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy brother just got the ICrap4. and he was wondering if he could make facetime calls with others phones than Apples. So we downloaded both Fring app and tryed to make a call. once i tried the app told me i could'nt do videocall because of sofware limitation how come? I could do video calls with my old non-smart LG Shine. but cannot do it with the X10?
View 9 Replies View RelatedBecause my Motorola Droid X and many other phones lacked a front-facing camera, it was impossible for me to find a good application for Video Calling until recently that I found this AIR application. I am happy to know now that I can at least make clear video calls with my device. Oh and did I also mention it was free?
View 9 Replies View RelatedSo I'm a little confused about Skype on Android. As I understand it, it's not really running Skype at all, it's just a fancy way to call their local Skype number, which you can actually do on any cell phone, right? So you still use minutes. If you make long-distance calls, you'll also use credits. If you make local-calls, I assume you don't? And do you use credit if you make Skype-to-Skype calls? What if someone Skypes you -- do you still use credit? Second, can Fring really do real voip Skype calls? Just using my wifi and no minutes? Can I see all my Skype contacts? Can they see me?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have done some searches, but I can't seem to find this answer. I want to do an EVO to EVO call using Fring and have video while on the call. I have read about the Swype issue and Fring but I thought I read you could do an EVO to EVO Fring video call using just Fring. However, on the test call I have a choice of the video button, but when I try and call my daughter who is set up, I don't get a video button to hit like on the test call, just the phone call button?
View 7 Replies View RelatedAll I get is "call terminated" when I pick up and the connection is established. Tried initiating the video call from both ends (PC and EVO) with the same result. anyone?
have not tried on 4G yet since it;s dead at home (have it at the office and couple of streets down from my house - maybe I'll take a walk tonight?)
-when initiating the call from the PC it rings on the phone and I only get "call terminated" when I pick it up on the EVO
- when initiating the call from the EVO it rings once and it hangs up (does not ring on the PC and I cannot answer it)
doing a restart of the EVO right now
alright, a power off and on of the EVO did it.
I have tried to do a video call via AIM through Fring and it always gives me the message "video calling is not supported by AIM", which I know is not true because I video call on my laptop through AIM.
View 3 Replies View RelatedAnyone know? I have an acct setup. Says I am online.
View 5 Replies View RelatedHas anyone got FRING to work on their ERIS? i downloaded it but cant get it to video call?
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow to switch cameras on the Fring app yet? Some kind of way I used the back cam yesterday then I restarted the phone and it reverted back to the front.
View 10 Replies View RelatedIs there anyway to make VoIP calls or Skype Out calls on the EVO? I am switching from the iPhone 3GS and am going out of the country on vacation in a month and I got used to making Skype Out calls over WiFi when out of the country.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just got the Samsung Galaxy S Captivate. Seems like a nice phone. Every phone I've had in the past (Nokia, Sony, etc...) has always allowed me to hide my number so that the call display on the receiver's phone shows my call as 'private'. This is useful for when you don't want certain people to have your number when you call. Is there a way to do this on the Galaxy S? I couldn't seem to find any setting how.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIt doesn't have a front facing camera like Evo BUT the Fring app works perfectly and will let you do video calls with the Incredible. This is actually excellent news for me. A lot of the times I couldn't care less who sees me but I want to see them (daughter, wife, etc.). This way they can look at what I'm looking at while I see them.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI know this is not a big deal but it is still bothersome. When I try to run video while on Yahoo's site I get message "Cannot play video - Sorry this video cannot be played." I have no issues with ESPN, Cnet, etc. I'm able to run these yahoo videos on my wife's Eris with 2.1 (v.3).
Anyone know how to deal with this issue?
If I put my phone in silent mode (so it just vibrates) I do not notice it vibrating for my instant message which is set to Yahoo IM. I notice it vibrating for calls, and text messages, and even emails, but not for yahoo IM. I have instant message set to go in the notification bar so it should, but i never notice it happening. Anyone have any ideas or do they know if it works on their phone?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am sure this has been discussed before but I have the Sprint evo and am looking for a way to video chat from my cell to another pc with a program like AIM, MSN, Google talk or Yahoo Messenger. I use to be able to do it with Skype (through Fring) but now that its gone im hoping if anyone could recommend another similar application for this. I am looking for a third party software that i could video chat with through using a common chat program (AIM, MSN, Google talk, or Yahoo Messenger).
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan I make a widget or icon for Yahoo Calendar, so I can access the calendar quickly ?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI don't like having to listen for a beep or feel it vibrate. Would be nice if it could flash the LED like when I get an email. Any ideas?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWell it appears that Yahoo! is now offering video chat support for the HTC EVO.
View 47 Replies View RelatedHow do you get the Video Calling to work for yahoo IM on fring? It looks like it want to wrk, then brings up a message.
View 5 Replies View RelatedWell, they officially were approved from Itunes (Apple) a little earlier today and it is live. What disappoints me is the fact that they said they submitted it to Android Apps but it doesn't take but a few hrs to go through Android submitting process. And this was a few days ago from what I understand. I wonder when we will get it. I've been waiting for it since they announced the release of the Apple version. From the reviews I've been reading on itunes they said fairly positive. Minor things here and there but overall they are saying the video quality isn't half bad. Not as great as facetime but hell I'm sure it's better then movicha and the other one.
View 2 Replies View RelatedYahoo Messanger with video! Download from this thread now!!! - Page 2 - xda-developers
View 1 Replies View RelatedSomebody please make it possible to view Stattracker on my g1 phone. I would love you forever.
View 11 Replies View RelatedGot one call had tons of static and a bzzz noise. Now I can't make or get them... Still in 30 days. Shouldn't be a problem to get an exchange right?
View 6 Replies View Related