HTC Desire Z :: Delete Files In Quickoffice?
Nov 21, 2010How do you delete the files in the quickoffice and how can i access/ see the contents of my sd cards.

How do you delete the files in the quickoffice and how can i access/ see the contents of my sd cards.
I would like to know what files does Quickoffice support exactly? I tried to open a word and excel document and none of them opened for me?
View 7 Replies View RelatedHow can you delete files from Quickoffice? No options at all. Using DROID Maxx
View 10 Replies View RelatedIts pre installed with no option to un install it. How do i get rid? I cant even move it to.
View 2 Replies View Relatedis there any way of managing/deleting files (eg PDFs that you download) on the SD card from the phone itself ? ie can you do it without connecting to a PC and mounting as disk drive ?Also - just bought a 16gb SD card and it seems like the speed of access/saving photos and transferring music from PC is much slower than with the 4GB card that came with the phone. Is that normal or have i got a dud/fake SD Card ? ( i know - I bought if from ebay - but it was a proper 30,000+ feedback seller of memory cards..)
View 4 Replies View RelatedDownloaded an app twice by mistake. would like to delete the redundant one.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHave just got my Desire HD and I'm loving the feel and look of it. This is my first touch phone/ANDROID phone, having previously owned the NOKIA N95 8GB, which I was more than happy with and would have kept it but the pull of the DESIRE just proved too much My teething problems seem to be with my music. I've put a load of albums on the phone from my PC. Some I can't find on my phone?!?! Others have gone on twice. I cannot delete the files from the phone. Does anyone know how to delete music files?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI need to delete a couple of files on my quickoffice but cannot find a way to do so, any one out there to help me
View 2 Replies View RelatedSometimes I'm browsing the web and... One more download... And then oops! Another one...Then I realised that those downloads are still in my download list and there's no option to COMPLETELY remove them. Also, where do I clean browser's temporary files?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI uploaded about 50 pictures from iPhoto (using a Mac) just to see what they looked like and then later formatted the Droid's SD card, so the pictures were no longer there.
Now, if I mount the Droid via USB and view the file structure there is a folder named /albumthumbs which contains 50 files, presumably for the 50 pictures a had on the SD card.
To me, these file, unless linking to actual photos stored on the SD card, take up extra space in the phone's memory (not worried about the SD card). I wonder if I can safely delete them (just the files...not the folder)?
Does anyone have an IPK for the QuickOffice app that came with the Sprint ROM? None of the custom ROMs seem to have it. It's a handy app for just viewing office docs and I don't really need the ability to edit docs from my phone.
View 2 Replies View RelatedJust got my Di and I love it!
One problem I've run into is that Quick Office will not open an Excel spreadsheet. I originally had it saved as an xlsx file with a password and I got an error msg when trying to view it with Quick Office.
So, I removed the password, tried it again - still no luck. Tried back saving it to an xls tries to open, but all I get is a dark screen (w/out any error msgs)....
I bought a Nexus One rooted, I tried to open a PDF attachment in the email app and although I have adobe reader installed quickoffice took over, I tried to uninstall quickoffice, but the button is gray faded, so are all the other buttons in the application management for quickoffice.I won't ever use the app I just want it removed or thrown so far in the background that it never interferes with anything again, since the app doesn't work at all.I was reading through other forums and couldn't find any solutions,only problems about this. Does anyone here have the same issue? Could it be solved?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI just noticed the QuickOffice app link is not in the App Drawer anymore. The app is still on the phone cause if I open a xls file within file manager, it opens under QuickOffice. Anyone else app link missing, or is it just me?
View 5 Replies View RelatedQuickOffice was an excellent app included in the stock Eris.
It seems to be missing from xtrROM3.03.
I need it back, but don't want to leave this excellent ROM.
Titanium backup seems to have backup the settings of Quickoffice, but not the app itself.
Any way for me to get that app back?
