HTC Desire :: Extracting Contact Multiple Numbers From Sim

Jul 20, 2010

Sorry I am a bit of a newbie on phones.I kept with my Motorola 1000 till I got a Desire. On this phone on the SIM card I could store several numbers for each contact/person.I swapped the SIM card into the Desire, and all the first number for each contact is there, but I can find no way to access the other numbers e.g. landline that I had against each contact/person.Does anyone know where I am going wrong?

HTC Desire :: Extracting contact multiple numbers from sim

HTC Desire :: Copying Contacts From SIM - Multiple Numbers Per Contact

Jul 13, 2010

I've just got my Desire (loving it already!) and have copied over my contacts from my SIM to Google. On both my SIM view, and when copied over, however, only 1 number is showing per contact when for some of my contacts I have 2 numbers (e.g. home and mobile). These showed up as SIM contacts on my old phone (Nokia) and have definitely not been left behind so they must be on the SIM somewhere. Anyone know how to access these on the Desire and copy them over?

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HTC Desire :: Outlook Contact W/multiple Numbers Sync

Sep 3, 2010

I am currently a newbie in the andriod market, jumped over from N900 to this phone hoping it would be easy but doesn't look like.

I tried to sync my Outlook contacts to the new HTC Desire, using HTC sync, (running Android 2.2) and it copied over the contact but only with their primary numbers and not all the numbers, emails or addresses.

I haven't tried anything else yet but surely I won't be the only one with this teething issue, can some of you guys give me an updates on this?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Multiple Numbers For Contact

Mar 1, 2010

When I bring up the list of contacts in the Phone app (not the People app) it shows left and right arrows. However, they don't do anything.So if I want to use a different number for a contact (ie home vs cell) I have to actually hit the Rolodex icon and then select the number.I n every other phone I've had one could always select which number to call. Of course there is always the default number chosen when first setting up the contact.So how does one do this from the list in the phone app?

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HTC Incredible :: Contact Favorites (multiple Numbers)

May 12, 2010

After playing with my Incredible for many many many hours, just found a really sweet trick.In the favorites widget i have people with multiple numbers(cell, phone), and when you click on that person it calls the primary number, but last night i found that if you click the actual name of the contact(right under the actual pic) a detail properties pop up for that contact and from there you can callsmsemail the person via other back to looking for more cool things

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Samsung Vibrant :: How Do You Add Multiple Phone Numbers To Contact

Aug 22, 2010

I've searched but haven't found and answer to adding multiple phone numbers to a contact, for example home, cell, work, also how do you join a contact on the phone with the facebook contact info?

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HTC Wildfire :: Store Multiple Phone Numbers In Single Contact

Aug 7, 2010

HTC wildfire: how to store multiple phone numbers in single contact?

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Android :: How To Launch Contact App Displaying Multiple Phone Numbers?

Apr 3, 2010

I am able to launch contact application from the following way. I am also able to show Name and only one Phone number. My problem is 1- How can I show multiple phone number [like Home, Mobile, Work etc] when I am launching contact application. How can I do that? 2- In Contact application there is one option *More*, which is an expandable list. When I click that it open with other many fields like Notes, Website, Nicknam etc. How can I fill those fields while launching the Contact application? Code...

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HTC Hero :: Multiple Emails Adds / Phone Numbers For One Contact?

Dec 28, 2009

My apologies if this has been discussed before, I searched through a number of threads but didnt find any answers.Just got my Hero for xmas and have been playing around with it, and wanted to know if there is any way to assign several emails/phone numbers to a single contact entry?

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Motorola Milestone :: Multiple Numbers For Contact - Unable To Select While Messaging

May 31, 2010

I have couple of contacts which have multiple numbers so I added all of those under a single name Now, when I try to message those names, starting from "new message", somehow typing the names in "To" bar does not thrown those names. Instead, it shows some weird number (e.g. 2229 etc) when typing those names Net result, the contacts are not accessible from messaging application. Now I need to go to the contacts to text them.

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HTC Desire :: Multiple Duplications Of The Contacts Numbers?

Jun 17, 2010

I really dont know what is happening here, but I have lost (nothing has been deleted) most of my contacts (some have remained - dont know why) but I have tried everything to get them back - I have imported - exported - sim - phone - vcard, all variations, all I am getting is multiple duplications of the numbers that are left in the phone, but not getting back what I have lost... someone help before I go get a rope!!

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HTC Desire :: Contacts Multiple Mobile Numbers

May 28, 2010

I don't understand. In symbian it was possible to add more than one "mobile" number, and even with a custom label. In android i can't do that. I have friends that use 2 or 3 mobiles, for work, personal use etc, that besides the work number from the location.

Is there a workaround or a program i can use? I don't want my contacts staying on the gmail servers.
I guess the question is, how can i modify the labels? there's got to be a way...

If i use the "linked" option, when i view the contact details it just shows me 3 different numbers, it doesn't show me the linked contact's name so i can't now wich number i want to call: work, personal etc.

Custom labels would have been genius. I could add to Andy for example:
1. mobile xxx
2. mobile work xxx
3. boss xxx

And when he would call me from one of this numbers, it would have been nice to look like this:
Andy mobile xxx or Andy mobile work xxx.

