General :: Make Cursor Pop Up Like On Computer?

Sep 22, 2011

I have the Droid 3. Is there a way I can make a cursor pop up like on a computer? I am trying to control it from my computer but it is hard to see, so it would be great if i could see on the phone what i was clicking.

General :: make cursor pop up like on computer?

General :: What Is Reason That Some Charger Make Phone Thinks Is Connected To A Computer

Feb 17, 2012

What is the reason that some charger make the phone thinks is connected to a computer. I just bought and IGO micro juice 2.1 amp. when connected make the phone think that is connected to a computer.I notice when that happen the phone charge super slow even with this charger rated at 2.1. if I run to apps at the same time its start discharging. MY 3 year old Igo charge alot faster even running a few apps at the same time.Is there any way that change that I feel that i waste my money with this charger if i canot make it charge like is a 2.1 amp.

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Android :: How To I Make A New Cursor From First Two?

Jun 25, 2009

I have two tables I want to (inner) join, Contacts.People and Contacts.ContactMethods. The result will be displayed in a ListActivity. After looking into this, it appears that I should use CursorJoiner. So the code would look something like this: So my question is, how to I make a new cursor from the first two?

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Android :: Cursor Placed In Middle Of Edit Text / Make That To Point In First Line?

Jul 14, 2009

I was going through the notepad tutorials .... the cursor was placed in the middle of edit text ..i tried to make the cursor to point in the first line as shown in the pic but not able to find the solution for it...

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Android :: Moving Cursor Adapter Cursor Creation To Background Thread

Mar 29, 2010

The structure of some of my activities is a simple ListView with a custom CursorAdapter. The cursor is created in onCreate() on the activity from a SQLite database. The problem is that querying the SQLite database can be quite slow at times with lots of data (and let's assume I've already optimized the sql query as much as possible). Because it occurs in onCreate() on the UI thread, I get ugly black screens when opening the activity, which sometimes turn into ANRs, on a slow phone like the G1. I want to load the cursor in a background and show "Loading.." on screen while doing so. I saw AsyncQueryHandler used extensively in the framework, but this seems a solution geared more towards Content Providers and not application-local SQLite databases. I then thought of trying to load the cursor in a background thread, but realize that this might be problematic, as the CursorAdapter should be instantiated in onCreate() and should take a cursor as a parameter. The latest thought I had was to instantiate an empty MatrixCursor in onCreate() and pass that to the cursor adapter, while kicking off a thread/TimerTask to query the database. Then, on database cursor load, call cursorAdapter.change Cursor to the properly filled cursor. This doesn't seem very elegant and seems quite wasteful, however.

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Media : Make Playlists From Computer

Nov 11, 2009

I use windows media player to manage my music and make playlists. I have no problem syncing music to my device. What I want is a way to make playlists for my music from the computer instead of the tedious methods available on the handset. To clarify: by "playlist" I do not mean that I want to set up a specific group of music to sync instead of syncing all my music every time. I mean playlist in the same way the word is used in the built in Android media player. If it makes a difference my device is the Droid.

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Android :: Join ContentResolver Cursor With A Database Cursor

Mar 21, 2010

I get records from the system by quering a ContentResolver. I maintain the order of the items in the database. So I want to display the items in the order taken from my database.

How do I merge these two informations?

I am looking after an alternative way now. As what I ideally want is:

Get order of contacts by a custom order held in my database (this involves joining CR with my DB cursor, and doing an order by, later seams it's not possible with CursorJoiner) but there is more, if the join is not unique I want to sort by contact's name as last measure

Which is impossible using Cursor and Joiners, because of the missing feature of order bys, also I need to return a Cursor, as I will be using the in an ExpandableList

Also this translated to TSQL it would look like

select * from contactsdata
left join category on
order by category.pos asc, contact.display_name asc

So I am looking now after an alternative. I have in mind to load in a temporary DB table all data from CR, then do the query on the temporary table where I can join tables and do order bys? How does this sound to you?

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HTC Droid Eris : How To Make Call Through Computer On Phone?

Jun 18, 2010

Is there a way to use my computer to make calls through my Eris? I want to dial from my computer, speak through my computer's microphone and hear the other person through my computer's speakers. I don't want to use VOIP though, I just want a program that will sync those functions with my phone. I ultimately would like to be able to dock my phone and not have to touch it until I want to unplug it.

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General :: Remove Cursor From Paranoid 2.99?

Feb 12, 2013

Is there a way to remove the cursor from the paranoid 2.99 because it is anoying ?

