HTC Wildfire :: Store Multiple Phone Numbers In Single Contact
Aug 7, 2010HTC wildfire: how to store multiple phone numbers in single contact?

HTC wildfire: how to store multiple phone numbers in single contact?
I've searched but haven't found and answer to adding multiple phone numbers to a contact, for example home, cell, work, also how do you join a contact on the phone with the facebook contact info?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am able to launch contact application from the following way. I am also able to show Name and only one Phone number. My problem is 1- How can I show multiple phone number [like Home, Mobile, Work etc] when I am launching contact application. How can I do that? 2- In Contact application there is one option *More*, which is an expandable list. When I click that it open with other many fields like Notes, Website, Nicknam etc. How can I fill those fields while launching the Contact application? Code...
View 8 Replies View RelatedMy apologies if this has been discussed before, I searched through a number of threads but didnt find any answers.Just got my Hero for xmas and have been playing around with it, and wanted to know if there is any way to assign several emails/phone numbers to a single contact entry?
View 2 Replies View RelatedSorry I am a bit of a newbie on phones.I kept with my Motorola 1000 till I got a Desire. On this phone on the SIM card I could store several numbers for each contact/person.I swapped the SIM card into the Desire, and all the first number for each contact is there, but I can find no way to access the other numbers e.g. landline that I had against each contact/person.Does anyone know where I am going wrong?
View 8 Replies View RelatedWhen I bring up the list of contacts in the Phone app (not the People app) it shows left and right arrows. However, they don't do anything.So if I want to use a different number for a contact (ie home vs cell) I have to actually hit the Rolodex icon and then select the number.I n every other phone I've had one could always select which number to call. Of course there is always the default number chosen when first setting up the contact.So how does one do this from the list in the phone app?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAfter playing with my Incredible for many many many hours, just found a really sweet trick.In the favorites widget i have people with multiple numbers(cell, phone), and when you click on that person it calls the primary number, but last night i found that if you click the actual name of the contact(right under the actual pic) a detail properties pop up for that contact and from there you can callsmsemail the person via other back to looking for more cool things
View 6 Replies View RelatedI've just got my Desire (loving it already!) and have copied over my contacts from my SIM to Google. On both my SIM view, and when copied over, however, only 1 number is showing per contact when for some of my contacts I have 2 numbers (e.g. home and mobile). These showed up as SIM contacts on my old phone (Nokia) and have definitely not been left behind so they must be on the SIM somewhere. Anyone know how to access these on the Desire and copy them over?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am currently a newbie in the andriod market, jumped over from N900 to this phone hoping it would be easy but doesn't look like.
I tried to sync my Outlook contacts to the new HTC Desire, using HTC sync, (running Android 2.2) and it copied over the contact but only with their primary numbers and not all the numbers, emails or addresses.
I haven't tried anything else yet but surely I won't be the only one with this teething issue, can some of you guys give me an updates on this?
I have couple of contacts which have multiple numbers so I added all of those under a single name Now, when I try to message those names, starting from "new message", somehow typing the names in "To" bar does not thrown those names. Instead, it shows some weird number (e.g. 2229 etc) when typing those names Net result, the contacts are not accessible from messaging application. Now I need to go to the contacts to text them.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI just posted this in another thread, and then realized that it was actually located in the Sam sung Moment Sub-Forum. So, I am posting it here for more universal viewing and input. Here's a rough explanation of my situation: I'm a leader in a large PS3 gaming community (4-500 active members) - go ahead and call me a dork. With all the things I do there, I occasionally have to give my number to members. I try to stick to msn/skype/google chat. However, that does not always work out. I have many separate G mail accounts for dispersing to different people; specifically, I have one designated as my gaming account. So, I would like to associate my gaming g mail with a specific GV Number. Knowing all that, if I were able to obtain an additional G V invite for that account (I do not currently have one and I probably sound selfish), would it be possible to have 2 different accounts going to the same phone?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a question about the "People (Contacts) app". Is it possible to have more than one phone number for a single contact? I am assuming so by the way the manual is written. I have tried to follow the instructions on page 34 of the manual "adding a number to an entry in People". Step 2 directions do not exist. "Tap ADD>PHONE". I do not see that as an option. Am I missing something?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have several contacts in my phone where I have multiple phone numbers but the location does not always match up with Google choices (MOBILE, WORK, HOME etc) Or in the case of a store like Costco, a different number for each department - Main, Pizza, Pharmacy etc. On my Palm I just used to put initials next to the number to remind me which was which, but that does not work on the Droid - it would not call the number with extra letters. Other than putting the information in my notes, has anyone found a work around? Ideally, I would like to change the words, WORK, HOME, MOBILE, etc to better reflect the ownership and location of that particular number. But that seems highly unlikely since it's connected to Google Contacts. Just wondering how others handle multiple numbers besides a totally different entry, or by adding the info in notes.