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HTC Desire :: Add Custom Labels On Contact's Numbers?

Jul 13, 2010

As above really. How can I add custom labels for people's numbers? Home, work, Home fax etc are not enough. I need to create my own. Is it possible? Thanks!

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HTC Desire :: Adding Two Different Numbers From Same Contact In Group?

Jul 15, 2010

Today I set up a group on my desire so that I can send a group text or email to the parents of the kids football team that I help to run. It seem that it uses the primary number that's selected in the persons contact info. Some parents have given me both their mobile numbers and sometimes two email addresses so I want to include them all in the same group. Does anyone know how I can do this? On my previous blackberry curve 8900 I could select multiple numbers/email addresses from the same contact to go into the group.

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HTC Desire :: Contacts Missing Or Their Contact Numbers Dissapear

Apr 18, 2010

I am finding that some of my contacts are dissapearing or their contact numbers dissapear. I was texting the person and then all of a sudden their name wasnt showing and just the number.

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HTC Desire :: Set Mobile Numbers As First Phone Number For Contact?

Sep 27, 2010

Some contacts have different phone numbers. And when I send group SMS, the message is sent to the first number of the contact. So is there a software that can reorganize the position of the phone numbers? So that the mobile numbers are the first in the list.

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HTC Desire :: Multiple Entries For One Contact

Aug 25, 2010

HTC Desire When I tap the 'To' box or the person icon there are multiple entries for each contact. The second person in my contact list appears at least 100 times, others are in there 6, 8 10+ times.Orange Help sent me a text. I deleted it. Took battery out etc. And guess what? No help at all. In the People folder the entries are there in their singular form. Anyone any ideas for resolving this? BTW - the contact only receives one message!!

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HTC Desire :: Cant Add Multiple Favourite Actions For One Contact

Jun 27, 2010

I'm having trouble using the favourites widget. I can manage my favourites using the dropdown in 'people' when viewing my phonebook.I can add favourites.I want to add 2 favourites for a contact I call and text (one shortcut for call, one for text).I can add one or the other, but not both. Is there a simpe way around this? (I don't want a shortcut on the main screen, I want to use the favourites widget)

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HTC EVO 4G :: Contacts With Multiple Numbers

Jul 6, 2010

How do you choose/cycle through your contact's different phone numbers while on the phone screen. I know when i had the Hero I would just use the scroll bar and roll it right/left to go through the contact's other numbers.

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Android :: Want Multiple Gv Numbers To 1 Phone

Jun 1, 2010

I just posted this in another thread, and then realized that it was actually located in the Sam sung Moment Sub-Forum. So, I am posting it here for more universal viewing and input. Here's a rough explanation of my situation: I'm a leader in a large PS3 gaming community (4-500 active members) - go ahead and call me a dork. With all the things I do there, I occasionally have to give my number to members. I try to stick to msn/skype/google chat. However, that does not always work out. I have many separate G mail accounts for dispersing to different people; specifically, I have one designated as my gaming account. So, I would like to associate my gaming g mail with a specific GV Number. Knowing all that, if I were able to obtain an additional G V invite for that account (I do not currently have one and I probably sound selfish), would it be possible to have 2 different accounts going to the same phone?

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KitKat 4.4 :: Contacts With Multiple Numbers

Apr 12, 2014

Many of my contacts have multiple phone numbers. When I receive a text from someone is there any way to differentiate which one they are texting from? For example, I usually send texts to my wife from my mobile, but sometimes I will send them from my tablet through google voice, which has a different phone number. She added my Google Voice number to my contact so she will recognize it. Both numbers show up as a different thread and if she responds it will go to the correct device. The problem is that she will open up her text app and pick my thread out of the list, but there's no way to tell which device she is selecting, so she will send texts to my tablet instead of my phone and I won't get it. I told her to create a completely different contact for the Google Voice number so she will know the difference. This works, but she doesn't want two separate contacts for me. It is kind of annoying that the contacts allows you to enter multiple numbers for the same person but doesn't differentiate which one is being used. Is there any way to get the text app to show which number the text is coming from on contacts with multiple numbers?

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Motorola Droid :: Multiple Phone Numbers For Same Person

Jan 23, 2010

I have several contacts in my phone where I have multiple phone numbers but the location does not always match up with Google choices (MOBILE, WORK, HOME etc) Or in the case of a store like Costco, a different number for each department - Main, Pizza, Pharmacy etc. On my Palm I just used to put initials next to the number to remind me which was which, but that does not work on the Droid - it would not call the number with extra letters. Other than putting the information in my notes, has anyone found a work around? Ideally, I would like to change the words, WORK, HOME, MOBILE, etc to better reflect the ownership and location of that particular number. But that seems highly unlikely since it's connected to Google Contacts. Just wondering how others handle multiple numbers besides a totally different entry, or by adding the info in notes.

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HTC 4G :: Caller ID On EVO Not Working Under Multiple Phone Numbers / Solution To This?