Sorry if this has been posted, but how do you delete something from the pdf files. I downloaded the wrong thing.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIf i install new ROM, i have CM6 installed now, but had CM6 alpha installed previously. Do i need to keep the CM6 zip file on my sd card or can i delete it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just bought Documents to Go, and so far love the actual program. One issue though, which I think may have more to do with the Android OS, is setting Documents to Go as the default fro opening Word/Excel/PDF/PPT files. When I try to open a Word Document (using ASTRO, DroidBox, or anything else) it asks me what app to use. The list has "Documents to Go" and "QuickOffice". If I pick "Word to Go", and tell it to use that as the default, it works. However if I then try to open a different file type (say an Excel file) it attempts to open it with Word to Go and obviously gives an error about it being the wrong/unsupported file. If I remove Word to Go as the default handler, I can then go back to the Excel file, attempt to open it, and select Sheets to Go, it works. So, first, how do I remove QuickOffice as an option (it shows up under Manage Apps, but there is no option to remove it)? Second, how do I set Word to Go as the default for .doc/.docx file types, Sheets to Go the default for .xls/.xlsx?
View 10 Replies View RelatedHow do you go about checking what is stored on your phones memory and deleting content? For example I used dropbox and downloaded a 7mb photo onto my phone. Can't find it in the photos app or anywhere else. Going into SD & phone storage under settings doesn't do anything. It says I have 70mb available space under phone storage but you can't click on that to get any further info. Same goes for the SD card options.
View 1 Replies View RelatedNew to Android and new to forum. I came from Blackberry and liked to keep things cleaned up...unused apps/files etc.
Now with my Motorola I1, I like to do the same.
My question is, I came across a file on my SD card named .spmo file...
Not sure what it is or for, and, can I delete it?
Is it possible to remove files from res/raw once the program is running? I'd like to include some mp3s in the app I'm making, but if the user doesn't like them, I'd like to provide the option to delete those files. Is there a way to delete files from res/raw once the app is running?
How are you guys packaging files with your apps? In res/raw? Or a different approach?
I can access the external memory and i could delete all the files successfully.Please let me know if it possible to delete files(like Images,Videos,Audios etc) from internal memory?
View 4 Replies View RelatedThose temp files? Also, Which recovery image can I delete now?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've downloaded a couple of PDF files that will not open for whatever reason. How do I delete them?
View 4 Replies View RelatedOkay, maybe a dumb question, but how do I delete files off my SD card using Astro? Can I?
View 4 Replies View RelatedBeen searching but cant find a clear cut answer.
Once I've installed an .apk file, can I delete that .apk file off my SD card? Will it still function properly?
I am developing a small application using file operations. when ever application lunches I am writing some information about the app user in the location of "/data/anr/". While deleting the application i want to remove those files in that location. Can any one suggest me how to do this? Is there any permission needs to be added?
View 2 Replies View RelatedDeleting audio files on my nexus 7. I recently used isyncr to download my itunes library onto my nexus 7. I put some of the songs I didnt like on there by mistake and I want to delete it but i cant find a way how to do so. I went on settings and on storage and click audio files but when i clicked on them it just played them. I really want the memory that the songs are taking up back, how to delete audio files from my nexus 7.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a rooted Samsung Galaxy Nexus. Within the system file /system/framework/framework-res.apk/res/drawable-xhdpi/ are about 17 little "emo_im_xxxxx.png" files that represent the little "green alien" emoticons that Android's stock SMS program inserts into text messages when certain text-based emoticons are input.
I want to delete these .png files so that the "green alien" emoticons no longer replace my standard text smilies. I don't care that others may not be able to see them. *I* don't want to see them, LOL. I've hated them since I got the HTC Droid Incredible two years ago, and I want them gone. I don't want to use a separate messaging app (Handcent, etc.). I like the stock app. I have Root Explorer, but the only option it gives me when I navigate and select these .png files is to "Extract" them.
I rooted my phone for the sole reason of being able to access/edit system files so I could get rid of these ugly little buggers, but have not had much luck after a full day of Googling, downloading, installing, uninstalling, packing, repacking, pushing, pulling and rebooting. There has got to be a simple solution to something that should honestly be built into the Android OS as a simple "auto-smilies on/off" toggle switch in settings.
I have a Samsung Galaxy ACE (GT-S5830i) which I have rooted but I am still on the stock rom/gingerbread 2.3.6
Today my phone said an update is available, so I connected to WiFi and downloaded the 30.14mb update, the update fails to install and I have now found out from searching that you cannot do a software update OTA once you are rooted, D'oh!!
So I now want to know how do I get rid of the 30mb update that I downloaded from my internal storage?! Can I simply delete it from the appropriate file, if so what is the folder/file called? or is it not as simple that?
If this 30mb update that didn't work cannot be simply deleted using my file manager app, then should I unroot my phone, and then try and update OTA again? and then root my phone once more? Would that work?!