HTC Droid Eris : Music Files Not Showing-Up / How To Get?

Dec 31, 2009

I have loaded about 538 mp3 music files on the SD card in my Droid Eris. Only 50 were listed in the Music player. I deleted the files and copied them again to the card. Now, only 186 are listed in the Music player. Am I missing a step or is the software screwed-up?

HTC Droid Eris : Music Files Not Showing-Up / How to get?

Motorola Droid :: Game Sound Files Showing Up In Music Player

Jun 8, 2010

I installed some games (H.A.W.X and a few other from Gameloft) and all the sound files from the game show up in my Music List.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Music Files Not Showing On SD Card

Jul 20, 2010

I put in a 32GB sd card. I formatted it (FAT 32) and simply copied the files from my original that came with the phone. I had over 1500 music files, but while they are on the 32 GB card, only 100 are showing up in the music player. I deleted everything and recopied the original card

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HTC EVO 4G :: Music Files Not Showing Album Art

Nov 26, 2010

I had a bunch of non-DRM music that I tranfered from my mac iTunes account over to my EVO's memory card. The files play fine, but none of them show the album art anymore (it is just a blank CD image with a little android up top). All of the data should be there as it plays just fine in iTunes and didn't have issues on the iPhone. Is there any way I can get the album art back?

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General :: All Music Files Not Showing?

Dec 26, 2013

So I have about 1,000 songs on my phone and earlier today I connected my phone to my computer so I can add more music. When I opened my music folder on my phone, it stopped at 349 songs and the rest of them showed up as a "hard drive" icon? What happened? When I disconnect my phone to see if my music was deleted or something, it wasn't. It's still there on my phone but just won't show up on my computer.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Get Rid Of Files - Don't Want Showing Up In Stock Music Player?

Jul 20, 2010

I installed a game from gameloft (Let's golf, great graphics btw)

Anyway I notice a bunch of sounds files were showing up in my music player I didn't want. Very annoying. I searched around here and didn't really find that much help. After some further searching around the net the easiest way I could find was as follows:

1. Open up notepad, don't type anything just go to file, save as. Change the drop down box for Save as type: select all files. Under file name simply type ".nomedia" without quotes.

2. Connect your phone to your computer, locate where the sound files you don't want are. In the same folder as where all the files are, drag the .nomedia file you made to that folder. Disconnect the phone

3. Reboot your phone, once booted open up the music player (you might still see the files there since it's cached) Go to the all songs tab, select a song. This will refresh the cache and you should no longer see any annoying files in your widget or playlist.

Before this I had to make a custom playlist and select that but everytime I rebooted I would have to select the playlist again plus if you add new songs you would have to go into the playlist.

Also if you don't know where the annoying files are, you should be able to hold down on it in the music application and go to details. This will show u where the files are located.

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Media :: Hide Files In Certain Directories From Showing In Music Player?

Dec 27, 2009

I find it kinda annoying that recordings made the voice recorder application show up in the music player. I'd like to have only my music play when I set it to shuffle. I have all my music in a folder called music. Can I limit the music player to search in that folder only?

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Android :: Sound Files Of Games Showing Up On Music Player

Apr 5, 2010

I recently installed Asphalt 5. Apparently, you have to download some stuff in order to play the game. Anyways, I did download it and my problem is, there are sound files that are showing up on my music player. Ex: (raw_000~raw_174) Oh and the sound files are in ".ogg" format. I did some research and I tried the ".nomedia" method, but that didn't work.

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Motorola Droid :: Sound Files Showing Twice

Sep 8, 2010

I just had a warranty swap out done on my droid. As soon as I got the new droid, I hooked it up to my computer flashed back to Android 2.0.1, and used Universal AndRoot to root the phone. After that I used Rom Manager to flash ClockworkMod, and then I installed a backup that I did on my previous Droid. Everything workd great. I'm back running CM 6.0 set up just as it was on my old phone.

The problem now is that when I go into settings to change a ring tone or a notification tone all the "stock" sounds are listed twice. I don't know how to remove the duplicate.

I've deleted system/media/audio, rebooted the phone and then I only had one of everything in the menus to choose a tone. This had a negative effect as it also deleted sounds for some other actions as well. So I moved a backup copy of audio back to system/media, and the duplicates are back.

I've searched with Root Explorer for various ringtone files, and have deleted files off my SDcard thinking it was pulling files from it, but that hasn't worked.

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Motorola Droid X :: Picture Files Not Showing Up Folders

Aug 5, 2010

I downloaded a picture from the web onto my X. I used dropbox. The problem I'm having is I can see the picture when I go to phone files. I copy and paste from dropbox to my picture folder. The picture doesn't show up in the gallery. So just to be sure I copied the picture to a folder called background, its still not there in the gallery. Weird thing is when I go back to the phone files, and look for it. Its there in the gallery folder AND the background folder, but STILL not in the gallery! not sure whats going on there? I just want to make a picture a background thats all. It would be nice to just go into the phone files LONG press a picture and have the "Set As" option. This option only seems to be available in the gallery.