View 12 Replies View RelatedI have a new EVO, and have some issues with the contacts. I transfered my contact from outlook to Evo. In some contacts I have phone numbers that have different people's name at the end of the phone no. under the same contact. i.e. in contact of my friend named Josh I would have his wife's number as well, therefore under mobile phone I would have one number which will have josh at the end of the number, and other number will have his wife's name at the end. When I receive a phone call from Josh, my phone will not bring up his name in called ID, it will just list the phone no. When I had a windows mobile phone it always listed the name. somehow android will not do it. Does anyone have solution to this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to adapt my application (Personalytics) for the brand new Android 2.0, however I'm facing an issue while accessing contacts' phone numbers. What I need to do is to retrieve the name associated to a stored contact based on his/her phone number. At present I'm doing this in two steps:
1) from a phone number I get the corresponding ID of the stored contact (if present)
2) I retrieve the contact's name based on that ID
I managed to use the correct CONTENT_URI for reading contacts by using reflection to be fully compatible with Android 2.0 (ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI) and the previous versions (People.CONTENT_URI). Now I'm trying to do the same for Phones.CONTENT_URI (Android <= 1.6) and ContactsContract.PhoneLookup.CONTENT_FILTER_URI (Android = 2.0) which is needed by step 2) mentioned above. But as soon as I try to get a contentResolver by using ContactsContract.PhoneLookup.CONTENT_FILTER_URI I get the following exception:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown URL content://
This looks really strange to me, since it should be correct (it is part of the official API)! Moreover, I tried to look at the "API Demos" project, in particular to the classes:
which are still using the deprecated People.CONTENT_URI and Phones.CONTENT_URI and thus no data (i.e. contacts) is loaded (of course I have sample contacts in the emulator). Is there another approach I can use to get the name of a contact based on one of his/her numbers? (This must work on all versions of Android).
Just got my Incredible and it is rocking. Damn this thing is fast! I notice that when I try to compose an sms message, the contact search list contains ALL of my contacts (phone + Google). This is super annoying, as I literally have thousands of Google contacts and some people have numerous accounts, so it's incredibly difficult to sort through and is honestly the first thing I have seen the phone start to choke on. The 'People' widget has a 'View' setting that allows me to limit by just phone contacts, but I can't seem to find any sort of filter in the search when I'm composing a message. I can type each name individually and select, but having a big list would be nice. Again, I'd like to be able to select message recipients from a list containing only phone contacts.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSome contacts have different phone numbers. And when I send group SMS, the message is sent to the first number of the contact. So is there a software that can reorganize the position of the phone numbers? So that the mobile numbers are the first in the list.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm new to the android OS and I got a Hero two days ago. Is there anyway to get all my facebook numbers into my people list? I have the facebook phonebook link on my homescreen with the my contacts with their numbers but they are not in my people list so i cant directly send a text from the facebook phonebook I can only call, so is there anyway to merge/import to my people list on the phone.
View 6 Replies View RelatedSo i was quite surprised to see that the facebook integration on the tattoo doesn't extend to importing Facebook Contact's phone numbers.
and the only way i know of to get them is through adding a 'live folder' to the homescreen through the official facebook app found on other android phones but not the tattoo Any ideas?