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General :: Can Disable Blinking Cursor

Dec 11, 2013

I am looking to take advantage of the GRAM/self panel refresh/command mode panel on devices like the G2 and N5, but I need to find a way to disable the blinking cursor in text input fields.

I thought this would be a keyboard feature at first, but from what I'm reading, it's baked into the Android OS. Is there a hack(with root) or something that I can do to remove this function all together from my phone(the N5 with 4.4.2)?

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General :: Navbar Keyboard Cursor Arrows

Feb 1, 2014

Is there any way to add the cursor arrows that pop up every time the keyboard opens in AOKP ROMs? I'm looking for a mod or an Xposed module to allow this on my CyanogenMod ROM. Here is an image of it I found through Google.

Galaxy Nexus

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General :: How To Disable Circle Cursor In CyanogenMod

Dec 12, 2013

I have Wildfire S with Cyanogenmod (version 9.0.0-RC2 ALPHA 6 marvel) based on Android 4.0.4.

I've installed also Int2Ext and two or three days ago Adrenaline.

And it worked just fine.

Until yesterday. Two days ago I started to have a indicator that i have memory full. But when i went into memory settings i have a lot of memory.

But i've uninstalled one game.

And still nothing.

After that i've browsed internet with Opera and a popup showed to ask me if i want to download Porn.apk. Of course i cancelled it.

And today my phone didn't go beyond the loading animation.

So i've uninstalled Andrenaline.

And it started.

But since that i can not touch and move my screen.

On the screen there is a blue circle displayed and when i move my screen it does not move; the circle does.

And i'ts impossible to do anything now on my phone. Because it's hard to use this circle thing.

I've found on the internet you should go to Settings -> Developer Settings -> Touch display and disable it.

So i did it but still i have this circle. I also tried to enable it, restart, disable it, restart and nothing.

Installing Andrenaline didn't work also. Is this some kind of a virus? Or settings broken?

Is there any way to fix it with command line or some other software and not with wiping whole phone?

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General :: Cursor Control For Editing Typos?

Jan 2, 2012

I don't know if this is an android problem or more device related. All I know for certain is that its one giant headache. I thought it was just a matter of getting used to a different keyboard feel and figured I'd give it a while.

But its been several weeks now and its still Many times if its just a minor typo I'll just leave it rather than go through the torture of editing it.

The main problem is that it cannot be placed with precision. If you try it just jumps around from back to forth and line to line.

I know I'm used to the way it works on iPhone where you can get it approx near where you want it and them just press down firmly to move it to the precise place you want it.

Its impossible for me to do that with this cursor so I have to keep taking multiple stabs at it and hope for the best. I have pretty small hands and fingers and am obviously quite used to online keyboatds. But this thing is driving me nuts.

Am I the only one with this problem? Or is there just some little trick or technique of which I'm totally I the dark about?

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Android :: Finalizing Cursor Android.database.sqlite.SQLite�Cursor

May 6, 2009

I am seeing the exception in 'adb logcat'.But I don't know if it is caused by my application or android platform.Can you please give me any idea how to troubleshoot this exception?

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HTC EVO 4G :: How Do I Connect It To Pc Over Wifi (computer To Computer)

Jul 11, 2010

I am trying to connect my Evo to my Pc (like computer to computer) is this possible. I am a newbie so I apologize. I want to access my files from over wifi (not close enough for Bluetooth).

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General :: Bluetooth Mouse Cursor - Android / Framebuffer Ubuntu Without Turning Off Android UI

Jul 31, 2013

I'm using GT N8000 with android 4.1.2 and chroot Ubuntu Raring for my daily work.. I manage to use framebuffer as display WITHOUT turning off android UI using Linux Deploy, all went great but one thing missing is since android and ubuntu shares the same display, input problems pops in, I currently disable s-pen cursor on android so it will work best on ubuntu, as well as bluetooth keyboard.

one thing left out is my Bluetooth mouse, its bugging to have dual mouse pointer on screen whenever I boot ubuntu and each didnt match others in calibration.

if only I can disable android mouse cursor just the way I can disable s-pen cursor in android, this will make a perfect machine.. now I'm stuck using only s-pen as pointing device in ubuntu to avoid erratic mouse behaviour. I understand android have idc as input config, and I've located my dev/input for each devices, I'm looking for a way to disable mouse cursor in android to use it solely on linux.

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General :: How To Hook Up HTC To Computer

Apr 19, 2012

I just got a new computer and am trying to hook them both togher and keep getting a error.

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General :: GS3 - Computer Won't Recognize Phone

Feb 7, 2013

I have a verizon GS3 and when i connect it to any computer it recognizes it as a cd drive, i have installed and uninstalled and reinstalled the correct drivers but still nothing, i cant figure it out. I need to back up everything on my phone cuz i want to do a clean wipe and install a rom

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General :: Can't Get Files From Phone To Computer?

