Motorola Droid :: Genie Weather Widget
Feb 12, 2010I cane across the genie weather widget. Was wondering if anyone knows about it and if it is safe. If so, do I have to be rooted to install?

I cane across the genie weather widget. Was wondering if anyone knows about it and if it is safe. If so, do I have to be rooted to install?
Is not available on the phone (Droid X). Yeah sure there are motoblurry widgets, but I kind of liked the Google one - slim and handy. I downloaded a copy of GenieWidget.apk but it wouldn't install - not sure if I picked a bad copy or what.
View 13 Replies View RelatedI got tired of the big clock on my screen, seeing as how I have one in the task bar anyhow, but enjoyed having the weather. There are many widgets out there, but I really liked the one that came on the nexus one.
Well here it is, for all you all firmware 1.5..
There is a clear background one..
Clear Genie Widget For 1.5 - Android @ MoDaCo
And the stock one..
Genie Widget For 1.5 - Android @ MoDaCo
You'll have to register for the forums over there..
The widget includes: News only, Weather only, or news and weather. Sharp widget! I'm using the clear now
Has anyone had any trouble getting the news and weather widget to work today? Usually I check it when I wake up in the morning, but it just displays 'network error'. I've tried WiFi/3G, uninstalled/reinstalled the apk, and restarted the phone with no luck.
View 14 Replies View RelatedHow to make the news/weather genie widget transparent?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a copy of the Google Genie APK that has transparancy and was previously using it. Velocity 0.3 has the Genie widget (was it in 0.2 as well...don't recall) and I've tried removing it via a script in the terminal emulator. Removed fine, but I cannot install the APK I have for some reason. Simply comes up with the error "Application not installed". When I do attempt to install the APK, a message comes up saying that "The application you are installing will replace another application". I know that the file versions are different as well. Love the transparent widget.
View 2 Replies View Relatedif you weren't aware, the "news and weather" widget from 2.1 has been ported to 1.5:
Nexus One Genie Widget
Anyone tried this? i installed it on my galaxy and have a problem: widget works fine (both the weather and the news/weather combo one), but when i tap it to go to the news/weather app i can only view the news pages, the weather page force-closes. if i was at home i could get the error message via logcat but i can't do that right now (will update with that later).
On my droid x I tried to download nexus one weather genie apk file It says "can not download the content not support on this device " And I have unknown content checked off.
View 2 Replies View RelatedThe Android weather genie widget has an awesome graph. I want to add it to my app.
But I can't figure out how they did it! (they aren't releasing the source code).
Where to find a nice polished graph like that I can drop into my app?
On my news and weather app the weather does not show up therefore does not show up in the multimedia dock at night. I have tried zip code and geolocation. It keeps saying when i refresh weather info unavailable. IS anyone else having this problem? This just started happening yesterday morning prior to that i had no problems with it. The news portion is working fine.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI'm still using the Genie 1.5 News and Weather app on my eris. Now that we have 2.1, is there an updated version of Genie we can download?
View 26 Replies View RelatedSomebody has exported the Genie Widget to 1.5. It works great.
View 49 Replies View RelatedI love the way all the widgets look in the Smoked Glass roms. Is there any way to get those widgets on an unrooted phone on the 2.1 leaks? I tried installing the APK from the rom via an installer app on the phone and ADB. No luck. Any other ideas? Any apk files I can try? I'm hoping I don't have to wait for root for these.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI love this app but the detailed graph which shows the temperature and probability of rain is now only showing a 1 hour scale instead of the 24 hour scale. (The graph still shows 24 hours) so I can't really tell how the forecast is changing throughout the day.
I've tried a soft reset but it didn't work. Does anyone else have this problem or know how to fix it.
As the app was pre-installed on my phone I'm not sure how to remove it and reinstall.
How to get this to work? I just got a replacement Inc and none of the apk I have found will work on my phone, keeps saying it has stopped unexpectedly when I click to open it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAnyone using Genie.apk (News and Weather Widget)? I installed the widget for "Weather" and it has been working well, until yesterday. It just says "Sorry, unable to connect, Please try later." And there is a "Retry Now" Button. Pressing retry says "loading" but then returns the same message. I have deleted and reinstalled the widget with the same results. Hopefuly it is just a server issue, and will be fixed shortly.
View 7 Replies View RelatedIt just says, "Sorry, weather is currently unavailable". Anybody else seeing this?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for a slick looking clock/weather widget. free preferably. i was going to get beautiful widgets but i heard it killed battery. true?
View 7 Replies View RelatedNeed some inputs on the best widgets for Clock and Weather.
View 26 Replies View RelatedAnyone else notice that if the city that you are in is longer than a certain amount of characters it will wrap the letters to the next row and will then cut the temperature in half to where you can barely read it? It's pretty silly looking.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe weather toggle widget def looks the best but when you put it up against the stock news and weatehr widget(which is powered by weather channel) it seems pretty inaccurate, any thoughts or suggestions
View 10 Replies View RelatedSo since the 2.1 OTA my weather widget will display the city, but no weather icon. if i sync it manually, it will show up. with 1.5 it would update every 3 hours, regardless if i had Background data on or off (i normally keep it off).
so now with 2.1 it wont sync unless i have BG data on, or do it manually. any way around this?
This seems a little ridiculous. The droid obviously has a weather widget but we can't add it to our page.
View 12 Replies View RelatedUsing the widget to read stories is draining the memory down on me, has anyone found a way to clear the cache for it? clearing the browser cache doesn't do it, and I have 5mb that's gone from reading the stories.
View 3 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know the name of the widget with the animated weather conditions and the big retro-clock about it?
View 14 Replies View Relatedjust noticed today that when going back to my homescreen, the weather/clock takes a split second to re-appear. i have beautiful widgets weather, and this is the first time it has happened. batt pulled, rebooted, reloaded skins, and no luck.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI recently flashed the Cyanogenmod 6.0.0-RC3 ROM onto my Moto Droid, and also installed a Simple Black Bar theme from their forum. Now, my Weahter and Toggle Widget app doesn't show up on the list of widgets when I long press my screen. I reinstalled it, and it worked, but then any time after that when I reboot my phone or unplug it from my computer, it will fail to load, and again won't show up on the widget list. Is this a bug in RC3? How can I go about fixing this?
View 6 Replies View RelatedJust a quick question for those of you who know the marketplace pretty well. I really want to upgrade to LP for my phone, but there are two moto widgets that I really like but can't seem to find similar replacements. One of them is the calendar widget and the other is the weather widget. What I'm looking for is an app that displays the current date and the next upcoming event. I've found a few, but they take up too much space for my tastes. I'm trying to keep these two on the home screen for easy viewing. Secondly I'd love a weather widget which could display the weather information in a small amount of space. Pictures are not necessary, I could live with text descriptions.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI've been using Weatherbug Elite since soon after getting the Droid X. I'm running Launcher Pro Plus. I have always been able to resize the map widget of weatherbug to 3x3. Now (since last update I think) the widget sizes to about 2.5x2.5 from the standard 2x2 size. The other .5x.5 is grey screen. Has anyone else been having this problem or know if it can be fixed? I really like weatherbug but would like to fix this.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've installed weather widget donate and when I the clock is displayed on my moto droid screen, it's not aligned correctly. It's bunched to close together and I'm not sure what to do. It seems that all the clocks I've downloaded from within weather widget, it's all the bunched. Any ideas of what I can do? This is annoying as I was really happy to have this widget installed.
View 8 Replies View Related