Jul 15, 2010

I have a new EVO, and have some issues with the contacts. I transfered my contact from outlook to Evo. In some contacts I have phone numbers that have different people's name at the end of the phone no. under the same contact. i.e. in contact of my friend named Josh I would have his wife's number as well, therefore under mobile phone I would have one number which will have josh at the end of the number, and other number will have his wife's name at the end. When I receive a phone call from Josh, my phone will not bring up his name in called ID, it will just list the phone no. When I had a windows mobile phone it always listed the name. somehow android will not do it. Does anyone have solution to this?

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Android :: Open Numeric Keypad / Input Multiple Numbers?

Nov 9, 2010

I am making a math program that reads in numbers from an edit text box, and creates / LU factors a matrix. When a user clicks into this field, the regular keyboard shows. It would be easier for the user if it were a numeric keyboard. When I use android:input Style="number" the amount of numbers allowed to be entered into the field is 1. How do I bring up the numeric keyboard without limiting the ability to enter multiple numbers?

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HTC Incredible :: Random Numbers In Contact List?

Jul 30, 2010

Earlier I tried to send a note from the "Notes" app to a contact. When my contact list appears I see a list of numbers, rather than the actual names of my contacts.

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Android :: Accessing Contact Phone Numbers - Corresponding ID

Oct 30, 2009

I'm trying to adapt my application (Personalytics) for the brand new Android 2.0, however I'm facing an issue while accessing contacts' phone numbers. What I need to do is to retrieve the name associated to a stored contact based on his/her phone number. At present I'm doing this in two steps:
1) from a phone number I get the corresponding ID of the stored contact (if present)
2) I retrieve the contact's name based on that ID

I managed to use the correct CONTENT_URI for reading contacts by using reflection to be fully compatible with Android 2.0 (ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI) and the previous versions (People.CONTENT_URI). Now I'm trying to do the same for Phones.CONTENT_URI (Android <= 1.6) and ContactsContract.PhoneLookup.CONTENT_FILTER_URI (Android = 2.0) which is needed by step 2) mentioned above. But as soon as I try to get a contentResolver by using ContactsContract.PhoneLookup.CONTENT_FILTER_URI I get the following exception:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown URL content://

This looks really strange to me, since it should be correct (it is part of the official API)! Moreover, I tried to look at the "API Demos" project, in particular to the classes:
which are still using the deprecated People.CONTENT_URI and Phones.CONTENT_URI and thus no data (i.e. contacts) is loaded (of course I have sample contacts in the emulator). Is there another approach I can use to get the name of a contact based on one of his/her numbers? (This must work on all versions of Android).

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HTC Incredible : Handcent SMS Contact Numbers Apear Itself?

Aug 26, 2010

After one of the recent handcent updates, I entered a number to send a text message. This number was not in my contacts. I entered the number, and it changed the number at the top to a persons name, who isn't in my contacts, and does not have the same number. They are my friend on facebook however. Is handcent linking with facebook? How do I turn this off? It's telling me this conversation is with the wrong person as of now, and I don't know if it's even sending to the right number.

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Autocomplete Textview For Contact Names That Get Their Numbers?

Jan 21, 2014

I'm trying to learn how to make an autocomplete textview in an android app would have a dropdown list of contacts with their numbers, based on the letters that the user enters that match a part of a name of a contact.

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General :: Merging SMS Threads From Same Contact With Different Numbers

Aug 20, 2011

I've seen numerous questions regarding problems merging sms messsages after being restored from databases, applications, social networks or ported from different operating systems, etc all of which seem to relate to compatibility issues.

One of my contacts recently changed telephone numbers resulting in subsequent texts being listed in a different thread. After adding the new number to the existing contact I now have two sms threads under the same person's name. I'd like to merge these and delete the old number but I can't find a way to do that. This means that if I want to keep a name for the old sms thread then I have to keep the old number in my contacts. Seems a bit daft to me.

I'm currently using a Samsung Galaxy GT-I9000 with 2.34 firmware but unless I'm missing something WM, iPhone, etc have the same issue. I don't know if apps like GO SMS and Handcent address this problem but even if they did its like taking a sledgehammer to a minor inconvenience.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Save People Contacts With Multiple Numbers In Address Book?

May 26, 2010

Okay, I don't even know how to search for this question, so I am just going to ask it.

I've only been an Android/HTC Hero user for about a week now, and have a weird thing happening with my Hero. I've probably done something to cause this, but, I can't figure it out.

I have several contacts in my People list, and most of them have multiple phone numbers listed with them. When I choose People, and then say my sister, who has two mobile numbers, a work number and a home number, I get a small detailed card that pretty much fills the screen and allows me to choose a number to call mobile, call home, call work, then it says send message to each number, send email.

But, say when I choose my wife, I can only Call Other, Edit Contact, Delete Contact and Send Contact as vCard.

It didn't used to do this. It used to give me these choices for my wife too. My wife has a home number, a cell number, a truck number, I need to be able to text her cell, etc. Basically, I need the same options for her as I have for my sister.

I have the same issue with many of my contacts. I don't know what happened to cause this. Any help fixing this would be much appreciated. Hopefully, I won't have to do a master reset to do so!

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