Jun 9, 2013

The files on my phone, such as photos and videos, don't show up in the internal storage when i plug in my phone to the computer. So i can't drag and drop anything. I installed HTC sync manager on my computer, but when i try to connect with the phone it says some bull**** on the phone like "make sure you have installed the application on the computer and that it is open" I have installed it and it is open!!! What do i do? why is this so needlessly complicated????

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General :: Can't Transfer Photos To Computer

Oct 13, 2012

I have a samsung galaxy s3 and i cant transfer anything to my macbook ive tried changing the usb setting to MTP but the android file transfer still says connect with a usb cable?

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General :: Phone Not Connecting To Computer Via USB?

Oct 21, 2012

i got an S3.. and my computer has xp pro. i had to restore my computer recently from a saved image of my system. before i restored my computer, i was able to connect my S3 to it via USB with no problem. but after i restored it, i'm unable to.

i downloaded and installed the MTP driver, which got my computer to recognize my phone before i restore it. but now its not working and i dont see it listed in Device Manager. whats weird is that when i connect my S3 to my computer, the phone doesnt give any notifications that the phone is connected to USB like it used to before. and it also doesnt give me the 2 options of connecting by either MTP or Camera. all it does is charge my phone.

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General :: Download Pictures To Computer?

Dec 27, 2009

How do I download pictures from my Moto Droid to my computer? Also, how do I connect (talk) my Moto Droid to to my computer? I can't get my computer to recognize my Droid?

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General :: Texting From Computer To Phone?

May 9, 2012

Is there any sort of IM client out there that you can text to mobile phones with. Much like you can with facebook chat? I was sitting here chatting with a friend over facebook and wanted to get a hold of another friend, but not on my phone and he was not on facebook. I just wanted to text him from my computer....

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General :: How To Get Video From Droid To Computer

May 18, 2012

I have a droid razr and when I plug it into my computer everything pops up fine but then i go into the pictures folder and it only has about 10 of my 200 pictures and no videos...

I really need to get this video off of my phone so i can send it to my family

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General :: Moving Music Without A Computer

Feb 23, 2014

I have a 16 gb card in my galaxy S2 phone full of pics, videos & music. I just got a galaxy tab pro & bought a 32 gb card at same time. I would like to transfer all my music from the 16gb card to the 32gb card & then use the 32 gb card in the S2 (since I like having my music portable & take pics with the phone) & put the 16gb card in my pro. WI don't have a pc, but I have wifi.

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General :: Tablet Won't Mount To Computer

Feb 1, 2012

It is a CRAIG tablet and i keep hooking usb to computer end hooked up to tablet but it wont mount how can i do that?

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General :: Connect To Computer From App - Access HD Via USB

Feb 24, 2012

I was wondering if it would be possible to develop the ability for my application to connect to my PC to be able to access the hard drive via USB? I tried searching around for ways to implement this but I can't find anything. Maybe I'm looking for the wrong thing or its just not possible, not sure.

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General :: How To Root Tablet Without Computer

Oct 10, 2011

Mine is a froyo 2.2.1 device (ViewSonice VB730), I tried z4root, instant root, DPRoot, and many many many rooting apk but it is not working, some of them are FC or some of them are stucking in "attempting to apply root" I tried to use SuperOneClick but since I can't find a suitable driver for it, so when I use "adb devices", the list is empty.

I also checked out about some article about how to manually root a devices with PC, seems I have to copy the necessary file first to /data then run the exploit. Since I dont have the driver, I tried to do it with Terminal Emulator and tried to grand access right of /data but failed.

cd /data/
$ ls
ls: can't open '.' : Permission denied
$ chmod 777/data
chmod: /data. Operation not permitted

What should I do

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General :: Enable USB Debugging From Computer

Jun 22, 2012

It is possible to enable USB debug from computer? I need to delete some file from the internal memory that causes the problem. I can't connect through adb at all.

I'm trying to fix my secondary phone (Garminfone) that that loads into desktop, but force close launcher and everything else. The only thing that I can do is connect to the computer for file sharing with the phone.

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General :: See And Control Device On Computer?

Sep 5, 2012

This guy is running Windows 8 and is able to see an 'ASUS like' device on his computer. It looks like he can control it as well... Here is a link to the YouTube video: [URL] ....

What app he's using? Is this possibly emulated?

He says that if the page gets enough traffic, he'll offer up the details. I went through and tried to search for it on XDA but nothing matches the way his app looked.

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