HTC Droid Eris :: Delivered Notification For SMS Not Showing
Feb 4, 2010Apparently the ERIS does not have a "delivered" for SMS. On my BB (for VZW to VZW) a "D" would appear when the SMS was received at the other end.

Apparently the ERIS does not have a "delivered" for SMS. On my BB (for VZW to VZW) a "D" would appear when the SMS was received at the other end.
I've tried searching up the forums and found that some people had this bug and it was fixed by doing the *228 option 2. I tried that and when I use Handcent it still says the message is not delivered and sometimes it just flat out sends a blank message.The text is going to an email not an actual phone number but I'd like to keep handcent because I really like the pop up and the GUI. Would anyone have any other tips or tricks to help me get rid of this annoying error?Well i guess I forgot to mention some things.I updated my phone to 2.1 last night with the "new" leak I guess you call it.I tried restarting my phone, uninstalling and reinstalling handcent.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen someone on the verizon network sends me a text longer then 160char's, they recieve a message that looks like the following: MEssage delivered to 5555551234 as plain text destination does not support enhanced messaging.and I recieve a message saying:the preceding msg modified, media objects were removed.Why do they recieve this does is this phone seriously not able to recieve longer texts than 160 or does it not automatically split it up?? How can I prevent this annoyance from occuring?
View 7 Replies View RelatedThis is the only complaint i have since upgrading to 2.1 but its a pretty big one. I have tired default messenger and handcent and still get the "Not delivered" message althought it was delivered. Yes I did the *228 thing also. Any other app, or fix I could do?
View 5 Replies View RelatedDear 2.2 Sense users, I am very much interested to know whether the updated OS brings respite to the most frustrating issues of my present software system
1) Do sms reports work well? Is there an option for notification when a message is delivered? Is the delivery report icon next to the message different when undelivered and delivered?
2) Can vCards sent via SMS be imported into the contact book easily? Does the import function really work?
3) Changing a contact's Display name: The same contact may have different names for different accounts, such as his face book profile, google profile, and how I've saved it in my phone. I know I can select any one of these to be displayed in my people app and for dialing, but does it stay that way? Presently the name keeps changing back to default and it's so damn frustrating.
4) Do face book profile pics in the contacts update on their own while syncing?
5) Can I change the password of my face book and gmail account in the phone's account settings?
6) Does the notification LED blink continuously if there's a notification, rather than give up after a few minutes?
7) Has shutdown speed improved?
Is there a way for the sender of a Notification to know when that Notification is delivered to the receiver? i.e. Some method that can check if a the user has clicked on a given Notification.What I'm trying to accomplish is this: Have my Service send a notification with a PendingIntent to start ActivityA. But if the user starts ActivityA without clicking on the Notification, I would like the service to cancel the Notification and send a direct Intent to ActivityA
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just downloaded Handcent and for some reason when I get a text not only does Handcent show a notification so does the defualt and the ringtone goes off twice? How do I set it up so only handcent works. Thank You
View 1 Replies View Relatedok so i rooted my droid a whlie ago to 2.2 but now i'm getting 2.2 froyo update. So i decided well might as well get the official one right? so i tried to install it but then it goes to the rooted reboot screen and i just press reboot now. couple days later i get the update in the notification bar again.
Help please! should i unroot(already overclock though and don't really want all my data to be deleted)? and get the ota update? what should i do?
For some reason the notification bar in my Home++ is showing up at the top. At one time it wasn't there and I could get it by hitting the ! in the work bar. Is there a setting I need to get to to hide the notification bar?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI was wondering is there any way i can stop my text messages from showing up in the top notification bar? Like who the message is from and what the message says?
Also is anybody else having problems with landscape mode? When i first got the phone it would go into landscape mode without the keyboard, but now it wont. I was wondering is the next software update going to fix it and if when?
Like the title says it wont show 3g anyone now why?
View 9 Replies View RelatedEverything went fine, downloaded and installed in about a half hour. I was pleasantly surprised all of my contacts showed up, all my apps were still there just like I had it when I had 1.5. Oh, and texts and recent calls still being there was another plus.One thing doesn't seem to be working though.My albums are gone! Well, not really. They're still on the SD card with their respective pictures in them, in the albumthumbs folder. I can't see them on the phone, though. My question is this: Does anyone else have this problem? And has anyone fixed it? I tried unmounting the card and remounting, and they still didn't show up. Is there another directory they have to be in with 2.1?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm running 2.1 v2 ... yes v3 is out now but I just BARELY got my phone all sorts of set up how I want it seems like v3 leaked right as I got done, Eff.Anyways, here's a quirky little issue. There are some apps that I cannot find in the market that use to be there in 1.5, whats with that?.. although there are some apps in the 2.1 market that are there that never were there in 1.5, like bluetooth file sharing app, Torque bluetooth vehicle engine diagnostics, etc.Looking for skype in the market, it's nowhere to be found from what I seen on the vzw moto - Droid commercial, it's suppose to be there. There's a few apps that I can't think of at the moment that I know are in the market but don't show up on the market of my phone since I updated it,is anyone else experiencing something like that?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI know I mentioned this in another thread, but I got to thinking about it. My return date is coming up (extended holiday return period) and I wanted to see if anyone else was having this problem or if it was in fact my phone and I should swap it out. My phone is placing my location in places I haven't traveled to or haven't been to in a long time. It is usually placing me ~200-300 miles away from my current location. I'm in Dallas, TX. Occasionally I'll unlock my phone and the HTC weather widget will say I'm in Dustin, Houston, San Antonio, and even once in Florida. Now, I can go into Google maps and let it find my location and it is very accurate. If I give it time the weather app will correct itself, but then later when I unlock my phone it will have done it again. I've tried using the weather channel app and widget and a few others. They are all having the same problem as they pull the same GPS data. Is this a problem with my GPS chip? I've done a bunch of soft resets, pulled the battery while the phone was off and let it sit for a few, pulled the battery while the phone was on and let it sit. Nothing seems to be helping. I just turned my phone off and back on and sure enough it reports I'm in san Antonio.