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Motorola Droid X : Music App Showing Pic From Contacts When Playing

Sep 1, 2010

How do I change this behavior? Driving me nuts. Every time I play a song in "Music" player, I get the backdrop pic from one of my contacts. I don't remember assigning this anywhere, how to change?

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Motorola Droid :: Mounting SD Card / Drive Is Not Showing Up To Drag Files

Nov 17, 2009

i'm having trouble mounting my SD card.My computer found the device when i first plugged it up but the drive is not showing up for me to drag files to.I'm trying to drag some pictures onto my SD card

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General :: SD Card Music Not Showing Up On Music Player?

Mar 5, 2014

I recently bought an SD card for my Samsung Galaxy Centura, mainly so I could store music on it without taking up much of the memory. The odd thing is, when i went to play some music using the music player, only about a quarter of the songs showed up. When I used Android File Manage to check the SD card, they were all there and playable. All the songs are MP3 format. how I can get the songs to work on the music player?

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Motorola Droid X : Music App Showing Deleted Songs / Rescan SD Card?

Aug 22, 2010

I don't know if this is a problem with using double twist to sync music then the default player to play it, but i recently wiped all my phones music using double twist media sync program and then put some more music on... after this i went into the default music player and it was very lagy and showed songs that i had removed with double twist but when i went to play them it would play a random song that was on the phone... does anyone know how to get the media player on droid x to rescan your SD card so i can realize that some songs are gone now?

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HTC Desire :: Music Not Showing In Music Player

Nov 13, 2010

android 2.1 (eclair)
us cellular
not rooted

I have over 1,000 mp3 files on my sd card but they are not showing up in any of my music players..they show up in astro and i can play them through there, but id like the ease of just having them in my playlists.

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HTC Droid Eris : Trying To Download Apk Files As Zip Files?

May 6, 2010

I'm trying to download the SMS app from XDA and the guy has it up as a zip file. I download it and extract it, and it's a folder with random crap in it. No apk.

Then I read that I just change the file name. I'm on a Mac, so I change the filename and it verifies if I want to change it from .zip to .apk and I say "yes." Put it on my card and Astro still doesn't recognize it. It's list, but it's an icon with a window and a gear in front of it.

I installed the Vanilla email app, no problem. Not sure what the deal is with this one.

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Media :: Music Player Can't Find All Files / Need Doesn't Use Native Index Of Files?

Apr 4, 2010

I have a Samsung Galaxy I7500 using android 1.5. I extended my phone with a 16GB microSD. I copied a big music collection (around 800 files) into a folder on this SD. Now the problem is that the music player can't find all the files.

I know that there are several threads about android not finding music. The answers are usually that the library hasn't yet been updated or that the ID3 tags are not correct.
I have checked both.

Btw. I can play the files using ASTRO.

In my opinion it seems as if android can't build up a library with too many entries. If I rename the files or put them into different folders, songs disappear and reappear quite randomly.

Do you have any solutions? Is there a music player which doesn't use the native music players index of files?

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General :: Sync / Compare Files (with Emphasis On Music Files)?

Sep 3, 2013

got a Samsung Galaxy S4 (for several years I had iPhones) and I am enjoying it. Now that I have gotten all my music files away from iTunes' clunky clutches I have reorganized them and they are on my S4's sim card and it works great.

The issue is that I have updated a few of the files and moved a couple more around. I want to update those music files on my S4 from my PC. I could just delete the Music folder on the S4 and recopy everything over, but that seems to be a huge overkill.

What is a good way to compare files between my S4 and folders on the PC and match/update between the two? I am using Windows 7. I have tried to map the Sim Card as a drive but couldn't get that to work. I have Kies from Samsung but that is kinda clunky. I have also tried AirDroid (which I think is great) but I can't really sync files with that. Normally I would use a Windows application like Beyond Compare or WinMerge to do something like this.

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General :: How To Upload Files Other Than Images Or Music Files In Web Browser

Jul 3, 2013

I am on a standard website that has a normal upload button, I need to upload a PDF file, But when I click on the upload button on the web site a popup window from my Android phone appears and says "Choose action" and gives me access to the gallery, camcorder, voice recorder , choose music track, gallery (again), select music track and voice recorder (again).

I need to some how get access to my SD card and my download folder to be able to pick the the pdf file that I need to upload. I have tried this both on the default internet browser and Google Chrome, but both give the same options.

I am on a rooted HTC ONE on ATT

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Motorola Droid : Way To Lock Music Files?

Nov 18, 2009

Is there any way to lock folders? I would like to create a music folder that is lockable. I use my Droid to listen to music, but there are some songs that are inappropriate for work, or home with the kiddies around. I know I can create playlists, but I would still like to lock the folder if possible.

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General :: Tried To Copy All Music Files On Phone Directly Into Google Music App

Apr 25, 2013

I copy all my music files into google music on my sd card! They all went away. The only thing that is left is the band title folder, they are all empty inside. Is there any recovery or did I make a huge mistake? sdcard/andriod/data/ still have all my "on device music" from google.