I think this is a Handcent issue because I'm not really seeing it in the default app. For some reason I get multiple numbers for a contact when sending a SMS- the same number! I have one contact that when I select to send an SMS to, I get 7 options to choose to send to, and guess what, all 7 are the same phone number. And its not a format issue, it still duplicates if the number has brackets over the area code or just dashes. Not sure what to do and when I go into the individual contact (using People) the number is only listed once.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've just got my Wildfire and I'm pretty much satisfied, there's one thing that bothers me though. When I press the "phone" button, the list of contacts appears with a keypad. Everything's fine except for the fact, that I have all my contacts doubled - it displays those from the phone memory as well as those from the sim card. Now - this does not apply to the regular "people" list. in its menu, you can tap "view" and select the items you want to see. so I unchecked "Sim" and "Google" contacts and all I have is a neat list of phone contacts. I cannot find any such option for the phone list. Yes, I could use the "contacts" list to find people but there's another problem - it does not offer this awesome filtering by keypad that is present in the "phone" list. I can only open the keypad and type exact parts of people's names using either standard input or t9. what happens in the "phone" list, is that it seeks for contacts already on basis of the keypad button you've pressed. for example, in order to type Tom using normal input, you have to press 8 6 6 6 6. In the 'phone' list you only have to press 8 and 6. all in all, the best thing would be to have both worlds combined. but the easiest way to solve my problem would be simply to disable SIM contacts from the regular phone list. Otherwise I'll have to delete them from my simcard, which is not the best solution.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI own a Droid, and consider myself fairly savvy in the Android world, however my wife recently got the Ally and is having a problem editing her contacts. So when she initiqally booted up the phone it walked her through logging into google and facebook, etc, and it imported all those contacts into the phone, however, she wants to add in their phone numbers now, but its not letting her. We click on the menu button, click eedit contact, but then there is no way to edit or add phone numbers.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI want to collect phone numbers from phone with last-name and first-name (for sorting purpose). How can I achieve that in the simplest way? Is it possible with one query? And I need both versions: for pre 2.0 SDK and later to be compatibile.
View 1 Replies View RelatedTitle pretty much says it all. The contact for my wife has about 8 numbers listed. I want to re-order how they appear -- e.g. move the 5th number to the top position. Other than re-enter all the numbers, is there a way to easily re-oder them?
View 11 Replies View RelatedDon't see a way to do that when I go to call history. What the hell? The only thing there is add a new contact but that's not what I want.
View 13 Replies View RelatedMy Eris has always had issues with knowing who is who in my recent calls, texts and in google voice from time to time. I reformatted all the contacts to +1-555-555-5555 format(something that someone on a google forum suggested) but it still doesn't fix the problem. For instance- A friend named Steve called me. I see incoming call from and it knows who steve is and says "Incoming call from Steve". I called him back, clicking on the exact icon in my missed calls that says his name and it says I called 5551231234 (unknown). This happens in my messages as well, and it is starting to drive me crazy. I will get a message from 5551231234 and it will only list the number and not the name, so I have no idea who is texting me. For some reason my phone is incapable of putting it together to figure out that the number it lists as unknown is already a contact in my contacts. I have to always call people back to figure out who it is or send a text asking who they are.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am still in the process of learning and customizing this phone so there may be a famous app that takes care of this but I did a search and found nothing. I am not a big fan of how the contact list shows friends from facebook/gmail/Phone. I only want it to show contacts that I have personally added on my phone. Is there a way I can arrange this. I have it to where it remembers phone contacts only when I hit contacts but as soon as restart, it goes right back to all contacts. It also comes up when I try to text someone or in the contact section of the dialer. I just dont like this. I don't mind that they are there, persay, but I don't want it to be default all the time. Is there a way to change this?
View 8 Replies View RelatedWouldn't the best thing to do when you enter and store a new number would be to just create the contact under your google gmail? that way theres always a copy of all your contacts online? I'm fairly new to the desire so an I missing something, why would anyone want to save to the phone or sim as provided in the options when you save a new contact. what would be the best way to backup your contact if you saved it via sim or phone?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to create a new contact list just like blacklist to store few phone numbers in android. which storage medium we need to use ??
View 1 Replies View RelatedI make a Broadcast Receiver to receive Phone number of the person who call me
android:name="android.intent.action.PHONE_STATE" />
1/How to check if the phone number receive is on my contact list ?
Do you have a tip to know if this phone number exist on contact list with out loading contact list ?
I don't want more information, just if this phone number exist.
2/if it's not possible, and i must load contact list, how to do it on Broadcast Receiver? When i try to do getContentResolver, it's not working because i'm on Broadcast Receiver and not inside Activity.