HTC Droid Eris :: Nexus One Genie Widget
Feb 10, 2010Somebody has exported the Genie Widget to 1.5. It works great.

Somebody has exported the Genie Widget to 1.5. It works great.
I'm still using the Genie 1.5 News and Weather app on my eris. Now that we have 2.1, is there an updated version of Genie we can download?
View 26 Replies View RelatedI love the way all the widgets look in the Smoked Glass roms. Is there any way to get those widgets on an unrooted phone on the 2.1 leaks? I tried installing the APK from the rom via an installer app on the phone and ADB. No luck. Any other ideas? Any apk files I can try? I'm hoping I don't have to wait for root for these.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThis is nothing new, but I just used the Genie Widget from the Nexus One for the first time and I really love it and think that it looks good with the other HTC Sense Widgets.....So in case anyone wants to give it a try or hasnt seen it before here it is.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI cane across the genie weather widget. Was wondering if anyone knows about it and if it is safe. If so, do I have to be rooted to install?
View 5 Replies View RelatedOn my droid x I tried to download nexus one weather genie apk file It says "can not download the content not support on this device " And I have unknown content checked off.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs not available on the phone (Droid X). Yeah sure there are motoblurry widgets, but I kind of liked the Google one - slim and handy. I downloaded a copy of GenieWidget.apk but it wouldn't install - not sure if I picked a bad copy or what.
View 13 Replies View RelatedI'm a HEAVY Genie Widget user. Its very simple to use and the UI is clean. I'm a HUGE 2nd Amendment supporter so most of my custom topics deal with Firearms and the Bill Of Rights. I like the Genie Widget because all I have to do most times is create a feed like, "Concealed Carry" and I get a bunch of articles related to concealed carry. My question is, are there other apps that allow you to make a custom feed using just a keyword or phrase instead of an URL?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAnyone know where i can get this version?
View 7 Replies View Related2.1 OEM on Droid Incredible. It still says the temp from yesterday afternoon and stuck on the same news story. Tried re-adding widget and still nothing. Refresh does nothing. Also reinstalled yesterday because I was having the same problem and nothing. It's a great little widget, but if it doesn't update it's pointless for me. Had the same problem with the ESPN scorecenter widget. Would never load data correctly or wouldn't update. Made sure I'm not closing the widget in my task killer and still won't update.
View 1 Replies View RelatedFor anyone who wants it here is a transparent Genie Widget... RapidShare: 1-CLICK Web hosting - Easy Filehosting And here is the good old fancy widget... RapidShare: 1-CLICK Web hosting - Easy Filehosting
View 5 Replies View Related- I've noticed that none of my weather widgets are says no data. Wanted confirmation that this is indeed on my end and not that the servers are down or something. Everyone else's weather widgets (I have weather widgets free and the 2.1 weather/news widget) working fine?
- What is the Genie widget. 7.5 has the 2.1 news and weather app with its widget. AFAIK the genie widget is the same thing.....but since 7.3, there is the option of stock or glassed. What is this genie widget? I can't seem to add anything called genie widget after installing.
- What do you mean by odex/de-odex and what are their benefits?
I got tired of the big clock on my screen, seeing as how I have one in the task bar anyhow, but enjoyed having the weather. There are many widgets out there, but I really liked the one that came on the nexus one.
Well here it is, for all you all firmware 1.5..
There is a clear background one..
Clear Genie Widget For 1.5 - Android @ MoDaCo
And the stock one..
Genie Widget For 1.5 - Android @ MoDaCo
You'll have to register for the forums over there..
The widget includes: News only, Weather only, or news and weather. Sharp widget! I'm using the clear now
Find source code for Android's Weather and News app (Genie Widget). It doesn't look like it can be found at and Google's Code Search does not return any results either.
View 6 Replies View RelatedHas anyone had any trouble getting the news and weather widget to work today? Usually I check it when I wake up in the morning, but it just displays 'network error'. I've tried WiFi/3G, uninstalled/reinstalled the apk, and restarted the phone with no luck.
View 14 Replies View RelatedHow to make the news/weather genie widget transparent?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a copy of the Google Genie APK that has transparancy and was previously using it. Velocity 0.3 has the Genie widget (was it in 0.2 as well...don't recall) and I've tried removing it via a script in the terminal emulator. Removed fine, but I cannot install the APK I have for some reason. Simply comes up with the error "Application not installed". When I do attempt to install the APK, a message comes up saying that "The application you are installing will replace another application". I know that the file versions are different as well. Love the transparent widget.
View 2 Replies View Relatedif you weren't aware, the "news and weather" widget from 2.1 has been ported to 1.5:
Nexus One Genie Widget
Anyone tried this? i installed it on my galaxy and have a problem: widget works fine (both the weather and the news/weather combo one), but when i tap it to go to the news/weather app i can only view the news pages, the weather page force-closes. if i was at home i could get the error message via logcat but i can't do that right now (will update with that later).
The Android weather genie widget has an awesome graph. I want to add it to my app.
But I can't figure out how they did it! (they aren't releasing the source code).
Where to find a nice polished graph like that I can drop into my app?
I've been looking all over for Genie Widget code but unfortunately there's no top level search and lot of GITs to go through.The Genie Widget is also known as News & Weather According to good folks from Android Developer forum this widget's source is not available plus they hinted that implementation is also subpar
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy nexus one phone crashed a week ago, I reseted the factory settings, and since then I can't find the power control system(wifi, gps, Bluetooth and screen brightness) widget which I had on my home page when I first bought the phone.
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View 49 Replies View RelatedI was at my local verizon store an hour ago and was talking to the sales guy about my eris and possibly getting a new battery. After asking for the date for the 2.0+ update (he didnt have one) and the nexus one, he told me that the nexus one will in fact be called the nexus one for verizon (rather than the htc passion) and that it is already in their computer system as being available in february.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhen I go on facebook on my droid eris. It says download a facebook for your nexus one. Just curious, who knows why this is?
View 5 Replies View RelatedSomeone had it on their show your ui in this section, it's a facebook page just like the twitter one that comes stock.. I'd rather have the facebook one then the twitter, since i dont really use twitter all that much. does anyone know what it is? I've looked through the widgets but cant seem to find it... Unless its a program..
View 12 Replies View Relatedi have root and running ww and want the live wallpapers that the n1 has. all the live wallpapers on the market i have seen were not very good and all cost at least $1 for just one.
View 12 Replies View RelatedSo I know it's possible to install the 2.1 genie weather app and the Nexus gallery app on Eris 2.1. But is it possible to install the Nexus launcher on Eris 2.1? I'm not talking about some janky imitation that sort of looks like it, I mean the real thing. I'm talking about this:
YouTube - Android 2.1 Launcher Ported to Android 2.0.1 DROID
My HTC weather widget (the one included with the flip clock) is definitely not updating. I've tried different configurations of the HTC widget, and they don't update either. A friend of mine is having the same problem. I even did a factory reset to see if that would resolve the issue to no avail. Anyone else having this problem?
View 43 Replies View RelatedI have the number 2 clock htc widget. but for some odd reason it is giving me the wrong time and date.
View 2 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone use the calendar widget that shows the next upcoming event? And if so, does yours seem to be off by a day or so? It'll say Todayevent) and then it'll have whatever I have for the next day, and not the current day.
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