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General :: Where Does Google Play Music Store Music Files On Device

Apr 10, 2013

I have music that is playable with Google Play Music player, but not with other players. I have chosen for the music to be "on the device", and it plays when even in Airplane Mode, so I know it is not streaming, but the music files do not show up in my "Music" directory tree, or under any other file trees that I can find. I have used ES File Explorer to do a top down search for some of the missing titles, but it doesn't find them. I'm perplexed. There must be a cache somewhere, but I can't find it.

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HTC Droid :: Why Eris Only Showing 1x - Not 3g

Apr 20, 2010

Like the title says it wont show 3g anyone now why?

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Motorola Droid :: Software To Convert Music Files

May 20, 2010

just found this and its free Videora Motorola DROID Converter - Free Motorola DROID Video Converter Videora Motorola DROID Converter is a free Motorola DROID video converter that converts video files, YouTube videos, movies and DVD's so you can play them on your Motorola DROID. The software can convert all types of video files (avi, divx, xvid, flv, x264, vob, mpeg, DVD's, YouTube, etc.) into the proper video formats (MPEG-4, H.264) that play on the Motorola DROID. It is available for Windows and Mac.

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Motorola Droid : Trouble Playing My Own Music Files On 2.2

Aug 23, 2010

first the M4A file issues: Since i have been upgraded to 2.2, I can no longer play m4a files NOR files imported into iTunes from my own cd and then put on my phone. I get an error saying, this file type is not supported. Obviously the error is self describing by why did Android stop supporting these file. What am I supposed to do now? if these files are DRM free why would Android have a problem playing them. do they want to push their own music service. If so, thats fine, but thats not even out yet. Most of my searches on this topic come up unanswered. ALSO, when I go to play a song in mSpot, it starts to download and then it says "There was an error during song playback" I can play the song on the mspot website, but not through the app. Anyone else a little peeved by this update for these reasons?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Albums Not Showing Up With OTA?

May 17, 2010

Everything went fine, downloaded and installed in about a half hour. I was pleasantly surprised all of my contacts showed up, all my apps were still there just like I had it when I had 1.5. Oh, and texts and recent calls still being there was another plus.One thing doesn't seem to be working though.My albums are gone! Well, not really. They're still on the SD card with their respective pictures in them, in the albumthumbs folder. I can't see them on the phone, though. My question is this: Does anyone else have this problem? And has anyone fixed it? I tried unmounting the card and remounting, and they still didn't show up. Is there another directory they have to be in with 2.1?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Delivered Notification For SMS Not Showing

Feb 4, 2010

Apparently the ERIS does not have a "delivered" for SMS. On my BB (for VZW to VZW) a "D" would appear when the SMS was received at the other end.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Some Apps Not Showing Up In Market?

May 7, 2010

I'm running 2.1 v2 ... yes v3 is out now but I just BARELY got my phone all sorts of set up how I want it seems like v3 leaked right as I got done, Eff.Anyways, here's a quirky little issue. There are some apps that I cannot find in the market that use to be there in 1.5, whats with that?.. although there are some apps in the 2.1 market that are there that never were there in 1.5, like bluetooth file sharing app, Torque bluetooth vehicle engine diagnostics, etc.Looking for skype in the market, it's nowhere to be found from what I seen on the vzw moto - Droid commercial, it's suppose to be there. There's a few apps that I can't think of at the moment that I know are in the market but don't show up on the market of my phone since I updated it,is anyone else experiencing something like that?

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HTC Droid Eris :: GPS Showing Incorrect Locations?

Jan 3, 2010

I know I mentioned this in another thread, but I got to thinking about it. My return date is coming up (extended holiday return period) and I wanted to see if anyone else was having this problem or if it was in fact my phone and I should swap it out. My phone is placing my location in places I haven't traveled to or haven't been to in a long time. It is usually placing me ~200-300 miles away from my current location. I'm in Dallas, TX. Occasionally I'll unlock my phone and the HTC weather widget will say I'm in Dustin, Houston, San Antonio, and even once in Florida. Now, I can go into Google maps and let it find my location and it is very accurate. If I give it time the weather app will correct itself, but then later when I unlock my phone it will have done it again. I've tried using the weather channel app and widget and a few others. They are all having the same problem as they pull the same GPS data. Is this a problem with my GPS chip? I've done a bunch of soft resets, pulled the battery while the phone was off and let it sit for a few, pulled the battery while the phone was on and let it sit. Nothing seems to be helping. I just turned my phone off and back on and sure enough it reports I'm in san Antonio.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Contacts Still Not Showing Up On Google

Dec 22, 2009

im just wondering if im doing something wrong, i did the syncronization stuff in the settings and have forced contacts on the only thing i can think of is when i created the contacts on the phone there was a pull down box that said "google" or "phone".well i selected "phone", is this the problem? if so, how can i change it to 'google'? (ive looked all over and cannot find anything to edit this option)

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