View 49 Replies View Relatedim just wondering if im doing something wrong, i did the syncronization stuff in the settings and have forced contacts on the only thing i can think of is when i created the contacts on the phone there was a pull down box that said "google" or "phone".well i selected "phone", is this the problem? if so, how can i change it to 'google'? (ive looked all over and cannot find anything to edit this option)
View 4 Replies View RelatedSince getting my phone a month ago I have been showing it off like a felon.
Anyways I noticed that everyone I have showed the phone to has had to yonk it out of my hand to play with( which is sorta irritating considering they could just go to verizon to check it out)
Two of my friends have even claimed that their phones stopped working in the past month to go get themselves a new phone. One is getting the incredible and the other has gotten the iphone ( cause hes a chump).
I upgraded to the 2.1 v2 leak and now in my gmail when I hit "show pictures" i get that blue box with ? in it.
View 15 Replies View RelatedMy friends and I have the Eris and we are having problems with the GPS. And it is probably something we are not doing right. Basicly when the phone goes to sleep it loses the GPS location and reverts back to Manhattan, KS for some reason. So when you pull each other up on latitude it always shows us in Manhattan.
View 8 Replies View RelatedDownloaded 2.1 yesterday and it was there working fine. This afternoon the clock just shows time & city with no weather or temp.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo I am running 2.1 and I noticed that I downloaded 2 ringtones to attach to Notifications and Phone Call well the ringtones never show up in the list of ringtones for either Notify or Phone calls.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just restarted my phone and when I turned it back on some apps in my all programs are showing twice like easy note, gem miner. Why did it do that?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have loaded about 538 mp3 music files on the SD card in my Droid Eris. Only 50 were listed in the Music player. I deleted the files and copied them again to the card. Now, only 186 are listed in the Music player. Am I missing a step or is the software screwed-up?
View 15 Replies View Relatednone of the avatars are showing up on twidroid. is anyone else having this issue?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy phone is having a weird problem. Yesterday morning, the time on my phone was off by 7 hours. I figured it was a glitch so I restarted my phone. When I booted it up it still showed the wrong time. I went to the clock and it says my current location is in Workingham(which I've never heard of), but I'm actually in Baton Rouge. My weather widget shows Baton Rouge as my location but my clock things im in Workingham. For the time being I've got my clock set manually. It's weird because Google Maps shows my location as Baton Rouge, I even used my GPS yesterday for Navigation with no problems.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there anyone that knows how to contact the m:" " dev to generate a certificate (or whatever is needed for the droid eris on 2.1) non of the m: apps are showing up in the market and I really miss playing vampires and racing.I even have tried using appbrain to sync the app but since it works off the market it just disappears when it shows up for the install. Any thoughts here on how to get these apps working on a 2.1 Eris?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI was installing sdk and htc sync and went to run 'adb shell' to make sure everything was set up right. When it said "device not found" I tried to sync it only to find out that now I have no options to sync or mount. When plugged in by usb I get nothing in the notification bar at all. It will charge but now I can't even mount my phone
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am having trouble linking my Facebook contacts... I upgraded to 2.0 today and when I attempt to search for and link a Facebook profile to the phonebook entry, it tells me "no matches found." I've tried reSyncing and restarting, and nothing helps.
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhen i send an email with a pic that i have taken with the phone, the attachment they receive shows up as a gray box. Yall got any ideas on what causing this?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have search the forum for an answer but all answers I have found are geared towards 2.1. I am still running on 1.5 and have a question about pics embedded in email. I have an AOL account and cannot view any pics embedded within the email. I do not get a exclamation point where the pic should be, instead I just get a large empty space. Is this a problem with my settings? When I originally set up the account, it defaulted as IMAP... should it be POP3?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there an EASY start to finish tutorial out there?
Everything I found is for a specific ROM (I have XTRROM3) and looks really complicated.
My phone is showing the low memory icon and it's really annoying, so I'd like to get this figured out.